Integrate local HDFS filesystem browser with IntelliJ IDEA - hadoop

I studied MapReduce paradigm using the HDFS cluster of my university, accessing to it by HUE. From HUE I am able to browse files, read/edit them and so on.
So in that cluster I need:
a normal folder where I put the MapReduce.jar
the access to the results in the HDFS
I like very much write MapReduce applications so I have configured correctly a local HDFS as personal playground but for now I can access to it only thorough really time-wasting command line (such as those).
I can access "directly" to the HDFS of my thorough IntelliJ IDEA by the mean of SFTP remote host connection, following is the "user normal folder":
And here is the HDFS from HUE from which I get the results:
Obviously in my local machine the "normal user folder" is where I am with the shell, but I can browse HDFS to get results only by command line.
I wish I could do such a thing even for local HDFS. Following is the best I could do:
I know that it is possible to access HDFS by http://localhost:50070/explorer.html#/ but it is very terrible.
I looked for some plugins, but I did not find anything useful. Using the command line in the long run becomes tiring.

I can access "directly" to the HDFS of my thorough IntelliJ IDEA by the mean of SFTP remote host ...
Following is the best I could do...
Neither of those are HDFS.
Is the user folder of the machine you SSH'd to
Is only the NameNode data directory on your local machine
Hue uses WebHDFS, and connects through http://namenode:50070
What you would need is a plugin that can connect to the same API, which is not over SSH, or a simple file mount.
If you wanted a file mount, you need to setup an NFS Gateway, and you mount the NFS drive like any other network attached storage.
In Production environments, you would write your code, push it to Github, then Jenkins (for example) would build the code and push it to HDFS for you.


How to send files from Local Machine to HortonBox instance running on Virtual Box?

I'm using Hortonbox 3.0.1 on a virtual box and ssh into it using putty. I have some files in my local machine (Windows 10), which I want to store in the hadoop file system.
SSH-ing into hortonbox instance, gives me a terminal of the instance, which means all files from the windows instance are not visible to the terminal.
Is there any way I can put files into the HDFS instance?
I am aware of WinSCP but that does not really serve my purpose. WinSCP would mean me sending the file onto the system, using my ssh to store the file on hadoop, and then deleting the file from the system after storing on data nodes. I might be wrong but this seems like additional and redundant work and I would always need a buffer for storage where hadoop is running, for extremely large files, this solution will almost certainly fail considering I would first need to store the entire file on the secondary disk, then send it to the data nodes through the name node. Is there any way to achieve this or the problem I'm facing is due to using a hortonbox instance? How does organizations handle sending data from several nodes to the namenode and then to datanodes?
First, you don't send data to the namenode for it to be placed on datanodes. When you issue hdfs put commands, the only information requested from the namenode is locations for the files to be placed.
That being said, if you want to skip SSH entirely, you need to forward the Namenode and datanode ports from the VM to your host, then install and configure the hadoop fs/hdfs commands on your windows host such that you can issue them directly from CMD.
The alternative is to use Fuse/SFTP/NFS/Samba mounts (referred to as a "shared folder" in the Virtualbox GUI) from Windows into the VM, where you could then run put without copying anything into the VM

hadoop access without ssh

Is there a way to allow a developer to access a hadoop command line without SSH? I would like to place some hadoop clusters in a specific environment where SSH is not permitted. I have searched for alternatives such as a desktop client but so far have not seen anything. I will also need to federate sign on info for developers.
If you're asking about hadoop fs and similar commands, you don't need SSH for this.
You just need to download Hadoop clients and configure the hdfs-site.xml file to point at a remote cluster. However, this is an administrative security hole, so setting up an edge node that does have trusted and audited SSH access is preferred.
Similarly, Hive or HBase or Spark jobs can be ran with the appropriate clients or configuration files without any SSH access, just local libraries
You don't need SSH to use Hadoop. Also Hadoop is a combination of different stacks, which part of Hadoop are you referring to specifically? If you are talking about HDFS you can use web HDFS. If you are talking about YARN you can use API call. There are also various UI tools such as HUE you can use. Notebook apps such as Zeppelin or Jupiter can also be helpful.

