How do I print a specified line of a text file without using 'FOR /F'? - dos

I would like to be able to print a specified line of a text file like this:
C:\>type test.txt
C:\>printline test.txt 2
However, 'for /f' cannot be used as it is not available in FreeDOS, which I'm designing my program for use with.
What can I do instead? I had looked at this question and it didn't help me.

You write a program that allows you to do so. for /f is not available in FreeDOS as it was not available in DOS', since FreeDOS aims to be compatible to MS-DOS.
The other option is that you don't do this at all.

Have you considered the command line of Microsoft LogParser?


How to limit what the Linux Teminal prints by defaults (prompt)? (i.e. number of subfolder)

The problem comes from the work folder location: if I should work in a subfolder of a subfolder of a subfolder et cetera... The command line of the shell bask in Linux is so long that can use two lines to be correctly printed.
Is there a way of showing only the last (or the few last) working subfolder?
What is actually printed:
What I would love to see:
More Info:
Xubuntu 16.04
Terminator is used instead of the default "Linux Terminal Emulator"
I had a look on this Stackoverflow's question but it is for the input and not for the default line printed by the shell
Have a look at the PROMPTING section of man bash. You configure the prompt by setting PS1, and I suspect your current setting is something like this:
$ echo $PS1
If you change it to
$ PS1='\u#\h:\W\$ '
it will only print the basename of the current working directory.
I do not know why but the previous answer does not work on my machine. However, an alternative solution that works fine is:
where N is the number of subfolders you want to see.
user#user-pc:~/Documents/robotic_arm/difference/develop/component/ $ PROMPT_DIRTRIM=2
user#user-pc:~/.../develop/component/ $
The solution was suggested by one of the answers above this question.

Is there a script I can run to remove all the hard (carriage) returns in a .txt file?

I have a .txt (Mac OS X Snow Leopard) file that has a lot of text. At the end of a paragraph, there is a hard return that moves the next paragraph onto another line. This is causing some issues with what I am wanting to do to get the content into my db, so I am wondering if there is anyway I can remove the hard returns? Is there some sort of script I can run? I am really hoping I don't have to go through and manually take the hard returns out.
To recap, here is what it looks like now:
This is some text. Text is what this is.
And then this is the next paragraph that is on a different line.
And this is what I would like to get to:
This is some text. Text is what this is. And then this is the next paragraph that is on a different line.
For all several thousand lines in my .txt file.
The text I am dealing with in my txt file is actually HTML:
 <span class="text">1 </span> THis is where my text is<br/>
And when I run the cat command in terminal like mentioned below, only the first is there. Everything else is missing...
In a terminal:
cat myfile.txt | tr -d '\r' > file2.txt
There's probably a more efficient way to do this, since the "tr -d '\r'" is the active ingredient, but that's the idea.
I normally just use an editor with good Regular Expression support. TextWrangler is great.
An end of line in TextWrangler is \r, so to remove it, just search for \r and replace it with a space. TBH, I always wondered how it handles CRLF-encoded files, but somehow it works.
I believe you can do this with Applescript. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with it however the following should help you to acomplish this (it's for a different problem but it will lead you in the direction you need to go):
Alternatively if you didn't want to do this with Applescript and have Excel installed (or access to a machine with it) then the following should help:
In Linux terminal cat file.txt | tr -d "\r\n" | > new file.txt will do. Modify \r\n part to remove desired charters.

key logging in unix

I am a newbie to unix scripting, I want to do following and I have little clue how to proceed.
I want to log the input and output of certain set of commands, given on the terminal, to a trace file. I should be able to switch it on and off.
switch trace on
user:echo Hello World
user:Hello World
switch trace off
Then the trace log file, e.g. trace.log, it's content should be
echo Hello World
Hello World
One thing that I can think to do is to use set -x, redirecting its output to some file, but couldn't find a way to do that. I did man set, or man -x but I found no entry. Maybe I am being too naive, but some guidance will be very helpful.
I am using bash shell.
See script(1), "make typescript of terminal session". To start a new transcript in file xyz: script xyz. To add on to an existing transcript in file xyz: script -a xyz.
There will be a few overhead lines, like Script started on ... and Script done on ... which you could use awk or sed to filter out on printout. The -t switch allows a realtime playback.
I think there might have been a recent question regarding how to display a transcript in less, and although I can't find it, this question and this one address some of the same issues of viewing a file that contains control characters. (Captured transcripts often contain ANSI control sequences and usually contain Returns as well as Linefeeds.)
Update 1 A Perl program script-declutter is available to remove special characters from script logs.
The program is about 45 lines of code found near the middle of the link. Save those lines of code in a file called script-declutter, in a subdirectory that's on your PATH (for example, $HOME/bin if that's on your search path, else (eg) /usr/local/bin) and make the file executable. After that, a command like
script-declutter typescript > out
will remove most special characters from file typescript,
while directing the result to file out.

