Strange behaviour using quadruple precision in Fortran using Mingw (Anaconda version) - windows

Windows 7 64 bits
GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.7.0 20111220 (experimental) --> The MinGW version installed with Anaconda3/Miniconda3 64 bits.
Hi all,
I'm trying to compile some Fortran code to be used from Python using F2Py. The full project is Solcore, in case anyone is interested. In Linux and MacOS everything works fine, the problem comes with Windows. After some effort I've nailed down the problem to the quadruple precision variables of my Fortran code, which are not being treated properly.
A minimum example that works perfectly well in Linux/MacOS but not in Windows is:
program foo
real*16 q, q2
q = 20
q2 = q+q
print*, q, q2
end program foo
In Linux/MacOS this prints, as expected:
20.0000000000000000000000000000000000 40.0000000000000000000000000000000000
However, in Windows I get:
2.00000000000000000000000000000000000E+0001 1.68105157155604675313133890866087630E-4932
Keeping aside the scientific notation, clearly this is not what I expected. The same result appear any time I try to do an operation with quadruple precision variables and I cannot figure out way.
This is not the same error already pointed out with quadruple precision variables in Fortran and the MinGW version included in Anaconda.
Any suggestion will be more than welcome. Please, keep in mind that, ultimately I need to make this work with F2Py, and MinGW included in Anaconda is the only way I have found in the end to make it work after reading many instructions and tutorials. Therefore, I would prefer to stick to it, if possible.
Many thanks,


Maximum elements to loop over in fortran in linux and windows [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why Segmentation fault is happening in this openmp code?
(2 answers)
Closed 4 months ago.
I am writing some parallel Fortran90/95 code and I just came across some thing I can't understand.
I work on a Toshiba laptop with 6Go RAM.
In Windows 10, I use code::blocks. I have imported gfortran from MinGW as a compiler and compile my code with the -fopenmp flag.
I have Ubuntu 18.04 inside VirtualBox. I let it use half of my ram, that is 3Go. I compile my code on this one using gfortran -fopenmp as well.
A minimal version of the encountered code causing issue is:
program main
implicit none
integer :: i
integer, parameter :: n=500000
real, dimension(n) :: A, B
real :: som
do i =1, n
A(i)= 1.0
B(i)= 2.0
end do
do i=1, n
som = som + A(i)*B(i)
end do
print *,"somme:", som
end program main
I then let vary the value of the parameter n.
Running on Windows. For n up to approx 200.000 everything's fine. Above, I get "Process returned -1073741571 (0xC00000FD)"
Running on Ubuntu I can go up to 1.000.000 with no issue. Seems that the barrier is around 2.000.000 after which I got a segfault.
My question is how one can explain that ubuntu, in spite of having far less memory available can handle 10 times more iterations ?
Is there anything I can do on the Windows size to make it able to handle more loop iterations ?
According to Rodrigo Rodrigues comment, I added one more flag to my compiler setting:
Documentation says default is 32767 but I assume there is a different setting in code blocks and in ubuntu's native gfortran.
program main
implicit none
real,allocatable :: A(:),B(:)
real :: som
integer :: i
integer, parameter :: n=500000
do i =1, n
A(i)= 1.0
B(i)= 2.0
end do
do i=1, n
som = som + A(i)*B(i)
end do
print *,"somme:", som
end program main
real, dimension(n) :: A, B
real,allocatable :: A(:),B(:)
solved the problem, please check.

RuntimeWarning while using lambda function (Win8 computer)

I installed Python(x,y)- to run python programs on my Win8 Laptop. The Programs run on Linux, but when I use python(x,y) I get this error message:
D:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\optimize\ RuntimeWarning: Number of calls to function has reached maxfev = 2800.
warnings.warn(errors[info][0], RuntimeWarning)
The error occurs during a harmonic analysis at the "func= lambda..." part:
y = N.ravel(zon[:,z,k,:])
print k
func = lambda p,s,c,y: fitfunc(p,s,c) - y # Distance to the target function
print k
p1, success = optimize.leastsq(func, p0[:], args=(s,c,y))
I looked it up, where maxfev is defined, but I guess, it´s not a good idea to change it. My question is, whether the error is caused by a bug of python(x,y) or by my Windows 8 system. How can I search after the answer?
Does anybody else use Python(x,y)- with a win8 computer?
As suggested by Padraic Cunningham (python 64 package for windows), I installed Anaconda 64bit for windows. There are no problems anymore. Thus I think, one problem might have been the 32bit Version of pythonxy. Another aspect might be, that I didn´t use the latest version of pythonxy, but I´m not sure about that.

