Kibana Multiple Representations of single field - elasticsearch

When I'm looking at my index in Kibana there are many representation in the index for the same field. Below is an example:
What I'm wondering about is, can I configure a way to hide the values that end users in Kibana don't need to see. I don't see anything in the "edit" section for each field that enables me to do so.
I'm trying to make kibana as user friendly as possible for end users and having 2 different representations is going to be confusing.
Is it something I need to configure in the Mapping? Sorry I'm just getting used to the new Kibana interface.

You can filter out a field by adding it to the source filters on the Index Pattern. Management > Index Patterns > Source Filters


Elastic Search and Search Ranking Models

I am new to Elastic Search. I would like to know if the following steps are how typically people use ES to build a search engine.
Use Elastic Search to get a list of qualified documents/results based on a user's input.
Build and use a search ranking model to sort this list.
Use this sorted list as the output of the search engine to the user.
I would probably add a few steps
Think about your information model.
What kinds of documents are you indexing?
What are the important fields and what field types are they?
What fields should be shown in the search result?
All this becomes part of your mapping
Index documents
Are the underlying data changing or can you index it just once?
How are you detecting new docuemtns/deletes/updates?
This will be included in your connetors, that can be set up in multiple ways, for example using the Documents API
A bit of trial and error to sort out your ranking model
Depending on your use case, the default ranking may be enough.
have a look at the Search API to try out different ranking.
Use the search result list to present the results to the end user

Property not available for visualize in kibana

While trying to change a Visualization in Kibana to use another property for the x-axis, that property doesn't appear there.
I changed recently nlog to target elastic search using the Elastic common schema.
After that change the property is not longer called ResolvedRoute but instead _metadata.resolved_route, the problem is that it doesn't appear on the field for x-axis, it says no matches found.
It is not on the available fields
I'm still new to elastic search and kibana, so it's possible i'm missing something simple.
Don't know if it's related, but when on Discovermenu, looking at the Available fields all of _metadata fields have a question mark
I'm already trying to map some of these fields in Index Management / Edit template
Also, if i go to the console and type
GET /logstash-2020.11.25/_search
"query": {
"match_all": {}
I can see the fields of _metadata that i want, inside _source which is inside of hits.
I think i already had a similar problem where i had to delete all indexes that match the pattern and then the field appeared, but that doesn't make much sense.
What could be the problem?
Chances are high that you haven't refreshed the corresponding index pattern in Kibana. Therefore the data might exist as documents in Elasticsearch but not yet as a field in the index pattern, which is a Kibana Saved Object.
Please go to Settings / Stack Management (depending on your Kibana version), click on the index pattern you expect the field to be in and refresh the fields list (icon is in the upper right corner).
Please let me know if that solved your problem.
The fields in question were not correctly mapped in the template.
since metadata is an object it needs to be mapped like that first,
then inside of it we can map it's own properties.

Using Scripted field as time variable in Kibana

Kibana allows to conveniently filter data or visualizations based on time.
Apparently Kibana should automatically detect a "time variable" and use it for time-based filtering. In my specific case the field providing information about time is a Scripted Field: how can I specify that I want to use it for time-based filtering operations?
You can create scripted fields in the Kibana as mentioned in this link.
Basically if you have index pattern, click on that index pattern and you should be able to view the below image. Note the Add scripted field section. I suggest you to explore it.
Once you do that, you should be able to see the scripted field name that you'd have created for that index in the visualiser and thereby you can make use of it as mentioned in the below image.
For e.g. I've created a field myscript as mentioned in above image and added doc['date'].value as script in it.
Important Note: You can only make use of this scripted date field as a filter option.
Kibana doesn't have an option to use this scripted field as the default date field or time filter field or as date field for TSVB as I suppose it requires the field to be indexed.
Hope it helps!
Update: Kibana now supports using Runtime Fields in TSVB visualizations. They are available since 7.11 and are GA since 7.12.
Runtime fields will appear in TSVB just like any other field does (but might be slower to aggregate on).

Does updating Elasticsearch indices requires updating Kibana index pattern?

I am using Elasticsearch and Kibana as plugin to view the data in the indices. I am using Kibana's DevTools to send commands for adding/deleting/updating indices etc.
I want to add a field to a certain text property so it will have a keyword field to be able to both make a full text searches and aggregate using this property.
1) Does a change like that means I need to update Kibana's index pattern as well?
2) I have read the ElasticSearch's docs on PUT Mappings and know how to use it to update the indices themselves, but I don't know how to update the index patterns.. I read the same API should be used to update it, but I don't know how to see the index pattern's original mapping in order to update it.
Yes, if you change the index mapping in ES, then you need to go in Kibana and refresh the related index patterns.
Right now, you need to go inside Kibana (Management > Index patterns), select the index pattern, and press the "Refresh" button at the top right of the window in order to pick up the mapping changes.
Also note that if you updated some text fields in order to have a keyword sub-field, you'll also need to call the _update_by_query API on your index in order to reindex the changed field in all your documents

How to find fields with mapping conflicts

My index settings in Kibana tell me that I have fields with mapping conflicts in my logstash-* index patterns.
What is the easiest way to find out which fields have a conflicting mapping and/or in which indices the conflict occurs?
As of at least Kibana 5.2, you can type "conflict" into the Filter field, which will filter all fields down to only those which have a conflict. At the far right there is a column named "controls", and for each field it has a button with a pencil icon. Clicking that will tell you which indices have which mapping.
Fields filtered to only those with conflicts:
Indices in which field mapping conflicts:
You can easily find how fields are mapped using the mapping API in Kibana.
If you know you have a mapping conflict, I will assume you know the field name that has the conflict. These will be listed under Management/Index Patterns/index_pattern
If you have indices that are created daily, such as production-2020.06.16, you can search across all the indices with production*.
Go to Dev Tools and enter this query, changing the index pattern (production*) and conflictedFieldname to suit your needs.
GET production*/_mapping/field/conflictedFieldname
This will pull all indices that match the production* pattern and will list the mapping for conflictedFieldname for each index. Scroll through and see which one is not like the other one.
You can also check out the Elasticsearch documentation here: Elasticsearch documentation: Get Field Mapping API
The reason you're getting a conflict is because the first value that goes into the index is used by Elasticsearch to make its best guess as to what data type it should be. You can ensure it is always the same type by placing a template for the index pattern you are concerned with.
Elasticsearch documentation: Put Index Template
In Elasticsearch 5.5.2, you can click on the dropdown on the right of the Filter search box and select "conflict". This is in the Index Patterns page.
It should be easy to spot those in the list of fields, when defining the pattern. Something like this:
Since I couldn't locate the mapping conflict in the gui. I went down the hard path analysed my config for missing/conflicting field type found the offender and reindexed my data.
If you click the type column on the index patterns page where the warning is displayed, it should sort the indexes by type. Conflicted fields will have type 'conflict'.
