Cygwin Command Substitution not Working - bash

I am trying to trouble shoot a problem I am seeing when running bash commands in Cygwin.
I am trying to assign the CLang version from a text file to a variable. If I run this in Cygwin:
$ (sed -n 1p "$CLANGC2_VERSION_FILE" | sed 's/\s//g')
I get this output (which is exactly what I want):
Now, if I try and assign this to a variable it doesn't work. Here is what I am trying:
$ CLANGC2_VERSION=$(sed -n 1p "$CLANGC2_VERSION_FILE" | sed 's/\s//g')
but when I inspect or print the variable, it is empty.
What am I doing wrong?

Turns out that there is a known 'Big List of Dodgy Apps' (BLODA) which can interfere with Cygwin and bash.
The discussion I found is here:
The BLODA list is here:
Turns out my AntiVirus is on the list.
I've removed the AV and now the commands work. There must be some low-level stuff going with the AV that causes it to fail.

You can use backticks to get the desired results.
CLANGC2_VERSION=`(sed -n 1p "$CLANGC2_VERSION_FILE" | sed 's/\s//g')`


macos sed subsitute command on MacOS Sierra failing

I'm feeling really stupid about asking this. I should know why this is failing. The following command works as expected in linux but not on MacOS Sierra:
On linux the command results in:
I've tried to various iterations of this command and cannot get it to work. I know that MacOS's sed is the BSD version instead of the GNU version but this substitute command should still work. What am I doing wrong?
The suggested duplicate answer does solve my problem but in a densely worded, roundabout way. The TL;DR version is thusly:
MacOS uses BSD-style sed. The solution is to simply use the -E option (extended regular expressions) which doesn't require escaping certain characters (like the + symbol). This method also works just fine with GNU-style sed found on most Linux systems. I hope this helps somebody down the road.
Use a BRE instead of an ERE. This will work using any sed in any shell on any UNIX box:
$ echo "ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=750 DEFAULT" | sed 's/ AUTO_INCREMENT=[0-9][0-9]*//'

What does ^$1$ mean in bash and why doesn't it work in zsh

I have recently moved from bash to zsh and one of the little scripts I found a long time ago stopped working.
The script shows what packages depend on the package specified.
comm -12 <(pactree -ru $1 | sort) <(pacman -Qqe | sort) | grep -v ^$1$ | sed 's/^/ /'
After some time messing with it around I found out it breaks at grep -v ^$1$. Back then, when I found the script I tried googling to learn what does it mean but unsuccessfully. Now that it broke itself I'm even more interested in what it does and how exactly does it work.
So, the question is, what does ^$1$ mean and how to get it to work in zsh? Thanks!
Okay, ^ and $ are regular expressions, I see. RE is the topic I always laid aside as it requires a lot of free time and willingness to study. The question is, why doesn't it work in zsh as it is a grep feature and the shell shouldn't interact with it.
I fixed it by adding a pair of double quotes around the ^$1$. For some reason bash worked perfectly without the quotes yet zsh didn't like it at all. The fix is actually a lot easier than I expected but that's just because I didn't know that that was a regular expression(thanks, #DevSolar).
If one wants the final script for pacman to check what packages depend on a specific package, here it is
comm -12 <(pactree -ru $1 | sort) <(pacman -Qqe | sort) | grep -v "^$1$" | sed 's/^/ /'
Use it in a function or in a shell script.
Edit: I figured what was the problem by myself before #DevSolar suggested it but I'm still very grateful for the help :)

command in terminal and in script have different action

I have a file and I need to use sed to process it.
Here is my command: sed -i -e '/.*tour\.html\|.*Thumb[^\/]*\.jpg/!d'.
Now if I execute this command from the terminal, for example, sed -i -e '/.*tour\.html\|.*Thumb[^\/]*\.jpg/!d' myfile.txt, it works well. But if I write a bash script with the same command, it will delete all lines.
sed -i -e '/.*tour\.html\|.*Thumb[^\/]*\.jpg/!d' "$1"
This script will delete all lines in file.
My PC is Mac OS.
As far as I understand getting both sed instances output of sed --help and sed --version showed that you have actually two different sed versions reacting to the two different ways of execuing your code.
Sed is a little inconsistent concerning the syntax, especially when it comes to commandline options.
For example, I know of an important difference for the -i switch, which in some Mac versions requires a file extension for backups being given explicitly. Others allow one optionally. This difference could explain why somethign involving a -i without backup extension works in one case and fails in another.
Anishsane suggested that different "PATH" variables could in turn be part of the mechanism to have two different sed versions executed.
I invite OP to edit the output of --help and --version (where possible, there should be a way to get the version out of both sed instances) here into this answer. I do not have those details actually. Which makes this answer seem a little "guessing".

How to create a file using a variable as filename?