KbdLayerDescriptor returns NULL at 64bit architecture

im writing a complex program that analyses users writing, and i have problem when running this application on 64bit OS.
Here is the code you can run to re-interprate the problem.
but of course, you need to have 64bit OS, since the program runs correctly on 32bit OS.
after this call
pKbd = pKbdLayerDescriptor();
this pointer equals NULL
I have tried to google the solution first, and i found this
its the exact same problem as i have, but there seem not to be a solution.
So do you have any ideas what can be wrong ?
There is this piece of code in the program and it seems that it takes care of the size differences between pointers on 32 and 64bit architecture
#if defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
#define KBD_LONG_POINTER __ptr64
But clearly, its not helping.
I've just had exactly the same issue with that piece of code.
I'll assume you're compiling to 32-bit but running on 64-bit as I am. If so, then first you need to define BUILD_WOW6432 before including kbd.h (or kbdext.h if you're using it). Secondly, use
SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_SYSTEMX86, NULL, 0, systemDirectory)
instead of GetSystemDirectory(systemDirectory, MAX_PATH). This means that you always use the 32-bit code, even on 64-bit machines.
This solved the problem for me, hope it helps you :)

How does bootstrapping work for gcc?

I was looking up the pypy project (Python in Python), and started pondering the issue of what is running the outer layer of python? Surely, I conjectured, it can't be as the old saying goes "turtles all the way down"! Afterall, python is not valid x86 assembly!
Soon I remembered the concept of bootstrapping, and looked up compiler bootstrapping. "Ok", I thought, "so it can be either written in a different language or hand compiled from assembly". In the interest of performance, I'm sure C compilers are just built up from assembly.
This is all well, but the question still remains, how does the computer get that assembly file?!
Say I buy a new cpu with nothing on it. During the first operation I wish to install an OS, which runs C. What runs the C compiler? Is there a miniature C compiler in the BIOS?
Can someone explain this to me?
Say I buy a new cpu with nothing on it. During the first operation I wish to install an OS, which runs C. What runs the C compiler? Is there a miniature C compiler in the BIOS?
I understand what you're asking... what would happen if we had no C compiler and had to start from scratch?
The answer is you'd have to start from assembly or hardware. That is, you can either build a compiler in software or hardware. If there were no compilers in the whole world, these days you could probably do it faster in assembly; however, back in the day I believe compilers were in fact dedicated pieces of hardware. The wikipedia article is somewhat short and doesn't back me up on that, but never mind.
The next question I guess is what happens today? Well, those compiler writers have been busy writing portable C for years, so the compiler should be able to compile itself. It's worth discussing on a very high level what compilation is. Basically, you take a set of statements and produce assembly from them. That's it. Well, it's actually more complicated than that - you can do all sorts of things with lexers and parsers and I only understand a small subset of it, but essentially, you're looking to map C to assembly.
Under normal operation, the compiler produces assembly code matching your platform, but it doesn't have to. It can produce assembly code for any platform you like, provided it knows how to. So the first step in making C work on your platform is to create a target in an existing compiler, start adding instructions and get basic code working.
Once this is done, in theory, you can now cross compile from one platform to another. The next stages are: building a kernel, bootloader and some basic userland utilities for that platform.
Then, you can have a go at compiling the compiler for that platform (once you've got a working userland and everything you need to run the build process). If that succeeds, you've got basic utilities, a working kernel, userland and a compiler system. You're now well on your way.
Note that in the process of porting the compiler, you probably needed to write an assembler and linker for that platform too. To keep the description simple, I omitted them.
If this is of interest, Linux from Scratch is an interesting read. It doesn't tell you how to create a new target from scratch (which is significantly non trivial) - it assumes you're going to build for an existing known target, but it does show you how you cross compile the essentials and begin building up the system.
Python does not actually assemble to assembly. For a start, the running python program keeps track of counts of references to objects, something that a cpu won't do for you. However, the concept of instruction-based code is at the heart of Python too. Have a play with this:
>>> def hello(x, y, z, q):
... print "Hello, world"
... q()
... return x+y+z
>>> import dis
2 0 LOAD_CONST 1 ('Hello, world')
3 5 LOAD_FAST 3 (q)
4 12 LOAD_FAST 0 (x)
15 LOAD_FAST 1 (y)
19 LOAD_FAST 2 (z)
There you can see how Python thinks of the code you entered. This is python bytecode, i.e. the assembly language of python. It effectively has its own "instruction set" if you like for implementing the language. This is the concept of a virtual machine.
Java has exactly the same kind of idea. I took a class function and ran javap -c class to get this:;
0: aload_0
1: invokespecial #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
4: return
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
0: iconst_0
1: istore_1
2: iconst_0
3: istore_1
4: iload_1
5: aload_0
6: arraylength
7: if_icmpge 57
10: getstatic #2;
13: new #3;
16: dup
17: invokespecial #4;
20: ldc #5;
22: invokevirtual #6;
25: iload_1
26: invokevirtual #7;
I take it you get the idea. These are the assembly languages of the python and java worlds, i.e. how the python interpreter and java compiler think respectively.
Something else that would be worth reading up on is JonesForth. This is both a working forth interpreter and a tutorial and I can't recommend it enough for thinking about "how things get executed" and how you write a simple, lightweight language.
In the interest of performance, I'm sure C compilers are just built up from assembly.
C compilers are, nowadays, (almost?) completely written in C (or higher-level languages - Clang is C++, for instance). Compilers gain little to nothing from including hand-written assembly code. The things that take most time are as slow as they are because they solve very hard problems, where "hard" means "big computational complexity" - rewriting in assembly brings at most a constant speedup, but those don't really matter anymore at that level.
Also, most compilers want high portability, so architecture-specific tricks in the front and middle end are out of question (and in the backends, they' not desirable either, because they may break cross-compilation).
Say I buy a new cpu with nothing on it. During the first operation I wish to install an OS, which runs C. What runs the C compiler? Is there a miniature C compiler in the BIOS?
When you're installing an OS, there's (usually) no C compiler run. The setup CD is full of readily-compiled binaries for that architecture. If there's a C compiler included (as it's the case with many Linux distros), that's an already-compiled exectable too. And those distros that make you build your own kernel etc. also have at least one executable included - the compiler. That is, of course, unless you have to compile your own kernel on an existing installation of anything with a C compiler.
If by "new CPU" you mean a new architecture that isn't backwards-compatible to anything that's yet supported, self-hosting compilers can follow the usual porting procedure: First write a backend for that new target, then compile yourself for it, and suddenly you got a mature compiler with a battle-hardened (compiled a whole compiler) native backend on the new platform.
If you buy a new machine with a pre-installed OS, it doesn't even need to include a compiler anywhere, because all the executable code has been compiled on some other machine, by whoever provides the OS - your machine doesn't need to compile anything itself.
How do you get to this point if you have a completely new CPU architecture? In this case, you would probably start by writing a new code generation back-end for your new CPU architecture (the "target") for an existing C compiler that runs on some other platform (the "host") - a cross-compiler.
Once your cross-compiler (running on the host) works well enough to generate a correct compiler (and necessary libraries, etc.) that will run on the target, then you can compile the compiler with itself on the target platform, and end up with a target-native compiler, which runs on the target and generates code which runs on the target.
It's the same principle with a new language: you have to write code in an existing language that you do have a toolchain for, which will compile your new language into something that you can work with (let's call this the "bootstrap compiler"). Once you get this working well enough, you can write a compiler in your new language (the "real compiler"), and then compile the real compiler with the bootstrap compiler. At this point you're writing the compiler for your new language in the new language itself, and your language is said to be "self-hosting".

