LinkedIn Share API not displaying large image thumbnails anymore - image

I've been using a plugin called Microblog Poster on my hosted Wordpress site to auto-publish blog entries to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
I have made no changes to the plugin, the plugin hasn't updated, basically everything has been the exact same. However, within the past 5 days, LinkedIn has stopped displaying the shared image as a large image, when it has been consistently sharing it as a large image before.
It will share the image, but it's now a thumbnail, showing approx 140px x 70px to the left of the shared link's title. Normally, it should show as a large, 525px x 275px image above the shared link's title.
Again, no changes have been made to the plugin, my process, or anything. Facebook and Twitter are still displaying normally. I've even done several tests with different posts to confirm it was not a fluke.
Would love any thoughts on how to fix this, or if anyone else is having this issue.

Take a look at the The Open Graph protocol. You have the option to set the size of your image, as they show in their demo. You already know about the og:image property, but what about og:image:width and og:image:height? Check it out...
<meta property="og:image:width" content="400" />
<meta property="og:image:height" content="300" />
This will show a preview of your image in a standard 400x300 format. This should work, because LinkedIn says they read og: tags in determining share previews, according to the official documentation. Although they don't mention :width and :height, I hope they would respect these tags, too, because they are part of the Open Graph Protocol. Hope this helps!


Images not showing in codepen

I have a code which I need to share so I pasted in from Visual Studio Code into code pen and replace all my image links with imgur links but when I save the code on codepen it doesn't show up.
I've tried uploading to different picture sharing websites but none of them seems to work or sometimes they just dissapear
<img src="" alt="logo">
This is a simple code i used but the image just refuses to appear.
I just need to image to show up, if there is any way to share my website without publishing it to the web I would like to be informed about it too. Thanks you.
this is a website that get your image and give you base64 of it and you can put this base64 thing in your src attribute of img element and you are good to go

Background image not applying on codepen

I am having a problem with my background image on codepen not showing up. It was fine at first and then one day the background just showed up as white.
Here is the link to my codepen ( I've tried setting the image inline with the body tag of the HTML, I've tried using http and https for the image link. I've also tried hosting the image on imgur, google photos, and dropbox to no avail. I was thinking it might have been a problem with the hosting sites but nothing I do seems to work. Also I have already looked at the past posts about this question and those didn't help.
I figured it out, I had to use the absolute path from Imgur. It is labeled direct link as opposed to absolute path.

Images embedded in Articles not being displayed in migrated Joomla website

Images embedded in Articles not being displayed in migrated Joomla website
I have migrated a Joomla 3.7.2 website from an old server to a new server using a particularly messy technique. Basically, I exported the database and then copied the important folders and it all worked remarkably well barring one very specific feature. Articles with images in them no longer display the images in the new site.
I have System - SEF enabled in both sites (and switching it off makes no difference)
I use JCE and in code view the typical line displaying the image looks like this:
<p><img src="images/players/shirt.jpg" alt="" /></p>
In both sites.
JCE is configured to use Relative URLs in both sites. If I turn that OFF then I get the image displayed in the new site. Of course that's just a hack around the problem not a solution to it.
Path to Files Folder, and Path to Images Folder is set to images in both sites.
HTML inspector on the old site shows the
<img src="/images/players/shirt.jpg" alt="Shirt">
And on the new site
<img src="images/players/shirt.jpg" alt="Shirt">
And if you hover over the url it says "could not load the image". The missing first '/' is clearly the problem but what is it that puts it there after the article is saved by the editor and before the html is displayed in the browser?
Slightly embarrassed to pretend this is an answer but today I got the prompt to update Joomla to 3.7.3 and of course immediately afterwards the problem has gone away.

Not show picture from word

Why images not showing when I paste from MS Word.
Ckeditor show that source
<h1><img src="file:///C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image002.jpg" style="height:88px; width:1005px" /></h1>
This file exist.
Ckeditor version is for AspNet.
Tested on Chrome, IE 10 and IE 11
Your CKEditor is presumably running on a web page, with a http:// address.
Modern browsers don't support embedding images (or anything else) from file:// URLs in http:// pages (or https://, or any other protocol) for security reasons.
This is because there'd be the danger of a malicious site embedding something from your private files (like a document), and then using some security hole to read and upload it elsewhere.
But even if this worked, it wouldn't do you much good: the image isn't uploaded into CKEditor so the image would show up on your computer only. Anyone else watching the page you're editing would see a broken image link.
As far as I know, there's currently no way around uploading the image separately.

Website displays image that is not associated with img src

I have an iOS app that contains a UIWebView, which display a webpage. Sometimes the page displays a different image than the one associated with the src link.
A user sent me a screenshot where it was clear that one of the icon images had been replaced with a completely different image. The same wrong image was displayed in each of the instances where this icon was supposed to be displayed. Refreshing did not solve the issue, but closing and opening the app did. (Or maybe she actually deleted and reinstalled the app.)
The html for the icon is just an img:
<img src = "/the_icon_source">
The img src is hardcoded directly into the HTML file. I therefore don't see that the HTML itself could have been wrong or said anything besides "/the_icon_source".
So how can the wrong image be associated with an image src? Could the server be sending the wrong image when it's asked for "/the_icon_source"? Could the iOS app be caching incorrectly, mixing up images? How to test and fix?
I myself cannot reproduce this issue. I'm not sure how often it occurs, but several users have mentioned it, also for other images on the page. They have only mentioned it occurring in the app, not on the website. This may just be because the app is used more than the website.
My host is Webfaction and the images are served using WebFaction server’s static-only front-end nginx process. The app displays the website in a UIWebView. (Webfaction suppprt merely told me that they served the right images.)
Is the problem not that you have it like this:
img src = "/the_icon_source"
rather than like this:
img src = ".the_icon_source"
If this is sat on a linux server the / will be pointing to the root directory whereas the . or simply the_icon_source would simply point to the directory in which the website is sat which i assume is where the image is also located.
