Julia GraphDisplay error - compilation

I am running an example and I receive this error.
ERROR: LoadError: error compiling anonymous: unsupported or misplaced expression "using" in function anonymous
while loading /home/xxx/Desktop/xxx/TD1/exemple.jl, in expression starting on line 25
These are lines 25 and 26 in the example,
if GraphDisplay
using Plots
I also get a warning
WARNING: could not import Base.issymmetric into LinearOperators
which goes away when I run Pkg.add("LinearOperators") but I have to do this everytime I quit and reopen Julia.


MoinMoin 1.9 invalid syntax

I'm trying to transfer MoinMoin to a new machine (Mac) and keep getting and invalid syntax error when I try to run wikiserver.py (with python2.6):
/moin-1.9-master/MoinMoin/support/werkzeug/utils.py", line 189
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I'd appreciate any helpful hints!
I was following the instructions at https://moinmo.in/DesktopEdition and expected the server to start up, but instead I got the invalid syntax error.

Errors while performing schema compare

I'm trying to perform a schema compare using the latest VS 2019 and SSDT tools.
However, two errors appear, which both start with:
An error occurred while attempting to reverse engineer elements of type
If I do the same SQL compare from VS 2017, there are no errors.
The first is:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error An error occurred while attempting to reverse engineer elements of type Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel.SqlDatabaseCredential: Batch Command during reverse engineer failed with Error Code: -2146232060 Line Number: 7 Error Message:
Incorrect syntax near 'HINT'.
Incorrect syntax near 'HINT'.
Incorrect syntax near 'HINT'.
Incorrect syntax near 'HINT'.. 0
And the second is:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error An error occurred while attempting to reverse engineer elements of type Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel.SqlErrorMessage: Batch Command during reverse engineer failed with Error Code: -2146232060 Line Number: 15 Error Message:
Incorrect syntax near 'HINT'.
Incorrect syntax near 'HINT'.
Incorrect syntax near 'HINT'.
Incorrect syntax near 'HINT'.. 0
I had the same error. Schema comparison from VS2019 to SQL Server 13.0.x failed. It worked properly with other SQL Server instances (other versions).
I applied all updates on SQL server up to 13.0.5292.0, and it works like a charm.

Prolog natural language parser, Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated

i am trying to make a prolog language parser. when i go to load my script my get the error
ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
ERROR: [13] throw(error(instantiation_error,_1940))
ERROR: [7] <user>
ERROR: Note: some frames are missing due to last-call optimization.
ERROR: Re-run your program in debug mode (:- debug.) to get more detail.
my code is as follows
np(Sentence,Parse,Rem):- np2(Sentence,Parse,Rem).
np2([H|T],np2(noun(H)),T):- noun(H).
np2([H|T],np2(adj(H),Rest),Rem):- adj(H),np2(T,Rest,Rem).
i have read through some of the other posts on this but im still not sure where i have gone wrong.
to check that np pp and vp work i am using the calls; np([the,cat,sat,on,the,mat],O,L). , pp([on,the,mat],P,L). and vp([the,cat,sat,on,the,mat],O,L).. one call the error ERROR: Undefined procedure: vp/3 (DWIM could not correct goal) appears, it is the same error for all 3 calls with the only difference being vp/3 is either np/3 or pp/3
the desired goal is to use the call sentence(some_sentence) and have the program output the results of np pp and vp.

mllr_solve 'Error reading byte order magic number' on Windows

I'm following the Adapting Default Acoustic model tutorial and have hit a error running mllr_solve.
INFO: main.c(382): -- 1. Read input mean, (var) and accumulation.
ERROR: "pio.c", line 434: fread() failed; retrying...
: No error
ERROR: "swap.c", line 79: error while reading bo_magic
ERROR: "s3io.c", line 177: Error reading byte order magic number
ERROR: "s3io.c", line 265: Error reading header for en-us-8khz\means
FATAL: "main.c", line 392: Couldn't read en-us-8khz\means
I compiled sphinxtrain and sphinxbase using Visual Studio 2017 using 'Release\Win32'.
Is there anyway to change the means/variances files or change s3io.c?
This issue is most likely caused by runtime incompatibility between sphinxbase and sphinxtrain. Time to blame Windows designers, not software

Webcam Performance System Test - WNCameraRequirements - Error: parseEtl Failed with error REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG (0x80040154)

I am running whck performance tests on our camera, the test that currently fails is:
Webcam Performance System Test - WNCameraRequirements
the test iterates thourgh the camera media types and records a etl file as expected, its stops and closes the camera but then the test fails due to the parsing of the etl file, the logs:
Start Operation: parseEtl average 250 endGuid
{B8197C10-845F-40ca-82AB-9341E98CFC2B} endId 215 max 275 name Time to
switch Preview MediaTypes scenario DiffEventSeries skip 1 startGuid
{B8197C10-845F-40ca-82AB-9341E98CFC2B} startId 243
Parsing Etl: previewIterateMediaTypes_7-20_10-22-58.etl
Warning: CoCreateInstance(CLSID_EtwFilter, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IEtwFilter,
(void**)spEtwFilter.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()) failed with
* File: testsrc\multimediatest\common\helpers\capture\videocaptureperf\videocaptureperf.cpp
Ln: 260
Warning: DiffEventSeries( etlFileName, pszStartEventGuid,
startId, pszEndEventGuid, endId, &min, &max, &ave, skip,
m_spLog.Get()) failed with REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG (0x80040154)
* File: testsrc\multimediatest\common\helpers\capture\captureengine\captureengineautomation.cpp
Ln: 2109
Error: parseEtl Failed with error REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG
I tried searcing for a missing dll for ETW but I found nothing related. seems like theres a bug in the whck test while trying to parse the generated etl file... is this Error seems familier to anyone??
I used the wrong whql tests platform version (needed x64), and I needed to regsvr32 etwpatterns.dll. that being said, this test is filtered out by microsoft (whql filters) so we eventually ignored it.
