Algorithm to finding if the numbers in the list, when added or subtracted, are equal to a mod b - algorithm

I was doing some interview problems when I ran into an interesting one that I could not think of a solution for. The problems states:
Design a function that takes in an array of integers. The last two numbers
in this array are 'a' and 'b'. The function should find if all of the
numbers in the array, when summed/subtracted in some fashion, are equal to
a mod b, except the last two numbers a and b.
So, for example, let us say we have an array:
array = [5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 3, 5].
I need to find out if there exists any possible "placement" of +/- in this array so that the numbers can equal 3 mod 5. The function should print True for this array because 5+4-3+3-1 = 8 = 3 mod 5.
The "obvious" and easy solution would be to try and add/subtract everything in all possible ways, but that is an egregiously time complex solution, maybe
Is there any way better to do this?
Edit: The question requires the function to use all numbers in the array, not any. Except, of course, the last two.

If there are n numbers, then there is a simple algorithm that runs in O (b * n): For k = 2 to n, calculate the set of integers x such that the sum or difference of the first k numbers is equal to x modulo b.
For k = 2, the set contains (a_0 + a_1) modulo b and (a_0 - a_1) modulo b. For k = 3, 4, ..., n you take the numbers in the previous set, then either add or subtract the next number in the array. And finally check if a is element of the last set.

O(b * n). Let's take your example, [5, 4, 3, 3, 1]. Let m[i][j] represent whether a solution exists for j mod 5 up to index i:
i = 0:
5 = 0 mod 5
m[0][0] = True
i = 1:
0 + 4 = 4 mod 5
m[1][4] = True
but we could also subtract
0 - 4 = 1 mod 5
m[1][1] = True
i = 2:
Examine the previous possibilities:
m[1][4] and m[1][1]
4 + 3 = 7 = 2 mod 5
4 - 3 = 1 = 1 mod 5
1 + 3 = 4 = 4 mod 5
1 - 3 = -2 = 3 mod 5
m[2][1] = True
m[2][2] = True
m[2][3] = True
m[2][4] = True
i = 3:
1 + 3 = 4 mod 5
1 - 3 = 3 mod 5
2 + 3 = 0 mod 5
2 - 3 = 4 mod 5
3 + 3 = 1 mod 5
3 - 3 = 0 mod 5
4 + 3 = 2 mod 5
4 - 3 = 1 mod 5
m[3][0] = True
m[3][1] = True
m[3][2] = True
m[3][3] = True
m[3][4] = True
We could actually stop there, but let's follow a different solution than the one in your example backwards:
i = 4:
m[3][2] True means we had a solution for 2 at i=3
=> 2 + 1 means m[4][3] = True
+ 1
+ 3
+ 3
- 4
(0 - 4 + 3 + 3 + 1) = 3 mod 5

I coded a solution based on the mathematical explanation provided here. I didn't comment the solution, so if you want an explanation, I recommend you read the answer!
def kmodn(l):
k, n = l[-2], l[-1]
A = [0] * n
count = -1
domath(count, A, l[:-2], k, n)
def domath(count, A, l, k, n):
if count == len(l):
boolean = A[k] == 1
print boolean
elif count == -1:
A[0] = 1; # because the empty set is possible
count += 1
domath(count, A, l, k, n)
indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(A) if x == 1]
b = [0] * n
for i in indices:
idx1 = (l[count] + i) % n
idx2 = (i - l[count]) % n
b[idx1], b[idx2] = 1, 1
count += 1
A = b
domath(count, A, l, k, n)


How to find the count of numbers which are divisible by 7?

