Error: Exception thrown by the agent : Local host name unknown: - spring-boot

I have a problem, when creating spring boot application and trying to start it. I always get error message in eclipse:
Error: Exception thrown by the agent : Local host name unknown:
I also tried to use spring-tool-suite but I have a same error message. Does anyone know what's the problem?

Ran into this trying to debug a Spring Boot project in Eclipse as well. I went and added a hosts entry in my /etc/hosts for the local IP and hostname you see in the console error. That seems to have cleared it up on my Linux dev machine.
On Windows I believe the entry goes into the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file.


How to resolve Plesk Error : Internal error: filemng failed

my website is no longer accessible. When I try to load my plesk file manager, im presented with the following error below.
Internal error: filemng failed: Unable to lookup SID for name TestWebSite: (1332) No mapping between account names and security IDs was done. (Error code 1)
I believe i'm on shared hosting so I can't RDP to the server. Any idea's what other options I have or how to resolve this issue/
Fix it in CLI with following commands:
"%plesk_dir%\bin\repair.exe" --repair-webspace-system-users -webspace-name
"%plesk_dir%\bin\repair.exe" --repair-webspace-security -webspace-name

pgAdmin 4 Desktop Runtime has stopped working

I've installed pgAdmin4 v2 on Windows 7. The installation went fine and I could launch it successfully without any issue. After couple of days, now if I try to load GUI I am getting the error – “pgAdmin 4 Desktop Runtime has stopped working”. Log file shows below error entries:
raise URLError(err)
URLError: <urlopen error Tunnel connection failed: 407 authenticationrequired>
2018-03-26 13:16:01,937: ERROR pgadmin: Exception when checking for update
Does anyone know how to fix the issue?
Version check was root cause of the problem as my network has restricted access. Disabling version check in application config settings (UPGRADE_CHECK_ENABLED = False in fixed the issue in my case.

Creation of the virtual directory http://localhost:1234/ failed with the error

I'm trying to load a web-project in VS2013 and I get the following error.
Full Error: Creation of the virtual directory http:/ /localhost:1234/ failed with the error: The IIS Express applicationHost.config file contains invalid entries and must be corrected.
I've tried different numbers. If I use a portnumber that is configured in IIS I get the error that it's already configured for another webapplication
some of the relevant configuration:
I had the same problem.
For me, decrypting IISExpress folder (that one with 'config', 'Logs' and 'TraceLogFiles' subfodlers) solved this issue.

TeamCity: Test connection failed due to I/O-Exception

I’m starting to use TeamCity and getting few problems:
I'm trying to create an ssh connection to a unix server(e.g isk-vsrv131)in order to run commands/scripts on the unix server.
I used "Administration->Edit Build Configuration->Edit VCS Root" to configure a new vsc root but as i'm testing the connection i'm getting the following error:
Connection failed!
Test connection failed in TestU1 :: test_bc. I/O-Exception: isk-vsrv13 (isk-vsrv13)
i've tried different configurations including the server local ip/full domain/using Private key instead of ssh password - nothing works.
on teamcity-vcs.log is see the following:
[2012-03-26 17:41:33,827] WARN [on=editVcsRoot ] - jetbrains.buildServer.VCS - Error occurred in test connection
jetbrains.buildServer.vcs.VcsException: I/O-Exception: isk-vsrv13 (isk-vsrv13)
Caused by: isk-vsrv13
How can i fixed that?
I’ve created a "Build Steps" which includes a 'Runner type: Command Line" - how can i connect those to a specific ssh connection?
It seems server machine where TeamCity is installed cannot resolve host name isk-vsrv13, hence the error. I would try to specify fully qualified name of this host.

Derby connection error: ERROR XBM0H: Directory /usr/opt/derby/db-derby- cannot be created

I am trying to setup Derby on my Mac following these instructions... Tutorial
When I try to run connect 'jdbc:derby:MyDbTest;create=true'; in ij I get the following error
ERROR XJ041: Failed to create database 'MyDbTest', see the next exception for details.
ERROR XBM0H: Directory /usr/opt/derby/db-derby- cannot be created.
I have tried googling this error a bit now with no success...
I also get a thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/derby/tools/ij when trying to run as super user.
This should be a Permissions issue, try running all these commands throught a directory you have full permissions to such as ~/Documents/Derby.
