what is considered an instance in windows task scheduler - windows

If I have a handful of tasks scheduled that execute the same .exe file but have different parameters, are they all considered the same instance or different?
One of these tasks failed with output 0x41301 "task is already running"
tasklist /V shows each as separate PID if I run them manually in a cmd window.
So I changed all my tasks that trigger the same .exe but different params to "queue a new instance" if one is already running. However I'm not sure what is considered an instance, the entire command with parameters or just the executable?


Windows Task Scheduler - Run task nonstop

I have a task/script, that I need to run nonstop.
However, I have set up the task, and I keep trying to run it. It does run, but after I refresh the tasks, it stops, says "Ready," and also says "Task Completed."
The thing is, I was able to do this before, and it continued running.
My question is, how can I make Task Scheduler continue to run nonstop? Any help would be appreciated.
The Task-Scheduler can not automatically wait on every derived process / application beeing executed. Once the main handle "finishes", the task is considered completed, and it's status turns to ready, even if there is still stuff running in the Background.
Consider two tasks, with the following actions:
Program cmd.exe, Parameters: /c pause
Program cmd.exe, Parameters: /c "start cmd.exe /c pause"
In case 1, the taskscheduler will say "running", until the cmd window closes. (Which is what you are asking for?) Case 2 invokes an action from within the first cmd window. So, even if the SECOND cmd-window remains open, the process created by the taskscheduler itself terminates - hence it considers the execution completed and switches back to "ready".
So: Make sure, your main-process started by the task scheduler (and maybe invoking other processes) does not end, before all the work is done.
in the above example, this could be achived like
Program cmd.exe, Parameters: /c "start /wait cmd.exe /c pause"
window 2 will be "paused" and window 1 waits for window 2 to close, leaving that process in an active state. So, the task scheduler keeps displaying "running".
to provide a less generic answer, you should update your question with more information: What task are you executing? What kind of script is it? What are you task settings, and what is your expected behaviour?

Command Prompt doesn't close after scheduled task runs

I have a job scheduled to run at 9:30 every day using Windows task scheduler. The problem is after it runs, the command prompt stays open. Does anyone know how to get it to close?
The full text in the "Add arguments (optional):" field is:
C:\WinPython64bit\notebooks\TreasuryTest.py exit 0
I have searched all over, but most fixes are for use directly in the command prompt, and it seems to function differently from the task scheduler.

Task scheduler, terminate started program in windows

At my work we have a set up with the task scheduler periodically starting a java program to read mails.
the task is scheduled to run every minute and it calls a .bat file which starts the java program.
Now the problem.
Once in a month or so the jave.exe process doesn't end properly, so the next minute when it tries to run I get:
Task Scheduler failed to start "\XXX Jobs" task for user "NT AUTHORITY\System". Additional Data: Error Value: 2147750687.
And then I get that message every minute until I terminate the java.exe from the task manager.
Now my question, in task scheduler there are some options to choose.
Under settings there is "If the task is already running, then the following rule applies"
If I then choose "Stop the existing instance"
Will this stop the java.exe or just the task? Or is there a better way.
Some advice would be welcome.
At the end of your batch file kill the task.
taskkill /im java.exe
java.exe could be whatever process you are planning on killing. You can add multiple lines of tasskill in a batch file to kill multiple processes at a time.
taskkill /im java.exe
taskkill /im explorer.exe
taskkill /im svhost.exe
"Stop the existing instance" : The Task Scheduler service will stop
the instance of the task that is already running, and run the new
instance of the task.
that means it will kill the process that the scheduler has launched, cmd.exe in your case, as you told us your program is started from within a batch.
Now, i'm not familiar with java but i guess that stopping your batch will kill the java process that where launched if it is not started as a service.
The scheduler will then run another cmd process and execute your batch once again
Better solution would be fix the java hang. As the process starts every minute then in your java program should have the code to automatically exit if it takes more than a minute to complete the task. Another way would be in the batch file you can kill the process after 1 minute. Use the taskkill /im to kill the process.

Calling cscript.exe and passing a vbscript to call

I have scheduled a task in windows server 2008R2 ..I want to run a VBScript so when I setup the task I call the cscript at C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe and in the arguments section I am passing //nologo //B d:\main\programs\copy.vbs /targets:contents but it is not executing my script ..If I call my script directly in the start program section it works fine but it's not working if I call CSrcipt and pass in arguments the status changes to queued but nothing happens after that..Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here.
Also another question I have is that can we run 2 programs one after another in one task like when one script is finished I would like to start another script .
Put this line at the top of your script and try again:
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").LogEvent 4, "Script running"
Unless you get an Information event with source WSH and event-ID 4, your script isn't running at all. Check the eventlog and the task's History tab for clues as to why that is. Also check the permissions of the script. Is the runas account of the task able to access/run the file? You can check that by starting a CMD instance as that user
runas /user:DOM\USER cmd
and then trying to run the script in that CMD instance.
Also double-check the task settings. As which user is it configured to run? With the user logged on or not logged on? Is "Run with highest privileges" enabled (in case UAC is enabled on your server)?
If the script does produce the abovementioned event that means it's running in principle, but something is going wrong in the process. You need to debug your script.