Given an integer N, how to efficiently find the count of numbers which are divisible by 7 (their reverse should also be divisible by 7) in the range:
[0, 10^N - 1]
For N=2, answer:
4 {0, 7, 70, 77}
[All numbers from 0 to 99 which are divisible by 7 (also their reverse is divisible)]
My approach, simple brute-force:
initialize count to zero
run a loop from i=0 till end
if a(i) % 7 == 0 && reverse(a(i)) % 7 == 0, then we increase the count
reverse(123) = 321, reverse(1200) = 21, for example!
Let's see what happens mod 7 when we add a digit, d, to a prefix, abc.
10 * abc + d =>
(10 mod 7 * abc mod 7) mod 7 + d mod 7
reversed number:
abc + d * 10^(length(prefix) =>
abc mod 7 + (d mod 7 * 10^3 mod 7) mod 7
Note is that we only need the count of prefixes of abc mod 7 for each such remainder, not the actual prefixes.
Let COUNTS(n,f,r) be the number of n-digit numbers such that n%7 = f and REVERSE(n)%7 = r
The counts are easy to calculate for n=1:
COUNTS(1,f,r) = 0 when f!=r, since a 1-digit number is the same as its reverse.
COUNTS(1,x,x) = 1 when x >= 3, and
COUNTS(1,x,x) = 2 when x < 3, since 7%3=0, 8%3=1, and 9%3=2
The counts for other lengths can be figured out by calculating what happens when you add each digit from 0 to 9 to the numbers characterized by the previous counts.
At the end, COUNTS(N,0,0) is the answer you are looking for.
In python, for example, it looks like this:
def getModCounts(len):
counts=[[0]*7 for i in range(0,7)]
if len<1:
return counts
if len<2:
counts[0][0] = counts[1][1] = counts[2][2] = 2
counts[3][3] = counts[4][4] = counts[5][5] = counts[6][6] = 1
return counts
prevCounts = getModCounts(len-1)
for f in range(0,7):
for r in range(0,7):
c = prevCounts[f][r]
for newdigit in range(0,10):
newf=(f*10 + newdigit)%7
newr=(r + newdigit*rplace)%7
return counts
def numFwdAndRevDivisible(len):
return getModCounts(len)[0][0]
for i in range(0,20):
print("{0} -> {1}".format(i, numFwdAndRevDivisible(i)))
See if it gives the answers you're expecting. If not, maybe there's a bug I need to fix:
0 -> 0
1 -> 2
2 -> 4
3 -> 22
4 -> 206
5 -> 2113
6 -> 20728
7 -> 205438
8 -> 2043640
9 -> 20411101
10 -> 204084732
11 -> 2040990205
12 -> 20408959192
13 -> 204085028987
14 -> 2040823461232
15 -> 20408170697950
16 -> 204081640379568
17 -> 2040816769367351
18 -> 20408165293673530
19 -> 204081641308734748
This is a pretty good answer when counting up to N is reasonable -- way better than brute force, which counts up to 10^N.
For very long lengths like N=10^18 (you would probably be asked for a the count mod 1000000007 or something), there is a next-level answer.
Note that there is a linear relationship between the counts for length n and the counts for length n+1, and that this relationship can be represented by a 49x49 matrix. You can exponentiate this matrix to the Nth power using exponentiation by squaring in O(log N) matrix multiplications, and then just multiply by the single digit counts to get the length N counts.
There is a recursive solution using digit dp technique for any digits.
long long call(int pos , int Mod ,int revMod){
if(pos == len ){
if(!Mod && !revMod)return 1;
return 0;
if(dp[pos][Mod][revMod] != -1 )return dp[pos][Mod][revMod] ;
long long res =0;
for(int i= 0; i<= 9; i++ ){
int revValue =(base[pos]*i + revMod)%7;
int curValue = (Mod*10 + i)%7;
res += call(pos+1, curValue,revValue) ;
return dp[pos][Mod][revMod] = res ;

