Same background in multiple pages AEM - image

I have this structure of pages with components inside
- jcr:content
- topBanner
- background
- file
- jcr:content
- topBanner (different component from the homepage)
- background (same component as homepage)
- file
What I need is, when I upload an image to homepage background I want that same image goes to secondpage.
I have tried use granite properties but I'm stuck because I can't find AEM documentation for javascript
this is my serverside javascript for upload the image, based on image of AEM
"use strict";
"/libs/sightly/js/3rd-party/q.js"], function(AuthoringUtils, Image, Q) {
var image = new Image(granite.resource);
var imageDefer = Q.defer();
var CONST = {
PLACEHOLDER_SRC: "/etc/designs/default/0.gif"
// check if there's a local file image under the node
granite.resource.resolve(granite.resource.path + "/file").then(function(localImageResource) {
}, function() {
// Modifying the image object to set the placeholder if the content is missing
if (!image.fileReference()) {
// Adding the constants to the exposed API
image.CONST = CONST;
// check for image available sizes
if (image.width() <= 0) {
image.width = "";
if (image.height() <= 0) {
image.height = "";
return imageDefer.promise;
Basically I want to copy the file from homepage to secondpage and other pages that may exist. Or create a pointer in the background of the secondpage to the file from homepage.
How can I do this?
TopBanner Component HTML
<div class="dashboard-hello">
<div data-sly-resource="${ 'background' # resourceType='digital/components/content/authored/vf_background'}"/>
<div class="spring" id="homepage--greeting">
<div class="dashboard-hello__content">
<div data-sly-resource="${ 'greeting' # resourceType='digital/components/content/authored/vf_greeting'}"/>

What you need is a design_dialog alongside the dialog of the background component.
Design dialogs content changes are global accessible while dialog content changes are page specific. That means that the content stored via a design dialog is store at design path (usually somewhere under /etc/design/) while the content modified through the dialog gets stored at page level under component’s node.
You would have to modify the JSP rendering script of your background component also.
I would first obtain the background image path from the JCR property of the page specific content :properties.get("<image_path_property_name>");. If not set, I would fallback to the global background image currentStyle.get("<image_path_property_name>");. This way you would be able to set a different background image in secondpage/../background or "other pages that may exist".
Or if you don't want authors to use a different background image in the secondpage/../background pages, then only obtain background image path from the design property.


Insert image in editor after upload

I've managed to upload images through drag & drop to a SP 2013 library by intercepting the paste and fileUploadrequest events (+ added mandatory headers and used /_api/web/getfolderbyserverrelativeurl(\'/sites/theSite/theLibrary\')/files/add(overwrite=true,%20url=\'aDynamicFilename.jpg\') as the request's URL).
The problem with this approach is that even if the image is uploaded, the image is not inserted in the editor (no error). I'm not setting config.uploadUrl for this approach.
Q#1: Is there any step which I should go through after the image is uploaded? Like telling the CKEDITOR instance to insert the image?
Later on, I've noticed that if I'm setting the config.uploadUrl to the same URL as I'm using above, the editor inserts successfully the image. The problem is that, from my trials, the config.uploadUrl is initialized together with the CKEDITOR instance (therefore, can't be assigned dynamically for each image, in case that multiple images are dragged and dropped on the editor).
Q#2: Is there another way to configure the uploadUrl or maybe some other config property that would allow the custom upload to work and insert the image in the editor?
Eventually made it work by following a similar approach as the on in this repo:
Use a FileReader and start loading the image when it's pasted to the
On the fileReader's onload event, create a img element in the
editor's document object with some opacity and with the fileReader's
Base64 string as the src
On the fileLoader's uploaded event, remove
the img and re-add it with the actual file's url (changing the src
attribute on the img was not triggering the editor's change event, which I was hooking into,so I chose to replace the whole element)
Here's the relevant section from the ckeditor-ImageUploader plugin:
fileDialog.on('change', function (e) {
var fileTools = CKEDITOR.fileTools,
uploadUrl = fileTools.getUploadUrl( editor.config, 'image' ),
file =[0],
loader = editor.uploadRepository.create(file),
reader = new FileReader(),
// verify
if (!/image/i.test(file.type)) {
notification = editor.showNotification( 'Please check the correct format.', 'warning' );
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
return false
// preview image
reader.onload = function (e) {
img = editor.document.createElement('img');
img.setStyle('opacity', 0.3);
loader.on('uploaded', function(evt) {
editor.widgets.initOn(img, 'image', {
src: evt.sender.url
img.setAttribute('src', evt.sender.url);
img.setStyle('opacity', 1);
loader.on('error', function() {
img.$ && img.$.remove();
fileTools.bindNotifications(editor, loader);
// empty input
fileDialog[0].value = "";

