Is it possible to include code only inside one class? - include

I hope I can explain myself.
Supose I have next:
File "A.h":
#include "C.h"
public class A{
// Some code...
File "B.h":
#include "A.h"
public class B{
A a = new A(); //With this line I mean I'm using one instance of "A" inside "B.h"
//Some code...
Is it possible to include "C.h" ONLY inside "A.h"?
My problem is that the code I've included is giving me a lot of conflicts with usual functions. It's not an option to correct conflicts one by one, because there is a huge set of them. Also, my "C.h" code included is only a test code: after some tests, I will delete the include line.
Is there any way of 'bubbling' my include?
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: A.h and B.h are on the same namespace.

Is it possible to include "C.h" ONLY inside "A.h"?
No. Not to my knowledge.
If you have name conflicts, just include C.h within an other namespace, as #user202729 proposed. This can help.
But I guess you use C in A for tests and you cannot use it in C in A without the implementation which is not compatible to C++Cli or content from B.h.
We used the pimpl ideom (pointer to implementation).
c++/clr currently does not allow do be included directly and that's why sometimes you cannot use libraries you want to use (like C.h), because they do rely on the support of .
This is my C.h ( used by all the other headers)
struct LockImpl; // forward declaration of C.
class C
virtual ~C();
void Lock() const;
void Unlock() const;
LockImpl* _Lock;
This is my C.cpp (compiled without /clr )
#include <mutex>
struct LockImpl
std::mutex mutex;
C::C() : _Lock(new LockImpl()) {}
C::~C() { delete _Lock; }
void C::Lock() const
void C::Unlock() const
#include "C.h"
public class A{
C c;
void someMethod()
c.Lock() // I used another template for a RAII pattern class.


How to make an internal header when using interface + templates for dependency injection

In this blog post about dependency injection in C++, the author explain a hybrid approach that uses both templates and interfaces as follows:
ICar.h (publicly visible):
#pragma once
struct ICar
virtual void Drive() = 0;
virtual ~ICar() = default;
std::unique_ptr<ICar> MakeV8Car();
std::unique_ptr<ICar> MakeV6Car();
Car.h (internal):
#pragma once
#include "ICar.h"
template <typename TEngine>
class Car : public ICar
void Drive() override
// drive
TEngine m_engine;
#include "Car.h"
#include "V8Engine.h"
#include "V6Engine.h"
std::unique_ptr<ICar> MakeV8Car()
return std::make_unique<Car<V8Engine>>();
std::unique_ptr<ICar> MakeV6Car();
return std::make_unique<Car<V6Engine>>();
All of which makes good sense to me, except for the internal part. Let's assume I've created a shared object from the above.
How is Car.h private in the context of this shared object?
I've read on the meaning of a private header in the answer which states:
Keep your data in MyClassPrivate and distribute MyClass.h.
Presumably meaning to not distribute MyClass_p.h, but how does one avoid distributing a header file and still have the .so work?

Two step constructions for enable_shared_from_this object that needs to pass std::shared_ptr<self> to children created in constructor

I know that additional initialization methods are evil, as they leave a very nasty option for having object half-constructed and as result all methods needs to check for this. But what about this situation?
class config;
class cfg_item final
friend class config;
cfg_item(std::weak_ptr<config> owner) : owner(owner) { }
std::weak_ptr<config> owner;
class config final : private std::enable_shared_from_this<config>
items.emplace(std::make_shared<cfg_item>(weak_from_this())); // Will crash!
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<cfg_item>> items;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
std::shared_ptr<config> cfg = std::make_shared<config>();
I KNOW WHY IT CRASHES. The std::shared_ptr in the main is not yet initialized with shared pointer to config instance, so constructor does not know how to make weak_from_this and just raises std::bad_weak_ptr exception because there are no valid std::shared_ptr pointing to this at constructor's call time.
The question is: how can I avoided the whole thing? I believe the only way I see would be to add separate initialization method, which is evil as I've already mentioned...
As note about real code: the constructors loads cfg_item from external source. It is assumed that all cfg_items are available for the entire lifetime of config. The weak pointers back to config are mandatory, as cfg_item must push all changes done to it back to config to save to external source
If you look at the answers to this question, there are strong arguments why an external initialization function is necessary. However, you rightfully write
I know that additional initialization methods are evil, as they leave a very nasty option for having object half-constructed and as result all methods needs to check for this.
it's possible to reduce this problem. Say you have a class foo, with the protocol that each time a foo object is constructed, foo::init() needs to be called. Obviously, this is a brittle class (client code will eventually omit calls to init()).
So, one way is to make the (non-copy / non-move) constructors of foo private, and create a variadic static factory method that creates objects, then calls init():
#include <utility>
class foo {
foo() {}
foo(int) {}
void init() {}
template<typename ...Args>
static foo create(Args &&...args) {
foo f{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
return f;
In the following code
template<typename ...Args>
static foo create(Args &&...args) {
foo f{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
return f;
note that this single method can be used for all constructors, regardless of their signature. Furthermore, since it is static, it is external to the constructor, and doesn't have the problems in your question.
You can use it as follows:
int main() {
auto f0 = foo::create();
auto f1 = foo::create(2);
// Next line doesn't compile if uncommented
// foo f2;
Note that it's impossible to create an object without this method, and the interface doesn't even contain init.

