Drag selecting in NSCollectionView from inside of items - cocoa

I have a series of items that I am showing them in a NSCollectionView. The selection and multiple selection are both enabled.
The user can select items by dragging (i.e. marking items by drag). however this works when the user start dragging from collection view background or the space between items (and not on the items) but I want make it possible when dragging starts on the items too.
I want something like this photo if we consider text and image as a single item.
image source: http://osxdaily.com/2013/09/16/select-multiple-files-mac-os-x/
Thank you in advance.

Implement hitTest(_:) in the class of the item view to make the items "see through" for clicks. Return the collection view instead of the item view when the user clicks in the item view.
override func hitTest(_ point: NSPoint) -> NSView? {
var view = super.hitTest(point)
if view == self {
repeat {
view = view!.superview
} while view != nil && !(view is NSCollectionView)
return view;


NSTableView selected row flickering while scrolling with arrow keys

I have a view based NSTableView and can't figure out how to work around a visual glitch where the currently selected row flickers while scrolling up or down with the arrow keys.
The selected row should appear 'glued' to either the top or bottom of the view, depending on scroll direction. The Finder shows this correct behavior in list view but a regular table view seems to not behave this way out of the box. I'm confused as to why that is and see no obvious way to circumvent it. Can anybody point me to possible causes / solutions?
Edit No. 1
A cell based NSTableView behaves in the desired way by default, so this is presumably a bug specific to the view based implementation. I don't want to use a cell based table for unrelated reasons though.
Edit No. 2
I've tried making the table view's parent view layer backed, as well as intercepting the up / down arrow keystrokes to do my own scrolling, but so far I haven't been able to eliminate the flickering.
Edit No. 3
I've created a small sample project that reproduces the issue.
It looks like the selection changes and the old and new selected rows are redrawn. Next the selected row is animated up/down. Disabling scroll animation fixes the issue. Scroll animation can be disabled by subclassing NSClipView and overriding scroll(to:).
override func scroll(to newOrigin: NSPoint) {
It might have some side effects.
Copied from zrzka's solution, with some adjustments. Scroll animation is temporarily disabled when using the up arrow or down arrow key.
class TableView: NSTableView {
override func keyDown(with event: NSEvent) {
if let clipView = enclosingScrollView?.contentView as? ClipView,
(125...126).contains(event.keyCode) && // down arrow and up arrow
event.modifierFlags.intersection([.option, .shift]).isEmpty {
clipView.isScrollAnimationEnabled = false
super.keyDown(with: event)
clipView.isScrollAnimationEnabled = true
else {
super.keyDown(with: event)
class ClipView: NSClipView {
var isScrollAnimationEnabled: Bool = true
override func scroll(to newOrigin: NSPoint) {
if isScrollAnimationEnabled {
super.scroll(to: newOrigin)
} else {
Did you try change the view ?
scrollView.wantsLayer = true
If you used Interface Builder:
Select the scroll view
Open the View Effects Inspector (or press Cmd-Opt-8)
In the table, find the row for your scroll view and check the box.

How to align a toolbar (or its items) with the leading edge of a split view controller's child?

