UAA Federation: How to return group information back to relying party? - cloudfoundry-uaa

After configuring two UAA instances as federated, say UAA1 (Relying party)--uses--> UAA2(ID provider) through OIDC mechanism, I can use UAA1 to authenticate users defined on UAA2 through authentication code work flow. UAA1 defines shadow users in its instance, but it does not capture groups defined for users on UAA2.
For example, user1_uaa2 is on UAA2 and it belongs to a groups called uaa.test. After login through UAA1, a shadow user user1_uaa2 is created in UAA1, but its group information is lost.
How can a user's group information be propagated back to relying party in OIDC based UAA federation?

I think according to source code, that in last version of UAA (V4.10), UAA only returns openid as scope in id_token and /userinfo, no matter if the access token has roles scope or not. That means as either OIDC or SAML identity provider, it does not provide user group information.
It seems to me its codes work and are able to retrieve group information when UAA works as SP or proxy to other IDPs. It store those information to user_info table.


Oauth2 flow to issue tokens for registered users automatically

I have an endpoint, which I want to protect using Oauth2 and spring boot. The users register on the website and after the successful payment, a token with specific expiry should be issued automatically and delivered to the user. The User can revoke the token in their panel and get a new token manually.
I don't want to use password grant type as it requires sending the username and password for each request. the authorization code grant type, requires the user to enter their credentials which doesn't fit my need for automatic generation of tokens after successful payment. I'm not sure if using client credentials grant type is a good idea for my need. I could use a new client for each new user. But this seems not right to me. But correct me if I'm wrong. any idea which oauth flow I should use?
You want to authenticate end-users with OAuth2? Use authorization-code (with PKCE).
In your statements, there seem to be a confusion between authorization-server (issues tokens) and resource-server (subscriptions are resources too in my opinion). Have a look at this article for OAuth2 refresher and spring resource-server security conf.
Also, it seems to be a one-to-one relation between access-token and payed subscription. This is probably a mistake: access-token should be short lived (like a few minutes). Are your subscriptions that short?
I see two options here:
have your authorization-server add a private claim with subscription status to JWT access-token (or introspection details) and check this claim value in spring-security expressions (#PreAuthorize("..."))
configure a custom authentication converter in spring security which calls a #Repository to read subscription status in database, based on identity contained in access-token
First solution is way more efficient (persisted subscription status is retrieved from DB only when a new access-token is issued) but requires your authorization-server to be flexible enough for you to add private claim with values from a web-service or a DB. I have a tutorial to do so in Keycloak. read it AFTER the article above.

Integrating SAML based SSO with Third party service provider

We have to integrate third party SP for SSO. Our application is a wrapper in spring(not springboot) and it has authentication/authorization module calling backend service using mongo as DB.
Now the requirement is to integrate SSO SAML based SP with a third party. The third party has given docs which asks to have IDP. In the provided requirement from SP, Nameid assertion has to be persistent ,unique and opaque and can be userid of client application (our application).
I believe we have to have an IDP like SSOCircle or Okta or some open source IDP in order to integrate with SP. And I think we can write a separate springboot SAML IDP and expose api to our legacy spring for login to SP.
Flow as I understand:
User from our portal access the third party SP website or API.
Third party SP will redirect the user to our IDP to log in .They will save NameId(UUID mapping of userids or userids) at their end which they will pass as SAML request along with other assertions.
Once User is successfully logged in , our IDP will redirect the user to third party SP with success response.
My questions :
Can (or should we )we bypass IDP ? I guess this would mean we write SAML IDP on our own. Please let me know my best options or whether this is a good idea to go without IDP and write our own equivalent.If we can't, I would assume we have buy paid proprietary or use open source IDP.
Nameid (unique, persistent, opaque) assertion : This is one of SP requirement.If we have to use IDP (which I think), and it SP consumer assertion requirement is to use persistent Nameid to be passed.It should be unique, persistent and opaque . So we are thinking that UUID mapping of userids in SAML request to IDP should be OK. If we go like this, we have to store UUID mapping in DB as nameid assertion . Do we have to use just our portal userids as nameIds or UUID in DP -SP integration to satisfy requirement? Please comment what approach is right.
Nameid persistence restrictions at IDP end as well as at SP end:There is one bottleneck at our end.Our IT security team would probably not allow NameId persistent mapping UUID forever due to security concern, In that case NameId mapping will change at our end. How should be address this if we have to use UUID as nameid?
NameId provisioning : when user from our portal request to login to SP - Would it be passed to SP as login request and then SP constructs saml request and pass nameids assertions to IDP ? If yes ,what is best approach for nameids be passed to SP as login request ? If no, how will SP know what UUID to pass in SAML to IDP? How will we address this if the mapping nameid are UUIDs which could change due to security concerns? . Another thing is though nameid is mentioned is mentioned as "persistent" in requirement but in the examples of requirement doc they are showing urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified . I think thats probably a mistake in doc. [?].
Any sample SSO SAML IDP (client ) application which we can refer which is close to above 1 ) and 2)?
Can (or should we )we bypass IDP ? I guess this would mean we write SAML IDP on our own.
No, you can't. If the 3rd party acts as a SAML Service Provicer, you need to or act as a SAML Identity Provider. Building your own implementation is quite a big tasks and you may either use an SAAS-based IdP like SSO Cirle (keep in mind that your customer needs to accept where the user idenity data is stored) or deploy your own SAML IdP. There are payed products/service or free-of-charge. Open source need not mean free-of-charge , that's often misunderstood.
If you need a SAML IdP anyway, you may think of making your own app act as a SAML SP as well to leverage authentication of the IdP.
Which NameId format to use is kind of agreement. The SAML spec propose the usage of specific NameId format for specific purposes, e.g.
'transient' NameId format is meant to be used for SSO flow only.
'persistent' is meant to be used when you want to link identities of different identity silos together
The SP may use the value of the NameId value in the subject to find a user's profile or to perform auto-federation (build a profile on its side). It could also use attributes from the SAML attribute statement to achieve the same. Many SP implementations offer this.

