How to capture shell script output - shell

I have an unix shell script. I have put -x in shell to see all the execution step. Now I want to capture these in one log file on a daily basis.
Psb script.
#!/bin/ksh -x
Print " copying file" | tee $logifle
Scp -i key source destination | tee -a $logfile.
Exit 0;

First line of the shell script is known as shebang , which indicates what interpreter has to be execute the below script.
Similarly first line is commented which denotes coming lines not related to that interpreted session.
To capture the output, run the script redirect your output while running the script.
ksh -x scriptname >> output_file
Note:it will output what your script's doing line by line

There are two cases, using ksh as your shell, then you need to do IO redirection accordingly, and using some other shell and executing a .ksh script, then IO redirection could be done based on that shell. Following method should work for most of the shells.
$ cat somescript.ksh
#!/bin/ksh -x
printf "Copy file \n";
printf "Do something else \n";
Run it:
$ ./somescript.ksh 1>some.log 2>&1
some.log will contain,
+ printf 'Copy file \n'
Copy file
+ printf 'Do something else \n'
Do something else
In your case, no need to specify logfile and/or tee. Script would look something like this,
#!/bin/ksh -x
printf "copying file\n"
scp -i key user#server /path/to/file
exit 0
Run it:
$ ./myscript 1>/path/to/logfile 2>&1
2>&1 captures both stderr and stdout into stdout and 1>logfile prints it out into logfile.

I would prefer to explicitly redirecting the output (including stderr 2> because set -x sends output to stderr).
This keeps the shebang short and you don't have to cram the redirecton and filename-building into it.
exec >> $logfile 2>&1 # redirecting all output to logfile (appending)
set -x # switch on debugging
# now start working
echo "print something"


I want to place after all: echo "etc" ( >> filename) [duplicate]

Is it possible to redirect all of the output of a Bourne shell script to somewhere, but with shell commands inside the script itself?
Redirecting the output of a single command is easy, but I want something more like this:
if [ ! -t 0 ]; then
# redirect all of my output to a file here
# rest of script...
Meaning: if the script is run non-interactively (for example, cron), save off the output of everything to a file. If run interactively from a shell, let the output go to stdout as usual.
I want to do this for a script normally run by the FreeBSD periodic utility. It's part of the daily run, which I don't normally care to see every day in email, so I don't have it sent. However, if something inside this one particular script fails, that's important to me and I'd like to be able to capture and email the output of this one part of the daily jobs.
Update: Joshua's answer is spot-on, but I also wanted to save and restore stdout and stderr around the entire script, which is done like this:
# save stdout and stderr to file
# descriptors 3 and 4,
# then redirect them to "foo"
exec 3>&1 4>&2 >foo 2>&1
# ...
# restore stdout and stderr
exec 1>&3 2>&4
Addressing the question as updated.
#...part of script without redirection...
#...part of script with redirection...
} > file1 2>file2 # ...and others as appropriate...
#...residue of script without redirection...
The braces '{ ... }' provide a unit of I/O redirection. The braces must appear where a command could appear - simplistically, at the start of a line or after a semi-colon. (Yes, that can be made more precise; if you want to quibble, let me know.)
You are right that you can preserve the original stdout and stderr with the redirections you showed, but it is usually simpler for the people who have to maintain the script later to understand what's going on if you scope the redirected code as shown above.
The relevant sections of the Bash manual are Grouping Commands and I/O Redirection. The relevant sections of the POSIX shell specification are Compound Commands and I/O Redirection. Bash has some extra notations, but is otherwise similar to the POSIX shell specification.
Typically we would place one of these at or near the top of the script. Scripts that parse their command lines would do the redirection after parsing.
Send stdout to a file
exec > file
with stderr
exec > file
exec 2>&1
append both stdout and stderr to file
exec >> file
exec 2>&1
As Jonathan Leffler mentioned in his comment:
exec has two separate jobs. The first one is to replace the currently executing shell (script) with a new program. The other is changing the I/O redirections in the current shell. This is distinguished by having no argument to exec.
You can make the whole script a function like this:
main_function() {
then at the end of the script have this:
if [ -z $TERM ]; then
# if not run via terminal, log everything into a log file
main_function 2>&1 >> /var/log/my_uber_script.log
# run via terminal, only output to screen
Alternatively, you may log everything into logfile each run and still output it to stdout by simply doing:
# log everything, but also output to stdout
main_function 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/my_uber_script.log
For saving the original stdout and stderr you can use:
exec [fd number]<&1
exec [fd number]<&2
For example, the following code will print "walla1" and "walla2" to the log file (a.txt), "walla3" to stdout, "walla4" to stderr.
exec 5<&1
exec 6<&2
exec 1> ~/a.txt 2>&1
echo "walla1"
echo "walla2" >&2
echo "walla3" >&5
echo "walla4" >&6
[ -t <&0 ] || exec >> test.log
I finally figured out how to do it. I wanted to not just save the output to a file but also, find out if the bash script ran successfully or not!
I've wrapped the bash commands inside a function and then called the function main_function with a tee output to a file. Afterwards, I've captured the output using if [ $? -eq 0 ].
#! /bin/sh -
main_function() {
main_function > >(tee -a "/var/www/logs/output.txt") 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo 'Success!'
echo 'Failure!'

