Spring hibernateTemplete get not getting updated record value - spring

When process is in execution a stored proc is called using Java standard callable statement, which updates the record in db.
Later in flow, using hibernatetemplate get method(passing entity Id object), instance of record is fetched.
The problem is this instance has old value for record columns, before update by stored proc happened.
Its probably happening because hibernateTemplalte was called earlier for same table to update the same record. But even then, if get method is called shouldn't it make a fresh call to db to get updated record.
I tried using flush, but still issue remains.
Any inputs would be appreciated.


Model changed during database created

I have uploaded my MVC3 project , it's s simple blog , at first it works well but after couple hours! following error appears (I've made custom error to Off to see the error)
The model backing the 'SiteContext' context has changed since the database was created. Either manually delete/update the database, or call Database.SetInitializer with an IDatabaseInitializer instance. For example, the DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges strategy will automatically delete and recreate the database, and optionally seed it with new data.
to solve this I have to manually delete my database and create again and then restore to the backup that I have created. but after after 2 hours again I get the error!
I really don't have any idea , what caused that ??
When you create a model and ask EF to create a database from it, EF would hash the model and store the hash value with the database. Whenever the context is created, EF recomputes the hash and matches it against what is stored at the database. If the model changes in any way, the resulting hash will be different and EF will throw the exception you have just seen. This is done in order to keep the model in sync with the database.
Is there any way the model could have changed during runtime?
One thing you could do to figure out the difference is to
1.Re-create the database from the model as you are doing now and get it scripted (script1.sql).
2.Wait till the error happens and delete the db and re-create it again and script it (script2.sql)
3.Try to compare the two and see whether you can spot a difference in the schemas.
This should give you an idea of what has changed in the model.

Difference between table.update and table.modifiedField

I'm curious what the difference is between overriding a table's modifiedField method versus overriding the update method.
In our case, we are working on switching the field datatype on a table. Since we cannot just change the data type of the field, we make a second field, and copy the information from the first into the second. Eventually, we update all the UI elements (forms and reports namely) to point to the new field, and then remove the old field. To help with copying the information from one field to another, we have been overriding the update method on the table to copy the value from the first field to the second.
I know this would probably be easier to maintain using the modifiedField method, but I'm curious if there are any significant differences (performance, missed updates, etc) by using the update method instead.
The main difference is that the code in modifiedField method is executed without writing into the Database. This way you can change the value of field2, but if a user close the form without saving the record then no updates will be in the DB. While using an update method you certainly write the changes.

Getting SqlCeException on restart if I don't insert data to the DB

Basically, I have a LINQ database context and its model. As usually, I create the DB in the SQL context if the DB does not exist (the context is a singleton and on every access to it, this is checked).
Everything works well if I add data to the DB on the first launch. But if I don't insert any data during the first start of the app, on successive launches I get
SqlCeException:The specified table does not exist [TableName]
I don't know how more specifically I can explain it, but the exception comes immediately whenever I do a LINQ query on the second launch of the app if I don't insert any data on the first launch. If i do insert some data during the first launch, all is fine for the rest of the app's life time. Why would it be a bad thing to create the DBs and introduce the DB context, but not insert any data?
Here's my LINQ DB model:
Here's where I get the exception on second start if I didn't insert any data on the first launch:
It also strikes me that there's no API call to check if a table exists or not in LINQ, so I would have to assume "this should just work" - but it doesn't.
Any ideas? Thanks! :)
Update: I verified analyzing the .sdf file that indeed there are no tables created if I don't insert any data upon first launch of the app. As I see it:
This is a bug in LINQ-to-SQL. It should not crash if there are no tables present, but know that it should create them. Or deal with the case and create tables only when data is inserted.
I would need to insert some dummy data into SQL always on first launch, or...
Check if a table exists, if not, react to it by forcing LINQ-to-SQL to create them. But how?
I've dealt with this problem also, I've fixed it this way:
get the data context:
dbDataContext = new DBDataContext(DBConnectionString);
if( dbDataContext.DatabaseExists() == true)
//then try to get an entity:
System.Data.Linq.Table<Entity> entities = dbDataContext.Tablename;
//try to get an element from the entity:
IEnumerator<Entity> enumEntity = entities.GetEnumerator();
entities.GetEnumerator(); will always raise the exception "Table not found."
Just use a try/catch and in the catch scope delete the db and recreate it, because your DB is empty anyway :)

