Why should I use the & sign on structs? - go

In the gotour, there is a section: struct literals.
package main
import "fmt"
type Vertex struct {
X, Y int
var (
v1 = Vertex{1, 2} // has type Vertex
v2 = Vertex{X: 1} // Y:0 is implicit
v3 = Vertex{} // X:0 and Y:0
p = &Vertex{1, 2} // has type *Vertex
func main() {
fmt.Println(v1, p, v2, v3)
What's the difference between a struct with an ampersand and the one without? I know that the ones with ampersands point to the same reference, but why should I use them over the regular ones?
var p = &Vertex{} // why should I use this
var c = Vertex{} // over this

It's true that p (&Vertex{}) has type *Vertex and that c (Vertex{}) has type Vertex.
However, I don't believe that statement really answers the question of why one would choose one over the other. It'd be kind of like answering the question "why use planes over cars" with something like "planes are winged, cars aren't." (Obviously we all know what wings are, but you get the point).
But it also wouldn't be very helpful to simply say "go learn about pointers" (though I think it is a really good idea to so nonetheless).
How you choose basically boils down to the following.
Realize that &Vertex{} and Vertex{} are fundamentally initialized in the same way.
There might be some low-level memory allocation differences (i.e. stack vs heap), but you really should just let the compiler worry about these details
What makes one more useful and performant than the other is determined by how they are used in the program.
"Do I want a pointer to the struct (p), or just the struct (c)?"
Note that you can get a pointer using the & operator (e.g. &c); you can dereference a pointer to get the value using * (e.g. *p)
So depending on what you choose, you may end up doing a lot of *p or &c
Bottom-line: create what you will use; if you don't need a pointer, don't make one (this will help more with "optimizations" in the long run).
Should I use Vertex{} or &Vertex{}?
For the Vertex given in your example, I'd choose Vertex{} to a get a simple value object.
Some reasons:
Vertex in the example is pretty small in terms of size. Copying is cheap.
Garbage collection is simplified, garbage creation may be mitigated by the compiler
Pointers can get tricky and add unnecessary cognitive load to the programmer (i.e. gets harder to maintain)
Pointers aren't something you want if you ever get into concurrency (i.e. it's unsafe)
Vertex doesn't really contain anything worth mutating (just return/create a new Vertex when needed).
Some reasons why you'd want &Struct{}
If Struct has a member caching some state that needs to be changed inside the original object itself.
Struct is huge, and you've done enough profiling to determine that the cost of copying is significant.
As an aside: you should try to keep your structs small, it's just good practice.
You find yourself making copies by accident (this is a bit of a stretch): v := Struct{}
v2 := v // Copy happens
v := &Struct{}
v2 := v // Only a pointer is copied

The comments pretty much spell it out:
v1 = Vertex{1, 2} // has type Vertex
p = &Vertex{1, 2} // has type *Vertex
As in many other languages, & takes the address of the identifier following it. This is useful when you want a pointer rather than a value.
If you need to understand more about pointers in programming, you could start with this for go, or even the wikipedia page.


Is there a way to map an array of objects in golang?

Coming from Nodejs, I could do something like:
// given an array `list` of objects with a field `fruit`:
fruits = list.map(el => el.fruit) # which will return an array of fruit strings
Any way to do that in an elegant one liner in golang?
I know I can do it with a range loop, but I am looking for the possibility of a one liner solution
In Go, arrays are inflexible (because their length is encoded in their type) and costly to pass to functions (because a function operates on copies of its array arguments). I'm assuming you'd like to operate on slices rather than on arrays.
Because methods cannot take additional type arguments, you cannot simply declare a generic Map method in Go. However, you can define Map as a generic top-level function:
func Map[T, U any](ts []T, f func(T) U) []U {
us := make([]U, len(ts))
for i := range ts {
us[i] = f(ts[i])
return us
Then you can write the following code,
names := []string{"Alice", "Bob", "Carol"}
fmt.Println(Map(names, utf8.RuneCountInString))
which prints [5 3 5] to stdout (try it out in this Playground).
Go 1.18 saw the addition of a golang.org/x/exp/slices package, which provides many convenient operations on slices, but a Map function is noticeably absent from it. The omission of that function was the result of a long discussion in the GitHub issue dedicated to the golang.org/x/exp/slices proposal; concerns included the following:
hidden cost (O(n)) of operations behind a one-liner
uncertainty about error handling inside Map
risk of encouraging a style that strays too far from Go's traditional style
Russ Cox ultimately elected to drop Map from the proposal because it's
probably better as part of a more comprehensive streams API somewhere else.

