const member function apparently allows to change state of object - c++11

class Foo
Foo(int& cnt) : cnt_(cnt) {}
void test() const
cnt_ = 0;
int& cnt_;
int cnt;
int main()
Foo foo(cnt);
The above code compiles. The test function is const, however we are allowed
to change the value of cnt_. If "cnt_" is not a reference then compiler
gives an error as expected. However if "cnt_" is a reference like above,
why doesn't compiler give an error ? We are still changing the state of the
object "Foo" inside a const member function, isn't it ?

The member cnt_, declared as:
int& cnt_;
is a reference, and inside the member function:
void test() const;
the const-qualification is applied to the members, i.e.: the reference, and not to the object referenced. Therefore, the object being referenced can still be modified through that reference, even inside a const member function, like the one above.
Note that, references can't be assigned after initialization anyway, so it really doesn't change what you can do with that reference.

Perhaps a pointer analogy will help.
Let's say you have:
struct Foo
Foo(int* cnt) : cnt_(cnt) {}
void test1() const
*cnt_ = 0;
void test2(int* p) const
cnt_ = p; // Not allowed
int* cnt_;
In test1, you are not changing cnt_. You are changing the value of cnt_ points to. That is allowed.
In test2, you are changing cnt_. That is not allowed.
In your case, you are not changing cnt_ to reference another object. You are changing the value of the object cnt_ references. Hence, it is allowed.


C++ class/struct conversion to void* pointer and reverse

I have a class:
class A
A (A& in) {} // How to write a constructor from void* ?
int a;
int b;
const void* data() const { return static_cast<const void *>(this); }
I need to pass the class data thru a connection, which takes a void* buffer and "returns" also void*. An instance and some function:
A a;
void send(void* x);
void receive(void* x);
How can I type cast the a to send it as a parameter to foo()? The following code is not valid:
How can I then, create a new object from a void* x pointer? What constructor and type cast to implement?
void* pA;
pA = ...
A a_copy {pA};
What would be the difference, if I have a struct not a class? I assume POD class here.
I would like not to use c-style casts, but rather C++ constructs.
How can I type cast the a to send it as a parameter to foo()? The following code is not valid:
I assume you mean send() instead of foo()? If so, your code is not valid because you are casting it to a reference to A, when send() expects a pointer to void. So:
send(static_cast<void *>(&a));
Or, since you already have a member function that does the casting for you:
How can I then, create a new object from a void* x pointer? What constructor and type cast to implement?
If you really want to do that, then again your constructor should take a pointer to void as argument, not a reference to another A:
class A
A(void* in) {...}
You could then use std::memcpy() to copy all data into the class
A(void *in) {
std::memcpy(this, in, sizeof *this);
Of course, this should only be done if A is a POD type.
What would be the difference, if I have a struct not a class? I assume POD class here.
Nothing. A struct and a class are the same, the exception is just that struct defaults to making members public, and a class defaults to private.

How to make a type alias depending on a compile-time constant within a class?

I want to write a class that makes use of numerical quadrature. The quadrature order defines the size of some containers that I will use. I would like to make a type alias for such containers and it has to depend on the quadrature order.
The following code shows my trials. It feels suboptimal in the sense that I have to repeat the order in the type alias definition:
#include <array>
class Quadrature
static constexpr unsigned int getOrder()
return 3;
// This line doesn't compile!
// using WeightsContainer = std::array<double, getOrder()>;
// g++ says "error: 'static constexpr unsigned int Quadrature::getOrder()'
// called in a constant expression before its definition is complete"
// This line compiles, but repeats the order. :-(
using WeightsContainer = std::array<double, 3>;
WeightsContainer container;
One solution that I have found is introducing a template parameter Order. But actually I wanted to determine the quadrature order and introducing the template parameter would make it variable.
Is there a possibility to make the order a compile-time constant and use it within my type alias definition?
For completeness, I could of course use a preprocessor define. But that feels old-fashioned. :-)
Edit 2:
Okay, I have found another possibility. I could add a function outside the class scope like this:
constexpr unsigned int order()
return 3;
But that feels wrong, because this is a property of the class and therefore should be within class scope!
One thing you can do is to move the value into a member variable:
class Quadrature
static constexpr unsigned int _order = 3;
static constexpr unsigned int getOrder()
return _order;
using WeightsContainer = std::array<double, _order>;
// ...
If you need more complicated computations instead of just return 3, under C++17 you can use a lambda as #Quentin mentioned:
class Quadrature
static constexpr auto getOrder = []()
return ...;
using WeightsContainer = std::array<double, getOrder()>;
// ...
Otherwise, you will need to pull the function outside of class scope for reasons mentioned here.

invalid use of non-static data member from a lambda expression [duplicate]

