I need a way to invoke each jvm endpoint of a cluster on Websphere in order to call the jvm to refresh the cache.
If I have the endpoint, I'm not sure in which jvm the request is going to be handled. The ideal thing would be to call every jvm endpoint to force them to refresh.
Is there any way I can do this on Websphere?
Or maybe having a different port for each jvm.
Thank you!
So, we have two Liberty servers with different versions.
WAS Liberty, and
WAS Liberty
Both of servers has the same configuration
But, the problem is, even with the same configuration, WAS Liberty version will auto load application context/servlet on start/restart without sending a request to them, while WAS Liberty version will not auto load application context/servlet on start/restart unless we send a request on it.
As per our search regarding this issue. In the IBM Knowledge center, it says that by default Liberty defers servlet loading until a request is received for the associated web application... but in WAS Liberty version, it will automatically load the servlet/application context.
Help will be very much appreciated for this one.
Note: we did not add <webContainer deferServletLoad="false"/> in our server.xml
Liberty used to deploy the web application on first request. That was the behaviour in I don’t recall exactly when we changed when we deploy, but we updated to deploy async during startup rather than on first request since a number of people were expecting their servlet inits to be triggered sooner than first request.
There are multiple enterprise applications running on IBM WebSphere 8.5
For one of our application, we want to set proxy level settings.
I know we can set proxy level on application server level by going to JVM Custom properties and setting http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort.
How can I set proxy level settings for single application on a server ?
Any help will be appreciated.
For example - employee-soap-services-0_1_0_war is my application which I want to run with proxy. Attached is the screen of all application in server.
As you told http.proxyHost setting is at JVM level and will have impact for every applications running on that JVM.
If your requirement is to route all the webservices calls through proxy, why cant you make the web services endpoint URL the address of a proxy server accessible over HTTP and route the request from their to the actual endpoint URL?
For example,
Your application ---> http://proxyserver.com:333/app=employee-soap ---> http://employee-soap-services-actual-endpoint/
I want to make an application like JConsole. Is it possible? If yes, what are the changes need to done at JVM level? I am planning to use Spring-Boot. As per my knowledge, JMX is enabled by default. Do I need to configure anything extra in my Spring-Boot app in order to access the JMXBeans which are exposed by default?
Here I'm not trying to expose any MBean instead I'm trying to access those beans which are already exposed by JVM. How to achieve it?
JConsole is a JMX compliant monitoring and management application. The architecture is quite simple. It's a client-server architecture. Where the client is the Remote application (Example JConsole or the one that you want to build) and the server is the JMX Agent. In your case, you want to build your own client which is possible.
I want to make an application like JConsole. Is it possible?
Yes, it is possible.
If yes, what are the changes need to done at JVM level?
What do you mean by changes at JVM level? You are simply creating a client application that connects to the server (JMX Agent) using a certain protocol. Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is the protocol used by JConsole for the connection to the JMX Agent. If you want to use RMI for communication, you don't have to do anything on the server side. But if you want to use some other protocol for communication, you can define your own Protocol adapter.
As per my knowledge, JMX is enabled by default.
As of Java SE 6 it is. But you can only monitor it locally. For connection from a remote machine, you need to define an RMI port to start listening for incoming connections.
Here I'm not trying to expose any MBean instead I'm trying to access those beans which are already exposed by JVM. How to achieve it?
Please check out the example from this link - Mimicking Out-of-the-Box Management Using the JMX Remote API. It shows you how to create a simple client application that connects to a remote JMX agent and access the MBeans. This should guide you in the right direction.
Need to call a EJB service from the servlet context listener's contextInitialized() method. Application is running on JBOSS, though the context listener works fine, I'm not able to access the EJB bean through JNDI look up.
Because the web deployment in JBOSS happens before EJB beans are bound with JNDI tree. How to overcome from this? Is there a way to configure JNDI bind early or start the web deployment later once EJB's are completely deployed?
I had put Thread.sleep() before the service call in the contextInitialized() method, it is working fine in my JBoss5.1.0 GA, and the same did not work in other machines JBoss of same version.
Applications needs this because, we want to load some master data from the DB and make it available in the web layer (kind of caching). Does JBOSS startupmbean suit this requirement? If yes how can I make the data available to web layer?
Also if any alternative ways are available, please suggest.
Poll for the EJBs in contextInitialized(). So instead of just sleeping for a certain time, try to connect to the EJB. If that fails, sleep, and retry, until the EJBs are available. In this case the context initialization is blocked.
Implement the cache as a lazy one: Fill the cache during the first query (and use the same polling procedure: connect to the EJB, retry until it becomes available). In this case the cache blocks.
You could split your deployment into two parts: One for the EJBs, one for the web application. Then deploy the first, and delay deployment of the web application until the EJBs are bound (either by watching the log file or by trying bind to the EJB from a command line app)
I need to set up an HTTP connection pool in a Spring app on a Tomcat server.
We are debating whether to define the pool at the application or at the server level (applicationContext.xml vs server.xml).
My problem is: I've looked and I've looked, but I just can't find any info on doing either.
For now, I'm working with org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingClientConnectionManager inside my class, and it's working ok.
How would I be able to define a pool outside my Java code and work with it from there?
Here is the configuration reference you are looking for for tomcat 7:
Here is also another SO post on the same subject: How to increase number of threads in tomcat thread pool?