I want to know why we can use the semaphore up() in interrupt context while the same variant of mutex i.e mutex_unlock() cannot be used in interrupt context.
Below is snippet from kernel
* mutex_unlock - release the mutex
* #lock: the mutex to be released
* Unlock a mutex that has been locked by this task previously.
* This function must not be used in interrupt context. Unlocking
* of a not locked mutex is not allowed.
* This function is similar to (but not equivalent to) up().
void __sched mutex_unlock(struct mutex *lock)
if (__mutex_unlock_fast(lock))
__mutex_unlock_slowpath(lock, _RET_IP_);
* up - release the semaphore
* #sem: the semaphore to release
* Release the semaphore. Unlike mutexes, up() may be called from any
* context and even by tasks which have never called down().
void up(struct semaphore *sem)
unsigned long flags;
raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->lock, flags);
if (likely(list_empty(&sem->wait_list)))
raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->lock, flags);
mutex_unlock takes a mutex-internal spinlock in a non-irq-safe
fashion - e.g. raw_spin_lock may sleep if CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT is set - so if the timing is right, your mutex_unlock in IRQ context will deadlock.
Below is a code snippet from the ARM CMSIS library that is used to set the value of the PRIMASK register.
* #brief Set the Priority Mask value
* #param priMask PriMask
* Set the priority mask bit in the priority mask register
static __INLINE void __set_PRIMASK(uint32_t priMask)
register uint32_t __regPriMask __ASM("primask");
__regPriMask = (priMask);
The part that I don't understand is the inline assembly instruction
I haven't read anything about addressing registers by name in this way. How can you have inline assembly without an op-code first? Is this assigning __regPriMask to this register location? Can anyone point to a reference document?
register uint32_t __regPriMask __ASM("primask");
...is the declaration of a local register variable called __regPriMask that is stored in the primask register.
In other words, assigning to that register variable will set the value of the register primask.
`static noinline void __sched __down(struct semaphore *sem)`
In the above function, why is __sched used before the __down function of the semaphore code?
__sched is a macro and not keyword, adding an attribute to the function, think of it as some added meta-information.
As defined in <linux/sched.h>:
/* Attach to any functions which should be ignored in wchan output. */
#define __sched __attribute__((__section__(".sched.text")))
So adding the __sched macro to a function results in supressing the wchan information for that function.
I have a static library that defines a semaphore. The semaphore needs to be initialized before any calls to the library (for the reason that it be can safely used by multiple threads from the same process).
Therefore, I would like to initialize (e.g. by running sem_init) the library's semaphore during the start-up of the process. How can I do that?
// This seems to solve the problem. Init(void) will run before main()
void Init(void) __attribute__((constructor));
void Init(void) // This will always run before main()
printf("HSA LIB Init\n");
sem_init (&HSA_lib.semaphore, 0, 1);
I - an embedded beginner - am fighting my way through the black magic world of embedded programming. So far I won already a bunch of fights, but this new bug seems to be a hard one.
First, my embedded setup:
Olimex STM32-P207 (STM32F207)
Eclipse (with CDT and GDB hardware debugging)
Codesourcery Toolchain
Startup file and linker script (adapted memory map for the STM32F207) for RIDE (what uses GCC)
Using the many tutorials and Q&As out there I was able to set-up makefile, linker and startup code and got some simple examples running using STM's standard library (classic blinky, using buttons and interrupts etc.). However, once I started playing around with the SysTick interrupts, things got messy.
If add the SysTick_Config() call to my code (even with an empty SysTick_Handler), ...
int main(void)
/*!< At this stage the microcontroller clock setting is already configured,
if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 120000))
// Catch config error
... then my debugger starts at the (inline) function NVIC_SetPriority() and once I hit "run" I end up in the HardFault_Handler().
This only happens, when using the debugger. Otherwise the code runs normal (telling from the blinking LEDs).
I already read a lot and tried a lot (modifying compiler options, linker, startup, trying other code with SysTick_Config() calls), but nothing solved this problem.
One thing could be a hint:
The compiler starts in both cases (with and without the SysTick_Config call) at 0x00000184. In the case without the SysTick_Config call this points at the beginnig of main(). Using SysTick_Config this pionts at NVIC_SetPriority().
