TaskInternal.execute Migration - spring-boot

In a spring boot application in the build.gradle
task loadDbConfigFromSpringProfile {
def activeProfileProperties = new Properties()
file("src/main/resources/application.properties").withInputStream {
def profileProperties = new Properties()
file("src/main/resources/application-" + activeProfileProperties.getProperty("spring.profiles.active") + ".properties").withInputStream {
active_db_url = profileProperties.getProperty("spring.datasource.url")
When i run application with gradle 4.4, I get
The TaskInternal.execute() method has been deprecated and is scheduled
to be removed in Gradle 5.0.
I started to create a class who extends extends DefaultTask but I'm not sure if it's the easier way to fix issue.

If you remove the call to loadDbConfigFromSpringProfile.execute(), your code will have the same effect.
You do not even need the task definition, putting the following in your build file has the same effect:
def activeProfileProperties = new Properties()
file("src/main/resources/application.properties").withInputStream {
def profileProperties = new Properties()
file("src/main/resources/application-" + activeProfileProperties.getProperty("spring.profiles.active") + ".properties").withInputStream {
active_db_url = profileProperties.getProperty("spring.datasource.url")
Here is why: The task you are defining has no actions. Actions can be added to a task by using doLast or doFirst as shown in the hello world example.
That also means that everything which is in the body of your task is executed at configuration time - since it is supposed to be configuring the task.
Therefore, loadDbConfigFromSpringProfile.execute() has no effect - the task is skipped since it has no actions.

you can replace by finalizedBy()


Gradle how to change version number in source code

Java code:
public static String VERSION = "version_number";
Gradle build.gradle
version = '1.0'
How to set the version in java code from grade? The version must be in source code.
Is there a convenient way? A not-so-nice way:
copy the java file to another location, e.g. build/changed-source
change the version in the source, by replacing token
add the build/changed-source in main source set.
I'd do similar to Michael Easter but with these differences
Store generated sources separately from main sources (src/main/java and $buildDir/generated/java). This has the added benefit of not needing custom gitignore
Generate in a subdirectory of $buildDir so that clean task will delete the generated sources
Use a separate task for code generation with proper up-to-date & skip support
Use Copy.expand(Map) to do the token replacement
Since its directory based, everything in src/template/java will have tokens replaced. You can easily add more templates in future
package com.foo;
public class BuildInfo {
public static String getVersion() {
return "${version}";
task generateJava(type:Copy) {
def templateContext = [version: project.version]
inputs.properties templateContext // for gradle up-to-date check
from 'src/template/java'
into "$buildDir/generated/java"
expand templateContext
sourceSets.main.java.srcDir "$buildDir/generated/java" // add the extra source dir
compileJava.dependsOn generateJava // wire the generateJava task into the DAG
One method is to similar to your not-so-nice way, but slightly easier. Consider a file in templates/BuildInfo.java:
package __PACKAGE;
public class BuildInfo {
private static final String version = "__VERSION";
private static final String buildTimestamp = "__BUILD_TIMESTAMP";
public String toString() {
return "version : " + version + "\n" +
"build timestamp : " + buildTimestamp + "\n";
This file can then be "stamped" with information as first thing in the compileJava task and written to src/main/java/your/package/BuildInfo.java:
def targetPackage = 'net/codetojoy/util'
def targetPackageJava = 'net.codetojoy.util'
def appVersion = project.appVersion // from gradle.properties
def buildTimeStamp = new Date().toString()
compileJava {
doFirst {
ant.mkdir(dir: "${projectDir}/src/main/java/${targetPackage}")
def newBuildInfo = new File("${projectDir}/src/main/java/${targetPackage}/BuildInfo.java")
def templateBuildInfo = new File("${projectDir}/templates/TemplateBuildInfo.java")
newBuildInfo.withWriter { def writer ->
templateBuildInfo.eachLine { def line ->
def newLine = line.replace("__PACKAGE", targetPackageJava)
.replace("__VERSION", appVersion)
.replace("__BUILD_TIMESTAMP", buildTimeStamp)
writer.write(newLine + "\n");
A working example is provided here. Everything would be stored in source-control except the src/main/java/your/package/BuildInfo.java file. Note the version would be stored in gradle.properties.

Customize gradle task properties when dependsOn

I created custom task which should process output of gradle dependencies task ( exactly ./gradlew dependencies --configuration myFlavorDebugRuntimeClasspath). I want to create my custom task for every buildVariant (PassportGenerateTask passportGen = project.tasks.create("pasportGenerate${variantName}", PassportGenerateTask)).
But i cant customize dependenciesReportTask properties for every passportGen. When i call passportGen for speciefic buildVariant it use dependenciesReportTask.setProperty("configurations", ...) of last build variant among all (project.android.applicationVariants.all).
For examlpe if I have following build variants (googleDebug googleRelease samsungDebug samsungRelease) and call passportGen task (./gradlew pasportGenerateGoogleDebug) it will use wrong properties for dependenciesReportTask (configuration will be samsungReleaseRuntimeClasspath configuration )
class AppPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
project.afterEvaluate {
// Create tasks for each Build Variant
project.android.applicationVariants.all { ApplicationVariant variant ->
def variantName = variant.name.capitalize()
def variantOutput = variant.outputs.first()
//Generating configuration name for dependency report
def configurationName = ""
if (variant.productFlavors.size() > 0) {
configurationName += variant.productFlavors.get(0).name
configurationName += variant.getBuildType().name.capitalize()
} else {
configurationName += variant.getBuildType().name
configurationName += "RuntimeClasspath"
def configurations = project.configurations.collect()
configurations.removeAll {
//prepare file for output of "dependencies" tasks
def depReportFileName = "dependeciesReport${variantName}.txt"
def dependenciesReportOutputFile = new File(depReportFileName)
//Get "dependencies" task from all project tasks
def dependenciesReportTask = project.tasks["dependencies"]
dependenciesReportTask.setProperty("configurations", configurations)
dependenciesReportTask.setProperty("outputFile", dependenciesReportOutputFile)
//create cutom task for every buildVariant which depends on "dependencies" task
PassportGenerateTask passportGen = project.tasks.create("pasportGenerate${variantName}", PassportGenerateTask)
passportGen.variant = variant
passportGen.configuration = configurations.collect().get(0)
//add dependency on "dependencies"
passportGen.dependsOn dependenciesReportTask
The only way i can achieve what i want is call:
def dependenciesReportTask = project.tasks["dependencies"]
dependenciesReportTask.setProperty("configurations", configurations)
dependenciesReportTask.setProperty("outputFile", dependenciesReport)
inside my custom PassportGenerateTask task main action method (#TaskAction) but calling execute inside other task is deprecated feature and will be removed in gradle 5.0
It is not only deprecated, it is purely internal implementation detail that most probably does not do what you expect it does and almost always produces many more problems than it tries to solve and actually fails.
You most probably also shouldn't rape the dependencies task. If you need multiple such tasks with different configuration, simply create new tasks of type DependencyReportTask and configure them however you like.

