Identifying menu system - dos

Back when I was a kid, we used an old MS-dos system to navigate programs, menus and games. All I can seem to remember is that we started the program by typing "menu" (or it was in the autoexec). I can't recall further about the name.
This was back in the beginning of the 90'es, but the system could have been developed earlier, but I recall using the cd and cd.. to navigate earlier than that.
I also remember that you could edit the menus by adding/removing items by pressing SHIFT-F[x] (I could be wrong about the shift, but it was an modifier and an F-key), and an item was added by modifying a number of batch-commands. This could either be a new page of menues or a command to a program.
My memory tells me that it looks something like this;
Can anyone tell me more about what this program was called and maybe even if it is available as download somewhere?
(Edit: Updated title)

I remember DrMenu and Fixed Disk Organizer (from IBM) but I don't remember their appearance.

I remember a similar program on my fathers PC (or rather AT) back in the late 80's/early 90's. I think it was made by Scandinavian PC Systems, or SPCS for short. I doubt Visma (that now own the brand SPCS) have it for download somewhere, and my answer is not a complete answer but I can not add a comment so I hope you excuse me for trying to help out in this way.


Copy and Paste from Tmux window running inside a terminal on Windows WSL/WSL2

I have been looking for ways to do this for some time: how do I copy text from my Tmux pane - running inside a windows WSL or WSL2 ubuntu (or other linux distro) terminal - to other windows or WSL-Linux applications. I googled this in the past, and I couldn't find a simple solution. I found a ton of complex suggestions none of which worked (and I certainly didn't have the time to turn that into a time consuming project).
How can I instruct .tmux.conf to expose its clipboard to the windows clipboard? I can't believe this is so complicated.
I am not sure if this answer is what you are asking for, as I have faced a similar problem yesterday and still today - and I have come to the conclusion that most probably only those with a demoniac intelligence and a lot of free time on their hands are able to tweak Tmux and achieve the goal elegantly.
Having said this, I have found a workaround that works for me, inspired by how I was able to do copy&paste on MS-DOS terminals in Windows in the past.
A picture is probably worth one thousand words here:
Click on the top left icon, Edit -> Mark, select text to copy.
Press Enter (or Click on the top left icon again and go for Edit -> Copy)
It did the job for me.

Remap keys in OS X

Specifically I'm attempting to map my MacBook's fn key to left mouse click.
Back in the old days when I was using Windows, I came across a wonderful little utility that let me map anything to anything:
You create a little text file, e.g.
^!s:: ; CTRL + ALT + s
Send Sincerely,{enter}John Smith ; sends keystrokes to active window
Creating a simple text file was infinitely better than any GUI based remapper.
I can look through it and see everything that is going on at a glance
I can customise every last detail
I can save / retrieve / post / share my scripts
Really, it's the one thing I really miss about Windows.
So my question is: How do I go about doing this in OS X? Every Google search leads to and I dislike this package: it has an insanely cluttered GUI.
I would be very happy if I could do it in a shell script, or even compile code.
HotKeys on OS X
Even though AHK is seemingly absent on Mac, the functionality that AHK provides on Windows can likely be achieved in OS X. It could be a matter of coding your own solution, modifying something that's open-source, or using a combination of applications that will work together. I haven't tried all of the following, but might as well mention them as they might be worth checking out:
Open Source
IronAHK - .NET rewrite of AHK ported to OS X
AHK Forum Thread
Github Project
*the original project might be dead
CliClick - command-line application that will emulate mouse clicks
Github Project
TextExpander - scriptable text completion / hotkey / macro app (supports AppleScript, Shell scripts)
Typinator - similar to TextExpander, although some features vary.
KeyMo - mostly for mapping keys exclusively to your mouse.
FastScripts - maps hotkeys/user-definable keyboard shortcuts to AppleScripts
*I use Text Expander and FastScripts together and can't live without them.
Rolling Your Own
It's fairly easy to create something with an AppleScript, or a shell script for just about anything imaginable in OS X. For example, I've seen CliClick used along with a custom AppleScript to achieve a certain functionality that it might not provide otherwise. To find an AHK replacement on Mac it'll probably be through trial and error, patience, and ultimately what ends up working best for you.
It is possible with a program called ControllerMate, instructions here. It is, however, a commercial software. I'm also interested in finding a free alternative.
Sikuli project looks promising. Not sure about your particular problem (e.g. Fn key remapping), but it's definitely a crossplatform alternative to AHK.
Another Open Source solution to this problem not mentioned in l'L'l's answer is Karabiner; I have been looking for a way to remap the key to the left of 1 to Esc for a while, and this worked perfectly. It even resolved an issue I was having where swapping Cmd and Alt using the built in OSX key remapping was breaking terminal Alt shortcuts! Highly recommend it.