How to redirect the stream inline? It is possible not to keep repeating the code? [duplicate]

Is it possible to redirect all of the output of a Bourne shell script to somewhere, but with shell commands inside the script itself?
Redirecting the output of a single command is easy, but I want something more like this:
if [ ! -t 0 ]; then
# redirect all of my output to a file here
# rest of script...
Meaning: if the script is run non-interactively (for example, cron), save off the output of everything to a file. If run interactively from a shell, let the output go to stdout as usual.
I want to do this for a script normally run by the FreeBSD periodic utility. It's part of the daily run, which I don't normally care to see every day in email, so I don't have it sent. However, if something inside this one particular script fails, that's important to me and I'd like to be able to capture and email the output of this one part of the daily jobs.
Update: Joshua's answer is spot-on, but I also wanted to save and restore stdout and stderr around the entire script, which is done like this:
# save stdout and stderr to file
# descriptors 3 and 4,
# then redirect them to "foo"
exec 3>&1 4>&2 >foo 2>&1
# ...
# restore stdout and stderr
exec 1>&3 2>&4
Addressing the question as updated.
#...part of script without redirection...
#...part of script with redirection...
} > file1 2>file2 # ...and others as appropriate...
#...residue of script without redirection...
The braces '{ ... }' provide a unit of I/O redirection. The braces must appear where a command could appear - simplistically, at the start of a line or after a semi-colon. (Yes, that can be made more precise; if you want to quibble, let me know.)
You are right that you can preserve the original stdout and stderr with the redirections you showed, but it is usually simpler for the people who have to maintain the script later to understand what's going on if you scope the redirected code as shown above.
The relevant sections of the Bash manual are Grouping Commands and I/O Redirection. The relevant sections of the POSIX shell specification are Compound Commands and I/O Redirection. Bash has some extra notations, but is otherwise similar to the POSIX shell specification.
Typically we would place one of these at or near the top of the script. Scripts that parse their command lines would do the redirection after parsing.
Send stdout to a file
exec > file
with stderr
exec > file
exec 2>&1
append both stdout and stderr to file
exec >> file
exec 2>&1
As Jonathan Leffler mentioned in his comment:
exec has two separate jobs. The first one is to replace the currently executing shell (script) with a new program. The other is changing the I/O redirections in the current shell. This is distinguished by having no argument to exec.
You can make the whole script a function like this:
main_function() {
then at the end of the script have this:
if [ -z $TERM ]; then
# if not run via terminal, log everything into a log file
main_function 2>&1 >> /var/log/my_uber_script.log
# run via terminal, only output to screen
Alternatively, you may log everything into logfile each run and still output it to stdout by simply doing:
# log everything, but also output to stdout
main_function 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/my_uber_script.log
For saving the original stdout and stderr you can use:
exec [fd number]<&1
exec [fd number]<&2
For example, the following code will print "walla1" and "walla2" to the log file (a.txt), "walla3" to stdout, "walla4" to stderr.
exec 5<&1
exec 6<&2
exec 1> ~/a.txt 2>&1
echo "walla1"
echo "walla2" >&2
echo "walla3" >&5
echo "walla4" >&6
[ -t <&0 ] || exec >> test.log
I finally figured out how to do it. I wanted to not just save the output to a file but also, find out if the bash script ran successfully or not!
I've wrapped the bash commands inside a function and then called the function main_function with a tee output to a file. Afterwards, I've captured the output using if [ $? -eq 0 ].
#! /bin/sh -
main_function() {
main_function > >(tee -a "/var/www/logs/output.txt") 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo 'Success!'
echo 'Failure!'

Copy *unbuffered* stdout to file from within bash script itself

I want to copy stdout to a log file from within a bash script, meaning I don't want to call the script with output piped to tee, I want the script itself to handle it. I've successfully used this answer to accomplish this, using the following code:
exec > >(sed "s/^/[${1}] /" | tee -a myscript.log)
exec 2>&1
# <rest of script>
echo "hello"
sleep 10
echo "world"
This works, but has the downside of output being buffered until the script is completed, as is also discussed in the linked answer. In the above example, both "hello" and "world" will show up in the log only after the 10 seconds have passed.
I am aware of the stdbuf command, and if running the script with
stdbuf -oL ./
then stdout is indeed continuously printed both to the file and the terminal.
However, I'd like this to be handled from within the script as well. Is there any way to combine these two solutions? I'd rather not resort to a wrapper script that simply calls the original script enclosed with "stdbuf -oL".
You can use a workaround and make the script execute itself with stdbuf, if a special argument is present:
if [[ "$1" != __BUFFERED__ ]]; then
stdbuf -oL "$prog" __BUFFERED__ "$#"
shift #discard __BUFFERED__
exec > >(sed "s/^/[${1}] /" | tee -a myscript.log)
exec 2>&1
# <rest of script>
echo "hello"
sleep 1
echo "world"
This will mostly work:
if you run the script with ./test, it shows unbuffered [] hello\n[] world.
if you run the script with ./test 123 456, it shows [123] hello\n[123] world like you want.
it won't work, however, if you run it with bash test - $0 is set to test which is not your script. Fixing this is not in the scope of this question though.
The delay in your first solution is caused by sed, not by tee. Try this instead:
exec 6>&1 2>&1>&>(tee -a myscript.log)
To "undo" the tee effect:
exec 1>&6 2>&6 6>&-

