glTF 2.0 animation not working - animation

I'm trying to experiment a little with glTF 2.0 models with animation.
Unfortunately, when i try to update the THREE.animationMixer, I get a warning:
THREE.Matrix3: .getInverse() can't invert matrix, determinant is 0.
Here's the setup:
The model:
I'm no 3D artist, so i've made a cube + torus in blender.
Also there are two actions in the Action Editor, moving the torus in two different ways.
You can download the .blend, and .glTF from here.
I think the export worked fine, since the model + animation are working in Don McCurdy's glTF viewer.
The Code:
I've tried using either Don McCurdy animation-mixer, or mixing Three.js into an a-frame component:
AFRAME.registerComponent("foo", {
init: function() {
var el = this.el;
var model = el.getObject3D('mesh')
this.mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(model);
var clips = model.animations || (model.geometry || {}).animations ||
const action = this.mixer.clipAction(clips[0], model);
}, 2000)
tick: function (t, dt) {
if (this.mixer && !isNaN(dt)) this.mixer.update(dt / 1000);
This code is basically a ripoff of Don's Loader. The only object that should be moving, the torus, dissapears, with the mentioned error, when I add the mixer.update part. Nothing logs as undefined, so the objects are created properly. Furthermore, the animation-mixer behavior is the same (i guess no surprise, since i just took part of it).
Any ideas what could be causing the problem ? I may be missing something, but i have no clue how to troubleshoot this.

Cubic bezier interpolation is broken in older versions of THREE (pre r87-r88 or so), which A-Frame 0.7.0 still uses. Switching to linear interpolation in Blender would work around this, or using the A-Frame master branch.
You also mention two actions in the Action Editor, which would be merged during export because multiple actions are still in progress for the Khronos glTF Blender exporter.
If that doesn't work, there is also another glTF Blender exporter to try:


Problem in Mesh Rotation around another Mesh of imported FBX model in Three.js

For the learning purposes, I downloaded a layalty-free FBX model from a website, which happens to be a helicopter. I want to emulate the rotation of the helicopter blades programmatically in Three.js. I imported the moded successfully by means of FBXLoader, without any problem. I checked its meshes in Blender, and it has more than fifty meshes. I pinpointed the blades' meshes and wrote this in the load() function:
pivotPoint = new THREE.Object3D();
const loader = new THREE.FBXLoader();
group = new THREE.Object3D();
object => {
const twentyFive = scene.getObjectByName('Mesh25'); //This is the shaft which the blades should rotate around
console.log(twentyFive); //x: 685.594482421875, y: 136.4067840576172, z: -501.9534606933594
const twentyEight = scene.getObjectByName('Mesh28');//These four are the blades
const twentyNine = scene.getObjectByName('Mesh29');
const twentySeven = scene.getObjectByName('Mesh27');
const twentySix = scene.getObjectByName('Mesh26');
progress => ...,
error => ...
and the following in the loop render function:
pivotPoint.rotation.y += 0.01;
However, either the four blades disappear once I add the nesting Object3Ds or upon changing the code into the above version with numerous mutations, the four blades would strangely rotate around some other point in sky, apart from the fuselage, while the awe-stricken pilot watches the catastrophe and amazed by the aforementioned code, as if the helicopter is about to crash any second!
I tried many changes to the code. Basically I had once used the Object3D parenting for some light sources on another scene, but have no idea what's the issue now. Besides, the rotation of the blades around Mesh25 (my wished pivot) is around a big circle with no contacts with the fuselage, although all four are beautifully revolve around their center of mass.
I really appreciate any help, as I really need to learn to wrestle with similar imported models.
Use attach instead of add in the appropriate places.
const twentyFive = scene.getObjectByName('Mesh25');
// add the pivot and group first so they are in the scene
const twentyEight = scene.getObjectByName('Mesh28');
const twentyNine = scene.getObjectByName('Mesh29');
const twentySeven = scene.getObjectByName('Mesh27');
const twentySix = scene.getObjectByName('Mesh26');
// use attach to move something in the scene hierarchy without
// changing its position
This assumes the model is created correctly in the first place and that the the shaft's position Mesh25 is in the center of the shaft.
Note: If the shaft's origin is in the correct position and the blades are already children of the shaft you can just rotate the shaft.

Threejs: There is no texture bound to the unit 1

I am working on a glb viewer with threejs r116. In order to display metalness correctly, I add an environment map to the mesh.
Without the environment map, the model displays black, as expected. With the envMap it shows correctly but the console throws: RENDER WARNING: there is no texture bound to the unit 1.
model.traverse(n => {
if(n.material.metalness === 1){
n.material.envMap = cubeTexture
n.castShadow = true
n.receiveShadow = true
I tried setting a 1x1px white texture but couldn't figure out how to make that work.
This is how I create the cube texture:
let loader = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader()
let cubeTexture = loader.load([
'./images/envMap/posx.jpg', './images/envMap/negx.jpg',
'./images/envMap/posy.jpg', './images/envMap/negy.jpg',
'./images/envMap/posz.jpg', './images/envMap/negz.jpg'
You can safely ignore this warning. This happens because you are trying to use an environment map among other texture before it is actually loaded.
three.js allocates a texture unit as soon as a texture is applied to a material. However, the actual texture binding and upload can only be done after the texture has completely loaded. Firefox and Safari don't even log a warning in this case (at least on macOS).
If you want avoid the warning, start loading your glTF asset in the onLoad() callback of CubeTextureLoader.load().

