inivisible Google ReCaptcha Integration with Knockout and AJAX Post - ajax

I am trying to integrate the Google Invisible Captcha to my contact form. The integration is working to an extent and I can submit my form and the challenge appears.
However, I assumed that the data-callback added to the div would call my submit function again after the challenge is completed? So currently I have to click the form submit button a second time after the challenge is completed?
I have added the following to my contact form (reduced for brevity);
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="g-recaptcha"
<div class="col-sm-12 text-center">
<input id="formSubmitButton" data-bind="click: submitForm" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-lg" value="Send Enquiry" />
and in my submitForm method I have the following code;
this.submitForm = function () {
//if no field error validate captcha
if (!error) {
//validate captcha
var response = grecaptcha.getResponse();
if (response.length == 0) {
I am correct in thinking that I shouldn't need to submit the form a second time? and if so what is it I am doing wrong here please.

You shouldn't need to submit the form twice.
I posted an answer to a similar question about setting up recaptcha with a knockout ajax request.
You may need to restructure how you are setting up your form and functions. I found that you can set up a jquery function to use as the required callback function, that calls your knockout ajax request. Set your button or hidden div to send that as the callback function. I found success by using a button.
You only need to click the button, which does its recaptcha thing (sends a request to google, and then saves its response, which can by accessed later), which then calls your callback function you gave it, which calls your original knockout ajax request. That request will work normally as it did before recaptcha was added, but you will send your recaptcha response like you were getting with: var response = grecaptcha.getResponse(); so your server can validate it.
The link I proved has a more detailed answer, I hope this helps.


sending form data through Jquery and AJAX is not working as expected

I have a form containing two submit buttons, i want it to update the current page as soon as i submit the form without refreshing the whole page, but the code keeps reloading the page and the page is not even updated.
HTML form
<form id="paymentForm" style="margin-left: 15%;margin-bottom: 15px;margin-top:15px;font-size: 18px;" action="#">
<input class="paymentButton" type="submit" name="COD" value="Cash on Delivery(COD)" style="background-color:#F80;color:white;height: 60px;border-radius: 5px ">
<input class="paymentButton" type="submit" name="POD" value="Paytm on Delivery(POD)" style="margin-left: 25px;background-color: #F80;color:white;height: 60px;border-radius: 5px">
Jquery and AJAX code
var buttonpressed;
var paymentValue;
$("#paymentbutton").click(function() {
paymentValue = $(this).attr('value') ;
return false;
PHP script payment.php where data is being sent
$paymentMode="Paytm On Delivery";
$paymentMode="Cash on Delivery";
echo "Your Order is placed succesfully with payment mode as" .$paymentMode;
You have an syntax error in php code
Youre mising semicolon... Next time, each time you send an ajax request. Turn on chrome dev tool -> network -> XHR to see what really haapen with your request. If request has failse. Click on request(i have red color) to see. back end error.. Hope this helpfull...
You are using getElementById, use document.getElementById instead. Hope it helps.

Scripts not working on partial view after Ajax call

I have called scripts on _Layout.cshtml page and my Index.cshtml page has partial view into it. So on page load, SignalR scripts working perfect on partial view, on page end I make another ajax request and load the partial view with another data filled in that and embed under already displayed data, and then the SignalR does not work on the newly embedded record.
This is my index page code:
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="profile-body">
<div class="row infinite-scroll">
#Html.Partial("_AlbumRow", Model)
This is my partial View Code:
#model IEnumerable<SmartKids.Lib.Core.ViewModels.FileMediaAlbumsVM>
#foreach (var item in Model)
<div class="widget">
<div class="block rounded">
<img src="#Url.Content(item.ImageUrl)" alt="#item.Title">
<input type="button" data-image-id="#item.imageId" class="btn btn-sm btn-default">Like</input>
Kindly help me how to resolve this issue that after making an ajax request I am not able to get those SignalR working. Here is more to say when I put the SignalR scripts on PartialView that works but it also sucks that on each ajax request there is again SignalR loaded on the page and when I click on LIke button it makes many calls to the function behind it.
Kindly help me to resolve this issue, I am stuck at this point since 1 week.
Here is signalR Code:
$(".btn.btn-sm.btn-default").on("click", function () {
var imageId = $(this).attr("data-image-id");;
Problem: You are binding event to elements directly, So when you remove this element and replace it with a different one the events are also removed along with that element, This is something like strongly coupled.
Solution: Use Jquery event delegation. This will make sure the events will be triggered on the current elements and also all the elements that can come in future.
syntax is as below.
$(document).on("click", ".btn.btn-sm.btn-default",function () {
var imageId = $(this).attr("data-image-id");;
NOTE: This was never a singlaR issue, it was Jquery issue.
Efficient Way: The problem in using $(document).on("click"... is that when ever there is a click happening on the entire page the Jquery framework will bubble the events from the clicked element upwards(its parent, and its parent and so on..) unless the element specified in the selector arrives, So its kind of performance hit as we don't want this check's to run if we are clicking outside the required area ( button .btn.btn-sm.btn-default in this example).
So best practice is to bind this event delegation to the closest parent possible which will not be removed, <div class="row infinite-scroll"> in this question. So that only when the click happens within this element the event bubbling will happen and also will be stopped once it reaches the parent element,it acts kind of a boundary for event bubbling.
$('.row.infinite-scroll').on("click", ".btn.btn-sm.btn-default",function () {
var imageId = $(this).attr("data-image-id");;