I really like the idea of properties in C#, and as a little side project, I've been tinkering with the idea of implementing them in C++. I ran into this example which seems fairly nice, but I couldn't help but think that lambdas and non-static data member initialization may make it possible to use some very nice syntax with this idea. Here's my implementation:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
template< typename T >
class property {
property(function<const T&(void)> getter, function<void(const T&)> setter)
: getter_(getter),
operator const T&() {
return getter_();
property<T>& operator=(const T& value) {
function<const T&(void)> getter_;
function<void(const T&)> setter_;
class Foobar {
property<int> num {
[&]() { return num_; },
[&](const int& value) { num_ = value; }
int num_;
int main() {
// This version works fine...
int myNum;
property<int> num = property<int>(
[&]() { return myNum; },
[&](const int& value) { myNum = value; }
num = 5;
cout << num << endl; // Outputs 5
cout << myNum << endl; // Outputs 5 again.
// This is what I would like to see work, if the property
// member of Foobar would compile...
// Foobar foo;
// foo.num = 5;
// cout << foo.num << endl;
return 0;
I can use my property class normally [see the example in main()], but MinGW with g++4.7 doesn't particularly care for my attempt at using the property as a data member:
\property.cpp: In lambda function:
\property.cpp:40:7: error: invalid use of non-static data member 'Foobar::num_'
So it seems the concept of my property implementation works, but it might be in vain because I can't access other data members from my lambda functions. I'm not sure how the standard defines what I'm trying to do here, am I completely out of luck, or am I just not doing something right here?
Your property is a different object (instance of property<int>) from the containing object (instance of Foobar). As such, its member functions get passed a different this, not the one you'd need to access num_ -- so you can't do it that way. If the lambdas were defined in a non-static member function of Foobar, they would have captured that function's this argument and would have had access to the enclosing object's members (explicitly, as this->num_). But the lambdas are defined in the class, where the non-static data members don't actually exist. If the lambdas did have access to num_, which num_, of which instance of Foobar, would have been that?
The easiest solution that I see is for the property to store a pointer to the enclosing object. That way, it can freely access its non-static members. The downside is that the declaration is slightly more complex (you'd have to do property<int, Foobar> num) and you'd need to initialize the property by passing the this pointer. So you won't be able to do it in the class, it would have to be in the constructor's initialization list, hence negating the advantage of C++11's data member initialization.
At that point, this would be available to the lambdas to capture anyway (by value, not by reference!) so your code would actually work with minimal changes, if you moved the initialization of the property to Foobar's constructor(s):
num {
[this]() { return this->num_; },
[this](const int& value) { this->num_ = value; }
Does anyone know whether this, as passed to whatever constructor happens to be invoked, is available for non-static member initialization in the class definition? I suspect it isn't, but if it were, the same construction would work inside the class definition.

C++ class member callback and external library

I would like to solve this issue about class member function callback.
Imagine you have a function from an external library (which cannot be modified!) like this:
void fortranFunction(int n, void udf(double*) );
I would like to pass as the udf function above a function member of an existing class. Please look at the following code:
// External function (tipically from a fortran library)
void fortranFunction(int n, void udf(double*) )
// do something
// User Defined Function (UDF)
void myUDF(double* a)
// do something
// Class containing the User Defined Function (UDF)
class myClass
void classUDF(double* a)
// do something...
int main()
int n=1;
// The UDF to be supplied is myUDF
fortranFunction(n, myUDF);
// The UDF is the classUDF member function of a myClass object
myClass myClassObj;
fortranFunction(n, myClassObj.classUDF); // ERROR!!
The last line of the code above results in a compilation error, because you cannot declare the classUDF member function as a static function.
Do you know if it is possible to solve this issue?
Probably Boost libraries could help me, but I do not know how (please consider that fortranFunction cannot be modified because is from an external library).
Thanks a lot!
I don't understand, why can't you declare classUDF as static like this
class myClass {
static void classUDF(double *a) {
and then pass it like
fortranFunction(n, myClass::classUDF);
You might try that solution (a little bit hacky, but I think, it should work for you):
void fortranFunction(int n, void udf(double*))
double d = static_cast<double>(n);
class myClass {
void classUDF(double* a) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define THREADLOCALSTATIC __declspec(thread) static
#define THREADLOCALSTATIC static ___thread
#define THREADLOCAL ___thread
struct _trampolinebase {
THREADLOCALSTATIC _trampolinebase* current_trampoline;
THREADLOCAL _trampolinebase* _trampolinebase::current_trampoline = 0;
template<class CBRET, class CBARG1, class T>
struct _trampoline1 : _trampolinebase
_trampoline1(T& target, CALLBACKFN& callback)
: callback_(callback)
, target_(target)
assert(current_trampoline == 0);
current_trampoline = this;
static CBRET callback(CBARG1 a1) {
_trampoline1* this_ = static_cast<_trampoline1*>(current_trampoline);
current_trampoline = 0;
return this_->trampoline(a1);
CBRET trampoline(CBARG1 a1) {
return (target_.*callback_)(a1);
CALLBACKFN& callback_;
T& target_;
template<class FRET, class FARG1, class CBRET, class CBARG1, class T, class F>
FRET call1_1(T& target, CBRET (T::*callback)(CBARG1), F& fortranfunction, FARG1 a)
typedef typename _trampoline1<CBRET, CBARG1, T> trampoline;
trampoline t(target, callback);
return fortranFunction(a, trampoline::callback);
int main()
int n=1;
myClass myClassObj;
call1_1<void,int,void,double*>(myClassObj, &myClass::classUDF, fortranFunction, 1);
With the 'threadlocal' stuff, this will work in multithreaded calls, too. You may omit that, if you don't use a multithreaded environment. It also works with recursive calls (e.g. if the callback calls another fortran function).
This solution works only for one single argument plus callback for the fortran function and one single argument in the callback function itself, but you should be able to extend it easily. This is also, why I called it 'call1_1' (fortran function with 1 argument, callbackfunction with 1 argument). FRET is the return type of the fortran function, FARG1 the type of the first argument (int in this case). CBRET and CBARG are the same for the callback function.
Before the fortran function is actually called, the target object is stored within a global (thread-local) variable. The fortran function calls a static callback function, which finally calls your member function.
I invented the trampolinebase to instantiate the static member, I could also have used a global variable for that (but for some reason, I don't like global variables too much) ;-)

