Does ibm-cloud-private support syndicate of catelog? - ibm-cloud-private

I see support statement for IBM Cloud Dedicated (Syndicated catalog) here ->
Is it supported in ibm-cloud-private ?

No, IBM Cloud Private does not use the syndicated catalog from IBM Cloud Public and Dedicated because ICP uses a helm chart catalog, while IBM Cloud Public and Dedicated use the syndicated catalog serving up service broker access to services as well as container based services. ICP doesn't have to syndicate across public datacenters like IBM Cloud Public and Dedicated because ICP is running in the datacenter of your choice and might be air-gapped (no connection to internet). The syndicated catalog is built on the assumption of public datacenters.


Unable to get the web interface of IBM websphere MQ in Azure Kubernetes

We are trying to spin up a Stateful MQ manager with default storage Class as persistent storage mounted for data in an Azure Kubernetes cluster. Here is the link which we followed. We exposed the service type as LoadBalancer as shown in below command.
helm install stable/ibm-mqadvanced-server-dev --version 3.0.1 --set service.type=LoadBalancer,security.initVolumeAsRoot=true,license=accept
Now, we can able to deploy the MQ pod in AKS and it shows the pod status as running. but unable to get the web interface of MQ. Here we are taking service type as LoadBalancer and added security groups for NodePorts created by LoadBalancer. still, we are failed to access the service. we have checked pod logs and it shows the logs as Started web server at the end.
Could anybody suggest what might be the reason for not getting the web interface of IBM WebSphere MQ and what are the possible ways to overcome this issue?

Google Cloud Memcache equivalent on IBM Bluemix

I'm developing a webservice on IBM Bluemix with Liberty for Java and Cloudant and I have to cache some data in memory.
The auto-scaling component creates new instances of my application and I would a shared cache between instances.
Is there a sort of Memcache in IBM Bluemix like in Google Cloud?
Have you looked at Redis: or ? That should sort out your inmemory store needs.

Using Spring Cloud Connector for Heroku in order to connect to multiple RedisLabs databases

I have a requirement for multiple RedisLabs databases for my application as described in their home page:
multiple dedicated databases in a plan
We enable multiple DBs in a single plan, each running in a dedicated process and in a non-blocking manner.
I rely on Spring Cloud Connectors in order to connect to Heroku (or Foreman in local) and it seems the RedisServiceInfoCreator class allows for a single RedisLabs URL i.e. REDISCLOUD_URL
Here is how I have configured my first redis connection factory:
#Profile({Profiles.CLOUD, Profiles.DEFAULT})
public class RedisCloudConfiguration extends AbstractCloudConfig {
public RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory() {
PoolConfig poolConfig = ...
return connectionFactory().redisConnectionFactory("REDISCLOUD", new PooledServiceConnectorConfig(poolConfig));
How I am supposed to configure a second connection factory if I intend to use several redis labs databases?
Redis Cloud will set for you an env var only for the first resource in each add-on that you create.
If you create multiple resources in an add-on, you should either set an env var yourself, or use the new endpoint directly in your code.
In short the answer is yes, RedisConnectionFactory should be using Jedis in order to connect to your redis db. it is using jedis pool that can only work with a single redis endpoint. in this regard there is no different between RedisLabs and a basic redis.
you should create several connection pools to work with several redis dbs/endpoints.
just to extend, if you are using multiple dbs to scale, there is no need with RedisLabs as they support clustering with a single endpoint. so you can simple create a single db with as much memory as needed, RedisLabs will create a cluster for you and will scale your redis automatically.
if you app does require logical seperation, then creation multiple dbs is the right way to go.

Configuring JBoss EPA 6.1 with IBM MQ

I am developing a service for JMS messaging using IBM WMQ version 7.5 as Message oriented middleware. I am in a dilemma. The IBM specification says to use WebSphere MQ JMS API in JAVA EE environment. My sender and receivers will be in remote JBoss deployments. IBM provides a resource adapter to connect via JCA. This connection requires static administration of components such as Queue managers, queue channels, queue names.
Is JCA the best I can do ? Is there any other way where I can dynamically create the queues provided that I know other configuration details ? There will be multiple applications using this setup running on their own servers. If I use JCA, all have to make their own configurations. Can I make dynamic configurations ?
Typically within the application server environment resources would be created in some JNDI context. These would be Connection Factories and Destinations.
Depending on the app server, it may be possible to share this configuration across a network of individual servers. So typically there would be some set of static definitions.
However within say a servlet the MQConnectionFactory can be dynamically created.
In all cases the backing WMQ Resources do need to exist; though it is possible to send administrative command messages to WMQ to create queues and do other admin. The only exception is topics, accessing a topic string brings it into existence. Though this has default security properties that you might not want.

when to use JMS (with websphere inbuilt messaging provider) vs a full fledged MQ product like ActiveMQ

I understand JMS spec allows me to write MDBs. Then I can deploy them on an appserver like websphere or jboss (and they have inbuilt implementation of JMS provider which is Java EE compliant). The question is when to use a full fledged product like IBM WebSphere MQ or ACtiveMQ instead of using App server's inbuilt JMS provider.
This appears to be a good reference to what you are asking, specific to IBM products but can be generalized to using an application server integrated messaging system vs a standalone messaging system -
A built in JMS provider, such as WebSphere SI Bus, possibly others, are built for JMS messaging.
WebSphere MQ (MQSeries), ActiveMQ etc. have clients for multiple languages and are built for applications other than Application Server hosted applications to connect to it (C++, Java SE, Python, etc).
Say you want a local messaging server on the same physical server (or network?) as a non JavaEE application, you don't want to install a Java EE App Server, but want a stand alone messaging server instead (WebSphere MQ, Active MQ).
That said, ActiveMQ, for instance, is the messaging system inside Apache Geronimo. So there is overlapping here.
Then there is a whole discussion about management, clustering and security. Java EE messaging systems are pretty much optimized to follow the cluster layout of Java EE. In other deployment scenarios, the clustering might be optimal in other ways, such as cluster for different security zones. Also security models and management tools might be different in stand alone messagaing servers.
