Is there a way to know who holds a reference to an object in Go? - debugging

I am currently trying to debug a nasty memory leak in our Go code.
What I know:
where memory is going (pprof with -base flag)
why new memory is being allocated ("reconnect" feature in our code)
number of goroutines is not growing (runtime.NumGoroutine())
if I do object = nil, memory will be garbage collected (good! but now I have data races with other go-routines that are using this object)
What I don't know:
why new memory is not being garbage collected. for that I need to know who holds a reference(s) to an object.
Thank you for your time and any advice!

I can suggest two tools.
Use Go Guru, to see who pointsto or referrers to a pointer. It is integrated with the vim-go plugin I use, I did a post on that here.
Valgrind is a tool for C/C++ but found an article about using it with Go.

Your code is 404 not found.
When you put object = nil. this did not be cleared immediately however when some goroutine still holds it , the object will keep still even if gc runs.
You ask who hold the reference, goroutine who uses this val without put it to nil or the goroutine uses it in a loop will both keep the reference.
The gc() will never marked a referred reference to black, then it will never be clear


Golang new memory allocation

I have started programming in Go and I was wondering when new(Object) is used it allocates memory to the size of that object right? If this is the case how do I free this memory once I have finished using the object?
I ask this because in C++ when new is used on an object you can delete the object once there is no longer any need for the object to be stored.
I have been searching to see if Go does have delete or something similar to C++ but I have been unable to find anything.
Any help is much appreciated.
As you see here:
Go is fully garbage-collected and provides fundamental support for concurrent execution and communication.
So you don't have to care about memory allocation.
Go has garbage collection. This means the Go runtime checks in the background if an object or any other variable is not used anymore and if this is the case, frees the memory.
Also see the Go FAQ: Why is the syntax so different from C? - Why do garbage collection? Won't it be too expensive?
In Go, unlike in C and C++, but like in Java, memory is managed automatically by a garbage collector.
There is no delete to call.
in C++ when new is used on an object you can delete the object once there is no longer any need for the object to be stored.
You must delete, otherwise you have memory leak.

Go destructors?