I'm testing mobile Android devices and I would like to redirect the device log on a file whose name indicates both the date and time of my test, and the device model that is being tested.
For the first issue, I have already resolved with
now=$(date +"%b_%d_%Y_%k_%M");adb logcat -c;adb logcat|tee $now
$ echo $now
and the tee command creates a file with this filename.
As for the device model I have written two bash lines that obtain it from adb shell, namely
device=$(adb shell cat /system/build.prop | grep "^ro.product.device=")
deviceshortname=$(echo $device | sed 's/ro.product.device=//g')
(not optimal as I am not very good in bash programming... :) but I manage to get
$ echo $deviceshortname
My problem is how to combine $now and $deviceshortname to obtain a filename such as:
I tried to set another variable:
filename=($(echo $deviceshortname"_"$now))
and got:
$ echo $filename
but if I try redirecting the log:
$ adb logcat | tee $filename
I obtain such file:
-rw-r--r--+ 1 ele None 293 Jan 3 13:21 ?[01;31m?[K?[m?[KLT15i_Jan_03_2012_13_19
I don't know why these strange characters and what I'm doing wrong.
Something is adding color to your output. It might be grep(1), it might adb, it might be baked into the /system/build.prop resource that you're reading.
If you're lucky, it is being added by grep(1) -- because that is supremely easy to disable with --color=no:
device=$(adb shell cat /system/build.prop | grep --color=no "^ro.product.device=")
deviceshortname=$(echo $device | sed 's/ro.product.device=//g')
If the colors are being added by adb, then perhaps it has a command line option that asks it to avoid colorizing the output.
If the colors are hard-coded into the /sys/build.prop resource in some way, then you'll need some little tool that filters out the color codes. I don't have one handy (and it's bedtime) but you can probably build one starting with tr(1) to delete \033 ASCII ESC characters.
Looks like an ANSI sequence used by adb to color the output.
I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but this works for me
p2=$(date +%d_%m_%Y)
cat sample_file.txt | tee $p1"_"$p2
Just type: echo ${deviceshortname}${now} and it will do the trick.

Case-insensitive search and replace with sed

I'm trying to use SED to extract text from a log file. I can do a search-and-replace without too much trouble:
sed 's/foo/bar/' mylog.txt
However, I want to make the search case-insensitive. From what I've googled, it looks like appending i to the end of the command should work:
sed 's/foo/bar/i' mylog.txt
However, this gives me an error message:
sed: 1: "s/foo/bar/i": bad flag in substitute command: 'i'
What's going wrong here, and how do I fix it?
Update: Starting with macOS Big Sur (11.0), sed now does support the I flag for case-insensitive matching, so the command in the question should now work (BSD sed doesn't reporting its version, but you can go by the date at the bottom of the man page, which should be March 27, 2017 or more recent); a simple example:
# BSD sed on macOS Big Sur and above (and GNU sed, the default on Linux)
$ sed 's/ö/#/I' <<<'FÖO'
F#O # `I` matched the uppercase Ö correctly against its lowercase counterpart
Note: I (uppercase) is the documented form of the flag, but i works as well.
Similarly, starting with macOS Big Sur (11.0) awk now is locale-aware (awk --version should report 20200816 or more recent):
# BSD awk on macOS Big Sur and above (and GNU awk, the default on Linux)
$ awk 'tolower($0)' <<<'FÖO'
föo # non-ASCII character Ö was properly lowercased
The following applies to macOS up to Catalina (10.15):
To be clear: On macOS, sed - which is the BSD implementation - does NOT support case-insensitive matching - hard to believe, but true. The formerly accepted answer, which itself shows a GNU sed command, gained that status because of the perl-based solution mentioned in the comments.
To make that Perl solution work with foreign characters as well, via UTF-8, use something like:
perl -C -Mutf8 -pe 's/öœ/oo/i' <<< "FÖŒ" # -> "Foo"
-C turns on UTF-8 support for streams and files, assuming the current locale is UTF-8-based.
-Mutf8 tells Perl to interpret the source code as UTF-8 (in this case, the string passed to -pe) - this is the shorter equivalent of the more verbose -e 'use utf8;'.Thanks, Mark Reed
(Note that using awk is not an option either, as awk on macOS (i.e., BWK awk and BSD awk) appears to be completely unaware of locales altogether - its tolower() and toupper() functions ignore foreign characters (and sub() / gsub() don't have case-insensitivity flags to begin with).)
A note on the relationship of sed and awk to the POSIX standard:
BSD sed and awk limit their functionality mostly to what the POSIX sed and
POSIX awk specs mandate, whereas their GNU counterparts implement many more extensions.
Editor's note: This solution doesn't work on macOS (out of the box), because it only applies to GNU sed, whereas macOS comes with BSD sed.
Capitalize the 'I'.
sed 's/foo/bar/I' file
Another work-around for sed on Mac OS X is to install gsedfrom MacPorts or HomeBrew and then create the alias sed='gsed'.
If you are doing pattern matching first, e.g.,
then you want to put the I after the pattern:
echo Fred | sed '/fred/Is//willma/g'
returns willma; without the I, it returns the string untouched (Fred).
The sed FAQ addresses the closely related case-insensitive search. It points out that a) many versions of sed support a flag for it and b) it's awkward to do in sed, you should rather use awk or Perl.
But to do it in POSIX sed, they suggest three options (adapted for substitution here):
Convert to uppercase and store original line in hold space; this won't work for substitutions, though, as the original content will be restored before printing, so it's only good for insert or adding lines based on a case-insensitive match.
Maybe the possibilities are limited to FOO, Foo and foo. These can be covered by
To search for all possible matches, one can use bracket expressions for each character:
The Mac version of sed seems a bit limited. One way to work around this is to use a linux container (via Docker) which has a useable version of sed:
cat your_file.txt | docker run -i busybox /bin/sed -r 's/[0-9]{4}/****/Ig'
Use following to replace all occurrences:
sed 's/foo/bar/gI' mylog.txt
I had a similar need, and came up with this:
this command to simply find all the files:
grep -i -l -r foo ./*
this one to exclude (in case you put the command in a script called, tee the output to the console to see what happened, and then use sed on each file name found to replace the text foo with bar:
grep -i -l -r --exclude "" foo ./* | tee /dev/fd/2 | while read -r x; do sed -b -i 's/foo/bar/gi' "$x"; done
I chose this method, as I didn't like having all the timestamps changed for files not modified. feeding the grep result allows only the files with target text to be looked at (thus likely may improve performance / speed as well)
be sure to backup your files & test before using. May not work in some environments for files with embedded spaces. (?)
Following should be fine:
sed -i 's/foo/bar/gi' mylog.txt