Why does GCC not find my non-template function? ("no matching function for call to...")

In MSVC 2008, I have the following code:
class Foo {
// Be a little smarter about deriving the vertex type, to save the user some typing.
template<typename Vertex> inline void drawVertices(
Elements vCount, RenPrim primitiveType, PixMaterial *mtl, Vertex const *vertices)
this->drawVertices(vCount, primitiveType, mtl, vertices, Vertex::VertexType);
virtual void drawVertices(
Elements vCount,
RenPrim primitiveType,
PixMaterial *mtl,
void const *vertices,
uint vertexType) = 0;
I use it something like:
struct RenFlexibleVertexPc
enum { VertexType = RenVbufVertexComponentsPc };
float x;
float y;
float z;
GraVideoRgba8 c; // Video format, not external!
PixMaterial *material;
struct Pc : RenFlexibleVertexPc
void set(Triple t, uint cl) { x = (float)t.x_; y = (float)t.y_; z = (float)t.z_; c = cl; }
} vpc[4];
Foo *renderer;
renderer->drawVertices(4, RenPrimTriangleFan, material, vpc);
This works fine in MSVC 2008 SP1. However, GCC (3.4 and 4.1,2) throws a "no matching function for call to function" error, apparently not seeing the template when there is a non-template function with more arguments.
Is GCC broken, or is my code broken, and if so, why?
There is no problem with overloading or inheritance:
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
namespace {
struct A {
virtual void f()
std::cout<<"inside A's f()\n";
template <typename T> void f(T t)
struct B : A {
void f()
struct C {
static const unsigned int i = 5;
struct D {
enum { i = 6 };
int main()
std::auto_ptr<A> b(new B());
Works correctly. On the other hand, the smallest example I can find that exhibits your problem does not have inheritance or overloading:
#include <iostream>
namespace {
struct A {
template<class C> void print(C c)
int main()
struct B {
void print()
std::cout << "whee!\n";
A a;
B b;
Note that if struct B is defined in a namespace (whether it's an unnamed namespace, or a completely different namespace, or the global namespace) instead of inside main() that this compiles without error.
I don't know enough of the standard to say if this is a bug, but it appears to be one. I've gone ahead and reported it to the GCC bug database.
And here's your answer from the GCC developers (from the link above): "Local classes cannot be template arguments."
So the code is broken. Not that it's a bad idea. In fact, C++0x removes this restriction.
I noticed the line
Note that the code works in GCC if I explicitly cast vpc to (RenFlexibleVertexPc *)
And since RenFlexibleVertexPc is not a local class this makes sense. However Pc is a local class/struct, so it is not allowed.
#OP: Specifying the template parameter is a valid approach.
renderer->drawVertices<RenFlexibleVertexPc>(4, RenPrimTriangleFan, material, vpc);
With Pete's additions, you code also compiles on Apple's GCC 4.0.1, so I suspect there's something your posted code is missing that's causing the problem.
#Max: GCC's treatment of your source is standard. Struct B is local to main(), so B (and thus main()::B::print()) is not visible outside main(). As you're probably aware, moving the definition of B outside of main() and it will compile.
The definition of VertexType is already in the code (an enum). Elements is an unsigned long. Note that the code works in GCC if I explicitly cast vpc to (RenFlexibleVertexPc *)
If it's an enum why pass an object of type array 4 of struct? What is RenFlexibleVertexPc? The last argument to drawVertices should either be a constant pointer to a Vertex object or a const* to an object of a class derived from Vertex.
Foo *renderer;
renderer->drawVertices(4, RenPrimTriangleFan, material, vpc);
You are calling a function on an uninitialized pointer. I hope this is not the real code. \
