Request response over HTTP with Spring and activemq - spring-boot

I am building a simple REST api which connects a web server to a back end service, which performs a simple check and sends a response.
So client (over HTTP) -> to Web Server (over ACTIVEMQ/CAMEL)-> to Checking-Service, and back again.
The endpoint for the GET request is "/{id}". I'm trying to make this send a message through queue:ws-out to queue:cs-in and map it all the way back again to the original GET request.
The Checking-Service (cs) code is fine, it simply changes a value in the CheckMessage object to true using jmslistener.
I've searched the web thoroughly for examples, but can't get anything to work. The closest one I found was the following.
This is what I have so far on the Web Server (ws).
import ...
public class RESTController extends Exception{
CamelContext camelContext;
JmsTemplate jmsTemplate;
public String testCamel(#PathVariable String id) {
//Object used to send out
CheckMessage outMsg = new CheckMessage(id);
//Object used to receive response
CheckMessage inMsg = new CheckMessage(id);
//Sending the message out (working)
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend("ws-out", outMsg);
//Returning the response to the client (need correlation to the out message"
return jmsTemplate.receiveSelectedAndConvert("ws-in", ??);
Listener on ws
public class WSListener {
//For receiving the response from Checking-Service
#JmsListener(destination = "ws-in")
public void receiveMessage(CheckMessage response) {

your receive messages from "ws-in" with 2 consumers jmsTemplate.receiveSelectedAndConvert and WSListener !! message from a queue is consumed by one of the 2.
you send messages to "ws-out" and consume from "ws-in" ?? last queue
is empty and not receive any message, you have to send messages to
you need a valid selector to retrieve the message with receiveSelectedAndConvert based on JMSCorrelationID as the example you mntioned or the id received from the rest request but you need to add this id to the message headers like below
this.jmsTemplate.convertAndSend("ws-out", id, new MessageCreator() {
public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
TextMessage tm = session.createTextMessage(new CheckMessage(id));
return tm;
return jmsTemplate.receiveSelectedAndConvert("ws-in", "JMSCorrelationID='" + id+ "'");
forward messages from "ws-out" to "ws-in"
public class WSListener {
//For receiving the response from Checking-Service
#JmsListener(destination = "ws-out")
public void receiveMessage(CheckMessage response) {
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend("ws-in", response);


Webflux and WebSocket, issue distributing new messages

I am currently trying to learn basics of Webflux and Websocket. Both are new concept for me, and I am making a small project to practice what I learned, followed with a VueJs front-end.
I managed to connect on the WebSocket, when I send a message I have an automatic reply with the data saved on Firestore which is what I wanted. But soon as I open a new browser and that I open a new connection, I don't receive the other browser chat messages, I just receive the message that I send from the browser where I am sending the message, they are completely ignoring each other messages even if they are connected on same URL.
Here is my URL handler mapping (it accepts all url that has /chatroom/ so I can create all the topics I want)
public class WebFluxConfig {
private final WebFluxWebSocketHandler handler;
public HandlerMapping handlerMapping(){
Map<String, WebFluxWebSocketHandler> handlerMap = Map.of(
"/chatroom/*", handler
return new SimpleUrlHandlerMapping(handlerMap, 1);
and here my handler on a class that implement WebSocketHandler :
public class WebFluxWebSocketHandler implements WebSocketHandler {
private final ChatMessageService chatMessageService;
public Mono<Void> handle(WebSocketSession webSocketSession) {
Flux<WebSocketMessage> stringFlux = webSocketSession.receive()
.doOnNext(chatMessage ->
.replace("/chatroom/", "")
.flatMap(chatMessage ->
.map(chatMessage -> webSocketSession.textMessage(SerializationUtility.convertChatMessageToJson(chatMessage)))
return webSocketSession.send(stringFlux);
Both browser I use to open a connection and send message are connected through the same URL which is
this.websocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8095/chatroom/frontend-testing-room")
How can I manage to send the new message response to everybody connected on the same URL and not only to the one that is sending the message ?