Access user info from lambda

I'm working on a serverless app with aws.
I use AWS Cognito User Pool to manage user : register, login, logout.
Once those users have been confirmed, I use AWS Cognito Identity Pool to get temporary credentials. Then I use those credentials to access the api (the endpoint on my api require AWS_IAM for Auth and call lambda).
All of that work perfectly. But I need to know which user has requested the action. In the lambda I can get the IdentityId from my Identity Pool. But I need to get attributes from my user in User Pool.
So my question is : is there a way to get a user from User Pool using the IdentityId of the Identity attached to it ? Or at least, get the access token ? I know I can send the access token in headers but I would like to only depend on the AWS_IAM auth.
Getting from a federated identity_id back to the user pool user is tricky because there's no guarantee it is a user pool user (it could well be someone from Facebook, or even an unauthenticated user- depending on your configuration).
Given an IdentityId you can use identity:GetOpenIdToken to get a valid OpenId token (you can ignore the logins part of the request if you are just using UserPools).
You can then use this token against the userpools:GetUser end point.
There's a few pitfalls here, like ensuring you authenticate with a scope that allows you to see all the attributes you care about. If you haven't, then you'll need to use the username returned with userpools:AdminGetUser to get the full user profile.

How to architecture Microservice & OpenID connect?

We have three microservices: microA, microB & microC.
microA & microB are powering product 1.
microA & microC are powering product 2.
Obviously, we would need a security layer, in our case implementing an "OpenID Connect" provider fits well with the business needs. We add to the stack the OpenID provider.
The user/rights management is quite easy & natural: we associate the OpenId identifier of the user on each microservices to a subset of rights:
For example on the service microA, we store that the user OpenID XXX can do this and that. it's isolated on the microservice level. Respect the boundaries of our context. Fine.
When the user login with OpenID on product1, we grant an access token to the user + an Id token.
The situation becomes more complex when product1 expose an API that third-party use.
Now, let say that my user comes to the third-party webapp and is prompted to login & allow the third-party to get some rights on product1 API.
If I understand correctly OpenID connect, it's all about authentication over OAuth2, but how do we handle classic OAuth2 scope management then?
The best scenario I have found is:
make the whole OpenID connect to have the authentication info
and then make another full OAuth2 process to another Authorization server to ask the user to grant some scopes to the third party?
which means that on the third-party:
the user will be prompted to login on the OpenID Provider
then redirected and prompted to accept the scope requested
Is that correct? If yes, OAuth2 server flow is like 4 HTTP requests to the end user, so performing it twice is like executing eight requests to get the Authentication + Authorization flow done. Seems too massive.
I've already had this problem. What I would do in your case is:
Use this new OpenId microservice to authenticate the user and create the access-token. This access token can be a string with the permissions, user_id and the timestamp signed or you can store this info on a database.
Then, for every call (to product1 or product2):
I would force the client to send the access-token on the headers.
Then, when a microservice receives a call (lets say product1), I would send a signed request to the OpenId Microservice to ask if the user is allowed to perform that action.
That way, just the OpenId microservice knows how authentication works. So if in a couple of weeks you want to change how authentication works, you just have to change it on the OpenId microservice.
I dont really understand whats the problem with third-parties. They will get the token and they will be able to perform calls passingit on the Access-token header.

Difference between scope and authority in UAA

In UAA There are two Concepts, Authority and Scope.
These concepts seems to overlap. I would like to know exact difference and purpose
For example , oauth.login
Scopes are permissions of an OAuth Client acting on behalf of a User. They are granted after obtaining a user token with one of the following grant types: auth_code, password, implicit. Scopes signify what the application is allowed to access on User's behalf (referred to as delegated authorisation).
Authorities are permissions of an OAuth Client acting on its own behalf and there is no User involvement. They are granted after obtaining a client token with grant_type of client_credentials. Typical use is an Application or API trying to access a resource with its own credentials without user involvement.
In UAA , oauth.login is a system level permission and was being used by the legacy implementation of the login-server project (When UAA and Login Server were separate components). This permission allows admin level access for login server.
1) authorities and roles are spring-security wording for permissions. It is not defined in OAuth2 specs.
2) scopes are defined by OAuth2. It is intended to define what the end-user allowed each client to do on its behalf (information from authorization-server to resource-servers).
As a consequence, authorities granted to a client should always be a subset of end-user ones : all possible scopes => all of user authorities ; the less scopes, the less authorites.
One trick, on "client" OAuth2 flow, the client is the end-user => scopes make no sense in that case (the client is not authenticating on behalf of someone, but in its own name).
Default OAuth2 spring-security converters turn scopes into authorities. To me this introduces a lot of confusion and should not happen. Scope claim should instead be used to filter end-user authorities.
Latest requires to write and configure your own authorities converter which is already possible for JWT but not yet for introspection (should come, a ticket is opened for that)
Also, nothing in OAuth2 specs requires permissions (spring authorities and roles) to be contained (using a private claim) in the token or managed by the authorization-server. It is legit for a resource server to retrieve it for instance from a database using the subject claim and then "scope" it (filter end-user authorities according to the scopes granted to the client).