Biggest windbg pet peeve

What is your biggest pet peeve related to the windbg debugger from microsoft?
(note: I actually really like windbg if I ignore the unpolished UI.)
Attempting to dock a window is almost always the wrong kind of dock the first time until :I move the mouse just right. Why can't it have the docking cues that VS2008 has?
The ridiculous behavior when you attempt to use click-drag to select text on a line that is wider than its physical window.
The pieces of the history window that I need to copy/paste into bug reports are frequently wider than the physical window. I've gotten so used to the triple-click workaround that I find myself attempting to misuse triple click in other (well behaved) applications.
Key presses are ignored while the focus is in a source window. It's not like you can edit the source code from inside windbg. At least there's the Alt-1 workaround.
How insanely slow .kdfiles copies new binaries across the 1394 connection. It can take up to one minute for a large dll.
Not being able to switch from output window to command window using a key press, I read that 'Alt+1' should work but it doesn't always so I always have to resort to using the mouse. Also sometimes it doesn't remember when I tell it not to ask me everytime if I want to save the workspace when I quit.

Is there a simple way to change the text of the 'Open' button on the windows file dialog to 'Select'?

We're using the file picker dialog to allow users to add documents into our application. The word 'Open' doesn't make a lot of sense in this case.
I would browse the code found here, which shows how someone extended the OpenFileDialog. Admittedly, this is overkill for you. But I think there is code within to change the button label.
Not really no.
Given the standardization of this dialog it's extremely likely that your users will have used it many times in the past to "add" files to applications. The chances are they will be quite familiar with the implications of the word, changing it may be more confusing to them.
The standardness of the dialog is why it's called a "Common File Dialog". If you want to change it for your app, you'll have to write your own dialog.
Having said that, there are apps out there that can pull a form out of a DLL, modify it, and stick it back in. However, this is a per-machine hack and downright bad form.

Is there a library / api for reading the contents of a .hlp help file?

I have a help file for my program and was asked to add a description of the menus in a toolbar as the user browses them. So I thought I could just use the beginning of the menu's description of the help but just cant find how to access the contents of it.
I saw WinHelp has a macro language, so I figured maybe through this, but I couldnt find any references on this around.
Anybody now some pointers or examples of hot to do this?
the winhelpcgi utility contains library code that can read .hlp files. The source is here: link
I haven't used it so I can't vouch for its usage.
First, your help system should have an Index on each topic that permits you to open help and have that topic appear (if not, then check out Help & Manual - it'll help you build more complete help files). However, this doesn't directly solve your problem since, as I understand it, you want this to pop up in a toolhelp Window.
Thus, you'll need to go under the surface and figure out how the Help system uses the key to pull the appropriate information. However, it is not a trivial undertaking (as far as I can tell) to directly access a specific, indexed chunk of text in a WinHelp file. You may find some information here that is of use. You might also want to browse the forums on the Help and Manual web site.
Here's a bigger question though: does it really make sense to pop up an entire help topic (even if short) when a user just hovers over a menu item or button? It doesn't to me and I spent years in a UI design group at Bell Labs. It is A) simply too much information and B) going to be visually distracting (and thus incredibly irritating) to experienced users. The accepted practice here is to pop up a toolhelp window with a very short (1-4 words) descriptor of the button ("Open" or "Open File").
If you want the help to be available for each menu item or button, I would suggest one of two alternatives.
First, consider having a "Help Cursor mode" where the cursor uses the help icon (an arrow with a question mark). The user accesses it via a Help button on the button bar. When in Help Cursor mode, a user click on any item will take them to the help topic for that item. I'm kind of lukewarm to this approach since it is modal but I've certainly seen it done.
Second, you might simply beef up your help system a bit. That is, create a topic in your Help system that features a screen shot of your application. On this screenshot, create hot spots for each menu item and/or button and permit the user to go to the appropriate topic by clicking on it. Done right, this gives the user a visual key to the topics they wish to learn about without interfering with the normal operation of your program.
Most importantly: before doing all of the work necessary to implement your current plan, be sure it is the right plan!