Implementation: Algorithm for a special distribution Problem

We are given a number x, and a set of n coins with denominations v1, v2, …, vn.
The coins are to be divided between Alice and Bob, with the restriction that each person's coins must add up to at least x.
For example, if x = 1, n = 2, and v1 = v2 = 2, then there are two possible distributions: one where Alice gets coin #1 and Bob gets coin #2, and one with the reverse. (These distributions are considered distinct even though both coins have the same denomination.)
I'm interested in counting the possible distributions. I'm pretty sure this can be done in O(nx) time and O(n+x) space using dynamic programming; but I don't see how.
Count the ways for one person to get just less than x, double it and subtract from the doubled total number of ways to divide the collection in two, (Stirling number of the second kind {n, 2}).
For example,
{2, 3, 3, 5}, x = 5
i matrix
0 2: 1
1 3: 1 (adding to 2 is too much)
2 3: 2
3 N/A (≥ x)
3 ways for one person to get
less than 5.
Total ways to partition a set
of 4 items in 2 is {4, 2} = 7
2 * 7 - 2 * 3 = 8
The Python code below uses MBo's routine. If you like this answer, please consider up-voting that answer.
# Stirling Algorithm
# Cod3d by EXTR3ME
def stirling(n,k):
if n<=0:
return 1
elif k<=0:
return 0
elif (n==0 and k==0):
return -1
elif n!=0 and n==k:
return 1
elif n<k:
return 0
return (k1*(stirling(n1-1,k1)))+stirling(n1-1,k1-1)
def f(coins, x):
a = [1] + (x-1) * [0]
# Code by MBo
for c in coins:
for i in xrange(x - 1, c - 1, -1):
if a[i - c] > 0:
a[i] = a[i] + a[i - c]
return 2 * (stirling(len(coins), 2) - sum(a) + 1)
print f([2,3,3,5], 5) # 8
print f([1,2,3,4,4], 5) # 16
If sum of all coins is S, then the first person can get x..S-x of money.
Make array A of length S-x+1 and fill it with numbers of variants of changing A[i] with given coins (like kind of Coin Change problem).
To provide uniqueness (don't count C1+C2 and C2+C1 as two variants), fill array in reverse direction
A[0] = 1
for C in Coins:
for i = S-x downto C:
if A[i - C] > 0:
A[i] = A[i] + A[i - C]
//we can compose value i as i-C and C
then sum A entries in range x..S-x
Example for coins 2, 3, 3, 5 and x=5.
S = 13, S-x = 8
Array state after using coins in order:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 //idx
1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 2 2 1 1
1 1 2 3 1 1 3
So there are 8 variants to distribute these coins. Quick check (3' denotes the second coin 3):
2 3 3' 5
2 3' 3 5
2 3 3' 5
2 5 3 3'
3 3' 2 5
3 5 2 3'
3' 5 2 3
5 2 3 3'
You can also solve it in O(A * x^2) time and memory adding memoization to this dp:
solve(A, pos, sum1, sum2):
if (pos == A.length) return sum1 == x && sum2 == x
return solve(A, pos + 1, min(sum1 + A[pos], x), sum2) +
solve(A, pos + 1, sum1, min(sum2 + A[pos], x))
print(solve(A, 0, 0, 0))
So depending if x^2 < sum or not you could use this or the answer provided by #Mbo (in terms of time complexity). If you care more about space, this is better only when A * x^2 < sum - x