How does Windows Task Scheduler in Win7 recognize a failed task?

I am working with Windows 7 and I have an application that returns zero (0x0) when successful and one (0x1) on error situations.
I have scheduled this app using Windows Task Scheduler. I have checked the option boxes "If the task fails, restart every" and "Attempt to restart up to:".
I thought that a non-zero return code from the app would be enough to trigger the task to be restarted after the given interval. But nothing happens.
Any ideas what could be the issue? I tried to google it but did not found anything relevant.
Create a new task and set the custom event query like this:
<Query Id="0" Path="Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational">
<Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational">*[System[EventID=201]] and *[EventData[Data[#Name='ResultCode']!='0']] and *[EventData[Data[#Name='TaskName']='\YOUR TASK NAME HERE']]</Select>
Set the trigger advanced settings to Delay the task for a period of time like 15 minutes.
Configure the action of the new task to start a program:
Add arguments:
This will schedule the original task to run again 15 minutes after a non-zero result code is logged in the event.
I've experienced the same problem on a Windows 2008 server Windows Task Scheduler.
The action return a non zero code but the scheduler consider the task completed:
Task Scheduler successfully completed task "\SET Tasks\Scheduled task [Backup SET Server]" , instance "{...}" , action "C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cmd.exe" with return code 1.
I've found on the web only one answer:
The Windows Task Scheduler does not
examine the exit code or any other
values when your task completes. You
must handle any error processing
within your own script or program.
...in this document: www.onlinetoolworks.com/docs/winTaskSched.doc
So I think now that the only way to workaround this problem may be to use task triggering on event. I'm investigating.
You can,
activate history for Schedule (if not already)
on a History "Action completed" right click "Attached Task to This Event..."
Set a custom filter like this:
*[System[(EventID=201)]] and *[EventData[Data[#Name='ResultCode']='1']]
used on Win 2008 R2 (Exchange as email server)
Nobody has answered the title question though. It seems as though the task scheduler has no way to detect a failed task? Surely it must have something because it has an option to restart failed tasks!
The option "If the task fails, restart" is misleading, a failed task is when Task Scheduler is not able to run one of the action correctly, not when the script itself runs and return an error code.
A very clever workaround suggested here can be used instead of additional task querying for events:
The issue is the actions are only considered to fail if they cannot be started. This is pretty dumb, but the scheduler doesn't care about the results of the actions.
One workaround is to add an action at the end to run something like "ok.exe" and then have your other actions either create "ok.exe" (good result) or delete it. (bad result)
This way when the Task Scheduler goes to run the last action it will fail to start it (if you had removed it, because your previous action failed). This will cause the Task Scheduler to go ahead and Queue up your Task for a restart based on the restart settings on the Scheduled Task.
PS: To create a dummy ok.exe, I usually just copy c:\windows\system32\clip.exe c:\mytask\ok.exe
-- Tolga
So what is suggested is to create a final action for the task that will call a dummy .exe file. If the .exe file is not found, this will correctly cause the failure for the task and trigger the restart option. As .exe file he uses clip.exe from Windows system folder, this is nice I think because is very small and won't do any action if called on it's own.
I've tried with empty .cmd and .bat files but this will not trigger correctly the fail trigger. It must be a .exe file apparently.
Of course a mechanism to rename/move the ok.exe file in case your target script/job fails is needed.
I've pointed the Task Scheduler to use the wrapper script below with success. Edit the path to ok.exe as needed, I've copied it in the same directory as this wrapper script:
#echo off
:: This will reset the .exe name to make sure the .exe is available if error is
:: not triggered. See `:trigger_error`.
if exist ok.exe.nope (
rename ok.exe.nope ok.exe
:: This script is used as batch runner by Task Scheduler.
echo Here is my script!
:: If script above exited with an error, rename the `ok.exe` file. This will
:: cause a failure for Task Scheduler following action attempting to run
:: `ok.exe`, thus triggering the restart conditions.
:: See https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/Lync/en-US/4545361c-cc1f-4505-a0a1-c2dcc094109a/restarting-scheduled-task-that-has-failed#e4e3ff74-2d42-4d58-a930-a7838a0762ff
if %errorLevel% NEQ 0 (
rename ok.exe ok.exe.nope