How to download Hadoop files (on HDFS) via FTP?

I would like to implement an SSIS job that is able to download large CSV files that are located on a remote Hadoop cluster. Of course, having just a regular FTP server on Hadoop system does not expose HDFS files since it uses the local filesystem.
I would like to know whether there is an FTP server implementation that sits on top of HDFS. I would prefer this approach rather than having to copy files from HDFS to the local FS and then having the FTP server serving this because I will need to allocate more storage space.
I forked from an open-source project that works as expected:

how users should work with ambari cluster

My question is pretty trivial but didnt find anyone actually asking it.
We have a ambari cluster with spark storm hbase and hdfs(among other things).
I dont understand how a user that want to use that cluster use it.
for example, a user want to copy a file to hdfs, run a spark-shell or create new table in hbase shell.
should he get a local account on the server that run the cooresponded service? shouldn't he use a 3rd party machine(his own laptop for example)?
If so ,how one should use hadoop fs, there is no way to specify the server ip like spark-shell has.
what is the normal/right/expected way to run all these tasks from a user prespective.
The expected way to run the described tasks from the command line is as follows.
First, gain access to the command line of a server that has the required clients installed for the services you want to use, e.g. HDFS, Spark, HBase et cetera.
During the process of provisioning a cluster via Ambari, it is possible to define one or more servers where the clients will be installed.
Here you can see an example of an Ambari provisioning process step. I decided to install the clients on all servers.
Afterwards, one way to figure out which servers have the required clients installed is to check your hosts views in Ambari. Here you can find an example of an Ambari hosts view: check the green rectangle to see the installed clients.
Once you have installed the clients on one or more servers, these servers will be able to utilize the services of your cluster via the command line.
Just to be clear, the utilization of a service by a client is location-independent from the server where the service is actually running.
Second, make sure that you are compliant with the security mechanisms of your cluster. In relation to HDFS, this could influence which users you are allowed to use and which directories you can access by using them. If you do not use security mechanisms like e.g. Kerberos, Ranger and so on, you should be able to directly run your stated tasks from the command line.
Third, execute your tasks via command line.
Here is a short example of how to access HDFS without considering security mechanisms:
ssh user#hostxyz # Connect to the server that has the required HDFS client installed
hdfs dfs -ls /tmp # Command to list the contents of the HDFS tmp directory
Take a look on Ambari views, especially on Files view that allows browsing HDFS

Access hdfs from outside hadoop

I want to run some executables outside of hadoop (but on the same cluster) using input files that are stored inside HDFS.
Do these files need to be copied locally to the node? or is there a way to access HDFS outside of hadoop?
Any other suggestions on how to do this are fine. Unfortunately my executables can not be run within hadoop though.
There are a couple typical ways:
You can access HDFS files through the HDFS Java API if you are writing your program in Java. You are probably looking for open. This will give you a stream that acts like a generic open file.
You can stream your data with hadoop cat if your program takes input through stdin: hadoop fs -cat /path/to/file/part-r-* | You could hypothetically create a bridge with this command line command with something like popen.
Also check WebHDFS which made into the 1.0.0 release and will be in the 23.1 release also. Since it's based on rest API, any language can access it and also Hadoop need not be installed on the node on which the HDFS files are required. Also. it's equally fast as the other options mentioned by orangeoctopus.
The best way is install "hadoop-0.20-native" package on the box where you are running your code.
hadoop-0.20-native package can access hdfs filesystem. It can act as a hdfs proxy.
I had similar issue and asked appropriate question. I needed to access HDFS / MapReduce services outside of cluster. After I found solution I posted answer here for HDFS. Most painfull issue there happened to be user authentication which in my case was solved in most simple case (complete code is in my question).
If you need to minimize dependencies and don't want to install hadoop on clients here is nice Cloudera article how to configure Maven to build JAR for this. 100% success for my case.
Main difference in Remote MapReduce job posting comparing to HDFS access is only one configuration setting (check for mapred.job.tracker variable).
