ECS service launching through created EC2 instance - amazon-ec2

I have created my own EC2 instance in AWS. That AMI is AWS ECS optimized AMI for launching ecs service from my EC2 instance. I previously discussed the same thing. And tried with that approach. The link is below,
Microservice Deployment Using AWS ECS Service
I created my cluster and configured that cluster name when I am creating optimized AMI by following code snippet in advanced userdata section,
echo ECS_CLUSTER=your_cluster_name >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
I followed the documentation of cluster creation from following link,
But, no result - when creating cluster and ECS task definitions it creates and launches into one EC2. And again creating another EC2 by specifying above code. So total 2 Ec2. I already created my own ECS optimized.
I am finding for launching ECS service from my own AMI (that I created). Actually I need to launch my ECS service from my Ec2 (I had created my machine Amazon optimized AMI).
The reason behind this requirement is I don't want to launch my services in machine that owned by others. I need to launch from my machine. And also I need to host my angular application in the same my machine. So I need control of my machine. How can I do this?

Sounds like you just need to create a Launch Configuration. With this you can specify the User Data settings that should be applied when a host is setup.
After you create your Launch Configuration, create a new Auto Scaling Group based off of it (there's a drop-down to select the launch configuration you want to use).
From here, any new instances launched under that ASG will apply the settings you've configured in the associated Launch Configuration.


Laravel AWS EBS Auto Scaling

Im looking for some advice, this may seem like a silly question but I am having some issues with understanding how AWS EBS autoscaling works and its best practices.
I have a laravel application that is deployed to AWS EBS through bitbucket pipelines. This all works and deploys successfully.
My issue is when the autoscaling triggers it then brings up a new EC2 instance and then load balances the traffic. The problem is that the new EC2 instance in the fleet is a blank AWS Linux2 AMI so just shows the nginx welcome page.
I think the issue is that it's using a blank AMI and not getting my application. I am guessing i could create an image from the EC2 image running my application and then scale with that but i would have to do that every time i do a deployment.
Can you configure the auto scaling group to replicate the running EC2 instance?
Any help or advice as to the best way to accomplish autoscaling with my application would be great.
Its depend on the AMI selected in Launch Configuration..
You need to create AMI of your live EC2 instance after you updated your all required softwares, dbs, configurations and verified(tested) for proper work..
then add this AMI to Auto scale Launch Configuration..
you dont need to create AMI for each deployment..
Whenever you makes changes On Ec2 server , or updates your app source code, you need to create new AMI and need to specify that AMI in Autoscale launch configuration.
best practice is to config the auto scale with a user data script. So when the new AMI boots up during the auto scaling it reads the user data (cloud init/upstart). The user data script can pull the code from the git or what ever source control and run the necessary pre-deployment commands.

ECS ec2 instance with user data

To launch docker-compose, I use AWS ECS.
When create cluster, ec2 instance automatically launched.
And can't launch with none instance. Must have at least 1 instance.
To time sync(, I have to execute shell script before ec2 instance running.
I searched google few hours, there is no correct answer.
Is there any solution to launch cluster with user data?

Change Instance type of a cluster registered ec2 instance

I have an Amazon EC2 instance which is registered to a cluster of Amazon ECS.
And I want to change this instance's type from c4.large to c4.8xlarge.
I'm able to change its type from c4.large to c4.8xlarge in AWS console. But after the change, I found
[ERROR] Could not register module="api client" err="ClientException: Container instance type changes are not supported. Container instance XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX was previously registered as c4.large.
being printed in /var/log/ecs/ecs-agent.log.20XX-XX-XX-XX file.
Is it possible to change ec2 instance type and re-register it to a cluster?
I think maybe deregister it first, then register it again should work. But I'm afraid this may cause something irreversible in my AWS working environment. So I haven't tried this method yet.
To solve this connection problem between the agent and cluster, just delete the file /var/lib/ecs/data/ecs_agent_data.json and restart docker and ECS.
After that, a new container instance will be created in your cluster with the new size.
sudo rm /var/lib/ecs/data/ecs_agent_data.json
sudo service docker restart
sudo start ecs
Then you can go to the ECS cluster console and deregister the old container instance
According to #florins and #MBear commented below, AWS updated the data file on ECS instances.
sudo rm /var/lib/ecs/data/agent.db
sudo service docker restart
sudo start ecs
As of March 2021 / AMI image ami-0db98e57137013b2d, /var/lib/ecs/data/ecs_agent_data.json mentioned in the last useful answer does not exist. For me, the commands to execute on the changed instance were:
sudo rm /var/lib/ecs/data/agent.db
sudo service docker restart
After that, it was possible to deploy containers to the instance, without fresh registration (AWS automatically registered a second ECS container instance of the new type). I did have a leftover container instance with the resources of the old instance type to remove.
You can't do this. Per their docs:
The type of EC2 instance that you choose for your container instances determines the resources available in your cluster. Amazon EC2 provides different instance types, each with different CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity that you can use to run your tasks. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Instances.
This means that when you launch a container on an instance, the agent gathers a bunch of metadata about the instance to run it. If you change it, all of that metadata (or a lot) has changed in a bad way. CPU units, memory, etc. The agent is aware of this and will report it as an error.
You should spin up a new instance of the new type and register it to the cluster and let the task run on it. If it's a service, just terminate the old instance and let it run it against the new one.
I can't think of any real reason why terminating your old instance would cause something irreversible unless it is misconfigured or fragile via user specific settings, by default this would not cause anything destructive.
As alternative approach if the EC2 instance does not store any valuable a new instance using the old instance as template could be started. This takes all existing values and can be achieved just with a few clicks in minutes.
Select the EC2 instance and then "Actions -> Images and templates -> Start more like this". Just change the instance type.
When the instance is running got the the ECS cluster to the tab "ECS instances" and activate the new created instance.
Shutdown the old instance
Update your task maybe taking more cpu and memory and update the service to take the new task revision

How can I connect my autoscaling group to my ecs cluster?

In all tutorials for ECS you need to create a cluster and after that an autoscaling group, that will spawn instances. Somehow in all these tutorials the instances magically show up in the cluster, but noone gives a hint what's connecting the autoscaling group and the cluster.
my autoscaling group spawns instances as expected, but they just dont show up on my ecs cluster, who holds my docker definitions.
Where is the connection I'm missing?
I was struggling with this for a while. The key to getting the instances in the autoscaling group associated with your ECS cluster is in the user data. When you are creating your launch config when you get to step 3 "Configure Details" hit the advanced tab and enter a simple bash script like the following for your user data.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo ECS_CLUSTER=your_cluster_name >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
All the available parameters for agent configuration can be found here
An autoscaling group is not strictly associated to a cluster. However, an autoscaling group can be configured such that each instance launched registers itself into a particular cluster.
Registering an instance into a cluster is the responsibility of the ECS Agent running on the instance. If you're using the Amazon ECS-optimized AMI, the ECS Agent will launch when the instance boots and register itself into the configured cluster. However, you can also use the ECS Agent on other Linux AMIs by following the installation instructions.
Well, i found out.
Its all about the ecs-agent and its config file /etc/ecs/ecs.config
(This file will be created through the Userdata field, when creating EC2 instances, even from an autoscaling configuration.)
Read about its configuration options here:
But you can even copy a ecs.config stored on Amazon S3, do it like this (following lines go into Userdata field):
yum install -y aws-cli
aws configure set default.s3.signature_version s3v4
aws configure set default.s3.addressing_style path
aws configure set default.region eu-central-1
aws s3 cp s3://<bucketname>/ecs.config /etc/ecs/ecs.config
note: Signature_version v4 is specific for some regions, like eu-central-1.
This ofc only works, if your IAM role for the instance (in my case its ecsInstanceRole) has the right AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess
The AWS GUI console way for that would be:
Use the cluster wizard at .
It will create an autoscaling grou for your cluster, a loadbalancer in front of it, and connect it all nicely.
This question is old but the answer is not complete. There are 2 parts to getting your own auto-scaling group to show up in your cluster (as of Jan 2022).
You need to ensure your cluster name is set for ECS_CLUSTER variable in /etc/ecs/ecs.config as mentioned in this answer:
You need to create a new capacity provider for the cluster and attach this auto scaling group. To do this, go to Cluster -> Capacity Provider -> Create -> Select your auto scaling group under Auto Scaling group.
Another tricky part is getting your service to use the instances (if you have a service running). You need to edit the Service, and change the Capacity provider strategy. Click on Add another provider and choose the new capacity provider you created in (2) above.
That's all! To ensure things are working properly: you should see your capacity provider under Graph -> Capacity Providers and you should see instances from your auto scaling group under Graph -> ECS Instances.

AWS EC2 - Cloudera Manager- Stopping instances

I have setup the hadoop cluster on Amazon EC2 using cloudera manager. Cloudera manager created two instances and all is working as expected. I am trying to stop the cloudera created instances through AWS console but there is no option to stop. We have only "Terminate" and "Reboot". I don't want to terminate these instances as i want to reuse these instances.
How to stop these instances ?
Since your instances came from an instance-store backed AMI you will only be able to reboot and terminate the instances. Look in the Management Console under "root device" to confirm this is the case.
To get around this, you can create an AMI from your instances then restart your environment using the new AMI which would give you the option to stop your instances.
