How to write Arial bold 12 text from 12 dpmm(300 dpi) a printer - zebra-printers

How to write Arial bold 12 text from 12 dpmm(300 dpi) a printer,
I am try this but not working
^FT430,704^A0N,90,90 ^FH\^FD ARİAL Bold 12 ^FS

Zebra printers have built in fonts, I don't think Arial (bold) is one of them. You can specify a built in font, or you can upload a font (see ).
Check your printer's drive contents to find your uploaded font name, then use the ^A# command to print with it:


FFmpeg drawtext issue when apply hindi language font file or other language font file

We are trying to use FFmpeg draw text to support Hindi fonts. but some characters are not rendering properly.
Used Hindi Language Font file :-
Input string :- **जिन्दगी सिर्फ हकीक़त है हकीक़त समझो,**
But output renders as
output of code
I want some perfect solution to apply assets font on FFmpeg.
Thank you in Advance.

How to use ImageMagick with Chinese fonts on Text to Image Handling

I try to use ImageMagick to handle a Chinese character to a image on my MacBook.
I use command to check the Chinese fonts available on my system.
convert -list font | grep Font
I did not get any.
Seen from the ImageMagick guide Text to Image Handling, Chinese font seems like supported , such as ZenKaiUni
And seen from the application Font Album of my MacBook. There are so many Chinese fonts.
I think it is OK. How to figure it out?
You can either tell ImageMagick about all the fonts on your system, like this and then they will show up if you do:
convert -list font
Then you can use shorthand:
convert -font Arial ...
Or, you can just tell ImageMagick the full path to any font on a per-invocation basis:
printf "Hello" | convert -pointsize 72 \
-font "/Applications/ Regular.ttf" \
label:#- result.png
You would probably put Unicode for Chinese characters in place of my "Hello".
I do not have any chinese fonts on my system, but here is an example of what I would suggest using the symbol font. First download a proper UTF-8 chinese font, i.e. one that supports UTF-8 characters. Then open a UTF-8 compatible text editor, choose that font and type your string. For example, here is a screensnap of the symbols.txt file that I created using the symbol font in my BBEdit UTF-8 compatible text editor on my Mac.
Then using ImageMagick,
convert -size 100x -font "/library/fonts/GreekMathSymbols Normal.ttf" label:#symbols.txt symbol.gif
And the resulting symbol.gif image is:
Adding .utf8 as suffix to your file is not adequate. You must create a text file in a UTF-8 compatible text editor using a UTF-8 compatible font.
Furthermore, most terminal windows do not support UTF-8 characters / fonts. So typing your characters directly into the command line in the terminal window does not always work. See
You can't do it in ImagMagick as the font information it uses doesn't include language support, but it's easy with Font by creating a Smart Collection as follows:
On my Mac I have 35 fonts which include Chinese characters.
(The dimmed/greyed fonts are available but will need to be downloaded from Apple servers before I can use them, an automatic process done when selecting those fonts in any app.)

How to create png from unicode character?

I have been looking far and wide on the internet for images/vectors of unicode characters in any font, and have not found any. I need image files of unicode characters for the project I am working on, where I cannot just use text. Is there a way to "convert" unicode characters from a font into an image file? Or does anyone know where I can find this? Thank you.
Try BMFont Bitmap Font Generator Supports Unicode, generates PNG images - looks like a perfect match.

How to adjust gif image to zpl/epl printer

UPS webservice returns gif image instead of epl/zpl file, when I specify 'cash on delivery' option. So now I have a problem, how to adjust this gif image programatically, so it can be printed on zebra printer.
This is the image I get:
Unfortunatelly I don't have zebra printer to test my tries, but I found out I can see print preview in Zebra Designer, so here's a preview of this image on printer (after rotation):
My question is how can I adjust this image programatically (or otherwise) so it can be correctly printed on zebra printer
You first have to convert the image to a format compatible with ZPL and upload that image to the printer through your ZPL. You need to make sure your printer has enough memory to hold the image.
We use this method in our RocketShipIt Print Server for your exact need. UPS COD labels don't currently support ZPL and we needed a workaround for our customers.
Specifically we use the ^GW EPL2 command:

TTF in PostScript using Ghostscript not showing glyphs in Adobe lIlustrator

So, I have a PostScript that I'm converting into PDF using a custom font i.e. one that isn't included in the computer/Ghostscript library originally.
The font is rendered correctly in the PDF (visbly and its embedded stated by the pre-flight prespress analysis), and when the PDF is viewed in Photoshop it looks good also.
However, the issue is when I bring it into Illustrator the font glyphs are not recognised and appear as a .notdef character (a rectangle with a cross through it).
Within Illustrator I have the font installed when I view it in my dropdown of fonts. But this still doesn't help.
Has anyone else had this issue or can even replicate it?
I have used two (following) processed to include fonts into my ghostscript environment to troubleshoot but both produce incorrect results.
Converted the TTF into Type42
Added TTF into Ghostscript FontMap
Attached is the ZIP file containing the PDF and the TTF font I've used (I have used others also with the same results). If you need anymore files please let me know and I'll update.
Zip file
Below is the PostScript file (very simple) and my execution.
/inch {72 mul} bind def
/Pacifico 20 selectfont
1 inch 10 inch moveto
/fontheight currentfont dup /FontBBox get dup 3 get % top
exch 1 get sub % top - bottom
exch /FontMatrix get 3 get mul def % adjusted by height multiplier
/lineheight fontheight 1 mul def % add 20% for line spacing
/newline {0 lineheight neg rmoveto} bind def % negate height to move downwards
gsave (lineheight: ) show lineheight 20 string cvs show grestore
newline gsave (Museo) show grestore
gs -o fonttest.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 \
P.S.: I know that this could be an Illustrator bug, to which I have opened up a support ticket, but this can also be the way I'm embedding the font or someone out there may just have the answer :D
I found this thread UTF-8 PDF generated with TCPDF showing up fine in Adobe Acrobat but corrupted in Illustrator and Google preview which spoke about corruption in Illustrator.
Using this I thought that it was likely subsetting causing the issue in ghostscript.
Found this thread How to make GhostScript PS2PDF stop subsetting fonts and applied the Ghostscript options to stop font subsetting.
So in my command to Ghostscript I use the
and that worked! In Illustrator the font displays as expected.
So my full gs command is:
gs -o output.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 \
-dSubsetFonts=false -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress
