Add following numbers to difference list in Prolog - prolog

I created a program in Prolog which returns following powers of two starting from one:
twos(N, L) :- twosH(N, 1, L).
twosH(0, _, L) :- L = [], !.
twosH(N, I, [R|L]) :- R is 2*I, N1 is N-1, twosH(N1, R, L).
I would like it to use difference list instead of regular one. I know how to append an element to difference list:
appendD(A-B, B-C, A-C).
but I don't know how to incorporate it into my program.

If you use a DCG, then you are using a difference list:
powers_of_2(0, 1) --> [1].
powers_of_2(N, PT) --> [PT], { PT #= 2 * PT1, N #> 0, N #= N1 + 1 }, powers_of_2(N1, PT1).
powers_of_2(N, PT) :-
phrase(powers_of_2(N, _), PT).
| ?- powers_of_2(4, P).
P = [16,8,4,2,1] ? ;
| ?-
A listing of what the DCG looks like as standard predicates (obtained by entering listing. then I changed the variable names a little):
powers_of_2(0, 1, [1|T], T).
powers_of_2(N, PT, [PT|PTs], T) :-
PT #= 2 * PT1,
N #> 0,
N #= N1 + 1,
powers_of_2(N1, PT1, PTs, T).
If you called it directly, you would give it the empty list as the final tail:
| ?- powers_of_2(4, P, PT, []).
P = 16
PT = [16,8,4,2,1] ? ;
If you want the numbers in the reverse order, I'll leave that as an exercise. :)


How to use an fd solver to determine which elements of a list can sum to a given number?

Given a list of possible summands I want to determine which, if any, can form a given sum. For example, with [1,2,3,4,5] I can make the sum of 9 with [4,5], [5,3,1], and [4,3,2].
I am using GNU Prolog and have something like the following which does not work
all_unique(_, []).
all_unique(L, [V|T]) :-
fd_exactly(1, L, V),
all_unique(L, T).
fd_sum([], Sum).
fd_sum([H|T], Sum):-
S = Sum + H,
fd_sum(T, S).
sum_clp(N, Summands):-
length(Numbers, F),
between(1, F, X),
length(S, X),
fd_domain(S, Numbers),
fd_domain(Y, [N]),
all_unique(S, Numbers),
fd_sum(S, Sum),
Sum #= Y,
I think the main problem is that I am not representing the constraint on the sum properly? Or maybe it is something else?
Just in case you're really interested in CLP(FD), here is your corrected program.
% note: use builtins where available, both for efficiency and correctness
%all_unique(_, []).
%all_unique(L, [V|T]) :-
% fd_exactly(1, L, V),
% all_unique(L, T).
fd_sum([], 0). % warning: singleton variables [Sum] for fd_sum/2
fd_sum([H|T], Sum):-
% note: use CLP(FD) operators and the correct operands
Sum #= S + H,
fd_sum(T, S).
sum_clp(N, S):- % warning: singleton variables [Summands] for sum_clp/2
length(Numbers, F),
between(1, F, X),
length(S, X),
fd_domain(S, Numbers),
%fd_domain(Y, [N]),
%all_unique(S, Numbers),
fd_sum(S, N),
%Sum #= Y,
?- sum_clp(3,L).
L = [3] ? ;
L = [1,2] ? ;
L = [2,1] ? ;
I think mixing the code for sublist into clp code is causing some confusion. GNU-Prolog has a sublist/2 predicate, you can use that.
You seem to be building the arithmetic expression with fd_sum but it is incorrectly implemented.
sum_exp([], 0).
sum_exp([X|Xs], X+Xse) :-
sum_exp(Xs, Xse).
sum_c(X, N, Xsub) :-
sublist(Xsub, X),
sum_exp(Xsub, Xe),
N #= Xe.
| ?- sum_exp([A, B, C, D], X).
X = A+(B+(C+(D+0)))
| ?- sum_c([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 9, X).
X = [4,5] ? ;
X = [2,3,4] ? ;
X = [1,3,5] ? ;
(1 ms) no
| ?- length(X, 4), sum_c(X, 4, [A, B]), member(A, [1, 2, 3]).
A = 1
B = 3
X = [_,_,1,3] ? ;
A = 2
B = 2
X = [_,_,2,2] ? ;
A = 3
B = 1
X = [_,_,3,1] ?

