How to clear all data is jsGrid? - jsgrid

There are many answers on how to clear the data from the similarly-named jqGrid, but I can't find any way to clear data from jsGrid. I just want to delete all rows and reset the grid to its default, with no rows.
I do see a Batch Delete method here, but it works with checkboxes and conditionals and I'm not seeing how to simply delete all rows unconditionally.

You can set data option to empty array:
$("jsGrid").jsGrid("option", "data", []);

The only thing that seems to work for me is
controller: {
loadData: function(filter) {
return [];
We need to return an empty array or object.
I hope this helps.

What worked without implications for me was
if I wanted to keep the headers to indicate that there simply aren't any rows, and
if I wanted to remove the whole grid.


OnCurrentIndexChange handler triggering before I select a row on the table in Wix

I'm trying to get the row data from a table which is connected to a dataset. So as per the this article, since, I need the whole data of the selected row, I'm using OnCurrentIndexChange event handler to get the selected row's data from the dataset. But for some strange reason, the first row item will always be triggered on the load of the table/page.
Basically, the first row data will be selected on the load of the page/table. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Though I couldn't get to work with OnCurrentIndexChange handler. But I found a work around by which I could fix this bug/issue for my application.
Instead of using OnCurrentIndexChange handler of the dataset, I used OnSelectRow event handler to get the row index of the table and used that index to get the whole row data from the dataset. More on this get method, you can find here.
Below is the code for your reference:
export function tblCustomerList_rowSelect(event) {
$w("#dsCustomer").getItems(event.rowIndex, 1)
.then(result => {
let selectedRow = result.items[0];
if (selectedRow !== null) {
let returnObj = {
"id": selectedRow._id
Hope this will be helpful for people who are stuck with such kind of issue in wix.

Prevent certain SlickGrid columns from being reordered

The drag/drop column reordering is a great feature, but how do I prevent the users from moving particular (non-data) columns?
For example, I am using the Checkbox Selectors for my mutli-select Grid, but this column should always be locked to the left, while the other columns can be freely reordered.
I looked at the sortable demos on jQuery UI and modified the setupColumnReorder function in slick.grid.js to exclude certain items. By excluding the checkbox column I was able to prevent it from getting reordered, even by dragging other columns before it.
function setupColumnReorder() {
var checkBoxColumn = $headers.children([0]).attr('id');
items: "div:not('.slick-resizable-handle','#"+checkBoxColumn+"')",
Since my checkbox column is always first, I just grab the id like so. A bit of a hack, but it worked.
I tried this:
function setupColumnReorder() {
var checkBoxColumn = $headers.children([0]).attr('id');
items: "div:not('.slick-resizable-handle','#"+checkBoxColumn+"')",
but i had problems when dragging other columns before it. Then i tried this:
grid.onColumnsReordered.subscribe(function (e, args) {
if (myGridColumns[0].id != grid.getColumns()[0].id)
myGridColumns= grid.getColumns();
and it was just fine.

How to capture jqGrid column changing events?

In our application we are using a jqGrid which supports hiding and reordering of columns. When the columns are hidden or reordered we want to store the new settings into our database. But to do this we somehow need to capture the hiding or reordering event. Or possibly to capture when the colModel changes.
Is there any way to capture and handle these events?
You can use 'done' event of the columnChooser. Here is an example:
var grid = $("list");
{caption:"", buttonicon:"ui-icon-calculator", title:"Column choose",
onClickButton: function() {
"done": function(perm) {
if (perm) {
this.jqGrid("remapColumns", perm, true);
// here you can do some additional actions
UPDATED: If you define sortable option as
sortable: {
update: function (permutation) {
and not as sortable:true you will receive the notification about the new order of columns. See the source code of jqGrid for details. The array permutation with integers has the same meaning as in remapColumns functions (see my old answer for details).
You can capture column changes via the sortable parameter as mentinoed in Oleg's "update" above, or as discussed on jqGrid's message board.
However, please note that the array passed to your callback will be relative to the current column order. In other words, saving the array as is after moving multiple columns will not produce the desired results. See my answer on this other stackoverflow question.

making jQuery plug-in autoNumeric format fields by time page loads

I've been messing around with autoNumeric, a plug-in for jQuery that formats currency fields.
I'd like to wire the plug-in so that all currency fields are formatted by the time the user sees the page, e.g., on load.
Currently, the default that I can't seem to get around is that fields are formatted upon blur, key-up or other action in the fields themselves.
I've been experimenting with the plug-in code and it looks like it will take this relative newcomer some time to resolve this, if at all.
Anybody on this?
Triggering 'focusout' event formats the field. Triggering 'change' does not work in the most recent version (1.7.4).
$('').autoNumeric({aNeg: '-'}).trigger('focusout');
autoNumeric does all formatting after 'onchange' event fires. So all that you need is to programmatically fire this event. Like this:
$('').autoNumeric({aNeg: '-'}).trigger('change');
Hope this helps!
I just ran into this problem myself. I had to make it more general, but this worked for me:
var format_options = {
aSign: '$'
$(this).val($.fn.autoNumeric.Format($(this).attr('id'), $(this).val(), format_options));
This should work.
jQuery(function($) {
var inputID = uniqueID; // use the jQuery.get() function to retrieve data
var formatValue = '1234.00'; // use the jQuery.get() function to retrieve data
$('#id').val($.fn.autoNumeric.Format(inputID, formatValue));
alert('plugin not available');
This is what I eventually did:
var element = this
if(element.value !=""){
$('#'$.fn.autoNumeric.Format(, element.value));
Another way of forcing formatting is using 'update' like
In the current version 2.* and onward, this is done by default thanks to the formatOnPageLoad option that is set to true.
It's that simple ;)

Using SortableRows and know when rows have been moved

I want to take advantage of the sortableRows property of the jqGrid. How do I detect when a row has been moved. I have studied the documentation and looked for examples but haven't found much. I do believe it is something like
ondrop: function(){ alert("row moved") }});
but that does not work. I can move the rows, but don't seemed to have trapped the event. Is there something wrong with my syntax or my approach in general.
Basically, I need to know that the rows have been rearranged so I can be sure they get saved with their new order.
jqGrid uses the ui-sortable plugin to sort rows:
jQuery("#grid").sortableRows( options )
"options" is the passed to the sortable plugin.
options = { update : function(e,ui){} }
is what you want.
Attach the sortstop event handler to your grid:
jQuery("#grid").bind('sortstop', function(event, ui) { alert("row moved") });
I did a quick test and that worked for me.
jQuery('#'+grid_id).jqGrid('sortableRows', {
update: function (event, ui) {
var newOrder = $('#'+grid_id).jqGrid("getDataIDs");
//do whatever you want with new roworder
//please keep in mind this will give only page visible rows