LINQ to SQL - method run for 2nd time does not return data changes that happened since 1st time

I have created a method in my data context that is mapped to a SQL stored procedure. The method is used in an ASP.NET application, and it is called twice in the lifecycle of a page. It returns the same single object in both cases (i.e. same primary key).
After the 1st call some data changes are made, so on the 2nd call the stored procedure returns the same record but with different property values. If I use the debugger and SQL Profiler I can verify absolutely that the record being returned has the same PK but different property values between the 1st and 2nd calls.
However, on the 2nd call the object returned by the method is identical to the object returned in the 1st call. It is as if LINQ has run the stored procedure but then totally ignored the results, deciding instead that the data couldn't have changed since the first time it was run, so it may as well return a copy of the original object that it happened to hang on to!
I have experimented with setting the datacontext's ObjectTrackingEnabled to false immediately before calling my method, but this stops me being able to reference related objects.
Here's the code I use to call the method:
Dim stl = _DataContext.GetMyStatus(SelectedUserID)
Dim st As MyStatus= stl.FirstOrDefault
I really need to be able to call this method more than once in the lifecycle of the page, and for it to accurately reflect the current state of the database, so how do I do it?
DataContext produces a single instance per primary key value. It populates this single instance the first time it sees the record, and then returns that instance for any future requests with that key.
If you want to update an existing instance's value from the database, use the Refresh method.
I really need to be able to call this method more than once in the lifecycle of the page, and for it to accurately reflect the current state of the database.
Don't share datacontexts between different page requests.

Using Linq SubmitChanges without TimeStamp and StoredProcedures the same time

I am using Sql tables without rowversion or timestamp. However, I need to use Linq to update certain values in the table. Since Linq cannot know which values to update, I am using a second DataContext to retrieve the current object from database and use both the database and the actual object as Input for the Attach method like so:
Public Sub SaveCustomer(ByVal cust As Customer)
Using dc As New AppDataContext()
If (cust.Id > 0) Then
Dim tempCust As Customer = Nothing
Using dc2 As New AppDataContext()
tempCust = dc2.Customers.Single(Function(c) c.Id = cust.Id)
End Using
dc.Customers.Attach(cust, tempCust)
End If
End Using
End Sub
While this does work, I have a problem though: I am also using StoredProcedures to update some fields of Customer at certain times. Now imagine the following workflow:
Get customer from database
Set a customer field to a new value
Use a stored procedure to update another customer field
Call SaveCustomer
What happens now, is, that the SaveCustomer method retrieves the current object from the database which does not contain the value set in code, but DOES contain the value set by the stored procedure. When attaching this with the actual object and then submit, it will update the value set in code also in the database and ... tadaaaa... set the other one to NULL, since the actual object does not contain the changed made by the stored procedure.
Was that understandable?
Is there any best practice to solve this problem?
If you make changes behind the back of the ORM, and don't use concurrency checking - then you are going to have problems. You don't show what you did in step "3", but IMO you should update the object model to reflect these changes, perhaps using OUTPUT TSQL paramaters. Or; stick to object-oriented.
Of course, doing anything without concurrency checking is a good way to lose data - so my preferred option is simply "add a rowversion". Otherwise, you could perhaps read the updated object out and merge things... somehow guessing what the right data is...
If you're going to disconnect your object from one context and use another one for the update, you need to either retain the original object, use a row version, or implement some sort of hashing routine in your database and retain the hash as part of your object. Of these, I highly recommend the Rowversion option as well. Using the current value as the original value like you are trying to do is only asking for concurrency problems.
