Text editing files on a remote Raspberry Pi using local editor - macos

I am currently required to connect to my university's system of password protected rasberry pi's where I have to edit files to complete weekly projects. I am very sick of using vim in order to edit these files and tried sshfs and rmate, but have not been able to get either of these to work properly. I simply want to edit the files on the rasberry pi system with something like Sublime instead of vim.
Also, I am using MacOSX if that matters at all for the solution.

Cyberduck lets you set any application you want as an editor, so you can set Sublime as the editor that way. That's the only way I've found that works in modern macOS. Downside is I don't think you can "edit" a directory this way, if that's what you were trying to do.
There's also the paid (w/ free trial available) app Mountain Duck for mounting SSH directories like SSHFS used to do. It seems fine except that it can't follow symbolic links.


OS X 10.10.5 and Windows 7 file sharing

So what I want to do is share files between windows 7 pc and Macbook Pro Yosemite 10.10.5 using ethernet.
I managed to make it work really easily in the past but now it doesn't.
I have looked a bunch of tutorial online,I changed sharing settings,I have changed the settings of the ethernet adapters infinite times(manual ip,same subnet mask).I have restarted both computer a dozens times each, I have modified the register LmCompatibilityLevel with the values 1-4 with no luck.
After my fresh install of Windows 7 I managed to connect to windows PC from the macbook with the Go to Server tool over WiFi on the other hand the windows pc still can't see my macbook and on the network settings the LAN connection is displayed as "Unidentified".
I have no clue what I should do.At this point I just look at forums,tutorials and follow them blindly.
Maybe there is a third party program that could help me?
[ Windows 7 32 & 64bit(I tried both) , MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009) ]
I run Yosemite 10.10.5 on a 2013 Macbook. I got here researching a floating-point calculation issues I seem to be having with the Mac, running some machine-learning software.
I have to share files among various Windows machines, the Macbook (running 10.10.5), and a bunch of different Linux boxes. To make it seemless and simple, I've put ssh and scp on all of them, and just use "scp" to copy files between any pair if machines or devices. "scp" stands for "secure copy". You can also use "ssh" (secure shell) to log into one machine from another.
The syntax for scp looks like this:
scp myfile_here.txt MyUserID#SYSTEMname:/home/MyUser/filedir/.
The above command, which you enter in "cli" (command line interface) mode (basically just a terminal window or a Windows CMD shell), will securely copy "myfile_here.txt" over to the machine called "SYSTEMname", and put it into directory "/home/Myuser/filedir/". The little dot just means give it the same name. Instead of SYSTEMname, you can also use the numeric address of the machine (in either IPv4 or IPv6). On a windows machine, you can go to CMD shell, and type: "ipconfig /all" to get the machine's IP address. On the Macbook, you can click the little wifi indicator, then select "Open Network Preferences", click "Advanced", click "TCP/IP", and get the IPv4 address of you Macbook. OR, start up a "Terminal" window, and enter "ifconfig", and look at what is says for "en1". So then, the 'scp' command becomes:
scp myfile_here.txt MyUserID#nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:/home/MyUser/filedir/.
where nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn might be something like
or whatever number you need to use (this example is an IPv4 style number)
I think scp and ssh might be included on the Macbook. If not, then maybe you have to download the "command line utilities" from Apple, which you can do, if you install the "Xcode7.2.1" C language compiler from them (it is free.) Google around and you can find a link.
To get ssh and scp on a Windows-7 machine, you need to install the Cygwin stuff. (See link below). You will also need to have the OpenSSH package, which may be installed as part of Cygwin. I put a link to a site that explains this. Check lots of sites. Don't just blindly install stuff without understanding exactly what it is doing. There is a real learning curve here, but it is worth spending the time to climb it.
If you get a Raspberry PI or jailbreak an old iPad, you can put the same ssh and scp programs on them, and then share files (including big video and music files) using these same programs. You will need to spend some time learning Linux stuff (the programs and the various utilities), but it will be time well spent, if you plan to do any work with computers and modern devices. Just google-search "ssh and scp" and read.
If you are using an older windows box (maybe you need to get some files off it), you can try "putty", which is just a graphic interface for the scp and ssh utility programs. Here are some URLS:
Putty: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/software/ieee/
SSH: https://support.suso.com/supki/SSH_Tutorial_for_Windows
Linux ssh and scp: https://linuxacademy.com/blog/linux/ssh-and-scp-howto-tips-tricks/
SSH and SCP on Windows-7: https://www.question-defense.com/2010/01/07/how-to-install-scp-and-ssh-on-windows-7-using-cygwin
Just read this below. I think you have to enable ssh and scp on Mac OSX to get it to work. Apple has it turned off by default, but you can turn it on. Here is a site that explains this:
Hope this is helpful.