Summing elements of a set of numbers to a given number

I have been battling to put up an algorithm to solve this problem.
Let say i have a set of number {1, 2, 5} and each element of the this set as unlimited supply, and i given another number 6, then ask to determine the number of ways you can sum the elements to get the number 6. For illustration purpose i do this
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 6
1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 6
2 + 2 + 2 = 6
1 + 5 = 6
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 6
So in this case the program will output 5 as the number of ways. Again let say you are to find the sum for 4,
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4
2 + 2 = 4
1 + 1 + 2 = 4
In this case the algorithm will output 3 as the number of way
This is similar to sum of subsets problem . I am sure you have to use branch and bound method or backtracking method.
1)Create a state space tree which consist of all possible cases.
/ | \
1 2 5
/ | \
1 2 5 ........
2) Continue the process until the sum of nodes in depth first manner is greater or equal to your desired number.
3) Count the no. of full branches that satisfy your condition.
The python implementation of similar problem can be found here.
This is a good problem to use recursion and dynamic programming techniques. Here is an implementation in Python using the top-down approach (memoization) to avoid doing the same calculation multiple times:
# Remember answers for subsets
cache = {}
# Return the ways to get the desired sum from combinations of the given numbers
def possible_sums(numbers, desired_sum):
# See if we have already calculated this possibility
key = (tuple(set(numbers)), desired_sum)
if key in cache:
return cache[key]
answers = {}
for n in numbers:
if desired_sum % n == 0:
# The sum is a multiple of the number
answers[tuple([n] * (desired_sum / n))] = True
if n < desired_sum:
for a in possible_sums(numbers, desired_sum - n):
answers[tuple([n] + a)] = True
cache[key] = [list(k) for k in answers.iterkeys()]
return cache[key]
# Return only distinct combinations of sums, ignoring order
def unique_possible_sums(numbers, desired_sum):
answers = {}
for s in possible_sums(numbers, desired_sum):
answers[tuple(sorted(s))] = True
return [list(k) for k in answers.iterkeys()]
for s in unique_possible_sums([1, 2, 5], 6):
print '6: ' + repr(s)
for s in unique_possible_sums([1, 2, 5], 4):
print '4: ' + repr(s)
For smaller target number(~1000000) and 1000{supply} n try this:
The supply of numbers you have
supply {a,b,c....}
The target you need
1 way to get to 0 use nothing
Scan till target number
for i from 1 to n:
for each supply x:
if i - x >=0
steps[i] += steps[i-x]
Steps at n will contain the number of ways
Visualization of the above:
supply {1, 2, 5} , target 6
i = 1, x=1 and steps required is 1
i = 2, x=1 and steps required is 1
i = 2, x=2 and steps required is 2
i = 3, x=1 and steps required is 2
i = 3, x=2 and steps required is 3
i = 4, x=1 and steps required is 3
i = 4, x=2 and steps required is 5
i = 5, x=1 and steps required is 5
i = 5, x=2 and steps required is 8
i = 5, x=5 and steps required is 9
i = 6, x=1 and steps required is 9
i = 6, x=2 and steps required is 14
i = 6, x=5 and steps required is 15
Some Java Code
private int test(int targetSize, int supply[]){
int target[] = new int[targetSize+1];
for(int i=0;i<=targetSize;i++){
for(int x:supply){
if(i-x >= 0){
return target[targetSize];
public void test(){
System.err.println(test(12, new int[]{1,2,3,4,5,6}));

