How do you compile Maven projects with IntelliJ? - maven

I'm using windows, and I am having trouble understanding how to compile this source.
Please if you can help that would be great :)
I think the Readme expects you to be using ubuntu or a linux.

You can use File | New | Project from Existing Sources to import a maven project in IntelliJ. See also the documentation.

If you are using intelliJ you can use the maven tab located to the right of your IDE and within that you will have access to all the maven commands, specifically install for building your dependencies.
You will need a valid POM and you will have to tell IntelliJ about it if it doesn't know.


Having Maven Plugins in IntelliJ IDEA without Maven Installation in Computer

I just started to use Maven and IntelliJ IDEA.
I imported a project into IntelliJ IDEA which requires Maven. I didn't install Maven to my computer but I have 2 plugins in IntelliJ IDEA named as "Maven" and "Maven Extension". And the code I have is running without any dependency problem.
In that case, do I still need to install Maven from the web or just the plugins in the IntellJ are enough for projects with Maven?
Can we say that for every project? If someone can explain the logic behind I would be very happy.
Thanks a lot!
Intellij comes with a bundled version of Maven (see File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven; the property 'Maven home directory' on that screen by defaults points to 'Bundled (Maven 3)').
You don't have to, but you can still install your own version of Maven, and point that property to it. It has the advantage of being able to run maven from the command-line, which is a better guarantee of build-stability (i.e. building the same project in different environments with the same result) than building directly inside of your IDE. And often is way more helpful in investigating build problems.

Missing Gradle JavaDoc in IDEA

I would like to view the JavaDocs for Gradle classes while I am editing a Gradle file in IntelliJ IDEA. I have the Gradle plugin installed (version 172.4572.19, up-to-date as far as I can tell) and the syntax highlighting works. I'm using Gradle 4.8.1 installed via brew. When I try to view JavaDocs for the entity under my cursor, I get something like this:
As you can see, the class and package names are provided, but none of the JavaDoc is there. Furthermore, none of the methods for configuration are listed, making this near useless.
How do I get IDEA to show me more helpful and complete JavaDocs for entities in Gradle files?
In my case it turned out that my Gradle installation did not contain the javadocs at all!
When you install Gradle using Homebrew, as stated in the documentation you have to add the --with-all flag if you want to install the javadocs. So you should install like this:
brew install gradle --with-all
Once this was done, I also had to reimport Gradle projects before IDEA would let me view JavaDocs.
You can add Gradle wrapper for project (after this enable it in IDE in Settings/Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle | Use default gradle wrapper (recommended)) and use Gradle distribution with sources.
When you create new project there is an option configure it:
After this documentation will appear when editing build.gradle file:

Use Maven to start programs

I apologize if this sounds to simple (or the fact that there are other links that define this problem) - but I'm a complete beginner to Maven and even Java.
All that I'm trying to do is to run this code to see what it does:
The Wiki says that uses can either download the .jar file or use the maven repo. I downloaded their .jar file and tried to run it but failed. I use this code:
java -jar /home/user/semanticvectors-5.6.jar
That .jar file didn't work for me and from other stackoverflow links, it seems that either the .jar file is not setup properly or I have a non-compatitble java version.
In any case, I've decided to try using Maven to get this running. I've installed Maven using:
sudo apt-get install maven
It seems to be working as everything was successful in setup. But now I'm not too sure what to do after. This Wiki (linked above) as go to this Maven repo site (;quick%7Esemanticvectors). To my understanding (and correct me if I'm wrong) I thought Maven is a super repository for developers and testers to work from the same code, so I thought I could use Maven as an alternative to running to program. Anyways, I'm open to any suggestions to get the program running to see what it does, thanks.
If you're interested in knowing more about me: I'm running a 16.04 Ubuntu system with Java 8.
The idea is that you can either build the JAR yourself - get the source from SVN and build it (using maven commands, as maven is a build tool), or you can use the existing JAR that is already "prepared" and ready for use in the maven-repository (nexus, in this case).
The result should be the same - if you use the JAR as a dependency in your code (add it to your pom.xml) or if you build it yourself.
You can learn more about Maven and things will be much clearer...

IntelliJ steps through the wrong lines when debugging remote Java application

I tried to remote debug a maven plugin for a liquibase project with Intellij. IDEA is highlighting the wrong source code line.
I manually built and installed the plugin in my local maven repository from sources in my Intellij project. Intellij version is 11.1.3 and maven version is 3.0.4 running on Ubuntu 12.04.
For debugging the maven plugin I used mvnDebug comand.
If someone has any ideas please give me some advice. I'm not too used to remote debugging (in fact this is the second time I've done this).
For me, whenever IntelliJ is highlighting the wrong line, it was always because the version of the JAR/classes being used to run the application differs from my source files - i.e. different version of the sources were used to build the JAR and/or classes.
You are going to have to be sure that you are working from the exact source that was used to build the classes you are debugging.
You can verify this by looking at the classpath being used to launch the application, locating the JAR file or classes directory that contains the classes you are debugging, and verifying that they were built from the sources you are inspecting.
Note that when you are debugging third-party libraries, you often can download the "sources" jar (see IntelliJ2-IDEA get Maven-2 to download source and documentation).
If you stumbled across this post, and sure that the source and JAR are the same code, then this could be your problem.
Instead of doing remote debugging you can run the plugin directly from IntelliJ.
Have the liquibase plugin project loaded in IntelliJ by just pointing at the pom.xml.
Choose Edit Configurations...
Press the + button to Add New Configuration.
Select Maven.
Enter the Working directory to the project you want to run the plugin on.
Enter the Command line. Could be process-sources, compile or liquibase:status depending on what you want to do.
Press OK
Set a breakpoint in the Liquibase Mojo.
Now you can start this configuration by pressing Shift+F9.
Maven will start and finally you will see that your plugin is waiting at the breakpoint!
Make sure that you have defined the plugin in the target pom.xml with correct version and also that you build the plugin before launching it. You can ensure that by enabling Make in the Before Launch pane.

RCP build with maven

How to build and package RCP (Rich client Platform) using Eclipse.
Is it possible to build as a .jar file.
I use Maven Tycho. I find it a lot easier to use than the PDE ant scripts.
The itp04 RCP example is a good project to get started.
We use Maven 3 and the sonatype-tycho plugin to build our Eclipse RCP-based application. It allows a plugin-first approach, i.e. you define the dependencies only in the plugin.xml using the editor of Eclipse. You don't have to care about dependencies in the pom.xml as these are managed by tycho.
There are detailed instructions at Apache Felix maven Bundle page on how to do this.
Alternatively, There are some quickstart maven archetypes you could download based on these instructions and experiment with.
I have wrapped PDE/Build by Maven manually. You can find an example in my answer to my own question:
How to set up Eclipse PDE/Build with Indigo?
