Camel Spring Boot Actuator Not Working with cxfrs route - spring-boot

I have developed simple cxfrs based route using springboot+camel, but when i added spring-boot-starter-actuator and running this as #SpringBootApplication:
The Spring Actuator endpoints like /health not working and return http 404.
My Route:
# all access to actuator endpoints without security = false
# turn on actuator health check = true
if i add spring-boot-starter-web it shows status on http://localhost:8080/health or http://localhost:8080/camel/health.
From logs it shows startup of two different servers jetty and tomcat. Can we configure in such a way that either SpringBoot use "cxf-rt-transports-http-jetty" or Camel cxfrs use SpringBoot Jetty "spring-boot-starter-jetty".
if we provide management.port=8181 in properties it throws port already in used.

You can add springboot jetty by adding following in pom.xml, you have to exclude default tomcat


change default web server on spring-boot 2.4.4

I'm working with Spring Boot 2.4.4 and I would change the default web server Tomcat to undertow orJHetty but I find it very difficult using both Gradle or Maven.
An old documentation exposes how do it but I'm sure all is changed because now tomcat, undertow and jetty configuration is embedded in the core library:
How do it in the 2.4.4 version?
There are no changes between the versions. This is well described right at the Spring Boot 2.4.4 Reference guide, right in 3.1. Use Another Web Server section. Basically, the change consists of two steps:
Exclude embedded Tomcat server dependency from the spring-boot-starter-web artifact:
<!-- Exclude the Tomcat dependency -->
Include your embedded server as a separate dependency instead:
Just don't forget to notice the following quote from the reference guide in the very same section which might or might not be relevant to you:
The version of the Servlet API has been overridden as, unlike Tomcat 9 and Undertow 2.0, Jetty 9.4 does not support Servlet 4.0.
follow three steps to change the default web server, change configuration in pom.xml.
1.exclude the default web server.
2.Include the necessary web server.
3.Maven update.
For example,
Instead of this
Add this one
for the necessary server add the appropriate web server dependency.

Spring boot server startup issue elastic search

I am using elasticsearch7.5. I have turned on the following properties true true
I have generated API keys to connect our springboot to elasticsearch.I am using
All my requests are from "RestHighClient" and able to trigger the requests.Only problem is during server startup, they are some errors where it is not able to connect to Elasticsearch.
org.elasticsearch.transport.RemoteTransportException: [ADMIN-PC][][cluster:monitor/nodes/liveness]
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchSecurityException: missing authentication credentials for action [cluster:monitor/nodes/liveness]
In pom.xml
in application properties:
Can someone suggest me ,How I can fix it.
Remove these lines from your configuration:
These make Spring Boot to configure the transport client.

Problem in configuring spring boot and redis

I have an old spring boot application (1.5.0-FINAL) and I can't change this version.
I want to add redis to my application, that's what I did:
1) added the maven dep:
2) Added the property to my boot
public class MySpringBootApp{
3) Added config properties to check if it starts the connection:
spring.cache.type: redis
spring.redis.port: 6379
The host/port above do not exist: I just want to see something like "connection error" on boot to make sure I configured everything but nothing appears! It seems that spring boot just doesn't try to use a cache.
Am I missing something?Maybe my spring boot version is too old?
Spring Boot parent pom already defines the versions of the starters, so remove the version from spring-boot-starter-data-redis dependency.
Your pom.xml would have at least these dependencies.
Next, #EnableCaching will look for beans with #Cacheable or #CachePut annotations.

Spring Boot logging with Log4j2

Written simple POC to prove and test Spring Boot and log4j2 compatibility. Once successful I will move it to real application.
Please refer my POC source code:
I know/read about Spring version and log4j2 compatibility from:
How to set up Spring Boot and log4j2 properly?
Found and tried recommendations described here:
Spring-Boot logging with log4j2?
But still not working. The problem is that both application logs and Spring logs are printing to console only.
Please refer maven dependencies below (from POC):
If I don't exclude Spring's logback and don't add boot-starter-log4j2 then application logs are printing to application file but Spring logs are not printing at all. I feel the problem somewhere with dependencies. Appreciate any help.
According to the Spring Boot Logging documentation, the location of the logging configuration file can be specified using the logging.config property. I noticed that your script is passing -Dlog4j.configurationFile. Normally, this would be sufficient for direct Log4J 2 integration, but Spring Boot uses logging.config.
After switching to this, it writes to the log files:
java -Dlogging.config=/share/LogPOC/log4j2.xml -cp poc.jar:libs/* com.poc.logger.Application

Does having spring-boot-actuator changes the context root of the spring application?

According to this post, by having the spring-boot-actuator dependency in pom.xml, I could benefits from the actuator endpoints. However, I observed it breaks my existing my spring application (It is not a spring-boot application).
I added the following to my dependency in pom.xml
Thats it. I did not make any changes to application yet.
I started the container using maven-t7-plugin.
Now my application endpoint http://localhost:8010/mycontext/foo is returning 404. I commented out the above dependency in pom.xml.
Now my application returns 200 OK for the above request.
Kindly help troubleshoot me as what is going wrong. I could not find any obvious reasons.
When I looked at the spring logs in console, I noticed the following:
WARN org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound - No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/mycontext/foo] in DispatcherServlet with name 'DispatcherServlet'.
Since I have configured DispatcherServlet in my Spring application, I cannot use auto-configure of spring-boot-actuator.
Once I excluded that dependency, my application works as expected.