Print (or output to file) table of number of steps for Euclid's algorithm

I'd like to print (or send to a file in a human-readable format like below) arbitrary size square tables where each table cell contains the number of steps required to solve Euclid's algorithm for the two integers in the row/column headings like this (table written by hand, but I think the numbers are all correct):
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 2 1 2 1
3 1 2 1 2 3 1
4 1 1 2 1 2 2
5 1 2 3 2 1 2
6 1 1 1 2 2 1
The script would ideally allow me to choose the start integer (1 as above or 11 as below or something else arbitrary) and end integer (6 as above or 16 as below or something else arbitrary and larger than the start integer), so that I could do this too:
11 12 13 14 15 16
11 1 2 3 4 4 3
12 2 1 2 2 2 2
13 3 2 1 2 3 3
14 4 2 2 1 2 2
15 4 2 3 2 1 2
16 3 2 3 2 2 1
I realize that the table is symmetric about the diagonal and so only half of the table contains unique information, and that the diagonal itself is always a 1-step algorithm.
See this and for a graphical representation of what I'm after, but I'd like to know the actual number of steps for any two integers which the image doesn't show me.
I have the algorithms (there's probably better implementations, but I think these work):
The step counter:
def gcd(a,b):
"""Step counter."""
if b > a:
x = a
a = b
b = x
counter = 0
while b:
c = a % b
a = b
b = c
counter += 1
return counter
The list builder:
def gcd_steps(n):
"""List builder."""
print("Table of size", n - 1, "x", n - 1)
list_of_steps = []
for i in range(1, n):
for j in range(1, n):
return list_of_steps
but I'm totally hung up on how to write the table. I thought about a double nested for loop with i and j and stuff, but I'm new to Python and haven't a clue about the best way (or any way) to go about writing the table. I don't need special formatting like something to offset the row/column heads from the table cells as I can do that by eye, but just getting everything to line up so that I can read it easily is proving too difficult for me at my current skill level, I'm afraid. I'm thinking that it probably makes sense to print/output within the two nested for loops as I'm calculating the numbers I need which is why the list builder has some print statements as well as returning the list, but I don't know how to work the print magic to do what I'm after.
Try this. The programs computes data row by row and prints each row when it's available,
in order to limit memory usage.
import sys, os
def gcd(a,b):
k = 0
if b > a:
a, b = b, a
while b > 0:
a, b = b, a%b
k += 1
return k
def printgcd(name, a, b):
f = open(name, "wt")
s = ""
for i in range(a, b + 1):
s = "{}\t{}".format(s, i)
for i in range(a, b + 1):
s = "{}".format(i)
for j in range (a, b + 1):
s = "{}\t{}".format(s, gcd(i, j))
printgcd("gcd-1-6.txt", 1, 6)
The preceding won't return a list with all computed values, since they are destroyed on purpose. It's easy to do however. Here is a solution with a hash table
def printgcd2(name, a, b):
f = open(name, "wt")
s = ""
h = { }
for i in range(a, b + 1):
s = "{}\t{}".format(s, i)
for i in range(a, b + 1):
s = "{}".format(i)
for j in range (a, b + 1):
k = gcd(i, j)
s = "{}\t{}".format(s, k)
h[i, j] = k
return h
And here is another with a list of lists
def printgcd3(name, a, b):
f = open(name, "wt")
s = ""
u = [ ]
for i in range(a, b + 1):
s = "{}\t{}".format(s, i)
for i in range(a, b + 1):
v = [ ]
s = "{}".format(i)
for j in range (a, b + 1):
k = gcd(i, j)
s = "{}\t{}".format(s, k)
return u

How to check divisibility of a number not in base 10 without converting?