In iOS, a toolbar can be added to any view. In macOS however, it seems only possible to add a toolbar to a window.
I'm working on an app with a split view controller with a toolbar but the toolbar's items only have a meaning with respect to the right view controller's context.
E.g. let's say I have a text editor of some sort, where the left pane shows all documents (like in the Notes app) and the right pane shows the actual text which can be edited. The formatting buttons only affect the text in the right pane. Thus, it seems very intuitive to place the toolbar within that right pane instead of stretching it over the full width of the window.
Is there some way to achieve this?
(Or is there a good UX reason why this would be a bad practice?)
I've noticed how Apple solved this problem in terms of UX in their Notes app: They still use a full-width toolbar but align the button items that are only related to the right pane with the leading edge of that pane.
So in case, there is no way to place a toolbar in a view controller, how can I align the toolbar items with the leading edge of the right view controller as seen in the screenshot above?
According to TimTwoToes' answer and the posts linked by Willeke in the comments, it seems to be possible to use Auto Layout for constraining a toolbar item with the split view's child view. This solution would work if there was a fixed toolbar layout. However, Apple encourages (for a good reason) to let users customize your app's toolbar.
Thus, I cannot add constraints to a fixed item in the toolbar. Instead, a viable solution seems to be to use a leading flexible space and adjust its size accordingly.
Initial Notes
It turns out this is tricky because there are many things that need to be considered:
Auto Layout doesn't seem to work properly with toolbar items. (I've read a few posts mentioning that Apple has classified this as a bug.)
Normally, the user can customize your app's toolbar (add and remove items). We should not deprive the user of that option.
Thus, simply constraining a particular toolbar item with the split view or a layout guide is not an option (because the item might be at a different position than expected or not there at all).
After hours of "hacking", I've finally found a reliable way to achieve the desired behavior that doesn't use any internal / undocumented methods. Here's how it looks:
How To
Instead of a standard NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItem create an NSToolbarItem with a custom view. This will serve as your flexible, resizing space. You can do that in code or in Interface Builder:
Create outlets/properties for your toolbar and your flexible space (inside the respective NSWindowController):
#IBOutlet weak var toolbar: NSToolbar!
#IBOutlet weak var tabSpace: NSToolbarItem!
Create a method inside the same window controller that adjusts the space width:
private func adjustTabSpaceWidth() {
for item in toolbar.items {
if item == tabSpace {
let origin = item.view?.frame.origin,
let originInWindowCoordinates = item.view?.convert(origin, to: nil),
let leftPane = splitViewController?.splitViewItems.first?.viewController.view
else {
let leftPaneWidth = leftPane.frame.size.width
let tabWidth = max(leftPaneWidth - originInWindowCoordinates.x, MainWindowController.minTabSpaceWidth)
item.set(width: tabWidth)
Define the set(width:) method in an extension on NSToolbarItem as follows:
private extension NSToolbarItem {
func set(width: CGFloat) {
minSize = .init(width: width, height: minSize.height)
maxSize = .init(width: width, height: maxSize.height)
Make your window controller conform to NSSplitViewDelegate and assign it to your split view's delegate property.1 Implement the following NSSplitViewDelegate protocol method in your window controller:
override func splitViewDidResizeSubviews(_ notification: Notification) {
This will yield the desired resizing behavior. (The user will still be able to remove the space completely or reposition it, but he can always add it back to the front.)
1 Note:
If you're using an NSSplitViewController, the system automatically assigns that controller to its split view's delegate property and you cannot change that. As a consequence, you need to subclass NSSplitViewController, override its splitViewDidResizeSubviews() method and notify the window controller from there. Your can achieve that with the following code:
protocol SplitViewControllerDelegate: class {
func splitViewControllerDidResize(_ splitViewController: SplitViewController)
class SplitViewController: NSSplitViewController {
weak var delegate: SplitViewControllerDelegate?
override func splitViewDidResizeSubviews(_ notification: Notification) {
Don't forget to assign your window controller as the split view controller's delegate:
override func windowDidLoad() {
splitViewController?.delegate = self
and to implement the respective delegate method:
extension MainWindowController: SplitViewControllerDelegate {
func splitViewControllerDidResize(_ splitViewController: SplitViewController) {
There is no native way to achieve a "local" toolbar. You would have to create the control yourself, but I believe it would be simpel to make.
Aligning the toolbar items using autolayout is described here. Align with custom toolbar item described by Mischa.
The macOS way is to use the Toolbar solution and make them context sensitive. In this instance the text attribute buttons would enable when the right pane has the focus and disable when it looses the focus.

NSClickGestureRecognizer.location(in:) and hitTest()

I have the following view:
which has a custom class based on NSVisualEffectView, and contains an image view, a label (NSTextField) and a popup button. isFlipped of the custom view is always false.
The custom view also contains a NSClickGestureRecognizer which uses a delegate. The delegate implements just one method:
func gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(_ gestureRecognizer: NSGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
let thePoint = gestureRecognizer.location(in: view)
if let theView = view.hitTest(thePoint) {
return !theView.handlesMouseEvents
else {
return true
If I click in the middle of the popup menu, location(in:) returns the value (182, 16) for instance. This seems correct for me for a non-flipped view. But hitTest() returns the background view for that point as result and not the popup button.
What am I doing wrong?
If I use the manually flipped point (y := height - y) for hit-testing I get the popup button as result. But I don't want to use that approach because it seems ugly to me.
If seems to work if I use the window's content view for hit-testing. But I would still like to know why the approach shown does not work.
The parameter point of hitTest(_:) is
A point that is in the coordinate system of the view’s superview, not of the view itself.
Solution: pass a point in superview coordinates.

