Why are some files being removed from the solution but not deleted? - visual-studio

When I right-click some files of my project (in this case an ASP.NET Core web application), there's an entry named Delete which deletes the selected file and removes it from my solution.
On other files (as in the screenshot below), there isn't Delete, but there is Remove instead of it. The difference is that the files are removed from the solution, but not deleted from the hard disk.
So far I couldn't figure out when Delete is shown as option and when Remove is shown. Does anybody have further information about it?


Strange nodes in Visual Studio Solution Explorer project tree. How do I get rid of them.?

I have a large solution with many .NET 6.0, C# projects. One of them (a Prism module, one of 11) has a couple of odd tree nodes that appear in Solution Explorer. I cannot get rid of them nor figure out why they are there. One corresponds to a disk folder, one does not. They are circled in red below
The obj tree node obviously corresponds to an actual folder on disk. But the same "obj" folder lives underneath most of the projects, yet only shows up for this one module.
I've tried a few things to get rid of it
I cannot delete the folder in the solution explorer.
When I delete the folder on disk, the node disappears for a second but then the folder gets recreated automatically and it reappears.
When I right click on the folder it in the Solution explorer, the only Git option I get for it is to add it to source control which is the opposite of what I want
I have verified that it the folder does not exist in my Git repo so I didn't accidentally check it in.
The Imports tree node makes even less sense There's no folder for it on disk. It seems to refer to items in .NET that my app is using.
I cannot find any entry in the solution's .gitignore file that refers to either "Imports" or "obj" by name (except a line excluding "*.obj"). I see nothing in the raw project file -- which is identical to many others that would explain this any of this. I have gone through it line by line comparing to others.
I am using VS 2022 but I know I saw this with VS2019 as well
Any ideas how to make these things go away...?
Toggle the "Show all files" button.
The button applies to each project separately, so that would explain why you see "obj" folders in some places and not others. For those projects that have "show all files" toggled on, you'll see the files and folders that live under a project on your hard drive but that are not actually part of the project. For those project that have "show all files" toggled off, you won't see such files in the Explorer.
Unfortunately I do not know anything about Prism, but I imagine the same sort of thing is happening for the Imports. Or Imports could be more like References in a C# project and they will just always show.

How to add to visual studio solution a file that exists in TFS?

I've deleted a file by accident. Then I created another file with the same name. When I tried to check in the change, it didn't work out and got an error. I undid the changes then deleted the file, there's no more error when I try to check in.
I'd like now to get the latest version of the file before I deleted it.
Thanks for helping.
In TFS, a deletion only takes effect when you check in the said deletion change, and thankfully, this operation is reversible.
Here are the most common recovery scenarios, assuming that the file already had revisions stored in TFS before the accidental deletion:
If the file is still visible in the Source Control Explorer and is marked for deletion (under the Pending Change column):
Then it means that you've deleted the file from your solution (and file system), but that you didn't checked in the changes yet.
Use the "Undo" command of its contextual menu to restore the file in your workspace to its latest version before deletion.
From there, you'll be able to add the restored file to your solution.
If the file is still visible in the Source Control Explorer and is not marked for deletion:
Then it means that you've deleted the file from your file system.
Use the "Get Specific Version" command of the file's contextual menu to restore it in your workspace. In the "Get" window, select "Latest Version" and enable both options.
From there, you'll be able to add the restored file to your solution.
If the file is not visible in the Source Control Explorer:
Then it means that you've checked in the deletion change.
Turn on the "View deleted files" option of the Source Control Explorer (usually the 2nd button of its toolbar) to see your deleted file.
Use the "Undelete" command of the file's contextual menu to restore it in your workspace.
From there, you'll be able to add the restored file to your solution and you'll eventually have to check in the undeleted file to make it available to others, since this file only exists in your workspace.