Let's say I have a number of base 3, 1211. How could I check this number is divisible by 2 without converting it back to base 10?
The original problem is from TopCoder
The digits 3 and 9 share an interesting property. If you take any multiple of 3 and sum its digits, you get another multiple of 3. For example, 118*3 = 354 and 3+5+4 = 12, which is a multiple of 3. Similarly, if you take any multiple of 9 and sum its digits, you get another multiple of 9. For example, 75*9 = 675 and 6+7+5 = 18, which is a multiple of 9. Call any digit for which this property holds interesting, except for 0 and 1, for which the property holds trivially.
A digit that is interesting in one base is not necessarily interesting in another base. For example, 3 is interesting in base 10 but uninteresting in base 5. Given an int base, your task is to return all the interesting digits for that base in increasing order. To determine whether a particular digit is interesting or not, you need not consider all multiples of the digit. You can be certain that, if the property holds for all multiples of the digit with fewer than four digits, then it also holds for multiples with more digits. For example, in base 10, you would not need to consider any multiples greater than 999.
- When base is greater than 10, digits may have a numeric value greater than 9. Because integers are displayed in base 10 by default, do not be alarmed when such digits appear on your screen as more than one decimal digit. For example, one of the interesting digits in base 16 is 15.
- base is between 3 and 30, inclusive.
This is my solution:
class InterestingDigits {
vector<int> digits( int base ) {
vector<int> temp;
for( int i = 2; i <= base; ++i )
if( base % i == 1 )
temp.push_back( i );
return temp;
The trick was well explained here :
If your number k is in base three, then you can write it as
k = a0 3^n + a1 3^{n-1} + a2 3^{n-2} + ... + an 3^0
where a0, a1, ..., an are the digits in the base-three representation.
To see if the number is divisible by two, you're interested in whether the number, modulo 2, is equal to zero. Well, k mod 2 is given by
k mod 2 = (a0 3^n + a1 3^{n-1} + a2 3^{n-2} + ... + an 3^0) mod 2
= (a0 3^n) mod 2 + (a1 3^{n-1}) mod 2 + ... + an (3^0) mod 2
= (a0 mod 2) (3^n mod 2) + ... + (an mod 2) (3^0 mod 2)
The trick here is that 3^i = 1 (mod 2), so this expression is
k mod 2 = (a0 mod 2) + (a1 mod 2) + ... + (an mod 2)
In other words, if you sum up the digits of the ternary representation and get that this value is divisible by two, then the number itself must be divisible by two. To make this even cooler, since the only ternary digits are 0, 1, and 2, this is equivalent to asking whether the number of 1s in the ternary representation is even!
More generally, though, if you have a number in base m, then that number is divisible by m - 1 iff the sum of the digits is divisible by m. This is why you can check if a number in base 10 is divisible by 9 by summing the digits and seeing if that value is divisible by nine.
You can always build a finite automaton for any base and any divisor:
Normally to compute the value n of a string of digits in base b
you iterate over the digits and do
n = (n * b) + d
for each digit d.
Now if you are interested in divisibility you do this modulo m instead:
n = ((n * b) + d) % m
Here n can take at most m different values. Take these as states of a finite automaton, and compute the transitions depending on the digit d according to that formula. The accepting state is the one where the remainder is 0.
For your specific case we have
n == 0, d == 0: n = ((0 * 3) + 0) % 2 = 0
n == 0, d == 1: n = ((0 * 3) + 1) % 2 = 1
n == 0, d == 2: n = ((0 * 3) + 2) % 2 = 0
n == 1, d == 0: n = ((1 * 3) + 0) % 2 = 1
n == 1, d == 1: n = ((1 * 3) + 1) % 2 = 0
n == 1, d == 2: n = ((1 * 3) + 2) % 2 = 1
which shows that you can just sum the digits 1 modulo 2 and ignore any digits 0 or 2.
Add all the digits together (or even just count the ones) - if the answer is odd, the number is odd; if it's even, the nmber is even.
How does that work? Each digit from the number contributes 0, 1 or 2 times (1, 3, 9, 27, ...). A 0 or a 2 adds an even number, so no effect on the oddness/evenness (parity) of the number as a whole. A 1 adds one of the powers of 3, which is always odd, and so flips the parity). And we start from 0 (even). So by counting whether the number of flips is odd or even we can tell whether the number itself is.
I'm not sure on what CPU you have a number in base-3, but the normal way to do this is to perform a modulus/remainder operation.
if (n % 2 == 0) {
// divisible by 2, so even
} else {
// odd
How to implement the modulus operator is going to depend on how you're storing your base-3 number. The simplest to code will probably be to implement normal pencil-and-paper long division, and get the remainder from that.
0 2 2 0
2 ⟌ 1 2 1 1
1 2
1 1
1 1
1 1
0 1 <--- remainder = 1 (so odd)
(This works regardless of base, there are "tricks" for base-3 as others have mentioned)
Same as in base 10, for your example:
1. Find the multiple of 2 that's <= 1211, that's 1210 (see below how to achieve it)
2. Substract 1210 from 1211, you get 1
3. 1 is < 10, thus 1211 isn't divisible by 2
how to achieve 1210:
1. starts with 2
2. 2 + 2 = 11
3. 11 + 2 = 20
4. 20 + 2 = 22
5. 22 + 2 = 101
6. 101 + 2 = 110
7. 110 + 2 = 112
8. 112 + 2 = 121
9. 121 + 2 = 200
10. 200 + 2 = 202
... // repeat until you get the biggest number <= 1211
it's basically the same as base 10 it's just the round up happens on 3 instead of 10.