Map File contains obsalutely identical addresses for different functions

I am trying to get stack trace in release (optimized) build without pdb-s.
Currently I am trying to retrieve function addresses during my sample program execution using StackWalk64 function and then map generated addresses to the actual function names using map file generated during linking stage. Please note that optimization is turned on.
I see absolutely identical addresses for two different functions in the generated map file.
0001:00000000 ?static_function_call#MyTest##SAXXZ 00401000 f i main.obj
0001:00000000 ?call_1#MyTest##QAEXXZ 00401000 f i main.obj
What could be the reason of such a thing, can it be due to optimization ? Then how can this functions be distinguished ?
Here is the function bodies
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <dbghelp.h>
class __declspec(dllexport) MyTest
static void static_function_call()
void call_1()
int main( void )
MyTest obj;
catch( ... )
return ( 0 );
Thank you,

Deep copy constructor with std::vector of smart pointers

Let's say I have a class FooContainer that aggregates unique_ptr objects of type Foo
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
class FooContainer
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Foo>> many;
//other attributes
FooCoontainer(const FooContainer&);
//handling functions for Foo
The question is how to correctly implement deep copy constructor, and what is syntax for it. Simply assigning
FooContainer::FooContainer(const FooContainer& fc)
will attempt to copy the pointers and will be (thankfully) disallowed by the compiler for unique_ptr. so I would need to do something like this
FooContainer::FooContainer(const FooContainer& fc)
for(int i=0;i<fc.many.size();i++)
many.emplace_back(new Foo(*fc.many[i]));//assume that Foo has a copy constructor
Is this the way to do it? Or may be I should use shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr?
I also have an additional question.
The reason to go for smart pointers (and also for protected in the code above) is that I have derived class BarContainer that aggregates objects Bar in many, which are in turn subclass of Foo. Since the the handling of Bar is very similar to Foo this approach will allow to save a lot of duplicate code compared to two separate classes.
However,. the copy constructor of the BarContainer is problematic. It will the call copy constructor of FooContainer, that will go agead and copy only the Foo part instead of whole Bar. even worse, any invocation of the virtual methods of Bar will call the version of Foo.
So I need a way to override this behaviour.Making the copy constructor virtual is not possible.
Also the copy constructor of Bar could discard the result of Foo copy constructor and to dperform correct copying, but this is quite inefficient
So what is the best solution for this problem?
Or may be I should use shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr?
That depends on whether you require deep copies or are okay with shallow copies (meaning changes to one will also be visible in the other).
However,. the copy constructor of the BarContainer is problematic. It will the call copy constructor of FooContainer, that will go agead and copy only the Foo part instead of whole Bar.
The usual fix is to give your base class a virtual method clone:
class Foo {
Foo(Foo&&) = default;
Foo& operator=(Foo&&) = default;
virtual ~Foo() = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<Foo> clone() const = 0;
protected: // or public if appropriate
Foo(const Foo&);
Foo& operator=(const Foo&);
class Bar : public Foo {
virtual std::unique_ptr<Foo> clone() const;
std::unique_ptr<Foo> Bar::clone() const {
return make_unique<Bar>(*this);
If Foo is not abstract, it would also have an actual implementation of clone().
FooContainer::FooContainer(const FooContainer& fc)
for (auto const& fptr : fc.many)
I've used a template function make_unique, which was accidentally forgotten from the C++11 Standard, but will be official soon. If your compiler doesn't have one, it's simple to put your own in some header file:
template <typename T, typename... Args>
std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args&& ... args) {
return std::unique_ptr<T>( new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...) );
(Together, unique_ptr, make_unique, shared_ptr, make_shared, and vector finish the huge language improvement meaning you'll almost never need the low-level and dangerous new or delete keywords again.)

Replacement of Poco::AutoPtr with boost

I am trying to replace Poco::AutoPtr with some alternative in boost. Here is what I have discovered so far:
What I have: below classess are being used with Poco::AutoPtr. They need to implement reference counted method with implementing duplicate() and release() methods.
I am using above referece_counted.h and Poco::AutoPtr in a complex class hierarchy with multiple inheritance and c++ diamond problems.
A simplified version of classes would look something like this
class A : virtual public ReferenceCounted
class B : public A
class C : public A
class D : public A, B
and the list goes on for few more level deep. I know that this needs to be refactored with a simplified hierarchy but I wanna remove Poco::AutoPtr first with proper replacement in boost:
What I have found so far:
I have found that boost::intrusive_ptr is the closest smart pointer that can be a good replacement of Poco::AutoPtr.
I am however not able to implement the proper solution with this because the intrusive_ptr requires intrusive_ptr_add_ref and intrusive_ptr_release methods created specifically for each class with which I need to use the pointer. I tried using templates but still not having proper solution at hand.
Also one more issue is that I need to typecast from base to derived class many times.
is intrusive_ptr is the correct smart pointer for this usage ? and if yes.. can anybody give me suggestion regarding how to use the same ?
I am however not able to implement the proper solution with this
because the intrusive_ptr requires intrusive_ptr_add_ref and
intrusive_ptr_release methods created specifically for each class with
which I need to use the pointer.
No-no. It is should not be hard. As Boost documentation says:
On compilers that support argument-dependent lookup,
intrusive_ptr_add_ref and intrusive_ptr_release should be defined in
the namespace that corresponds to their parameter; otherwise, the
definitions need to go in namespace boost.
Try this: main.cpp (built ok with "g++ main.cpp -o main -lboost_system")
#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
class MyObject
void duplicate(){
// ...
void release(){
// ...
namespace boost {
template <class T>
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref( T * po ) {
po->duplicate(); // your internal realization
template <class T>
void intrusive_ptr_release( T * po ) {
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// ...
boost::intrusive_ptr<MyObject> ptr( new MyObject );
boost::intrusive_ptr<MyObject> ptr2 = ptr; // should work
