Downloading 7.0.7 - jconn-7.0.7.jar - jdbc

I am trying to download jconnect-7.0.7.jar for Sybase Database from this URL [][1]. But getting error like the site is down. I searched a lot, but cannot find the jar anywhere.
Could anyone let me know where I can get the jar?

Old page is not active any more. You can get jConnect 16.0 together with ASE 16.0 directly from page. The JDBC driver is almost the same as the 7.0.7 version except the version name has changed.


Added external library can't be seen - NetBeans

I downloaded SocketTest project and made some changes to read data from MS SQL database. Added external library:
But I'm getting java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found... when I run the project.
I'm sure there is no mistake in my source code. Because I tested my class on alternate project. It's running smoothly. But I wonder why MS SQL library can't be seen even after I add that.
I also tried to use the newest version of MS SQL library but still no success.
I also tried to analyze project.xml file. But I guess solution is not there.
Please help me to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance.
Solution has been found. build.xml file has been cleared and copied from newly created NetBeans project.

The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client - c#

When I try to browse my project through IIS, I get the below error
"The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client"
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException: The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client
enter image description here
Please let me know what are the steps that i should perform to resolve this error. Thanks!
Assuming you have Oracle client installed and you have reference to the Oracle.DataAccess.dll in your project, check its version. Go to <your oracle client path>\ folder and find there *.dll file with same name. Compare versions. Most likely issue is that DLL in your dir is different and does not match your installed Oracle Client. Use DLL that matches client.
And tell your boss to stop using Oracle client and use Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll
Now, there could be other issues causing this but this is minimum to check before moving further.
In my case I got the same error message when migrating to the newer Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll and forgot to remove the existing Oracle.DataAccess.dll, resulting in a lot of ambiguity.
Everything worked once the older reference was removed.
Last time I had this problem in an c# project I had to add Oracle.DataAccess.dll reference from my Oracle client directory.

xPages Extension Library v9 and JDBC installation issue

I just installed Notes Client 9.0.1FP5 SHF190 and Extension Library is a part of the product. But it doesn't contain Well, I took it in latest "" release and installed it through File->Application->Install with no errors. But JDBS is still not available as a data source:
<xe:jdbcRowSet... or <xe:jdbcQuery...
In xPage properties I still says the library is not installed. Please, advise.
The RDBMS support is no longer part of extlibx, since release 7 of the 901 extlib. You need to install the full extlib v16 designer update site to domino designer. From your screenshot it looks like you've only got the default 901 extlib (effectively v0). And also install the extlib 16 update site to your server.
You could check out this video made around the time of the work to move the RDBMS support from extlibx into the main extlib.
You need to install the extension library in BOTH designer AND the server. I'm guessing that it's not on the server.

iReport on linux, setting up JDBC Drivers

I am trying to get some JasperReports working. To build them I am using iReport.
I need to connect to an MS SQL Server db. In iReport the MS JDBC driver is listed. However when I go to test the connection I get a class not found error.
I have made sure that I have the driver in my class path
Has any one run into these sorts of issues and found a way around?
The key idea is "In iReport the MS JDBC driver is listed." Somewhat surprisingly... this means nothing at all.
Well... it means that the iReport team thinks this is a common enough driver that they put it into the drop down list so that you would not have to type it. It does not mean that the driver is available.
As Dan has already alluded to in the comments, the solution is to add the relevant .jar file (jtds-1.2.5.jar) to iReport's classpath using the menu Tools → Options. (On OS X it's the menu iReport → Preferences).
go to the ireport there u will see one icon on top and click it it will show paths there u establish a connection to jdbc and add ojdbc 14 jar to it . that's it simple and add that jar to classpath.

Regarding magento extension Unirgy_StoreLocator

I am using magento 1.5 version for my project. I had 1.4 version installed in my localhost. i tried this extension
and i installed in 1.4 its working fine .
i cant install in 1.5 ( live server) bcoz the extension will not support 1.5
so i copied files from 1.4 to 1.5 live server.
it was not displaying map. but the outer structure and fields are coming
Please help us to resolve this issue
Contact Unirgy (the maker of the extension) and ask if they are going to update it to work with recent versions. Perhaps you can persuade them to.
