Is it possible to query aggregations on NEST for multiple term fields (.NET)? - elasticsearch

Below is the NEST query and aggregations:
Func<QueryContainerDescriptor<ConferenceWrapper>, QueryContainer> query =
q =>
q.Term(p => p.type, "conference")
// && q.Term(p => p.conference.isWaitingAreaCall, true)
&& q.Range(d => d.Field("conference.lengthSeconds").GreaterThanOrEquals(minSeconds))
&& q.DateRange(qd => qd.Field("conference.firstCallerStart").GreaterThanOrEquals(from.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")))
&& q.DateRange(qd => qd.Field("conference.firstCallerStart").LessThanOrEquals(to.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ")));
Func<AggregationContainerDescriptor<ConferenceWrapper>, IAggregationContainer> waitingArea =
a => a
.Terms("both", t => t
.Field(p => p.conference.orgNetworkId) // seems ignore this field
.Field(p => p.conference.isWaitingAreaCall)
// .Field(new Field( p => p.conference.orgNetworkId + "-ggg-" + p.conference.networkId)
.Aggregations(a2 => a2.Sum("sum-length", d2 => d2.Field("conference.lengthSeconds"))));
I have called .Field(p => p.conference.orgNetworkId) followed by .Field(p => p.conference.isWaitingAreaCall) But it seems the NEST client tries to ignore the first field expression.
Is is possible to have multiple fields to be the terms group by?

Elasticsearch doesn't support a terms aggregation on multiple fields directly; the calls to .Field(...) within NEST are assignative rather than additive, so the last call will overwrite any previously set values.
In order to aggregate on multiple fields, you can either
Create a composite field at index time that incorporates the values that you wish to aggregate on
Use a Script to generate the terms on which to aggregate at query time, by combining the two field values.
The performance of the first option will be better than the second.


Running DateRange with null values on ElasticSearch?

I am writing some queries in my ElasticSearch project that can be filtered by Date. I have written them like this:
var searchResponse = client.Search<mdl.Event>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.QueryString(qs => qs
&& q
.DateRange(r => r
.Field(f => f.CreatedTimeStamp)
However, search.From and search.To are optional inputs, so they might turn out to be null. In the event that they are null, does this break the query? Or will it continue as if the DateRange part of the query is not included?
Nest queries are condition less. If input is determined to be null or empty string then the query will be omitted from the request.
So you don't need to check whether each filter property is null , NEST will perform this filtering by default.
In your case if search.From and search.To are null then range check will be removed from final query

Elasticsearch NEST API, Searching Multiple Indices

If one is seraching several indexes at the same time, is there any way to say that if searching index A, then add this filter and if searching index B then add a different filter.
For example:
var filters = new List<Func<QueryContainerDescriptor<PropertySearchResult>, QueryContainer>>();
filters.Add(fq => fq.Term(t => t.Field(f => f.PromoterId).Value(user.Id)));
filters.Add(fq => fq.Term(t => t.Field(f => f.SubscriptionId).Value(subscriptionId)));
string indicies = String.Join(",", Utils.SupportedCountries.Select(c => c.Key.ToLower()).ToArray());
var result = await ElasticSearchConfig.GetClient().DeleteByQueryAsync<PropertySearchResult>(u => u
.Query(q => q
.Bool(bq => bq.Filter(filters))));
at the moment, all indices will be subject to the same filters but I would like to vary the filters based on which index is being searched.
Add(with &&) a term query to each of your filters
.Term("_index", A)
Check this link

Query one field with multiple values in elasticsearch nest

I have a combination of two queries with Elasticsearch and nest, the first one is a full-text search for a specific term and the second one is to filter or query another field which is file-path but it should be for many files paths and the path could be part or full path, I can query one file-path but I couldn't manage to do it for many file paths, any suggestion?
Search<SearchResults>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.Match(m => m.Field(f => f.Description).Query("Search_term"))
&& q
.Prefix(t => t.Field(f => f.FilePath).Value("file_Path"))
For searching for more than one path you can use bool Query in elasticsearch and then use Should Occur to search like logical OR, so you code should look like this:
Search<SearchResults>(s => s
.Query(q => q.
Bool(b => b
bs => bs.Wildcard(p => p.FilePath, "*file_Pathfile_Path*"),
bs => bs.Wildcard(p => p.FilePath, "*file_Pathfile_Path*"),
&& q.Match(m => m.Field(f => f.description).Query("Search_term")
Also you should use WildCard Query to get result for paths that could be part or full path. For more information check ES offical documentation about WildQuery and Bool Query below:

Using which field matched in a multimatch query in a function score

I have a multimatch query which I am using across 5 fields. I am also using a function score to combine various factors into the score. I would like to add a factor to this so that results that matched on one of the fields is increased (adding a large number so that matches on this field always have the highest score).
I know that I can use highlighting to find out which fields were matched, but how can I access that information in the function score script?
Here's what I have so far (using NEST, but that shouldn't make a difference).
var searchResponse = client.Search<TopicCollection.Topic>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.FunctionScore(fs => fs
.Query(q1 => q1
.MultiMatch(c => c
.Fields(f => f
.Field(p => p.field1)
.Field(p => p.field2) //...etc
.Functions(fun => fun
.ScriptScore(ss => ss.Script(sc => sc
//TODO: add 1000 to normalised _score if match is in field1
).Highlight(h => h
.Fields(p => p.AllField())

LInq Order By and Order By Desc

I am using "Linq" to filter list of objects and to sort them, like
myList.Where(x => x.Item!= "SF" && x.AdSize == minadSize)
.OrderBy(x => x.ManufacturingDate)
I doubt whether i am doing it right or not that is if i want to "sorting" on multiple fields then is it necessary to use multiple Order By clause cant it be done with single "OrderBy"
Don't use multiple OrderBy calls - use OrderBy followed by ThenBy:
var query = myList.Where(x => x.Item!= "SF" && x.AdSize == minadSize)
.OrderBy(x => x.ManufacturingDate)
.ThenBy(x => x.ExpiryDate); // Could add more ThenBy calls
If you use OrderBy twice, it will reorder the already-ordered-by-date list by expiry-date, whereas I assume you only want to order by expiry date for items with an equal manufacturing date, which is what the above does.
Obviously there's a ThenByDescending method too. For example:
var query = people.OrderBy(x => x.LastName)
.ThenBy(x => x.FirstName)
.ThenByDescending(x => x.Age)
.ThenBy(x => x.SocialSecurity);
