Web API returning null response -

am faced with a challenge for some time now. I have a web service ( web api), that consumes a certain api, after the consumption, my api will then send the consumed data to another external api. I use REST Sharp for my data serialization and request.
But anytime i send this request. I get a null result.
Anybody to help?

Sequel to my question above #igor, below is my code snippet
public object AccountOpening(JObject exRequest)
var Account = new AccountViewModel(exRequest.ToString());
Account.cifID = "null";
Account.AddrCategory = "Mailing";
Account.Country = "NG";
Account.HoldMailFlag = "N";
Account.PrefAddr = "Y";
Account.Language = "UK (English)";
Account.IsMinor = "N";
Account.IsCustNRE = "N";
Account.DefaultAddrType = "Mailing";
Account.Occupation = "OTH";
Account.PhoneEmailType = "CELLPH";
var serviceAPI = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RemoteAPI"];
var request = new RestSharp.Serializers.Newtonsoft.Json.RestRequest();
request.AddParameter("application/json", Account, ParameterType.RequestBody);
request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
request.Method = Method.POST;
request.JsonSerializer = new RestSharp.Serializers.JsonSerializer();
var client = new RestClient(serviceAPI);
IRestResponse resp = client.Post(request);
if (resp.IsSuccessful==true)
return Json(new {resp.Content });


How to update data through Api in Xamarin

I do the update command through the API. Everything seems fine. However, the data is not up to date. When I debug there is no error.
public async Task UpdateViewRatingStore(bool value)
var url = baseUrl + userget;
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", mytokenlogin);
string jsonStr = await client.GetStringAsync(url);
var res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Customer>(jsonStr);
var checkunredrating = res.RatingStores;
if (checkunredrating != null)
foreach (var r in checkunredrating)
r.ID = r.ID;
r.StoreID = r.StoreID;
r.RatingStores = r.RatingStores;
r.CommentStore = r.CommentStore;
r.UserRating = r.UserRating;
r.CreateDay = r.CreateDay;
r.Display = r.Display;
r.ViewStorer = value;
var urlput = baseUrlStoreRating + r.ID;
var stringContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(res.RatingStores), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
await client.PutAsync(urlput, stringContent);
However when I check in the database it is still not updated. I tested it manually on swagger and Posman was fine. Where did I go wrong? Ask for help. Thank you
you are trying to update a single object, but passing the entire collection every time
instead, try this
foreach (var r in checkunredrating)
// you only need to update the changed values
r.ViewStorer = value;
var urlput = baseUrlStoreRating + r.ID;
// only send the current object you are updating
var stringContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(r), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
await client.PutAsync(urlput, stringContent);

ASP.NET web API identity External login redirect

I'm using webAPI identity for Facebook login , I have angularjs application
when I call
MainURL + 'api/Account/ExternalLogins?returnUrl=%2F&generateState=true'
I don't want to return to web API page , instead I want Facebook to redirect me back to my angularJS app so I did this :
public IEnumerable<ExternalLoginViewModel> GetExternalLogins(string returnUrl, bool generateState = false)
IEnumerable<AuthenticationDescription> descriptions = Authentication.GetExternalAuthenticationTypes();
List<ExternalLoginViewModel> logins = new List<ExternalLoginViewModel>();
string state;
if (generateState)
const int strengthInBits = 256;
state = RandomOAuthStateGenerator.Generate(strengthInBits);
state = null;
foreach (AuthenticationDescription description in descriptions)
ExternalLoginViewModel login = new ExternalLoginViewModel
Name = description.Caption,
Url = Url.Route("ExternalLogin", new
provider = description.AuthenticationType,
response_type = "token",
client_id = Startup.PublicClientId,
redirect_uri = new Uri("http://localhost:6263/com.html").AbsoluteUri,
// redirect_uri = new Uri(Request.RequestUri, returnUrl).AbsoluteUri,
state = state
State = state
return logins;
redirect_uri = new Uri("http://localhost:6263/com.html").AbsoluteUri,
but browser give me an error
response from service is :
Im sure this is late. Take a look at your url, it has a double slash (//)