Three.js parenting mesh to bone

My goal is to attach separate objects (eg: wearable items) to an animated model, so that the bound objects are controlled by the models animation.
I have found these, but all seems outdated.
Three.js attaching object to bone
I experimenting with a character imported from blender that is skinned & rigged & animated.
My problem is: As I add a new mesh to a specific bone of the model (the commented out part in the code), the current animation clip is switched to the first one (t-pose), and the skinning get broken (model turns white).
However the object is connects to the bone, and moves with it.
const {scene, animations} = await Utils.loadModel('model/someName.gltf');
const model = scene.children[0];
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial();
material.alphaTest = 0.5;
material.skinning = true;
model.traverse((child) => {
if (child.material) { =;
child.material = material;
child.material.needsUpdate = true;
if (child.isBone && === 'RightHand') {
// child.add(createMesh());
It dosen't work correctly, even if a simple cube is added, but it would be nice if I could add boots to a character, that is moves as its foot.
Looks like I have found a solution.
I updated the demo (It's only a PoC)
first (in blender):
add bones to the shoe that should move with the character. (i guess these should heave the same bones [positions, rotations, sizes]; there are differences in the demo)
then is JS code:
add the shoe (entire mesh) as a child mesh to the leg bone.
before every render, copy the characters bone properties to the shoe bone properties [position & quaternion]
I'm still curious, is there any intended /or better way doing this.?

Rigged mesh doesn't animate (despite the bones moving)

I have a model with a skeleton, all set up.
I've added the animations and Animation Helper to see the model move.
The result is odd - the bones are moving (according to animation helper rendering), but the actual model itself does not.
It's better explained with an gif:
Animation is attached to the mesh using:
animation = new THREE.Animation( mesh, geometry.animation );
Any suggestions on what might be wrong?
The solution was pretty simple actually:
for ( var k in materials ) {
materials[k].skinning = true;

ThreeJs and Blender (using colladaLoader): first contact

How can I render an exported scene (with many objects, each with different colors and different properties, such as rotation aroung an axis in the scene) from Blender (with colladaLoader -->.dae) in ThreeJs?
So, the first step is to learn how to create a scene in threeJs and learn some feature with Blender. When you are ready, create your first model and before exporting keep this in mind:
you need to an object with vertices, so if you just create a text with Blender, you have to convert it to a mesh, otherwise threeJs will not render it
be sure to choose the Blender render option and not the Cycles,
otherwise the .dae you export will not be rendered in threeJs
when applying a texture, use just colors and basic materials (basic, phong and lambert) - the others will not work using the colladaLoader
to see if the object will be rendered with color in threeJs with
colladaLoader just look at object in Blender with object mode
(solid) - if it's gray and not colored of the color you choose, it
will be rendered in threeJs the same way
if you apply the 'solidify' modifier to the object and then on threeJs set it to transparent, it will be rendered as wireframed
if you append multiple objects in the scene and 'join' them, the
respective positions and rotations will be respected in threeJs,
otherwise not: for example, if you want to renderize a flower in the
bottle (and thoose objects are different blender files which are
appended/linked in the scene), the flower will not fit in the bottle
in threeJs, but would have a different position and rotation than
the bottle
grouping the objects will not solve this: to see the scene as you see it in Blender you have to 'join' the objects (with the consequences that this entails) or manually change position and rotation on threeJs
the .dae export options don't matter for the rendering of the object in threeJs
and now, the part that regards threeJs:
be sure to import the colladaLoader with:
<script src="jsLib/ColladaLoader.js"></script>
insert this code into your init() function so the loader will load your .dae model:
var loader = new THREE.ColladaLoader();
loader.options.convertUpAxis = true;
loader.load( 'model.dae', function ( collada ) {
// with this you can get the objects of the scene; the [0] is not the first object
// you display in blender in case of many objects (which means you didn't join them)
var obj1 = collada.scene.children[0];
// you can name the object so you can use it even out of the function, if you want
// animate it for example = "daeObj1";
// you can set here some material properties as trasparency
obj1.material.needsUpdate = true;
obj1.material.transparent = true;
obj1.material.opacity = 0.5;
obj1.hearth.material.wireframe = false;
// and now some position and rotation for good visualization
obj1.position.set(0, -5, -0.6); //x,z,y
obj1.rotation.set(0, 45, 0);
// and add the obj to the threeJs scene
and some code to the animate() function if you want to update some of your objects, with rotation for example
scene.traverse (function (object) {
if ( === 'daeObj1') {
object.rotation.z -= 0.01;
I hope someone will benefit from this post