I know there are no destructors in Go since technically there are no classes. As such, I use initClass to perform the same functions as a constructor. However, is there any way to create something to mimic a destructor in the event of a termination, for the use of, say, closing files? Right now I just call defer deinitClass, but this is rather hackish and I think a poor design. What would be the proper way?
In the Go ecosystem, there exists a ubiquitous idiom for dealing with objects which wrap precious (and/or external) resources: a special method designated for freeing that resource, called explicitly — typically via the defer mechanism.
This special method is typically named Close(), and the user of the object has to call it explicitly when they're done with the resource the object represents. The io standard package does even have a special interface, io.Closer, declaring that single method. Objects implementing I/O on various resources such as TCP sockets, UDP endpoints and files all satisfy io.Closer, and are expected to be explicitly Closed after use.
Calling such a cleanup method is typically done via the defer mechanism which guarantees the method will run no matter if some code which executes after resource acquisition will panic() or not.
You might also notice that not having implicit "destructors" quite balances not having implicit "constructors" in Go. This actually has nothing to do with not having "classes" in Go: the language designers just avoid magic as much as practically possible.
Note that Go's approach to this problem might appear to be somewhat low-tech but in fact it's the only workable solution for the runtime featuring garbage-collection. In a language with objects but without GC, say C++, destructing an object is a well-defined operation because an object is destroyed either when it goes out of scope or when delete is called on its memory block. In a runtime with GC, the object will be destroyed at some mostly indeterminate point in the future by the GC scan, and may not be destroyed at all. So if the object wraps some precious resource, that resource might get reclaimed way past the moment in time the last live reference to the enclosing object was lost, and it might even not get reclaimed at all—as has been well explained by #twotwotwo in their respective answer.
Another interesting aspect to consider is that the Go's GC is fully concurrent (with the regular program execution). This means a GC thread which is about to collect a dead object might (and usually will) be not the thread(s) which executed that object's code when it was alive. In turn, this means that if the Go types could have destructors then the programmer would need to make sure whatever code the destructor executes is properly synchronized with the rest of the program—if the object's state affects some data structures external to it. This actually might force the programmer to add such synchronization even if the object does not need it for its normal operation (and most objects fall into such category). And think about what happens of those exernal data strucrures happened to be destroyed before the object's destructor was called (the GC collects dead objects in a non-deterministic way). In other words, it's much easier to control — and to reason about — object destruction when it is explicitly coded into the program's flow: both for specifying when the object has to be destroyed, and for guaranteeing proper ordering of its destruction with regard to destroying of the data structures external to it.
If you're familiar with .NET, it deals with resource cleanup in a way which resembles that of Go quite closely: your objects which wrap some precious resource have to implement the IDisposable interface, and a method, Dispose(), exported by that interface, must be called explicitly when you're done with such an object. C# provides some syntactic sugar for this use case via the using statement which makes the compiler arrange for calling Dispose() on the object when it goes out of the scope declared by the said statement. In Go, you'll typically defer calls to cleanup methods.
One more note of caution. Go wants you to treat errors very seriously (unlike most mainstream programming language with their "just throw an exception and don't give a fsck about what happens due to it elsewhere and what state the program will be in" attitude) and so you might consider checking error returns of at least some calls to cleanup methods.
A good example is instances of the os.File type representing files on a filesystem. The fun stuff is that calling Close() on an open file might fail due to legitimate reasons, and if you were writing to that file this might indicate that not all the data you wrote to that file had actually landed in it on the file system. For an explanation, please read the "Notes" section in the close(2) manual.
In other words, just doing something like
fd, err := os.Open("foo.txt")
defer fd.Close()
is okay for read-only files in the 99.9% of cases, but for files opening for writing, you might want to implement more involved error checking and some strategy for dealing with them (mere reporting, wait-then-retry, ask-then-maybe-retry or whatever).
runtime.SetFinalizer(ptr, finalizerFunc) sets a finalizer--not a destructor but another mechanism to maybe eventually free up resources. Read the documentation there for details, including downsides. They might not run until long after the object is actually unreachable, and they might not run at all if the program exits first. They also postpone freeing memory for another GC cycle.
If you're acquiring some limited resource that doesn't already have a finalizer, and the program would eventually be unable to continue if it kept leaking, you should consider setting a finalizer. It can mitigate leaks. Unreachable files and network connections are already cleaned up by finalizers in the stdlib, so it's only other sorts of resources where custom ones can be useful. The most obvious class is system resources you acquire through syscall or cgo, but I can imagine others.
Finalizers can help get a resource freed eventually even if the code using it omits a Close() or similar cleanup, but they're too unpredictable to be the main way to free resources. They don't run until GC does. Because the program could exit before next GC, you can't rely on them for things that must be done, like flushing buffered output to the filesystem. If GC does happen, it might not happen soon enough: if a finalizer is responsible for closing network connections, maybe a remote host hits its limit on open connections to you before GC, or your process hits its file-descriptor limit, or you run out of ephemeral ports, or something else. So it's much better to defer and do cleanup right when it's necessary than to use a finalizer and hope it's done soon enough.
You don't see many SetFinalizer calls in everyday Go programming, partly because the most important ones are in the standard library and mostly because of their limited range of applicability in general.
In short, finalizers can help by freeing forgotten resources in long-running programs, but because not much about their behavior is guaranteed, they aren't fit to be your main resource-management mechanism.
There are Finalizers in Go. I wrote a little blog post about it. They are even used for closing files in the standard library as you can see here.
However, I think using defer is more preferable because it's more readable and less magical.

How to destroy Ruby object?

Suppose there is simple object like:
object =
As I know this creates Object in memory (RAM).
Is there a way to delete this object from RAM?
Other than hacking the underlying C code, no. Garbage collection is managed by the runtime so you don't have to worry about it. Here is a decent reference on the algorithm in Ruby 2.0.
Once you have no more references to the object in memory, the garbage collector will go to work. You should be fine.
The simple answer is, let the GC (garbage collector) do its job.
When you are ready to get rid of that reference, just do object = nil. And don't make reference to the object.
The garbage collector will eventually collect that and clear the reference.
(from ruby site)
=== Implementation from GC
GC.start -> nil
GC.start(full_mark: true, immediate_sweep: true) -> nil
Initiates garbage collection, unless manually disabled.
This method is defined with keyword arguments that default to true:
def GC.start(full_mark: true, immediate_sweep: true); end
Use full_mark: false to perform a minor GC. Use immediate_sweep: false to
defer sweeping (use lazy sweep).
Note: These keyword arguments are implementation and version dependent. They
are not guaranteed to be future-compatible, and may be ignored if the
underlying implementation does not support them.
Ruby Manages Garbage Collection Automatically
For the most part, Ruby handles garbage collection automatically. There are some edge cases, of course, but in the general case you should never have to worry about garbage collection in a typical Ruby application.
Implementation details of garbage collection vary between versions of Ruby, but it exposes very few knobs to twiddle and for most purposes you don't need them. If you find yourself under memory pressure, you may want to re-evaluate your design decisions rather than trying to manage the symptom of excess memory consumption.
Manually Trigger Garbage Collection
In general terms, Ruby marks objects for garbage collection when they go out of scope or are no longer referenced. However, some objects such as Symbols never get collected, and persist for the entire run-time of your program.
You can manually trigger garbage collection with GC#start, but can't really free blocks of memory the way you can with C programs from within Ruby. If you find yourself needing to do this, you may want to solve the underlying X/Y problem rather than trying to manage memory directly.
You can't explicitly destroy object. Ruby has automatic memory management. Objects no longer referenced from anywhere are automatically collected by the garbage collector built in the interpreter.
Good article to read on how to do allocation wisely, and a few tools you can use to fine tune.