Async and Await didn't work on web api

I am trying to use await on my async method but it didn't work. I input 2 array of parameters when calling the post method, only the last one is inserted
to database(I use Elasticsearch as database so when the _id is the same the document will replaced by the new one). and I found out when insert is not done yet the program is already run to query the database and the result is 0 so it's insert again instead of update.
I already add await on my program but it didn't work out. Can anyone help me with this problem? Thanks
here is my code
// POST api/values
public async Task<AvatarModel.AvatarResponse> Post(MultiLanguageTemp[] LangTemp)
//process param to multilanguage model
AvatarModel.AvatarResponse Resp = new AvatarModel.AvatarResponse();
for (int i = 0; i < LangTemp.Length; i++)
string Type = LangTemp[i].Type;
if ("ErrorCode".Equals(Type))
string GetLabelId = LangTemp[i].LabelId;
string GetTranslation = LangTemp[i].Translation;
MultiLanguage Lang = new MultiLanguage();
Lang.Type = LangTemp[i].Type;
Lang.Site = LangTemp[i].Site;
Lang.Language = LangTemp[i].LangId;
Lang.Source = LangTemp[i].Source;
Lang.TranslationList = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Lang.TranslationList.Add(GetLabelId, GetTranslation);
//search elasticsearch first using id TYPE+SITE+LANG_ID+SOURCE
string ESResponse = await GetMultiLangAsync(Lang);
JObject GetResp = JObject.Parse(ESResponse);
//get elasticsearch Hits count
JToken GetHitsTotal = GetResp.SelectToken("");
int Hits = int.Parse(GetHitsTotal.ToString());
// if id exist then do update else do insert
if (Hits > 0)
string ResponseUpdate = await UpdateMultiLangAsync(GetLabelId, GetTranslation,Lang);
if (!ResponseUpdate.ToString().ToUpper().Contains("ERROR"))
Resp.Result = "0000000";
Resp.Message = "Update MultiLanguage Info is Success";
Resp.Result = "9000003";
Resp.Message = "Update MultiLanguage Info into ES failed";
//insert new document into elasticsearch
string InsertESResponse = await InsertMultiLangAsync(Lang);
if (!InsertESResponse.ToUpper().Contains("ERROR"))
Resp.Result = "0000000";
Resp.Message = "Insert MultiLanguage Info is Success";
Resp.Result = "9000003";
Resp.Message = "Insert MultiLanguage Info into ES failed";
catch (Exception E)
Resp.Result = "9000005";
Resp.Message = E.Message.ToString();
return Resp;
public async Task<string> GetMultiLangAsync(MultiLanguage Lang)
var Client = new HttpClient();
Client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:9200/multilanguage/MultiLangInfo/");
Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var Query = "{\"query\": {\"match\": {\"_id\":\"" + Lang.Type + Lang.Site + Lang.Language + Lang.Source + "\"}}}";
var StringContent = new StringContent(Query, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var Response = Client.PostAsync("_search", StringContent).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
//JObject GetResp = JObject.Parse(Response.Result);
return await Response;
public async Task<string> InsertMultiLangAsync(MultiLanguage Lang)
var Client = new HttpClient();
Client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:9200/multilanguage/");
Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var JsonTextMultiLang = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Lang, Formatting.None, new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore });
var StringContent = new StringContent(JsonTextMultiLang, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var ResponseInsert = Client.PostAsync("MultiLangInfo/" + Lang.Type + Lang.Site + Lang.Language + Lang.Source, StringContent).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return await ResponseInsert;
public async Task<string> UpdateMultiLangAsync(string GetLabelId,string GetTranslation, MultiLanguage Lang)
var UpdateES = "{\"doc\":{\"TranslationList\":{\"" + GetLabelId + "\":\"" + GetTranslation + "\"}},\"detect_noop\":true}";
var Client = new HttpClient();
Client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:9200/multilanguage/MultiLangInfo/" + Lang.Type + Lang.Site + Lang.Language + Lang.Source + "/");
Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var StringContent = new StringContent(UpdateES, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var ResponseUpdate = Client.PostAsync("_update", StringContent).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return await ResponseUpdate;
Here is my insight.
Based on the details you provided, you have a long-running task that would eventually create/update a record in your database. Now, the problem you encounter is the second http request you send is not waiting for the first one to finish even though you are using async/await pattern. Well, this is not how it works. Regardless of what you do, whether you block the thread or not, there is thread pooling and distinct http calls will have their own thread. So using async/await would not affect that at all. For the most part, you're using async/await correctly. However, what you're trying to achieve is not done by async/await. You might want to try a messaging system to queue all the requests. In that case, you can't put clients on hold, You'd generate a request id and send it to them immediately and process the request asynchronously in time.

Best way for store data into client

My Put method is as follows:
public void Post([FromBody]RavenUserView view)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var request = new CreateUserRequest();
request.ID = view.ID;
request.Name = view.Name;
request.UserName = view.UserName;
request.Password = EncryptionDecryption.EncryptString(view.Password);//Encrypt The Password
request.Email = view.Email;
request.Phone = view.Phone;
request.Country = "x";
request.Note = "y";
request.IsActive = view.IsActive;
request.Creator = view.Creator;
request.CreationDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
request.ModificationDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
request.Remarks = "z";
var response = _facade.CreateUser(request);
SaveUserDetailsToCookie(response.RavenUser.ID, response.RavenUser.UserName, EncryptionDecryption.DecryptString(response.RavenUser.Password));//Cookie should be stored Decrypted Format
HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionDataKey.UserId.ToString()] = response.RavenUser.ID.ToString();
HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionDataKey.UserName.ToString()] = response.RavenUser.UserName;
But When I run my project and try to save my information then it throw me an exception "Object Reference is not set to the reference of an object"
I am using Web Api as my controller class.
After reading various documents I found that Api is stateless. Now how can I store my user information for further use.
public void Post([Bind(Include = "ID,Name,UserName,....")] CreateUserRequest request)
var response = _facade.CreateUser(request);
SaveUserDetailsToCookie(response.RavenUser.ID, response.RavenUser.UserName, EncryptionDecryption.DecryptString(response.RavenUser.Password));//Cookie should be stored Decrypted Format
HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionDataKey.UserId.ToString()] = response.RavenUser.ID.ToString();
HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionDataKey.UserName.ToString()] = response.RavenUser.UserName;

WP7 - Lost object's reference when making an asynchronous request/response

I am making a request to a service and getting a response. Service works fine and I am deserializing an object without a problem.
Below is an example of my code. The problem is the result object is null at the end. I do not know why am I losing a reference. What is the proper solution?
HttpWebRequest hwrq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://service.svc/Login");
hwrq.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; encoding='utf-8'";
hwrq.Accept = "text/xml";
hwrq.Method = "POST";
Users result = null; // object initializaiton
hwrq.BeginGetRequestStream(ar =>
var requestStream = hwrq.EndGetRequestStream(ar);
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(requestStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))
sw.Write("Username Password");
hwrq.BeginGetResponse(a =>
var response = hwrq.EndGetResponse(a);
var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
using (var sr = new StreamReader(responseStream))
returnedXML = sr.ReadToEnd();
XmlSerializer xds = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Users));
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(returnedXML);
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray);
result = (Users)xds.Deserialize(stream); // object is correct
}, null);
}, null);
return result; // object is null!
Just like MarcinJuraszek suggested, the proper way is to make a callback and handle the results there.