Retrieve JMS Headers right after the message is sent without consuming the message

How can I retrieve JMS Message headers after sending the message but without consuming the message ?
this is my message sending code
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(que, text, message -> {"setting JMS Message header values");
message.setStringProperty(RequestContext.HEADER_ID, id);
//; -- this gives a null value here
return message;
the message headers get generated only after the message is posted to the queue so iis there a simple way to retrieve JMS message headers when using MessagePostProcessor?
I've referred the links - here and here but not much of help :(
You can't get the JmsMessageID header until the message is actually sent; the post processor just allows you to modify the converted message JUST BEFORE it is sent.
However, your second link should work ok, since it saves off a reference to the message which you can access later.
public class So48001045Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args).close();
public ApplicationRunner runner(JmsTemplate template) {
return args -> {
final AtomicReference<Message> msg = new AtomicReference<>();
template.convertAndSend("foo", "bar", m -> {
return m;

Multiple threads in spring controller

I' writing some websockets apllication on spring boot. From front-end there are send request to my controller, and there message is send message to another user, below I show controllers method:
private MessagingService messagingService;
private DaoMessageService daoMessageService;
public MessageController(MessagingService messagingService, DaoMessageService daoMessageService){
this.messagingService = messagingService;
this.daoMessageService = daoMessageService;
public void sendMessage(MessageDto messageDto, Principal principal) throws InterruptedException {
String recipient = messageDto.getRecipient();
String user = principal.getName();
Message message = new Message(messageDto.getContent());
daoMessageService.saveMessageForUser(user, message);
messagingService.convertAndSendToUser(recipient, message);
My question is : If many users will be write messages, there will create some like queue for these message wait for handle by this controller ? Or maybe there are create one controller for request or session scope ? if not, how I can use it asynchronously ? I can't read it anywhere.

Spring send message to Websocket Message Broker

I want to send a message to websocket subscribers of a specific record - when an action takes place in one of my service class.
I'm trying to read the Spring Websocket documentation but it's kind of ambiguous to the point of how to get all these things working together.
Here are my setup files (this is extending jHipster btw):
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
config.enableStompBrokerRelay("/queue/", "/topic/", "/exchange/");
config.setPathMatcher(new AntPathMatcher("."));
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
protected void configureInbound(MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry messages) {
// message types other than MESSAGE and SUBSCRIBE
// matches any destination that starts with /rooms/
// (i.e. cannot send messages directly to /topic/, /queue/)
// (i.e. cannot subscribe to /topic/messages/* to get messages sent to
// /topic/messages-user<id>)
.simpTypeMatchers(SimpMessageType.MESSAGE, SimpMessageType.SUBSCRIBE).denyAll()
// catch all
Controller class (attempt at implementing a simple broker I can test subscribing to from sockjs and recieving messages generated elsewhere in the application:
public void activity(#DestinationVariable string id, #Payload String message){
log.debug("Sending command center: "+message);
#RequestMapping(value = "/updateactivity", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
public ResponseEntity<Membership> updateMembership(
#RequestBody Membership membership) throws URISyntaxException {
// ...
String testString = "test";
messagingTemplate.convertAndSend("/topic/commandcenter"+membership.getId().toString(), testString);
// ...
When I put a breakpoint on the public void activity method, I don't get anything?
Sending a message to "/topic/commandcenterID" using the messaging template will send that message to the message broker, which will dispatch that message to clients subscribed to that topic. So it won't flow through your activity method.
When using #MessageMapping annotated methods, you're declaring those as application destinations. So sending a message to "/app/ws" should map to that method. Note that in that case I doubt it'll work since the destination variable you're expecting as a method argument is missing from the path definition in the #MessageMapping annotation.
Also, the #SendTo annotation in fact tells Spring that the value returned by the method should be converted to a message and sent to the given destination.
It seems you're mixing things up here, and I think you should:
read carefully the flow of messages in Spring STOMP support
look at a few example apps like the websocket portfolio and websocket chat

Asynchronous variation of the service activator EIP?

We have the following Camel route in our application:
.process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
final Message in = exchange.getIn();
final DataRequest body = in.getBody(DataRequest.class);
final DataRequest.Items items = body.getItems();
getContext().createProducerTemplate().sendBody(importUri, body);
DataResponse response = new DataResponse();
We want the "webServiceRoute" to return the response user as soon as the processor has validated the data and forwarded the message to the "importUri". But right now it seems like the response is not returned to the caller until the "importUri" exchange is completed. So my question is what is the "correct" way to asynchronously forward the received request to another queue? There will not be any reply from the "importUri" exchange (i.e. it should be InOnly).
You can replace .sendBody(importUri, body) by .asyncSendBody(importUri, body).
Nevertheless I find your route looks strange to me, why do you use a processor to forward your message. I would write something like:
DataResponse successResponse = new DataResponse();
class WebServiceRouteHelper {
public DataRequest validate(DataRequest dataRequest) throws Exception {
final DataRequest.Items items = body.getItems();
return dataRequest;