Load a Page Content without page refresh in Codeigniter/Bootstrap

I have created a Admin Panel in the header part with bootstrap , when i click on any nav bar option (ul->li->a) the whole page jerk and reload i want to load it smoothly with the hllp of ajax i.e, without page refresh.
How can i acheive that i have tried various material supplied in the net but it wont help.
I have limited knowledge in ajax.
Please help
Usually I think you've used jQuery. It's would be simplest.
You'll need to have a back-end that should returns only part of your page (that needs to be loaded). Or use (not recommended) $.load
If you have the back-end that returns part of your page:
var $container = $('#container'); // It's a block that will be used for content displaying
// Renderring content
function renderPage(response) {
// Wrapped content hidden by default
var $content = $('<div style="display: none">' + response + '</div>');
// Then clear current content
// Then append our response and fade it to display
$content.appendTo($container).stop(true, true).fadeIn(300);
// Loading page
function loadPage(url, params) {
$.get(url, (params||{}), renderPage);
// Adding handler
function go(e) {
return false;
And then in your items:

CKEditor 4: Image Properties dialog and custom preview image

Just to get you up to speed, I have set-up my CKEditor instance so that when viewing the WYSIWYG (live) mode [image:abc123] is replaced with the actual URL to the image.
So for example in the HTML source view, you see this:
<img src="[image:abc123]" />
But when you view the WYSIWYG (live) mode, it shows this:
<img src="/file/image/abc123" />
This is all working great. An issue I am now having is when you edit the image in Image properties. As the image does not exist, it show's the red x.
My question is, is there a way to customise the Image Properties dialog so that if it matches [image:abc123], it loads a different image URL in the Preview window?
This code doesn't work but might make it a little clearer what I'm trying to achieve here.
CKEDITOR.on('dialogDefinition', function(evt) {
if ( == 'image') {
var image_url = ???;
var preview_image = ???;
var file_id = image_url.value.match(/\[image:([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\]/);
if (file_id)
preview_image.src = '/file/image/' + file_id[1];
Thanks in advance!

Load image elements via AJAX in a preferred sequence

i am loading images on my web site after page load with jquery, i use $(document).ready to load images after page load now i want to specify order so i can load images of my slide show in a manner and have my slide show hidden, after slide show picture load show it.
this is an html part of my code:
<a class="videoThumb imageLightbox" href="images/slider/pic-usa-11-large.jpg">
<img src="/images/blank.gif" class="delayLoad" onmouseover="this.src = './images/slider/pic-usa-11.jpg'" width=" 215px" height="160px"/>
and i load images after document ready:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Load images once the page has loaded
jQuery("img.delayLoad").each(function() {
// Create a new span element which we will wrap around our image
// Using a span because if the image was inside an <a> tag then online inline elements should be used
var delaySpan = document.createElement("span");
with (jQuery(this)) {
// Handle images that are hidden, otherwise display mode for the span should be block (inline doesn't work properly)
if (css('display') == 'none') {
var _display = 'none' } else {
var _display = 'block' }
// Copy the style from the image into a new object (this means you don't need to worry about styling this span within your CSS)
var cssObj = {
'height' : css('height'),
'width' : css('width'),
'margin-top' : css('margin-top'),
'margin-right' : css('margin-right'),
'margin-bottom' : css('margin-bottom'),
'margin-left' : css('margin-left'),
'background-image' : css('background-image'),
'background-color' : css('background-color'),
'background-repeat' : css('background-repeat'),
// Hack for now, becuase IE doesn't seem to read the background-position property correctly
'background-position' : '50% 50%',
'display' : _display
// Apply our style properties to our span
// Wrap the image in the span
// Hide the image (leaving just the span visible
// Simulate the mouse over the image, whcih will cause it to switch the img src
// Remove the mouseover attribute (since we don't want to update the img src every time the user does a mouseover
// Simulate the mouse moving out of the image (To reset the image to its normal state)
// Once the image is loaded, perform a function
.load(function () {
// Fade the image in
// Remove the span by unwrapping the image
(i used this document: )
now i want to control images load and hide the box before all images are loaded and show the box after page load
how do i can do such task?
The jQuery Message Queueing plugin lets you perform serial AJAX requests. This may be what you're looking for.

Trigger effect after changing src attribute of img tag

Im using this code to change the src attribute of an image tag (using prototype and scriptaculous):
new Effect.Fade("images",{afterFinish:
$("detail").setAttribute("src", "img/02.jpg");
new Effect.Appear("images",{duration:0.8});
Where "images" is the container (a div) and "detail" is the img tag
The result is the current image fades, appears and then the new image suddenly shows.
My question is, how can i check the new image is fully loaded by the browser to trigger the Effect.Appear after?
Is there another way to do this?
Images have an onload event you can hook up to:
$("detail").onload = function()
{ do_stuff(); } // Remember to do this BEFORE changing the src
In my experience, it is a bit flaky sometimes (at times doesn't seem to get executed). It would be better to pre-load the image and allow this effect only after the full document has loaded (onload instead of dom:load or ready).
new Effect.Appear("images",{duration:0.8});
Event.observe("detail", 'load', function() {
new Effect.Appear("images",{duration:0.8});
Event.stopObserving('detail', 'load');
To tell the user that you are loading the image, you could set a css background to the image, with a spinnging circle or whatever suits.