UISplitViewController presenting over current context from detail View

I have a split view controller with master view being something like a menu allowing users to pick the scene for detail view (I have multiple detail views). On one of the detailView scene, I have a button that presents a view controller modally and "Over Current Context" as it has a translucent background and I wanted to create that fog effect. This particular detailView (lets call it TodayViewController) is also the initial detail view controller when the app loads, and only changes when user selects a new view controller from the master view (menu).
This is what I meant in code:
When app just starts:
splitViewController.viewControllers[1] // returns TodayViewController
When user selects from the menu:
splitViewController.viewControllers[1] // returns a different view controller
So the issue I am having is that when the app just starts (bullet 1), when I present a child view controller of TodayViewController modally and "over current context", the child VC presents itself over both the master view (menu) as well as the detail view (TodayViewController), causing the entire screen to have a foggy effect. This is the effect that I want
However when I select another view controller (from the menu) and then select back TodayViewController and try to present the child VC it only presents itself over the detail view now. Meaning that the foggy effect is only present on the detail view and the master view (the menu again) remains clear. How do I fix this?
I hope I'm clear enough with my explanation. Here are some of my code:
My GlobalSplitViewController.swift:
import UIKit
class GlobalSplitViewController: UISplitViewController, UISplitViewControllerDelegate {
func primaryViewControllerForCollapsingSplitViewController(splitViewController: UISplitViewController) -> UIViewController? {
let detailViewController = self.viewControllers[1] as! TodayViewController
return detailViewController
func splitViewController(splitViewController: UISplitViewController, collapseSecondaryViewController secondaryViewController: UIViewController, ontoPrimaryViewController primaryViewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
return true
func splitViewController(svc: UISplitViewController, shouldHideViewController vc: UIViewController, inOrientation orientation: UIInterfaceOrientation) -> Bool {
return false
GlobalSplitViewController is structured so that TodayViewController is presented first on iPhones, but on iPad it shows both master and detail view, uncollapsed.
'Over current context' is supposed to present over only the master or the detail wherever it is called from. I'm not sure why it doesn't work properly at first (but I understand that's what you want) but then works when you select another option. Anyhow, to achieve what you want, stop using 'over current context'. That will present the fog vc over the whole screen.

Is there a way to assign multiple key equivalents to a Menu Item in Cocoa (via IB or programmatically)?

Specifically, I want my "New" menu item to respond to both Cmd+N and Cmd+T since it will open a new document in a tab.* How can I do this either in Interface Builder or programmatically?
* I can explain the reasoning further if needed, but I'm hoping to avoid a discussion of the merits and rather focus on how to do it, not why to do it.
Make a second one (easiest way being to duplicate it) and set it as hidden. It won't show up when the user pulls open the menu, but as long as it's enabled, its key equivalents should still be in effect.
A simple way to have two or more Key Equivalents for an action is to duplicate the NSMenuItem and add a special Tag for these "alternatives" menu items.
Then set the AppDelegate the delegate (NSMenuDelegate) of the corresponding enclosing NSMenu (where the inner items need the visibility to be updated).
Hidden menu items (or items with a hidden superitem) do not appear in
a menu and do not participate in command key matching.
When the NSMenu open, hides this alternates NSMenuItem, when it close, display them.
Example in Swift 3:
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate, NSMenuDelegate {
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
NSApp.mainMenu?.item(withTitle: "View")?.submenu?.item(withTitle: "Zoom")?.submenu?.delegate = self
func toggleVisibility(_ visible: Bool, ofAlternatesKeyEquivalentsItems items: [NSMenuItem]) {
for item in items.filter({ $0.tag == 2 }) {
item.isHidden = !visible
func menuWillOpen(_ menu: NSMenu) {
if menu.title == "Zoom" {
toggleVisibility(false, ofAlternatesKeyEquivalentsItems: menu.items)
func menuDidClose(_ menu: NSMenu) {
if menu.title == "Zoom" {
toggleVisibility(true, ofAlternatesKeyEquivalentsItems: menu.items)