Issue with scheduling in Linux

I scheduled a script using at scheduler in linux.
The job ran fine but the echo statements which I had redirected to a file are no where to be found.
The at scheduling command is as follows:
at -f /app/data/scripts/ >> /app/data/log/log.txt 2>&1 -v 09:50
Can anyone point out what is the issue with the above command.
I cannot see any echo statements from the script in the log.txt file
To include shell syntax like I/O redirection, you'll need to either fold it into your script, or pass the input to at via standard input, like so:
at -v 09:50 <<EOF
sh /app/data/scripts/ >> /app/data/log/log.txt 2>&1
If is already executable, you can omit the sh from the beginning of the command; it's there to ensure that you are passing a valid command line to at.
You can also simply ensure that your script itself redirects all its output to a specific log file. As an example,
echo foo
echo bar
echo foo
echo bar
} >> /app/data/log/log.txt 2>&1
Then you can simply run your script with at using
at -f /app/data/scripts/ -v 09:50
with no output redirection, because the script itself already redirects all its output to that file.

How to redirect output of an entire shell script within the script itself?

Is it possible to redirect all of the output of a Bourne shell script to somewhere, but with shell commands inside the script itself?
Redirecting the output of a single command is easy, but I want something more like this:
if [ ! -t 0 ]; then
# redirect all of my output to a file here
# rest of script...
Meaning: if the script is run non-interactively (for example, cron), save off the output of everything to a file. If run interactively from a shell, let the output go to stdout as usual.
I want to do this for a script normally run by the FreeBSD periodic utility. It's part of the daily run, which I don't normally care to see every day in email, so I don't have it sent. However, if something inside this one particular script fails, that's important to me and I'd like to be able to capture and email the output of this one part of the daily jobs.
Update: Joshua's answer is spot-on, but I also wanted to save and restore stdout and stderr around the entire script, which is done like this:
# save stdout and stderr to file
# descriptors 3 and 4,
# then redirect them to "foo"
exec 3>&1 4>&2 >foo 2>&1
# ...
# restore stdout and stderr
exec 1>&3 2>&4
Addressing the question as updated.
#...part of script without redirection...
#...part of script with redirection...
} > file1 2>file2 # ...and others as appropriate...
#...residue of script without redirection...
The braces '{ ... }' provide a unit of I/O redirection. The braces must appear where a command could appear - simplistically, at the start of a line or after a semi-colon. (Yes, that can be made more precise; if you want to quibble, let me know.)
You are right that you can preserve the original stdout and stderr with the redirections you showed, but it is usually simpler for the people who have to maintain the script later to understand what's going on if you scope the redirected code as shown above.
The relevant sections of the Bash manual are Grouping Commands and I/O Redirection. The relevant sections of the POSIX shell specification are Compound Commands and I/O Redirection. Bash has some extra notations, but is otherwise similar to the POSIX shell specification.
Typically we would place one of these at or near the top of the script. Scripts that parse their command lines would do the redirection after parsing.
Send stdout to a file
exec > file
with stderr
exec > file
exec 2>&1
append both stdout and stderr to file
exec >> file
exec 2>&1
As Jonathan Leffler mentioned in his comment:
exec has two separate jobs. The first one is to replace the currently executing shell (script) with a new program. The other is changing the I/O redirections in the current shell. This is distinguished by having no argument to exec.
You can make the whole script a function like this:
main_function() {
then at the end of the script have this:
if [ -z $TERM ]; then
# if not run via terminal, log everything into a log file
main_function 2>&1 >> /var/log/my_uber_script.log
# run via terminal, only output to screen
Alternatively, you may log everything into logfile each run and still output it to stdout by simply doing:
# log everything, but also output to stdout
main_function 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/my_uber_script.log
For saving the original stdout and stderr you can use:
exec [fd number]<&1
exec [fd number]<&2
For example, the following code will print "walla1" and "walla2" to the log file (a.txt), "walla3" to stdout, "walla4" to stderr.
exec 5<&1
exec 6<&2
exec 1> ~/a.txt 2>&1
echo "walla1"
echo "walla2" >&2
echo "walla3" >&5
echo "walla4" >&6
[ -t <&0 ] || exec >> test.log
I finally figured out how to do it. I wanted to not just save the output to a file but also, find out if the bash script ran successfully or not!
I've wrapped the bash commands inside a function and then called the function main_function with a tee output to a file. Afterwards, I've captured the output using if [ $? -eq 0 ].
#! /bin/sh -
main_function() {
main_function > >(tee -a "/var/www/logs/output.txt") 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo 'Success!'
echo 'Failure!'