Word files disappear from "Solution Items" in VS2010

I've run into a problem with VS2010 (it also exists in the latest version, SP1 (10.0.40219.1)):
Add an existing Word file to the "Solution Items" and check this new file in.
Check the file out for editing
Double click on the file and edit it in Word (just make some minor changes)
Save the file (CTRL-S)
Now the file is removed from the "Solution Items" in Visual Studio (you may have to repeat the editing and saving a couple of times)
Update: I'm using Visual SourceSafe 2005.
Despite my research efforts I haven't really found anything on this issue apart from this Microsoft page, and I'd like to know whether there is a way to prevent this problem from happening.
Any ideas are more than welcome, thanks in advance.
After further investigation I think I found the reason behind this behaviour and a workaround.
Please also note that the behaviour described in the original question only occurs for files that are added directly underneath a solution or to a folder that is directly underneath a solution.
The reason
I'm not sure whether the following is 100% correct, but the main point is how Word (and probably other MS Office apps as well) saves an existing file:
Save the current version of the file to a temporary file
Rename the original file so it can be used later in case something goes wrong
Copy the temporary file to the location of the original file, using the original file's name
Delete the original file (that was renamed in step 2)
Visual Studio picks up that the file doesn't exist (for a very short time though) and removes it from its tree and the .sln file. This can also be reproduced by manually adding any kind of file, checking it out (if not checked out), renaming it to a different name and then back to its original name => file is no longer shown in Visual Studio.
The workaround
I've created an empty project template following the steps on Microsoft's site. I also set the output to "Class Library" so that the project would compile even if no static main method exists. This template can be used to add a "Documentation" project to an existing solution. Underneath this project you can add files and edit them as you wish, as Visual Studio behaves differently and does not remove the file when it is saved in this constellation.
Obviously this approach is still not very satisfying or elegant, but I hope that it may be helpful for others who might run into the same problem.
I've run into the same issue. I simply undo changes for the solution after I've closed the document file and the solution files will be as they originally were before your document changes.

How do I make a graphical asset in Visual Studio update?

I'm working on an XNA project and modify a graphical asset outside of Visual Studio. In order for those changes to show up in the application, I need to remove the reference to the original image, and then re-add the same image to see the changes. This happens whether I do a complete rebuild or not. Is there a way to streamline this process so that my project shows the changes I've made without having to remove the content reference and then re-adding it after each change.
XNA is pretty smart, and only wants to re-run assets through the content pipeline when it detects something has changed. For some reason it isn't seeing the changes you are making.
Make sure you are modifying the correct file. For example if your original image is at c:\myImage.png and your project is as c:\myGame when you add the image to the Content Project it gets copied to c:\myGame\myGameContent. Editing the image at c:\myImage.png wont get noticed. You need to edit c:\myGame\myGameContent\myImage.png
If you are editing the correct file and it still won't update, try touching another file. As smart as the engine is, it will run everything through the Content Pipeline when it detects 1 item has changed.* If that still doesn't work If you look at the top of the Solution Explorer there is a refresh button. Try pressing it as it should make sure your Solution Tree is in sync with the files on disk.
*note this is true for v3.1 it could have changed for 4.0
When you drag an item into a Visual Studio project (like, in this case, a Content Project), it will copy the file into the project directory. By default it does not reference the file you drag in (although that is available as an option).
(If the file you drag in is already in the project directory, it just leaves it there.)
The upshot of this is that you need to work on your content files in the content project directory, if you want to see your updates happen immediately.
If you don't know where the files are being copied to, select one of them in your content project and press F4 (properties window). Find the "Full Path" entry. That is where your files are stored.

Why can't I delete files from my XCode project?

This is probably a very easy question, but I'm having trouble deleting resources from my XCode project. I added them using "Create Folder References for any added folders" so that I could import a whole offline HTML site with its correct folder structure.
Unfortunately, now it has been added like this I don't seem to be able to delete individual files in the structure (it's not available from the Edit menu).
Can anyone help please? Thanks!
That isn't how folder references work. The idea is that its only a reference, you can open files within it and save it from those editors, you can delete or move the entire reference throughout the xcode project, but you can't actually edit it - its read only as far as xcode is concerned. Likewise, you cannot restructure it (move internal files around).
I'm not to sure why apple decided to make this the case, but apparently they have.
If you want to know how one might use the xcode folder system, here's how I tend to use them with my projects:
Whenever I subdivide code into folders, when I drag them into my project I click "recursively create groups for any added folders". If you do this, you any changes you make within xcode will not reflect the actual file itself. As far as I know, there is no way to do this. What does happen then is that when you add a new code file to it, the directory starts off in that file by default. ie, you don't need to navigate to it manually when you create a new file.
I use folder references whenever I'm working with content for an application I'm using. This way, I add all my images, folders, configuration files, whatever - and xcode immediately lists them. The reason I have it within xcode, I can I copy the files into the executables directory by dragging the folder reference into a "Copy Files" build phase.
Thats basically (to my knowledge) how one uses the folder types within xcode - sadly, I don't know how to achieve the functionality you want. You may have to manually delete the folders in finder, which if you do use folder references will update xcode to the change.
I ran into the same issue by using "Create Folder References for any added folders". I wanted to change some of the times but that's not possible. I had added a main folder that had other directories under it. I just had to select the main directory and deleted it and then just add the subdirectories that I needed. You can't make any location or removal changes to the directories that are added this way. -- Jeff
In the project browser, where you're looking at files, right click and choose "Delete". It'll prompt you to either remove the file from the project (leaving the underlying file on the filesystem) or to also move the underlying file to the trash.
I ran into the same issue. Delete the files from the folder directly as opposed to from within Xcode. You'll see the entries turn red under your project. Restarting Xcode should make these red entries vanish.