How to create application to launch wine and Windows application

I'm trying to use "wine" on MAC osX Sierra version 10.12, wine is version 1.9.19
In the terminal I can launch Windows applications, however its a pain to have to keep typing in:
/Applications/Wine\ Staging.app/Contents/MacOS/wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/HeidiSQL/heidisql.exe
I've searched around for a post on how to create shortcuts/applications to add to the launchpad, but so far none of the information has led me to a working end result. Either the locations of wine is different or it just doesn't work.
I've tried creating an application script:
do shell script "/Applications/Wine Staging.app/Contents/MacOS/wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/HeidiSQL/heidisql.exe"
But this won't run either.
For anyone having the same problem, in the end I created scripts which reside in my home folder:
Launch vi, create a file called HeidiSQL, insert:
wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/HeidiSQL/heidisql.exe
Save and exit file, grant file execute permissions:
chmod +x HeidiSQL
Launch wine terminal and type in ./HeidiSQL to launch, I then did the same for PSPad.exe:
wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/PSPad\ editor/PSPad.exe
I know this thread is a little old but I was just looking for something like this to launch HeidiSQL and I came up with these three solutions which I have tried and all of them work. I am putting my findings down here for it may help someone:
Wineskin (http://wineskin.urgesoftware.com), Playonmac (https://www.playonmac.com/en) and Winebottler
Wineskin is a mac app that download and install (and manages, updates, etc) "wine" for you. It then creates a HeidiSQL.app (any name you want with any icon you want - but you need to configure it) around the windows.exe that includes the wine version selected and is completely self contained (does not need wine installed separately). Personally this is the neatest solution and my preferred even though there its a little more technical than Playonmac and similar to Winebottler. You need to read the instructions (which are very good) and you have choices to make as to the wine version to use and to configure the app. Noteworthy is that you need to change the windows version to XP rather than 7 or some buttons won't work.
Playonmac on the other hand is very user friendly. It has HeidiSQL listed on its website as compatible and its almost a single click install. You just select HeidiSQL from the list of programs and it will download everything you need for you. The only reason I prefer Wineskin is that it does not create a true self contained HeidiSQL.app. You can create a shortcut for it in your Applications folder but this will launch Playonmac and the app needs to be installed inside Playonmac. On the plus side, Playonmac will chose all the right settings for you to run the app correctly, the correct windows and wine version etc which is something you need to fiddle with with with Wineskin.
Winebottler again makes an app like Wineskin. The only real difference I could see is that with Wineskin the configuration app is actually part of the package whereas in Winebottler you have to recreate the package each time you make a change. I stuck with Wineskin. YMMV.

Is there an efficient way to do remote editing over server using sublime Text 3?

I am writing some projects and need frequently compile and test on remote machine.
I am not a vim user thou :(
What I end up now is to use Fetch to browse the project folder and directly open those file using sublime by changing the default editor in Fetch. It somehow works, but one thing not perfect is that I cannot have a “project” structure in my sublime.
I am wondering anyone has a better way to use Terminal (or iTerm whatsoever) with sublime better.
Although this question is over two years old, I will try to answer it. Maybe it will be helpful for you or others that find it.
First, there is sshfs, which you can install via Homebrew or MacPorts. A simple approach would be as following:
mkdir -p ~/mnt/server
sshfs user#server.example.com:/path/on/server ~/mnt/server
Afterwards, you have the complete folder structure from server.example.com locally available at ~/mnt/server. Make sure you set up SSH keys to avoid entering the user password every time. You can find tutorials on that everywhere on the net.
For servers that only offer FTP access (shared hosting and the like), you can use curlftpfs in the same fashion.
To close the connection, simply unmount:
umount ~/mnt
For a GUI-based approach, you have several options. There is Transmit, which features mounting connections as volumes, Forklift which is a Finder replacement that can do the same, ExpanDrive and my favorite Mountain Duck.
If you plan to move lots of data, especially a lot of small files, Mountain Duck performs the best in my testing.
You could use TransmitFTP. Any FTP/SFTP/WebDAV/S3 server connection can be mounted as a volume, e.g., /Volumes/Example. Then you can browse to it when opening a folder in SB and add to your project like any other directory on your filesystem.

Textmate question: how to have a drawer when editing files online?

is it possible with Textmate to work remotely and using the sidebar drawer?
How do you do the "remote" part of your question? SSHFS? FTP?
If you use FTP (Transmit or Cyberduck) there is at least one way but I think it's extremelly convoluted. I used to want it badly when I started to use TextMate but I soon learned about Subversion and then Git and now, I almost never use an FTP client for development work at all.
Both versioning systems are extremelly well integrated with TextMate and the whole concept of working on a local copy and pushing only valid changes is vastly superior to using an FTP client to download a whole file in a temp folder, opening it with a local editor, saving the temp file, uploading it to the server.
If you use SSHFS or some other ways to mount the remote server you can use it as you were working with local file with the caveat that the whole thing can be maddening slow.
Did you try to edit the files within an SSH session in the terminal? Using Vim like that is actually very fast but it can lead to somewhat unpleasing situations when not done correctly.
I found myself:
Use Transmit 4+
Mount the server as image
drag the entire mount icon in textmate

Best way to edit Linux server configuration files on Mac OS X?

I'm used to editing my remote Ubuntu server through SSH and Nano. I've tried using Vim and Emacs but since I don't manage the server frequently enough I never quite get the hang of it and end up forgetting the commands.
I use TextMate daily for programming and was wondering if there's any counter-recommendation against mounting the server's /etc/ folder locally using http://www.macfusionapp.org/ and creating a TextMate project containing /etc/ and editing all configuration files right within?
root would have to be used through SSH to allow editing of the /etc/ files so that makes me a little nervous. Is this a bad approach?
I sometimes use Cyberduck to remotely edit files. You can set up SFTP connections in Cyberduck, so you can connect to any remote machine to which you have SSH access. Cyberduck lets you use TextMate as an external editor, so you can set up the connection and start editing, and Cyberduck will automatically upload your changes.
(This is probably possible in other FTP clients like Transmission, too, but I personally use Cyberduck so I don't know much about other clients.)
There's nothing wrong with using MacFUSE, but I find the Cyberduck solution to be simpler.
