Calling Python from Jython - anaconda

I want to be able to graph using Matplotlib in Jython so that I can use ABAGAIL inside of Python.
Jython does not seem to support Matplotlib. But I found the following idea on how to call Python inside of Jython:
Invoking Jython from Python (or Vice Versa)
Unfortunately, I can't get the code they suggest to work:
import execnet
gw = execnet.makegateway("popen//python=python")
channel = gw.remote_exec("""
from numpy import *
a = array([2,3,4])
for item in channel:
print item
The main problem is that python=python doesn't work. What I'm not understanding is how to actually specify the version of python (anaconda, actually) on my Windows 10 system. What do I need to setup?
Also, is there an alternative package besides matplotlib I can use with Jython to create graphs?


using "pythonw", ChromeDriverManager().install() is not working

from import Service as chromeService
from import ChromeDriverManager
chromeServiceObj = chromeService(ChromeDriverManager().install())
this is my "" file.
and when i use "python" in a terminal(or command window), it works.
but using "pythonw", it doesn't.
I made a test code file.
And I was using the command below.
pythonw c:\
it seems like that the code doesn't install the web driver file.

ModuleNotFoundError seen after the first time a job is run on a Ray cluster

I'm running a script which imports a module from a file in the same directory. The first time I run the script after starting the cluster the script runs as expected. Any subsequent times I run the script I get the following error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ex_cls'
How do I get Ray to recognize modules I'm importing after the first run?
I am using Ray 1.11.0 on a redhat Linux cluster.
Here are my scripts. Both are located in the /home/ray_experiment directory:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/home/ray_experiment')
from ex_cls import monitor_wrapper
import ray
from ray.util.multiprocessing import Pool
def main():
pdu_infos = range(10)
with Pool() as pool:
results =, [pdu for pdu in pdu_infos])
for pdu_info, result in zip(pdu_infos, results):
print(pdu_info, result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
from time import time, sleep
from random import randint
import collections
sys.path.insert(0, '/home/ray_experiment')
MonitorResult = collections.namedtuple('MonitorResult', 'key task_time')
def monitor_wrapper(args):
start = time()
rando = randint(0, 200)
lst = []
for i in range(10000 * rando):
pause = 1
return MonitorResult(args, time() - start)
-- Edit
I've found that by adding these two environment variables I no longer see the ModuleNotFoundError.
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/home/ray_experiment/"
Is there another solution that doesn't require disabling the working environment caching?
The issue here is that Ray's worker processes may be run from different working directories than your driver python script. In fact, on a cluster, they may even be run from different machines. This is coupled by the fact that python looks for the module based on a relative path (to be precise, cloudpickle serializes definitions in other modules by reference).
The "intended" solution to this problem is to use runtime environments.
In particular, you should do ray.init(address='auto', runtime_env={"working_dir": "./"}) when starting Ray to ensure that the module is passed to other processes.
After searching for similar error I found this in Ray docs:
Adding to root of these directories and handing them over with this kwarg solved my issue with ModuleNotFoundError. Another part of solution is to install all requirements to the container the ray is running in and probably starting it in same workdir as app (or passing workdir in runtime kwargs)
To answer OPs problem I would try something like this:
import ex_cls
# it cannot pass classes, just whole module
ray.init(address='auto', runtime_env={"py_modules": [ex_cls]})


I am trying to import modules into executescript processor in nifi.
As suggested , I. am giving full path into the modules directory.
Module Directory: /var/lib/nifi/Levenshtein --> which contains necessary files for the script.
Furthermore, In the script also I have set the system path pointing to use that module directory
My code Looks something like this
import re
import datetime
import sys
import Levenshtein
When I am running the processor with above code it fails.
ERROR: No Module named Levenshtein in at line number 3.
If this particular library is a "native module" (compiled C code), Jython (the Python execution engine used by ExecuteScript) will not be able to load it. ExecuteScript in NiFi using Python can only use pure Python code.
The work-around is to use ExecuteProcess or ExecuteStreamCommand and invoke python <> on the command-line, which can handle various Python versions, native modules, etc. This execution will occur outside the JVM and use real Python, not Jython.
To sum up what Andy said, this Levensthein module is written in C and cannot be executed by a Java virtual machine, assuming you are running a Jython implementation.

Sharing directory on windows using Python3

Is there a package in Python3, which can check if a windows directory is shared? and also to share a windows directory?
I am aware of using 'net share' command, I would like to know if there are is a pythonic way of doing it
For check and add, you could use NetShareCheck and NetShareAdd.
And here is an sample to use netapi in python.
Or Use winapi SHGetFileInfo with SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES, then check the dwAttributes flag for SFGAO_SHARE.
You could create it with class Win32_Share and its Create method
import wmi
c = wmi.WMI()

GUI module not found

I'm trying to run the following code:
# To use interactive plots (mouse clicks, zooming, panning) we use the nbagg back end. We want our graphs
# to be embedded in the notebook, inline mode, this combination is defined by the magic "%matplotlib notebook".
%matplotlib notebook
import SimpleITK as sitk
%run update_path_to_download_script
from downloaddata import fetch_data as fdata
import gui
# Using an external viewer (ITK-SNAP or 3D Slicer) we identified a visually appealing window-level setting
T1_WINDOW_LEVEL = (1050,500)
When I run it in spider 3.2.6 I get:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gui'
Any help would be appreciated.
Code source:
This isn't a spyder issue.
The gui module is part of the notebooks repository. Either clone the repository or just download this file. Same goes for the downloaddata module.