Creating custom gradle task inside Grails plugin

I am trying to create a Grails plugin that creates a custom Gradle Task which can be depended on by bootRun. I would like to do something like this:
static void configureProcessConfig(Project project) {
TaskContainer taskContainer = project.tasks
if(taskContainer.findByName('processConfig') == null) {
taskContainer.create("processConfig") {
List<File> testResources = [project.file("src/test/resources")]
for (t in testResources) {
if (t.name.contains('.properties') || t.name.contains('.groovy')) {
Path originFile = t.toPath()
Path destFile = Paths.get('build/classes/main/' + t.name)
Files.copy(originFile, destFile)
def processConfigTask = taskContainer.findByName('processConfig')
However, I can't seem to get it to work in my xxxGrailsPlugin.groovy file. I don't know where to get the Project file to call this. It doesn't create the task. I am happy to do something different, but I can't figure out how to do it. I would prefer not to write to every build.gradle file where this plugin is used, but if that's the best option, I guess I will.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Task of Type Copy not executed

I am facing an issue executing my task of type Copy,:
Skipping the task as it has no source files
I get if I run in the debug mode.
My Plugin.groovy class (where the call to the plugin task in made )
Task task = project.tasks.create("makeJarPlugin", MakeJarPluginTask.class)
task.dependsOn("clearDistPlugin", "build")
My MakeJarPluginTask.grrovy
class MakeJarPluginTask extends Copy {
def makeJar(){
logger.lifecycle("creating a jar *********************")
def jarName = new VersionName().getNameWithVersion() + '.jar'
rename('classes.jar', jarName)
Now, I execute this task in my android studio project using
gradlew makeJarPlugin --info
It gives me the output:
Skipping task ':network:makeJar1' as it has no source files.
makeJar1 UP-TO-DATE
There is something wrong with the type Copy as in the same way I execute my delete task and it executes. Any pointers!
It seems that this answer may be helpful.
Hint: you need to configure the task. Otherwise it won't be executed since the whole configuration is done in makeJar which is too late since this is an action.
Instead of using copy you can also try:
class MakeJarPluginTask extends DefaultTask {
def makeJar() {
logger.lifecycle("creating a jar *********************")
project.copy {
def jarName = new VersionName().getNameWithVersion() + '.jar'
rename('classes.jar', jarName)

How to use gradle extension correctly in plugins using GradleBuild task?

EDIT : I rephrased my question in taken the propositon of David M. Karr into account.
I am writing a gradle plugin. This plugin is launching a task extending GradleBuild. The external gradle build file needs some info as parameters. These parameters are given in project extension.
Plugin code
class MyPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
def mExt
void apply(Project project) {
mExt = project.extensions.create('myext',MyExt)
project.task('myTask', type:GradleBuild){
def param = new StartParameter()
// Problem here
startParameter = param
buildFile = getMyBuildPath()
tasks = [
def getMyBuildPath(){
// Problem here
def getTarget(){
return {mExt.target}
class MyExt {
def String target = "uninitialised"
Gradle build file :
apply plugin : 'com.example.myplugin'
target = "myTarget"
External Gradle build file :
task build(){
println project.target
If I put a closure in getTarget(), println project.target shows the closure and not the string.
If I don't put the closure :
// Problem here
def getTarget(){
return mExt.target
Then I got "uninitialised" instead of "myTarget".
How can I get the value of myext.target here ?
I am using gradle 2.3
Try this:
Define an instance variable called "myext", of type "MyExt".
In the "apply" method, do this:
myext = project.extensions.create('myext',MyExt)
In the "getTarget" method, return "myext.target".
I have succeeded in getting what I wanted to in using project.afterEvaluate method. Thanks to this question
1) In gradle build task, startParameter.projectProperties is waiting for a map, not a closure. So the idea to put a closure for a lazy definition cannot work.
2) If I put directly in my plugin a reference to mExt.target or project.myext.target, then the initial value is set. The value put in my build.gradle file is not used because the plugin is already evaluated.
3) project.afterEvaluate() solve my problem. The closure ends configuring myTask in using the project's extension.
void apply(Project project) {
project.task('myTask', type:GradleBuild){
buildFile = getMyBuildPath()
tasks = [
project.afterEvaluate { proj ->
proj.myTask.startParameter.projectProperties = [target:proj.myext.target]