Tail-recursive program in prolog which outputs odd numbers in a list

I've written a tail-recursive predicate in Prolog which outputs the integers between A and B in a list K. I've used "reverse" to bring the numbers into the right order:
numbers(A,B,K) :- numbers(A,B,[],K).
numbers(Y,Y,X,K) :- !, reverse([Y|X],K).
numbers(A,B,X,K) :- A<B, C is A+1, numbers(C,B,[A|X],K).
?- numbers(3,6, K).
All works fine. What I now want to do is that I only want to have odd numbers of the range between A and B in the list K. How can I do that? Thanks in advance!
Firstly, I would try to avoid using reverse/2. If you have such a solution, it's often an indicator that there's a better way to get the answer forwards more directly. Not always, but most often. reverse/2 is probably the 2nd favorite band-aid in Prolog right behind use of the cut. :)
In many problems, an auxiliary accumulator is needed. In this particular case, it is not. Also, I would tend to use CLP(FD) operations when involving integers since it's the more relational approach to reasoning over integers. But you can use the solution below with is/2, etc, if you wish. It just won't be as general.
numbers(S, E, []) :- S #> E. % null case
numbers(X, X, [X]).
numbers(S, E, [S|T]) :-
S #< E,
S1 #= S + 1,
numbers(S1, E, T).
| ?- numbers(3, 8, L).
L = [3,4,5,6,7,8] ? ;
| ?- numbers(A, B, [2,3,4,5]).
A = 2
B = 5 ? ;
| ?-
This solution avoids reverse/2 and is tail recursive.
To update it for odd integers, the first thought is that we can easily modify the above to do every other number by just adding 2 instead of 1:
every_other_number(S, E, []) :- S #> E.
every_other_number(X, X, [X]).
every_other_number(S, E, [S|T]) :-
S #< E,
S1 #= S + 2,
every_other_number(S1, E, T).
| ?- every_other_number(3, 7, L).
L = [3,5,7] ? ;
| ?- every_other_number(3, 8, L).
L = [3,5,7] ? ;
| ?- every_other_number(4, 8, L).
L = [4,6,8] ? ;
| ?-
Then we can do odd numbers by creating an initial predicate to ensure the condition that the first value is odd and calling every_other_number/3:
odd_numbers(S, E, L) :-
S rem 2 #= 1,
every_other_number(S, E, L).
odd_numbers(S, E, L) :-
S rem 2 #= 0,
S1 #= S + 1,
every_other_number(S1, E, L).
| ?- odd_numbers(2, 8, L).
L = [3,5,7] ? ;
| ?- odd_numbers(2, 9, L).
L = [3,5,7,9] ? ;
| ?- odd_numbers(3, 8, L).
L = [3,5,7] ? ;
| ?-
This could be a solution, using mod/2 operator.
numbers(A,B,K) :-
B1 is B+1,
numbers(Y,Y1,X,K) :-
Y = Y1,
numbers(A,B,X,K) :-
C is A+1,
C1 is mod(C,2),
(C1 = 0 ->
; numbers(C,B,X,K)).
Another possibility is to use DCG :
numbers(A,B,K) :-
phrase(odd(A,B), K).
odd(A,B) --> {A > B, !}, [].
odd(A,B) --> {A mod2 =:= 0, !, C is A+1}, odd(C,B).
odd(A,B) --> {C is A+2}, [A], odd(C, B).

