kendo ui grid datasource how to update filters to send all filter values - filter

I have a grid with filter header in every columns. When the user type something in a filter, the datasource send a request to the server to get the data. This is fine when is only one column filter. The problem is when the user after obtain the filtered results needs to filter by another column, and without to remove the previous filter type something in other column filter. In this second situation i need to send all filter values and not only the second filter.

You don't mention what language you use. I assume you do it with javascript.
So you can use the code below.
var grid = $('#ClientsGrid').data("kendoGrid");
field: "client_status",
operator: "eq",
value: "2"
If you need to clear all filters, you can use
var grid =('#ClientsGrid').data("kendoGrid");


D365 - UCI - A validation error occurred. The value 895390001 of 'MULTISELECT' on record of type ENTITY' is outside the valid range. Accepted Values:

I am trying to use the Multiselect option set and want to build it dynamically, the addOption() is populating the multiselect field correctly, but on save of record it is prompting the validation error.
On change of contact lookup, I am populating the abc_multiselect field. It is populating fine dynamically then user selects the required options from multiselect field, but on save of record (Ribbon Save button not custom save event of form) the CRM is not accepting the values.
MSCRM Version
Server version: 9.2.22081.00182
Client version: 1.4.4647-2208.1
function polulate(executionContext){
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
var multiselect = formContext.getControl("abc_multiselect");
var high = {value : 895390001, text : "High"};
The error is;
On Popup
One or more of the option values for this picklist are not in the range of allowed values.
Exception Message: A validation error occurred. The value 895390001 of 'abc_multiselect' on record of type 'abc_ENTITY' is outside the valid range. Accepted Values:
ErrorCode: -2147204326
HexErrorCode: 0x8004431a
ApiExceptionSourceKey: Plugin/Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.TargetAttributeValidationPlugin
ApiStepKey: fc743e7d-fbea-4695-bdb9-7d78334c8474
ApiDepthKey: 1
ApiActivityIdKey: 3907c6d7-ef4a-437e-946f-55e0f956fc3e
ApiPluginSolutionNameKey: System
ApiStepSolutionNameKey: System
ApiExceptionCategory: ClientError
ApiExceptionMessageName: PicklistValueOutOfRange
ApiExceptionHttpStatusCode: 400
[Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel: Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.TargetAttributeValidationPlugin]
[fc743e7d-fbea-4695-bdb9-7d78334c8474: TargetAttributeValidationPlugin]
Activity Id: 28d5f67f-bf24-4eca-9124-cf95cf06dc30
I also tried to make all option set values hard coded (Added during the multiselect field creation), it worked smoothly. No issue ! But on dynamically population; on save, the CRM is not accepting the values.
I have tried this , this, this and this but all in vain.
Any one can guide, what is missing?
Update 1
function polulate(executionContext){
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
var multiselect = formContext.getControl("abc_multiselect");
var high = {value : 895390001, text : "High"};
I also checked by changing the value from 895390001 to 895390000 and even to 100 and 101 but still same issue.
This should solve your issue? most probably option set does not have 895390001 or it is already selected. you could also try to clear all option sets and then add
clear options
For using addOption those options need to be there in metadata first. You cannot add an option that is not present in metadata. Example can be Suppose you have Option A, 1 and 3 in Metadata. now you want to add another option 4 using Javascript "addOption", it is not possible.
In your case, get a maximum possible set or options in the optionset now onload of form or Onchange of field "removeOption " the options that are not required.

Text-Widget Applied to an aggregated data table

Utilizing the solution provided by Gordon, I've successfully created a selectable table that contains aggregated data. Now I would like to filter the data with the text-filter-widget.
I understand that the filter needs an array to work properly. What I am trying to understand is how might one be able to update the table rows when the table filters are looking at a group?
A text filter widget is different from a chart in that it takes a dimension to filter on.
We also need to declare a second market dimension so that it will filter the table.
var marketDim, marketDim2;
// ...
marketDim = facts.dimension(function(d) {
return d.Location;
marketDim2 = facts.dimension(function(d) {
return d.Location;
// ...
Fork of your fiddle.

ag-grid number filter is not working when the field value is rounded

The requirement as follows; The data from backend is stored in row data and passed to ag-grid. The numeric fields in the row data needs to be rounded to 2 digits or more based on the business need. I need to provide numeric filter that needs to filter based on rounded values.
I have attached a sample code in plunker
{ field: 'exp',
filter: "agNumberColumnFilter",
cellRenderer: params => {
if (params.value) {
return Number(parseFloat(params.value).toFixed(2)).toLocaleString("en");
filterValueGetter: params => {
if ( {
return Number(parseFloat("en");
For example, the experience column is received as 3.765. It needs to be displayed as 3.77. I have used cellRenderer to achieve the same. It is working fine. The next step is filter needs to work when the user type in 3.77. But it is working when the user is typing the original value 3.765. So I am trying to achieve this using filterValueGetter and round the values. It is not working. I have tried options with valuegetter and filter api and it is not working. Appreciate a solution without modifying the actual json and format it in the grid using the available API

How to iterate through a hidden column in jquery data table

I have a data table that has a hidden column. I want to set the values of that column to a java script array. (Note: I want to get the values that belong to the current page only). If I use a search filter, I want the values of the current page of the search result.
I've tried like this.
$('#datatbl').DataTable().rows({filter: 'applied'}).every(function () {
var row =;
But,this code gives all values from all the pages. Please help....
Try adding page:'current' in selector.
$('#datatbl').DataTable().rows({filter: 'applied', page:'current'})

how to correctly render referenced entities in list when I have objects instead of numberic ids?

right now in order for the list to render properly I need to have this kind of data passed in:
row = {
id: value,
name: value,
height: value,
categories: [1,2,3,4]
how can I adapt the code so that a list works with this kind of data?
row = {
id: value,
name: value,
height: value,
categories: [{id: "1"},{id: "2"},{id: "3"},{id: "4"}]
when I try to do that it seems that it applies JSON.stringify to the objects so it is trying to find category with id [Object object]
I would to avoid a per case conversion of data as I do now..
it seems that I cannot do anything in my restClient since the stringify was already applied
I have the same issue when I fetch just one data row e.g in Edit or Create.. categories ReferenceArrayInput is not populated when categories contains objects
Have you tried using format?
Might help transform your input value. Then you can use format() to change values back to the format your API expects.
If this does not work then you will have to probably create a custom component out of ReferenceArrayInput.