Does anybody have a clue what's going on? Any hint about where I could continue my search for a solution?
I don't know what further information would be helpful to solve this riddle. Please let me know and I will be happy to provide the missing pieces.
Thanks a lot!
/edit1: Added results of arm-none-eabi-readelf, -objdump and -size.
/edit2: I removed the code info to make space for the actual code. With this new simplified version debugging starts at
08000184: stmdaeq r0, {r4, r6, r8, r9, r10, r11, sp}
[ 2] .text PROGBITS 08000184 008184 002dcc 00 AX 0 0 4
46: 08000184 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32f2xx.h"
/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
uint16_t counter = 0;
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
void assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line);
void Delay(__IO uint32_t nCount);
void SysTick_Handler(void);
* #brief Main program
* #param None
* #retval None
int main(void)
if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 12000))
// Catch config error
* Configure the LEDs
RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOF, ENABLE); // LEDs
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_6 | GPIO_Pin_7 | GPIO_Pin_8 | GPIO_Pin_9;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_OUT;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_2MHz;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL;
GPIO_Init(GPIOF, &GPIO_InitStructure);
while (1)
if (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOF, GPIO_Pin_9) == SET)
return 0;
* #brief Reports the name of the source file and the source line number
* where the assert_param error has occurred.
* #param file: pointer to the source file name
* #param line: assert_param error line source number
* #retval None
void assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line)
/* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line number,
ex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */
/* Infinite loop */
while (1)
* #brief Delay Function.
* #param nCount:specifies the Delay time length.
* #retval None
void Delay(__IO uint32_t nCount)
while (nCount > 0)
* #brief This function handles Hard Fault exception.
* #param None
* #retval None
void HardFault_Handler(void)
/* Go to infinite loop when Hard Fault exception occurs */
while (1)
* #brief This function handles SysTick Handler.
* #param None
* #retval None
void SysTick_Handler(void)
if (counter > 10000 )
if (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOF, GPIO_Pin_8) == SET)
counter = 0;
Because the solution is burrowed in a comment, I put it up here:
My linker file was missing ENTRY(your_function_of_choice); (e.g. Reset_Handler). Adding this made my debugger work again (it now starts at the right point).
Thanks everybody!
I have a strong feeling that the entry point isn't specified correctly in the compiler options or linker script...
And whatever code comes first at link time in the ".text" section, it gets to have the entry point.
The entry point, however, should point to a special "init" function that would set up the stack, initialize the ".bss" section (and maybe some other sections as well), initialize any hardware that's necessary for basic operation (e.g. the interrupt controller and maybe some system timer) and any remaining portions of the and standard libraries before actually transferring control to main().
I'm not familiar with the tools and your hardware, so I can't say exactly what that special "init" function is, but that's pretty much the problem. It's not being pointed to by the entry point of the compiled program. NVIC_SetPriority() doesn't make any sense there.
Since the pages are stored in address_space within each inode, how does the background page cache flush thread know all dirty pages?
They're all in one place:
struct bdi_writeback {
struct backing_dev_info *bdi; /* our parent bdi */
unsigned int nr;
unsigned long last_old_flush; /* last old data flush */
unsigned long last_active; /* last time bdi thread was active */
struct task_struct *task; /* writeback thread */
struct timer_list wakeup_timer; /* used for delayed bdi thread wakeup */
struct list_head b_dirty; /* dirty inodes */
struct list_head b_io; /* parked for writeback */
struct list_head b_more_io; /* parked for more writeback */
spinlock_t list_lock; /* protects the b_* lists */
b_dirty is the list you're looking for.
For some information on how the flushing happens, take a look in here. The code is kind of complex though. To summarize (alot), consider that in the default configuration data written to disk will sit in memory until either a) they're more than 30 seconds old, or b) the dirty pages have consumed more than 10% of the active, working memory.
On the x86 platform the OS must inspect its page table entries to find the pages that are dirty. There's a special, dirty, bit in them that's set by the CPU automatically during memory writes. There must be some code that scans the PTEs for dirty=1.