How to convert unix timestamp to formatted date in ruby? - ruby

I'm struggling with ruby date api. I need to convert a timestamp number to formatted date. But when i use:
(1517486994710 is unix timestamp for today), i see 50057 year as output. What i'm doing wrong?

You have the epoch with milliseconds. Use %Q formatter:
#⇒ Thu, 01 Feb 2018 12:09:54 +0000

Your script is correct but your epoch is incorrect. Today epoch is 1517491785.
You probably got the js epoch which counts in milliseconds
DateTime.strptime("1517486994",'%s') # removed 710


How to subtract a day from an invalid date in shell script?

I'm working on a script to automate the download of information from a customer in the period from 00:00 to 23:59 on the same day. To make the correct treatment of the first day of daylight saving time (10/15/2017, in my timezone - BRST), I need to check the timezone of the previous day. However, when I will subtract one day from the first valid time,
date --date="20171015 01:00 -1 day" +%Y-%m-%d
the result is the next day 2017-10-16, not the previous day 2017-10-14. Could anyone help me understand what I might be doing wrong and how should I do this operation in the right way?
I don't really trust GNU date's arithmetic. Instead, I would convert your starting time to seconds since the UNIX epoch, subtract 86400 seconds, and convert the result back to a day. Those conversion routines take daylight saving time into account.
$ TZ=BRST date +%s --date "20171015 01:00"
$ TZ=BRST date +%F-%T --date #$((1508029200 - 86400))
It appears the "BRST" timezone is not very useful: stick to Olson timezone names
$ TZ=BRST date --date="20171015 00:30" "+%F %T"
2017-10-15 00:30:00
$ TZ=America/Sao_Paulo date --date="20171015 00:30" "+%F %T"
date: invalid date ‘20171015 00:30’

Ruby unix date incorrect

I have the following Unix timestamp: 1478698378000
And I'm trying to show this as a datetime in Ruby, e.g.
<%= %>
Which should be returning a date of: Wed, 09 Nov 2016 13:32:58 GMT but the above code actually returns a date of: 48828-02-01T13:26:40+00:00 Ignore formatting!
As you can see it thinks that timestamp is 2nd Feb 48828 13:26:40.
Why is the datetime coming out completely incorrect and the year so far into the future like that? Checking the timestamp on reveals the timestamp to be correct, so it's Ruby that's returning it incorrectly. expects seconds as an argument and your timestamp is an amount of milliseconds. See documentation on
Why won’t you check the unix timestamp correctness against “Fashion Week Magazine” or “Cosmopolitan” Site?
Unix timestamp is an amount of seconds lasted since 1970-01-01 UTC:
date --date='#1478698378000'
mar feb 1 14:26:40 CET 48828
BTW, dropping last three zeroes gives you back what you’ve expected:
date --date='#1478698378'
mié nov 9 14:32:58 CET 2016

Converting timestamp with time zone to local time in Bash

I am trying to do basic time math in Bash having following timestamps from OpenDj:
createtimestamp: 20161123165725Z
I don't know what time zone the system will be set with, it can be with "Zulu" timezone (UTC) as above, or might be with some other timezone. The above timestamp is for the users on LDAP servers. What I need to do is to compare the timestamp of the user with a certain timestamp.
Question: how do I convert the timestamp with zone (Z) above to local timestamp or epoch time in Bash?
Maybe Dateutils will help
dateconv -i '%s' -f '%A, %d %b %Y' 1234567890
Friday, 13 Feb 2009
dateutils tools default to UTC (add -z your/timezone if needed).

Apache PIG - Convert millseconds into TimeStamp Unix

I've the following field: 1388481000000 as the number of milliseconds elapsed from the Unix Epoch (1970-01-01 UTC)
How can I convert to Unix TimeStamp?
I'm trying to use:
but it gives me error...
How can I convert into Unix Timestamp? Many thanks!
You are mixing things up.ToUnixTime syntax is ToUnixTime(datetime) where the parameter is a datetime object.What you have is the milliseconds elapsed from the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 UTC).I assume you are trying to convert the milliseconds to a datetime object for which you will have to use ToDate and the syntax is ToDate(milliseconds).

Convert Julian Timestamp to Regular Time in UNIX

I need to convert Julian timestamp to Regular timestamp in UNIX using Bash.
On Tandem OS, conversion is pretty straightforward -
$OLSAPP SYSTST 1> #interprettimestamp 212186319010244541
#interprettimestamp 212186319010244541 expanded to:
2455860 2011 10 25 16 10 10 244 541
I wish to do the same on UNIX environment. The conversion will be a part of a parser script. So one-liners would be greatly appreciated.
INTERPRETTIMESTAMP inbuilt function on Tandem returns a space-separated list of nine numbers, consisting of the Julian day number, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, and microsecond.
Assuming the number is as #blahdiblah says
"a value representing the number of microseconds since January 1, 4713 B.C."
Then you first need to know the Julian timestamp for 01-JAN-1970 which is the epoch for unix time. So a cludgy oracle query gives
Then you could in theory just have a shell command to compute the number of seconds since 1-Jan-1970.
unixtime=$(( ( 212186319010244541 - 210866803200000000 ) / 1000000 ))
The problems with this are:
you still need to format it
your bash may not like integer arithmatic with 18 digit numbers. (think its OK in 64 bit, but not 32 bit).
Now if you have perl installed you can solve these using the bigint and POSIX modules. As a shell "one" liner it looks like
perl -mbigint -mPOSIX -e 'print( POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T",localtime( ($ARGV[0]-210866803200000000)/1000000 ) )."\n")' 212186319010244541
Which gives
2011-10-25 15:10:10
The 1 hour difference is probably due to daylight savings differences. It could be either in the perl, or more likely the value I used for 01-Jan-1970 could be an hour out. So you may need to check both of them to be sure its right for your system.
this is MJD converter
MJD is -3506716800 than epoch
# date -d '1858-11-17 UTC' +%s
MDJ 57153 is Mon May 11 00:00:00 UTC 2015
# date -d #`echo 57153*86400-3506716800|bc`
Mon May 11 00:00:00 UTC 2015