Digital root sums of factorisations in prolog

The problem is about adding the multiples of the possible factorizations in the number that is input by the user.
I tried this code.
sum_factors(N,Fs) :-
integer(N) ,
N > 0 ,
setof(F , factor(N,F) , Fs ).
factor(N,F) :-
L is floor(sqrt(N)),
( F = X ; F is N // X),
write(F), write('x'), write(X), write('='),
write(N), nl.
output of my code if i input 24:
Fs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24].
the correct output if i input 24 should be:
24 = 2x2x2x3
24 = 2x3x4
24 = 2x2x6
24 = 4x6
24 = 3x8
24 = 2x12
24 = 24
Can somebody explain this code line by line for me, and if possible, tell what's i'm missing from the code.
Try this solution, I think now is complete.
% The first ten prime numbers
% You may want include more, use this URL
% Find the lower number in a list of numbers that divide a number N
% We asume that the list of numbers is sorted in ascendent order
lower_splitter(N, [H|_], H):- N mod H =:= 0, !.
lower_splitter(N, [_|T], H):- lower_splitter(N, T, H).
% Find factors
factors(1, []):- !.
factors(N, [R|L]):- prime_numbers(P), lower_splitter(N, P, R), N1 is N div R, factors(N1, L).
% Verify is a list contains a subset
sub_set([], []).
sub_set([X|L1], [X|L2]):- sub_set(L1, L2).
sub_set([_|L1], L2):- sub_set(L1, L2).
% Find all subset in the list X.
combinations(X, R):- setof(L, X^sub_set(X, L), R).
% Auxilary predicates
%Multiply members of a list
multiply([X], X):-!.
multiply([H|T], X):-multiply(T, M), X is M *H.
start(N):- factors(N, L),
setof(R, L^S^T^D^M^(sub_set(L, S),
length(S, T),
T>1,difference(L, S, D),
append(D,[M], R)), F), writeall(N,[L|F]).
writeall(N,[H|T]):- write(N),write('='),writelist(H),nl, writeall(N,T).
writelist([X]):- write(X).
writelist([X,Y|T]):- write(X),write(x), writelist([Y|T]).
Consult using the start predicate, like this:
?- start(24).

Factors of a number

So I am relatively new to Prolog, and while this problem is easy in many other languages I am having a lot of trouble with it. I want to generate a List of factors for a number N. I have already built a predicate that tells me if a number is a factor:
% A divides B
% A is a factor of B
divides(A,B) :- A =\= 0, (B mod A) =:= 0.
% special case where 1 // 2 would be 0
factors(1,[1]) :- !.
% general case
factors(N,L):- N > 0, factor_list(1, N, L).
factor_list(S,E,L) :- S =< E // 2, f_list(S,E,L).
f_list(S,E,[]) :- S > E // 2, !.
f_list(S,E,[S|T]) :- divides(S,E), !, S1 is S+1, f_list(S1, E, T).
f_list(S,E,L) :- S1 is S+1, f_list(S1,E,L).
Any help would be appreciated.
I pretty much changed my entire solution, but for some reason predicates like factors(9, [1]) return true, when I only want factors(9, [1,3]) to return true. Any thoughts?
Here's why factors(9,[1]) is true: the timing of attempted instantiations (that is to say, unifications) is off:
f_list(S,E,[]) :- S > E // 2, !.
f_list(S,E,[S|T]) :- divides(S,E), !, S1 is S+1, f_list(S1, E, T).
f_list(S,E,L) :- S1 is S+1, f_list(S1,E,L).
%% flist(1,9,[1]) -> (2nd clause) divides(1,9), S1 is 2, f_list(2,9,[]).
%% flist(2,9,[]) -> (3rd clause) S1 is 3, f_list(3,9,[]).
%% ...
%% flist(5,9,[]) -> (1st clause) 5 > 9 // 2, !.
because you pre-specify [1], when it reaches 3 the tail is [] and the match with the 2nd clause is prevented by this, though it would succeed due to divides/2.
The solution is to move the unifications out of clauses' head into the body, and make them only at the appropriate time, not sooner:
f_list(S,E,L) :- S > E // 2, !, L=[].
f_list(S,E,L) :- divides(S,E), !, L=[S|T], S1 is S+1, f_list(S1, E, T).
f_list(S,E,L) :- S1 is S+1, f_list(S1,E,L).
The above usually is written with the if-else construct:
f_list(S,E,L) :-
( S > E // 2 -> L=[]
; divides(S,E) -> L=[S|T], S1 is S+1, f_list(S1, E, T)
; S1 is S+1, f_list(S1, E, L)
Also you can simplify the main predicate as
%% is not defined for N =< 0
( N =:= 1 -> L=[1]
; N >= 2 -> f_list(1,N,L)
Personally, I use a somewhat simpler looking solution:
factors(1,[1]):- true, !.
factors(X,[Factor1|T]):- X > 0,
NewX is X // Factor1, (X mod Factor1) =:= 0,
factors(NewX,T), !.
This one only accepts an ordered list of the factors.
Here is a simple enumeration based procedure.
factors(M, [1 | L]):- factors(M, 2, L).
factors(M, X, L):-
residue(M, X, M1),
((M==M1, L=L1); (M1 < M, L=[X|L1])),
((M1=1, L1=[]); (M1 > X, X1 is X+1, factors(M1, X1, L1))).
residue(M, X, M1):-
((M < X, M1=M);
(M >=X, MX is M mod X,
(MX=0, MM is M/X, residue(MM, X, M1);
MX > 0, M1=M))).

