React Native - React-native link error while linking instabug-reactnative - ruby

Here's the packge I am using for bug reporting (I am following the install instructions from here). But when I run react-native link instabug-reactnative it gives me the following error.
I followed some forums but none seemed to help. I guess the error is regarding ruby installation. Any idea What's going on here? Is it trying to link the files for ios and failing? Do I need to even run link command for android
In the installation guide 2 point is the following
2.) Install Ruby. (You can skip this step if you're building for Android only)
As per the instructions, I skipped this step beacause I am building for android only.


Imported frameworks but Unity iOS project still won't build with Google AdMobs

I added the Google Mobile Ads plugin to a Unity project as instructed in Google's videos and when I go to build in Xcode I get a bunch of Link errors. I tried adding frameworks to my project as mentioned in some other posts. Here's a screenshot of all the frameworks I currently have in the project.
I also made sure that C and Objective-C modules were turned to Yes in Xcode.
When I build I'm still get 58 Apple Mach-O Linker Errors, some of which are shown below.
Does anyone know why I might be getting these errors? It's become a multi-day project just to get banner ads set up in my project and I would appreciate the help. The project was build through Unity, which contains the Google plugin. I ran the I'm using the .xcworkspace as instructed.
Step - 1:
You should add MobileCoreServices.framework and GLKit.framework
Now Try to Build, if failed follow next step
Step - 2:
Disable C and Objective-C modules
Now Try to Build, if failed follow next step
Step - 3:
Add GoogleMobileAds.framework in unity/Assets/Plugin/iOS/
Follow Step - 1
Now Try to Build

Getting errors after updating Xamarin Forms

I tried updating Xamarin Forms to a version starting with a 2 for quite some time now. I believe i have tried everything ive found online so thats why i am here.
After updating Xamarin Forms and building in Visual Studio I get the following warning + 3 errors (all these warnings/errors are for my .droid project btw):
Warning The "XamlCTask" task failed unexpectedly. //on iOS
Error Please install package: 'Xamarin.Android.Support.v4' available in SDK installer. Java library file C:\Users\User\Local\Xamarin\Android.Support.v4\\embedded\libs/internal_impl-23.0.1.jar doesn't exist.
Error Please install package: 'Xamarin.Android.Support.v4' available in SDK installer. Java library file C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Android.Support.v4\\embedded\classes.jar doesn't exist.
Error Please install package: 'Xamarin.Android.Support.v4' available in SDK installer. Android resource directory C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Android.Support.v4\\embedded\./ doesn't exist.
Then, after building again, i start getting these errors:
35 Times this:
Error error: package does not exist
8 times this:
Error error: method Activate in class TypeManager cannot be applied to given types
8 times this:
Error error: cannot find symbol
plus these 4:
Error error: cannot access TaskStackBuilder
Error error: cannot access SupportMenu
Error error: cannot access NestedScrollingParent
Error error: cannot access ActionProvider
Additionally i also still get the iOS warning from earlier.
If i clean and build again at this point, the original 4 messages reappear, and so the circle keeps on going...
I am seriously at wits end right now and i appreciate any help you can give me.
This ive tried:
Pretty much everything from this thread:
and everything from here:
Plus I have tried a bunch of other things that i am probably forgetting right now.
The XamlC Task errors occur when you upgrade to XF 2.0.1 and 2.1.0 due to new build targets.
They are solved by a simple restart of Visual Studio.
The dll's used by another process sometimes occurs when VS locks on the files aren't correctly released. The only solution to this is to go through all your bin and obj files. Delete them all, then close all instances of VS and start again.
With your Android issues, did you do a complete upgrade on all packages as you aren't meant to with Android Support packages. You will notice Xamarin wants the exact version - don't upgrade to the higher versions. If you have downgrade them.
As for the files it says it can't find at the top. Go to those directories and delete the directories themselves. VS will redownload and rebuild them if they are cleaned out.

Building Tango Unity Examples failing

I recently got a Tango tablet device and downloaded the tango-examples-unity from Github to start learning. All excited, I opened the MeshBuilder project in Unity and tried to Build it but it failed. My Android SDK and jdk are up to date and the paths are correct as set in Unity preferences. I'm using Unity 5.0.1f on a 64-bit Windows 8 system. Leibniz release notes said they migrated the samples to Unity 5 so I was trying them with Unity 5. Not to say that I didn't get the exact same error in Unity 4.6.3f1 while trying to Build the same project.
DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "C:\path\tango-examples-unity-master\ExperimentalProjects\MeshBuilder\Assets\Plugins\Android\tango-native-service-client-helperlib\bin\aidl\com\google\atap\tangoservice\ITangoLogRequestListener.aidl" or "Temp\StagingArea\android-libraries\tango-native-service-client-helperlib\bin\aidl\com\google\atap\tangoservice\ITangoLogRequestListener.aidl"
Error building Player: DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "C:\path\tango-examples-unity-master\ExperimentalProjects\MeshBuilder\Assets\Plugins\Android\tango-native-service-client-helperlib\bin\aidl\com\google\atap\tangoservice\ITangoLogRequestListener.aidl" or "Temp\StagingArea\android-libraries\tango-native-service-client-helperlib\bin\aidl\com\google\atap\tangoservice\ITangoLogRequestListener.aidl"
What I've tried so far:
Downloading a different version of the projects. The only project that I was able to build from this other version is PointCloud. Couldn't build anything else.
Replacing the included TangoSDK with a new downloaded version of leibniz unity package. This didn't help.
Building other projects from the downloaded source code from both urls. No go.
Trying this Tango Unity Tutorial from [developers dot google dot com/project-tango/apis/unity/unity-depth-perception]. It fails at step "Create a PointCloud object" as no such component is found. I do have the TangoSDK imported so my thinking is that this tutorial probably belongs to an older version of the SDK and won't work for Leibniz. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Tried opening the Kalman version of the PointCloudUnity project. Get an error:
Opening File failed. It's looking for the /MotionDetectionHelper$MotionDetectionListener.class and not finding it.
Emailing Tango help. No response yet.
Any pointers for getting started with Tango + Unity would be appreciated.
Thank you for reading through this long post and for your help.

libgstreamer-1.0-0.dll not found Gstreamer

I downloaded gstreamer devel 1.4.5 x86 and tried to compile basic tutorial 1 after addind property sheets, compilation went fine, but when I tried to run app, there was an error libgstreamer-1.0-0.dll not found. I tried to search web for solution but had no luck so far.
Any ideas?
Best regards
You must download and install Runtime msi too. Runtime contain Dlls, Developer contain lib, headers and config.

Installation VoltDB on MAC

Can anyone help me for installation voltDB on MAC system i am trying to install it using instruction but get error
Cannot find config.m4.
Make sure that you run '/usr/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module
I spent a couple of days to solve this issue google it get some post related to this error but not success to solve this issue, because i am new on MAC System so please help to install voltDB with Step by Step i'll very thankful
Installing VoltDB on a Mac uses the same process as on Linux.
The installation instructions are covered in Using VoltDB: Ch. 2: Installing VoltDB
If you are installing from the source code on Github, you first need to run a build. There are instructions to do this in Github on the project wiki.
However, from the error you are seeing, it looks like you are trying to compile the VoltDB PHP client library. To do that, I recommend downloading the PHP client library from, since that includes both the PHP client library and the version of the C++ library that it depends on. It includes build instructions. If you're getting the source from github, you should know that the latest version of library is the native branch, not master.