Thread-safe (Goroutine-safe) cache in Go

Question 1
I am building/searching for a RAM memory cache layer for my server. It is a simple LRU cache that needs to handle concurrent requests (both Gets an Sets).
I have found claiming to be thread safe.
This is true as far as getting the stored interface. But if multiple goroutines requests the same data, they are all retrieving a pointer (stored in the interface) to the same block of memory. If any goroutine changes the data, this is no longer very safe.
Are there any cache-packages out there that tackles this problem?
Question 1.1
If the answer to Question 1 is No, then what would be the suggested solution?
I see two options:
Alternative 1
Solution: Storing the values in a wrapping struct with a sync.Mutex so that each goroutine needs to lock the data before reading/writing to it.
type cacheElement struct { value interface{}, lock sync.Mutex }
Drawbacks: The cache becomes unaware of changes made to data or might even have dropped it out of the cache. One goroutine might also lock others.
Alternative 2
Solution: Make a copy of the data (assuming the data in itself doesn't contain pointers)
Drawbacks: Memory allocation every time a cache Get is performed, more garbage collection.
Sorry for the multipart question. But you don't have to answer all of them. If you have a good answer to Question 1, that would be sufficient for me!
Alternative 2 sounds good to me, but please note that you do not have to copy the data for each cache.Get(). As long as your data can be considered immutable, you can access it with many multiple readers at once.
You only have to create a copy if you intend to modify it. This idiom is called COW (copy on write) and is quite common in concurrent software design. It's especially well suited for scenarios with a high read/write ratio (just like a cache).
So, whenever you want to modify a cached entry, you basically have to:
create a copy of the old cached data, if any.
modify the data (after this step, the data should be considered immutable and must not be changed anymore)
add / replace the existing element in the cache. You could either use the go-cache library you have pointed out earlier (which is based on locks) for that, or write your own lock-free library that simply swaps the pointers to the data element atomically.
At this point any goroutine that performs a cache.Get operation will get the new data. Existing goroutines however, might still be reading the old data. So, your program might operate on many different versions of the same data at once. But don't worry, as soon as all goroutines have finished accessing the old data, the GC will collect it automatically.
tux21b gave a good answer. I'll just point out that you don't have to return pointers to data. you can store non pointer values in your cache and go will pass by value which will be a copy. Then your Get and Set methods will be safe since nothing can actually modify the cache contents.

When a variable goes out of scope does that mean it doesn't exist?

I'm not sure I understand scope - does an out-of-scope variable (I'm using Ruby) exist in memory somewhere or does it stop existing (I know you can't access it). Would it be inaccurate to say that an out-of-scope variable does not exist any more?
Maybe this is a philosophical question.
If you are using managed language then you don't allocate and unallocate memory so as far as you are concerned it no longer exists.
Technically it does but GCs tend not to be deterministic so technically it's hard to say when it actually vanishes.
A variable is not the same as the value it holds.
The variable itself ceases to exist when it goes out of scope. The value that the variable held may represent an object, and that object may continue to exist beyond the lifetime of the variable. The garbage collector reclaims the object later.
When it goes out of scope it still exists (in the sense that it has some memory allocated to it) for some time, until garbage collection cleans it up. But as you imply, it's lost it's name and is unreachable.
When a variable falls out of scope is anyone around to hear it scream?
This isn't a ruby question so much as a general question about garbage collection. In a garbage collected language such as Ruby or C# when a variable falls out of scope it's marked in some manner that says it's no longer in use. When this happens you can't get at it any more and it sits around twiddling its thumbs - but it does still have memory allocated to it.
At some point the garbage collector will wake up and look for variables marked as not in use. It will dispose of them and at that point they're no longer in memory at all.
It can be more complicated than this, depending on how the garbage collector works, but it's close enough :)
It exists for a little bit until the garbage collector disposes it (if it can).
Rob Kennedy has this answered appropriately, but I thought I would add a little more detail.
The important thing to recognize is the difference between a variable and the value it represents.
Here's an example (in C# because I don't know Ruby):
object c = null;
if (1 == 1) // Just to get a different scope
var newObj = new SomeClass();
newObj.SomeProperty = true;
c = newObj;
In the code above, newObj goes out of scope at the end of the if statement and as such "doesn't exist", but the value that it was referring to is still alive and well, referenced by c. Once all of the references to the object are gone, then the garbage collector will take care of cleaning it up.
If you're talking about file objects, it becomes more than a philosophical question. If I recall correctly, files do not close automatically when they go out of scope - they only close if you ask them to close, or if you use a do |file| style block, or if they get garbage collected. This can be an issue if other code (or unit tests) try to read the contents of that file and it hasn't yet been flushed.
