Joomla 3.8: how to configure standard spacing properties? - joomla

I´m rookie in Joomla. I'd like to do a fine-adjustment in the presentation of a bunch of icons in a toolbar that I've created using logo/image components in the layout editor for a certain theme. These icons are being presented with a too wide spacement between one another, and it seems that the cause is the property flex in the css file nucleus.css (.size-5 element, according to inspections in Firefox).
I'd like to know how to resolve this spacement issue, perhaps changing paramenter's values in this css file, if there is no other way. Thanks for any help.


CKEditor -- Use Custom Style Sheet with Editor

I have been trying to work out how to get my own website's custom stylesheet to be recognized by CKEditor. The fontsize on my site is 19px, and for CKEditor it's much smaller. I would like the software to recognize my styles. I don't need (at the moment) custom styles added to dropdowns (and I see information in the docs on how to do that). It just seems odd that if my whole site uses a specific font, font size, font color, and so on that the editor doesn't seem to recognize them. This may be basic, and I've just looked past it or misunderstood something, but I can't figure it out. Thanks!
You may want to look at the contents.css (file is inside CKEditor folder), that is the stylesheet used for content inside the CKEditor. You will need to change the contents.css according to your need, in this case you want to change the font styling so it match with your current site.

Joomla articles and modules not showing on small screens

I'm really quite new to Joomla and I've encountered a problem. On my homepage the article is showing just fine, but all the other modules (except for the menu bar) disappear when I switch to a smaller screen size. On my other pages the article doesn't even show anymore, just the menu bar. I'm using the purity III template. I have no idea what's going on since the settings in the layout of the template indicate that all modules that are showing on a desktop should also be displayed on a mobile device, and I've found no difference in settings in the articles itself. My site.
Thanks for your help!
It sounds like the responsive design hides them on purpose.
Just from a quick peek at your code using inspect element I can see that the class "slideshow hidden-xs" gets a display:none on smaller screen sizes and all of your main content is wrapped in that element. If all of your content is not supposed to be wrapped in that element (which I'm guessing it's not) you're most likely missing a closing tag on a div or something.
Find the missing closing tag (ie: /div, /a, etc) and it will probably solve your problem.
You can update the latest version of Joomla and check again that some problem is coming or not. I yes then download new theme for your website which is compatible with your theme.

SharePoint 2007 RichHtmlField has inline style that is causing issues in ie8

I am working on an intranet project that is having the majority of its users move up to ie8 soon. A bug was detected where when attempting to create/edit a page, the rich html editor boxes would be squeezed compared to what they look like in any other browser.
I found the offending style, its inline and its:
Now if it was just "inline" then it would be fine. However, it is not.
I have attempted to override the PrefixStyleSheet attribute in the master page and have a custom style in the main css file, but it is not working at all.
I have heard that a control adapter might be helpful to post process the html but i am unsure on how to use one.
Is there any advice you guys can give me?
From my experience, using JQuery "hacks" in the master page header is the most convenient approach, without messing up the system css or the backend.
Find the element you want to override the style to a custom style, and assign your custom style. Be careful if the override is page layout specific, then might add to the page layout header placeholder instead.
Hope it helps.

-webkit-box-sizing property doesn't show up in VS2010

I have "Box Model Hack" issue. I found out that in all browsers except Google Chrome. So I searched the solutions and saw that I should put -webkit-box-sizing property in CSS and define it as content-box
I installed CSS3 for VS2010 and restart it, then CSS 3.0 showed up in drop down list on style sheet tool bar in VS2010. I saw new properties coming from CSS3 but I cannot find -webkit-box-sizing
Should I need VS2010 SP1? or is there something missing? Besides, if there is another Box Model Hack solution for Chrome, please tell me.
All -webkit properties are specific to browsers running on the Web Kit Browser Engine and are not part of the official CSS3 specification.
You can simply type in the CSS you require either in your stylesheet or your CSS style code block. I dont think VS will include a menu item for it (and many other proprietry CSS properties).
Having said that, I've just found a CSS 3 Intellisense Schema that includes the items you're wanting.

CKEditor plugin rendering different in WYSIWYG and source mode

I'm starting to develop a plugin for CKEditor that needs to be used to insert some HTML snippets in a web page. This is done. Nonetheless I also need to include some special items when switching to WYSIWYG mode (e.g. something more or less similar to Show Blocks plugin, but not just using styles since I need some elements included in there). So my question is :
How could I include extra items or styles (e.g. to hide parts of the contents in WYSIWYG mode) in WYSIWYG view without altering HTML output ?
If someone could provide some information about a working (maybe simple) example, I'd also appreciate your help.
PS: If you need to know further details please ask, but for instance assume inserted raw HTML code is
<div class="xxx">Hello world !</div>
... but in WYSIWYG mode need to display a link on top of it that pops up an alert and toggles dotted border.
About injecting CSS classes in WYSIWYG mode, use addCss function.
About creating fake elements in WYSIWYG mode ... I think I can solve the problem using context menu instead.