Getting the product of a list from left to right

How do you get the product of a list from left to right?
For example:
?- product([1,2,3,4], P).
P = [1, 2, 6, 24] .
I think one way is to overload the functor and use 3 arguments:
product([H|T], Lst) :- product(T, H, Lst).
I'm not sure where to go from here.
You can use library(lambda) found here :
Quite unreadable :
:- use_module(library(lambda)).
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
product(L, R) :-
foldl(\X^Y^Z^(Y = []
-> Z = [X, [X]]
; Y = [M, Lst],
T #= X * M,
append(Lst, [T], Lst1),
Z = [T, Lst1]),
L, [], [_, R]).
Thanks to #Mike_Hartl for his advice, the code is much simple :
product([], []).
product([H | T], R) :-
scanl(\X^Y^Z^( Z #= X * Y), T, H, R).
seems like a list copy, just multiplying by last element handled. Let's start from 1 for the leftmost element:
product(L, P) :-
product(L, 1, P).
product([X|Xs], A, [Y|Ys]) :-
Y is X * A,
product(Xs, Y, Ys).
product([], _, []).
if we use library(clpfd):
:- [library(clpfd)].
product([X|Xs], A, [Y|Ys]) :-
Y #= X * A,
product(Xs, Y, Ys).
product([], _, []).
it works (only for integers) 'backward'
?- product(L, [1,2,6,24]).
L = [1, 2, 3, 4].
Probably very dirty solution (I am new to Prolog):
product([ListHead|ListTail], Answer) :-
product_acc(ListTail, [ListHead], Answer).
product_acc([ListHead|ListTail], [AccHead|AccTail], Answer) :-
Product is ListHead * AccHead,
append([Product, AccHead], AccTail, TempList),
product_acc(ListTail, TempList, Answer).
product_acc([], ReversedList, Answer) :-
reverse(ReversedList, Answer).
So basically at the beginning we call another predicate which has
extra "variable" Acc which is accumulator list.
So we take out head (first number) from original list and put it in
to Accumulator list.
Then we always take head (first number) from original list and
multiply it with head (first number) from accumulator list.
Then we have to append our new number which we got by multiplying
with the head from accumulator and later with the tail
Then we call same predicate again until original list becomes empty
and at the end obviously we need to reverse it.
And it seems to work
?- product([1,2,3,4], L).
L = [1, 2, 6, 24].
?- product([5], L).
L = [5].
?- product([5,4,3], L).
L = [5, 20, 60].
Sorry if my explanation is not very clear. Feel free to comment.