Same C code producing different results on Mac OS X than Windows and Linux

I'm working with an older version of OpenSSL, and I'm running into some behavior that has stumped me for days when trying to work with cross-platform code.
I have code that calls OpenSSL to sign something. My code is modeled after the code in ASN1_sign, which is found in a_sign.c in OpenSSL, which exhibits the same issues when I use it. Here is the relevant line of code (which is found and used exactly the same way in a_sign.c):
EVP_SignUpdate(&ctx,(unsigned char *)buf_in,inl);
ctx is a structure that OpenSSL uses, not relevant to this discussion
buf_in is a char* of the data that is to be signed
inl is the length of buf_in
EVP_SignUpdate can be called repeatedly in order to read in data to be signed before EVP_SignFinal is called to sign it.
Everything works fine when this code is used on Ubuntu and Windows 7, both of them produce the exact same signatures given the same inputs.
On OS X, if the size of inl is less than 64 (that is there are 64 bytes or less in buf_in), then it too produces the same signatures as Ubuntu and Windows. However, if the size of inl becomes greater than 64, it produces its own internally consistent signatures that differ from the other platforms. By internally consistent, I mean that the Mac will read the signatures and verify them as proper, while it will reject the signatures from Ubuntu and Windows, and vice versa.
I managed to fix this issue, and cause the same signatures to be created by changing that line above to the following, where it reads the buffer one byte at a time:
int input_it;
for(input_it = (int)buf_in; input_it < inl + (int)buf_in; intput_it++){
EVP_SIGNUpdate(&ctx, (unsigned char*) input_it, 1);
This causes OS X to reject its own signatures of data > 64 bytes as invalid, and I tracked down a similar line elsewhere for verifying signatures that needed to be broken up in an identical manner.
This fixes the signature creation and verification, but something is still going wrong, as I'm encountering other problems, and I really don't want to go traipsing (and modifying!) much deeper into OpenSSL.
Surely I'm doing something wrong, as I'm seeing the exact same issues when I use stock ASN1_sign. Is this an issue with the way that I compiled OpenSSL? For the life of me I can't figure it out. Can anyone educate me on what bone-headed mistake I must be making?
This is likely a bug in the MacOS implementation. I recommend you file a bug by sending the above text to the developers as described at
There are known issues with OpenSSL on the mac (you have to jump through a few hoops to ensure it links with the correct library instead of the system library). Did you compile it yourself? The PROBLEMS file in the distribution explains the details of the issue and suggests a few workarounds. (Or if you are running with shared libraries, double check that your DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is correctly set). No guarantee, but this looks a likely place to start...
The most common issue porting Windows and Linux code around is default values of memory. I think Windows sets it to 0xDEADBEEF and Linux set's it to 0s.