gdalinfo - how to pause the outputting data

I am using GDAL. in command prompt, i am doing
$ gdalinfo (my file location)
It works but because it is a huge file the command gives a lot of information. I am only interested in seeing what's near the beginning. The command prompt only allows scrolling up to the last 1000 or so lines of info (it must give about 100,000 lines or so). How can I do this?
This will depend on the OS and utilities it provides. I am assuming you are using a POSIX OS which support pipes and provides utilities such as less/more. The command in this case would be:
$ gdalinfo file.tif | less
If less is unavailable, you may have the more command installed. You can also save the output from gdalinfo into a file and look at the file later.
$gdalinfo tile.tif > output.txt
On Windows, I get a truncated response like this:
C:\Users\elijah>gdalinfo "C:\xData\GreeneCountyMo\ortho_1-1_1n_s_mo077_2010_1.sid" | more
(Use ENTER/RETURN to advance to the next line, and CTRL+C to "escape" when you're finished.)
Or I can do the outfile as well:
C:\Users\elijah>gdalinfo "C:\xData\ortho_1-1_1n_s_mo077_2010_1.sid" > "C:\xData\gdalinfo.txt"
If you are on a windows machine... What type of file are you using? Perhaps it contains a lot of ground control points, which you can skip using the -nogcp flag, or skip the metadata using the -nomd flag (see Also, see --help-general; you might have the --debug flag set to on?

Is there replacement for cat on Windows

I need to join two binary files with a *.bat script on Windows.
How can I achieve that?
Windows type command works similarly to UNIX cat.
Example 1:
type file1 file2 > file3
is equivalent of:
cat file1 file2 > file3
Example 2:
type *.vcf > all_in_one.vcf
This command will merge all the vcards into one.
You can use copy /b like this:
copy /b file1+file2 destfile
If you have control over the machine where you're doing your work, I highly recommend installing GnuWin32. Just "Download All" and let the wget program retrieve all the packages. You will then have access to cat, grep, find, gzip, tar, less, and hundreds of others.
GnuWin32 is one of the first things I install on a new Windows box.
Shameless PowerShell plug (because I think the learning curve is a pain, so teaching something at any opportunity can help)
Get-Content file1,file2
Note that type is an alias for Get-Content, so if you like it better, you can write:
type file1,file2
Just use the dos copy command with multiple source files and one destination file.
copy file1+file2 appendedfile
You might need the /B option for binary files
In Windows 10's Redstone 1 release, the Windows added a real Linux subsystem for the NTOS kernel. I think originally it was intended to support Android apps, and maybe docker type scenarios. Microsoft partnered with Canonical and added an actual native bash shell. Also, you can use the apt package manager to get many Ubuntu packages. For example, you can do apt-get gcc to install the GCC tool chain as you would on a Linux box.
If such a thing existed while I was in university, I think I could have done most of my Unix programming assignments in the native Windows bash shell.
If you simply want to append text to the end of existing file, you can use the >> pipe. ex:
echo new text >>existingFile.txt
So i was looking for a similar solution with the abillity to preserve EOL chars and found out there was no way, so i do what i do best and made my own utillity
This is a native cat executable for windows -!6AVgwQhL!qJ1sxx-tLtpBkPIUx__iQDGKAIfmb21GHLFerhNoaWk
Usage: cat file1 file2 file3 file4 -o output.txt
-o | Specifies the next arg is the output, we must use this rather than ">>" to preserve the line endings
I call it sharp-cat as its built with C#, feel free to scan with an antivirus and source code will be made available at request
I try to rejoin tar archive which has been splitted in a Linux server.
And I found if I use type in Windows's cmd.exe, it will causes the file being joined in wrong order.(i.e. type sometimes will puts at first and then , XXXX.aa etc ...)
So, I found a tool named bat in GitHub which has a Windows build, and has better code highlight and the important thing is, it works fine on Windows to rejoin tar archive!
Windows type command has problems, for example with Unicode characters on 512 bytes boundary. Try Cygwin's cat.
If you have to use a batch script and have python installed here is a polyglot answer in batch and python:
1>2# : ^
#echo off
python "%~nx0" " %~nx1" "%~nx2" "%~nx3"
exit /b
rem ^
import sys
import os
sys.argv = [argv.strip() for argv in sys.argv]
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
_, file_one, file_two, out_file = sys.argv
for file_name in [file_one, file_two]:
if not os.path.isfile(file_name):
print "Can't find: {0}".format(file_name)
if os.path.isfile(out_file):
print "Output file exists and will be overwritten"
with open(out_file, "wb") as out:
with open(file_one, "rb") as f1:
with open(file_two, "rb") as f2:
If saved as join.bat usage would be:
join.bat file_one.bin file_two.bin out_file.bin
Thanks too this answer for the inspiration.
