Running an Apache Geode cluster in MAC OSX - macos

I've tried downloading the binaries, and successfully started gfsh, but when I try to start locator or server, the cli just stays forever trying to finalize the startup, adding points to the "progress bar" this:
Starting a Geode Server in /Users/sezcurra/geode/march-powerful-kite...
..............................<and goes on for ever>
Probably the answer is that it does not run on MAC OSX...

No, it runs using the Java Virtual Machine, which is available on OSX. So have you properly installed Java? Also, have you properly configured the cache xml config file.


Ubuntu VM CPU overload

I'm having an Ubuntu 14.04 VM in a cloud environment and after I run a set of Apache Bench tests on a tomcat service I have this problem that I cant stop:
I tried to kill this process but it starts automatically after I'm killing it, eating all my CPU. What could be the problem?
Tomcat is a Java VM environment for running things like an ERP System. It tends to use whatever resources are available in order to optimize and index portions of the database the application is linking to.
If this is a work-related PC or server I would advise you be very careful about playing around with this process until you figure out what application is running inside of Tomcat. It could be something mission critical to your business.

DOCKER network problems on the mac

The out-bound network connections fail on my Docker client (mac version), after running for an extended period of time. I'm running Docker on my mac (non-beta version of Docker, with the latest version of Sierra).
I launched a set of containers via Docker-compose, which connect to various web-services. The connections start out fine, with no issues, but then fail the very next day. That is, if I run a script like this: data = requests.get(""), it works perfectly when I launch the containers, but fails with a timeout error the next day. Moreover, if I attempt to rebuild the containers (stopping docker-compose), I see several DNS failures. BUT, my host system (my mac) is running fine, with no obvious problems. If I then restart the Docker client, everything works correctly.
Any suggestions would be welcome.

Running Jenkins slave on different OS than master (and host)

I'm trying to introduce continuous integration in an old project, and we've got quite specific situation - it's possible to put the CI server only on our test server that runs on CentOS. The server has quite a lot of unused RAM and CPU capability.
However, we need to run Ant builds on Windows (this also used to be how the project did packaging before), however it turned out that not the same output (after binary compare) is produced by just using Unix versions of Java and Ant.
I drew up a diagram of how in my mind it could work, but I'm really wondering whether that is even possible (with already given tools).
The black part is implemented, I'm curious whether the red part could be possible. Could the Jenkins slave communicate with master on different OS?
It should be possible. I have a feeling you will need to play with your network settings. But if before you start changing anything see if you can start a headless slave by following these directions:
Using VirtualBox for CentOS, it will possible to run a Windows VM on your CentOS host.
I'm not sure you need Docker to launch your Jenkins slave.
It maybe better to use a standard JNLP Windows service to connect your Windows slave to Dockerised Jenkins master.
If the master is not able to view the Windows node using this method, you may have to tweak your network configuration on the Windows VM.
But I'm not sure it's necessary.

Installing jenkins service from web start causes java.lang.error

I can launch a jenkins slave on a windows 7 machine using Java Web Start. It works fine, but when I select to install it as a service I get this error:
It looks like there is a problem on the low level unpacking of data structures, but I have no idea what the root cause is. Both master and slave machines are windows 7.1. and the jenkins version is 1.588 (latest available).
This appears to have been filed as Jenkins JIRA Ticket 25492. Please see if that instance is the same as yours.

Xcode 5 continuous integration: The Xcode Service is not enabled on the server

I've just installed Xcode 5 and OS X Server and trying to set up continuous integration. I followed these steps but when I try to add server in Xcode I get the following error:
"The Xcode Service is not enabled on the server '...'. Contact the administrator for assistance."
The Xcode service appears to be up and running, it shows as "Available" in the Server app and is accessible through HTTP.
Is there any way this can be troubleshooted?
I had the same problem. It looks like there are network name resolving issues there. Try using server's IP address instead of its name. It worked for me.
Unfortunately, is strange and it does not directly report issues with embedded webserver. Therefore, if you are running some other Webserver (or something else on 80 / 443), whole Xcode CI will not start properly and Xcode will report this issue.
For me, shutting down Apache and restarting the Xcode Server part solved the issue, yet as I need Apache running on my computer, I'm not going to use CI in it's current state. :-(
Possibly, I have to find out how to change default port for Xcode CI.