Seeking clarification to weird POST behavior (Django, Django server, AJAX, Chrome)

I am seeing a weird behavior when I POST using AJAX. When I have the following code,
<a id="submit" class= "btn btn-large btn-primary">Sign Up</a> (form submit)
$('#submit').on('click', function(){
$.post('/business/signup',$('#biz_details').serialize(), function(data){
$('#updated').text('Success.').append(' here to view profile ');
things seem to work fine. However, when I use
<submit id="submit" class= "btn btn-large btn-primary">Sign Up</submit> (form submit)
instead of the <a> tag, I get error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe. Also, I am redirected to
the same URL (\business\signup) but with my POST parameters being sent as GET.
To illustrate, if I were POSTing a=1&b=2, I am redirected to \business\signup?a=1&b=2.
My form declaration is
<form class="holder form-horizontal" id="biz_details" style= "background-color: white;overflow-y:hidden;">
Further, if I do have an action attribute to my form and have a js call in the action to the POST function, it works fine.
Can anyone throw some light on this behavior, especially the one about redirects?
In order for the function to work correctly with the submit button, you have to disable the default action for the form, and since you haven't defined a METHOD, the default (GET) is used.
To disable the default action, simply add a return false at the end of the function that is trigged on the form submit.
$('#myform').submit(function() {
// do something
return false;

Ajax login form - browsers won't save password

I have Ajax login form, which is checking whether given credentials are correct and redirects to another page. The login form itself is built by a HXR call - it isn't built in the login page code.
The problem is that I can't get browsers to prompt for remembering passwords. Once I've got the Firefox to prompt but since the form is being built by XHR call, the Firefox didn't paste the values into the form.
PS. I am using mootools (Form.send) and usual window.location when login was successful.
PSS. The address of the login page is always the same.
The following code is loaded by a XHR within a element (I am using MochaUI):
$('loginwindow_form').set('send', {
"url": "auth/ajax_login",
"method": "post",
"onRequest": function () {
"onComplete": function (response) {
"onSuccess": function (responseText, responseXML) {
window.location = "appinit";
"onFailure": function (xhr) {
$("loginwindow_form").addEvent("submit", function (e) {
!e || e.stop();
xHTML (notice that the form does not have submit button - the button is elsewhere and has onclick action to send the form with given ID):
<iframe src="auth/blank" id="blankiframe" name="blankiframe" style="display:none"></iframe>
<form action="appinit" method="post" name="loginwindow_form" id="loginwindow_form" class="standardform" target="blankiframe">
<input type="text" name="email" class="input text" id="loginwindow_form_email" />
<input type="password" name="password" class="input text password" id="loginwindow_form_loginwindow_form_password" />
The sending button (in another, xhr loaded, element):
<button class="button" action="{sendForm: 'loginwindow_form'}">
<div class="accept">Login</div>
you really ought to post code. it's all very nice doing a .send in your callback, that's fine. still, you need to post how you handle the form and initiate submission in the first place.
the way it should work is if you intercept the form's submit method - but if you--say, have a button with a click handler, it won't be seen as a submission so it won't remember things. also, are you doing event.stop or .preventDefault?
I recomment that you use a traditional sumbit form, but submit into a hidden iframe. (Or the login form itself could be in an iframe). This way you can still send back JS responses to the iframe which will be executed, and the browsers will know that it was a login form.

JQuery for Push-down form

Is there a JQuery plugin that allows me to 'unhide' a form by after clicking a link? Like I have an invite link that can take me to a one text field form for an email address but I want this form to just drop down (pushing the rest of the content down also) and shows the form to submit the email. If you guys can think of a JQuery plugin that lets me do this, please let me know
So I did this
<div class='add-link'>
<div id='invite_link'><a href=''>Invite User</a></div>
<div id='invitation_form'>
<input type='text'/>
and my jquery looks like
<script type="text/javascript">
$("table").tablesorter({sortList:[[0,0],[2,1]], widgets: ['zebra']});
$('#invite_link').click(function() {
Do you guys see any error that causes the form not to slide down. It hides the form when the page loads but when I click the link it is not sliding down.
$('a.mylink').click(function() {
I don't think you need a jQuery plugin for this. The base jQuery library should be sufficient.
$('#showFormLink').click(function () {
If you're looking for animation, that's possible as well by passing in a duration argument to slideDown.
Take a look at the jQuery show documentation.
