Launch Firefox from Finder with logging modules - firefox

I have found this site:
My problem is: The settings for about:networking only work for the current session. And I have no interest to always start Firefox from the console. Is there a way to launch Firefox (under Mac OS X) via Finder and to permanently enable those logging features?

I'm not a Mac user, so this might be not the best way. However, you might try using an approach similar to running Firefox with multiple profiles, as documented here on MDN. It suggests creating an Automator application that runs a shell script. You can follow this guide, which tells you to:
Open Automator
Go to File->New->Application
Choose Utilities group under Library
Drag Run Shell Script to the workflow pane on the right
Paste the script used to run Firefox with logging enabled
Choose Save As and store it somewhere
You should be good to go.


How to hide terminal shell on server application like Warp in Windows?

I have a small warp server project on Windows that listen to a particular port and do something whenever I send a command to it by REST (for example: POST It's a small client for printing PDF / receipt directly from another computer.
It works. But my problem is when I had to package the whole project, the Rust compiler give me an executable file (.exe). The application displays a terminal window when I run it. I want this terminal to be hidden somehow.
I try to run the program as a windows service (by using NSSM). It doesn't work for me since I had to access the printer. Windows doesn't allow my app to access any devices or any other executable as a windows service. (The reasons are explained here: How can I run an EXE program from a Windows Service using C#?)
So I plan to run my app as a tray-icon application so user can control or close the app. (
Unfortunately, I still cannot hide the app's terminal window.
Another solution that I found is hstart ( But I would like to use this as "the last resort" solution since many antivirus/windows defender mark it as a malware.
Do anyone know how to hide or get rid of it ?
After lot of searching, It turns out to be easier than I thought. Just add
#![windows_subsystem = "windows"]
on top of your file. (for rust > 1.18) and the terminal is gone.
These control the /SUBSYSTEM flag in the linker. For now, only
"console" and "windows" are supported.
When is this useful? In the simplest terms, if you're developing a
graphical application, and do not specify "windows", a console window
would flash up upon your application's start. With this flag, it

Starting Chrome on macOS from the Finder with extra command line parameters

I want to stuff remote debugging and other esoteric dev-only only parameters to the Chrome application when it starts but I want it to be always there, including when I click on the app icon.
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222
How do I pass these command line parameters to the app directly?
I ended up creating an automator application with as shell task. Customized the icon and replaced with the new app in the dock.
I am still looking for a way to change the settings in Chrome so it can connect with remote debugger "on-demand" for specific tasks (not everything as it is set now) but that doesn't seem to be possible at this time. The VSCode folks have apparently solicited the Chrome team to provide this functionality. Stay tuned...

Use AppleScript to change System Preferences > App Badges

I'm trying to use AppleScript to control System Preferences in the background. Specifically, I am trying to Enable / Disable "Badge app icons" for each app. There is no global way to enable / disable badge app icons in system preferences. This must be done per app.
Any idea how this might be done?
Your question is broad, but here are some pointers:
While System can be controlled from an AppleScript, support is limited to revealing (opening) the application to a specific pane and anchor (tab).
Your best bet is to modify the underlying SQLite 3 database in which the per-application notification preferences are maintained - this answer will hopefully get you started.
macOS comes with the sqlite3 CLI.
From what I understand, while AppleScript has - limited - support for accessing SQLite databases via the Database Events app, using do shell script to call the sqlite3 utility may be the better option.
(In fact, in a brief test I wasn't even able to open a database in AppleScript on my macOS 10.12.4 machine)

Run a Applescript on a locked Mac by keypress or alternative options

I have an Applescript written for a specific purpose that launches an application and performs a couple of tasks. I would like to be able to run this script by pressing a key on my keyboard, however, while the Mac is locked. (Note: Mac is only locked, not "asleep")
I'm open to alternative options, if such (or more efficient) options exist.
The above scenario is my "ideal" configuration, the only thing I don't have flexibility on, is that the mac must stay locked for this process.
I have full administrative access to the Mac.
I would suggest you use ssh to "get into" your Mac while the screen is locked and then run your script from the shell. You would probably use osascript for that if it is Applescript, by the way.
In order to do this, you will need to ensure the sshd is running on your Mac by going to the Apple Menu, then System Preferences then Sharing and check the box beside Remote Login.
In order to ssh into your Mac, you could use another Mac, or a PC or the free iPhone/iPad app called Terminus which is brilliant for remotely controlling machines via ssh.
Rather than have to run a command when you log in, a technique which I often use is to have a user who can only execute a specific function and the very act of logging in does that function and then logs the user out again. So, for example, if I wanted a login that can reboot a machine, I would create a new user called reboot and instead of that user having bash in /etc/passwd as his shell, he would have /sbin/reboot as his shell. Just a thought - YMMV.
I've tried this same thing and when the Mac becomes locked, normal processing will not occur but slow to a crawl, so I had to turn my screens off instead of locking my Mac. There is no way around it.

Silent install for Safari extension on Mac without any user prompting

I am setting up Selenium testing for Safari 5 on Mac. I need to install our Safari extension before hand, and it needs to happen silently and without any user prompting. From previous posts, I've found this works in that it loads the browser with the extension:
open -a Safari okta.safariextz
But it leaves the browser opened with a prompt to the user: "Are you sure you want to install the extension?"
Selenium doesn't have access to this prompt and can't click install. I need to configure Safari such that it does not prompt the user to install, but just allows the extension to be installed.
Is there any way to do this?
Any pointers appreciated.
Edit: Possible new method: The answer here might suggest (it's somewhat unclear) that, with a possible risk of messing up your future safari upgrades, you might be able to manually install an extension, skipping the confirmation prompt, via a file move and a plist hack. I haven't tried it, but it looks as if it might work:
If you're just doing this for in-house deployment and don't mind if it breaks on a Safari upgrade, then you can quit Safari, install the extension into ~/Library/Safari/Extensions and update ~/Library/Safari/Extensions/Extensions.plist (the format is rather obvious; /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy is useful for such things).
You can't do what you're after--at least, not with any commandline switch or plist hack that I know of. Extension install confirmation is a core part of Safari's security model, and is not easily circumvented.
Instead, I'd consider using automator (if you're not familiar with it, think Selenium but for desktop apps, and more) to send a click on the appropriate button, and then distributing an automator app that launches safari with the appropriate parameters, sends the click when the extension dialog appears, and then goes on to run Selenium-based (rather than automator-based) automations. To get started, I'd check out the following links:
Automating via applescript rather than the "duplo legos" automation builder:
Very brief overview of macro recording (you hit record, send the click you want, hit save, and you can re-execute your recorded actions):
My favorite intro to automator tutorial:
I don't believe there is any way to do a silent extension install as it would be a security hole. You may want to try incorporating an AppleScript to do the extension install before running your Selenium tests.
Here is another question on StackOverflow with AppleScript details for Safari extension reloading that can be used for your purposes:
How to reload a Safari Extension from the command line?