Why is it that traits for operator overloading require ownership of self? [duplicate]

I made a two element Vector struct and I want to overload the + operator.
I made all my functions and methods take references, rather than values, and I want the + operator to work the same way.
impl Add for Vector {
fn add(&self, other: &Vector) -> Vector {
Vector {
x: self.x + other.x,
y: self.y + other.y,
Depending on which variation I try, I either get lifetime problems or type mismatches. Specifically, the &self argument seems to not get treated as the right type.
I have seen examples with template arguments on impl as well as Add, but they just result in different errors.
I found How can an operator be overloaded for different RHS types and return values? but the code in the answer doesn't work even if I put a use std::ops::Mul; at the top.
I am using rustc 1.0.0-nightly (ed530d7a3 2015-01-16 22:41:16 +0000)
I won't accept "you only have two fields, why use a reference" as an answer; what if I wanted a 100 element struct? I will accept an answer that demonstrates that even with a large struct I should be passing by value, if that is the case (I don't think it is, though.) I am interested in knowing a good rule of thumb for struct size and passing by value vs struct, but that is not the current question.
You need to implement Add on &Vector rather than on Vector.
impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'b Vector> for &'a Vector {
type Output = Vector;
fn add(self, other: &'b Vector) -> Vector {
Vector {
x: self.x + other.x,
y: self.y + other.y,
In its definition, Add::add always takes self by value. But references are types like any other1, so they can implement traits too. When a trait is implemented on a reference type, the type of self is a reference; the reference is passed by value. Normally, passing by value in Rust implies transferring ownership, but when references are passed by value, they're simply copied (or reborrowed/moved if it's a mutable reference), and that doesn't transfer ownership of the referent (because a reference doesn't own its referent in the first place). Considering all this, it makes sense for Add::add (and many other operators) to take self by value: if you need to take ownership of the operands, you can implement Add on structs/enums directly, and if you don't, you can implement Add on references.
Here, self is of type &'a Vector, because that's the type we're implementing Add on.
Note that I also specified the RHS type parameter with a different lifetime to emphasize the fact that the lifetimes of the two input parameters are unrelated.
1 Actually, reference types are special in that you can implement traits for references to types defined in your crate (i.e. if you're allowed to implement a trait for T, then you're also allowed to implement it for &T). &mut T and Box<T> have the same behavior, but that's not true in general for U<T> where U is not defined in the same crate.
If you want to support all scenarios, you must support all the combinations:
&T op U
T op &U
&T op &U
T op U
In rust proper, this was done through an internal macro.
Luckily, there is a rust crate, impl_ops, that also offers a macro to write that boilerplate for us: the crate offers the impl_op_ex! macro, which generates all the combinations.
Here is their sample:
#[macro_use] extern crate impl_ops;
use std::ops;
impl_op_ex!(+ |a: &DonkeyKong, b: &DonkeyKong| -> i32 { a.bananas + b.bananas });
fn main() {
let total_bananas = &DonkeyKong::new(2) + &DonkeyKong::new(4);
assert_eq!(6, total_bananas);
let total_bananas = &DonkeyKong::new(2) + DonkeyKong::new(4);
assert_eq!(6, total_bananas);
let total_bananas = DonkeyKong::new(2) + &DonkeyKong::new(4);
assert_eq!(6, total_bananas);
let total_bananas = DonkeyKong::new(2) + DonkeyKong::new(4);
assert_eq!(6, total_bananas);
Even better, they have a impl_op_ex_commutative! that'll also generate the operators with the parameters reversed if your operator happens to be commutative.

Making maps in go before anything

I am following the go tour and something bothered me.
Maps must be created with make (not new) before use
Fair enough:
map = make(map[int]Cats)
However the very next slide shows something different:
var m = map[string]Vertex{
"Bell Labs": Vertex{
40.68433, -74.39967,
"Google": Vertex{
37.42202, -122.08408,
This slide shows how you can ignore make when creating maps
Why did the tour say maps have to be created with make before they can be used? Am I missing something here?
Actually the only reason to use make to create a map is to preallocate a specific number of values, just like with slices (except you can't set a cap on a map)
m := map[int]Cats{}
s := []Cats{}
//is the same as
m := make(map[int]Cats)
s := make([]Cats, 0, 0)
However if you know you will have a minimum of X amount of items in a map you can do something like:
m := make(map[int]Cats, 100)// this will speed things up initially
Also check http://dave.cheney.net/2014/08/17/go-has-both-make-and-new-functions-what-gives
So they're actually right that you always need to use make before using a map. The reason it looks like they aren't in the example you gave is that the make call happens implicitly. So, for example, the following two are equivalent:
m := make(map[int]string)
m[0] = "zero"
m[1] = "one"
// Equivalent to:
m := map[int]string{
0: "zero",
1: "one",
Make vs New
Now, the reason to use make vs new is slightly more subtle. The reason is that new only allocates space for a variable of the given type, whereas make actually initializes it.
To give you a sense of this distinction, imagine we had a binary tree type like this:
type Tree struct {
root *node
type node struct {
val int
left, right *node
Now you can imagine that if we had a Tree which was allocated and initialized and had some values in it, and we made a copy of that Tree value, the two values would point to the same underlying data since they'd both have the same value for root.
So what would happen if we just created a new Tree without initializing it? Something like t := new(Tree) or var t Tree? Well, t.root would be nil, so if we made a copy of t, both variables would not point to the same underlying data, and so if we added some elements to the Tree, we'd end up with two totally separate Trees.
The same is true of maps and slices (and some others) in Go. When you make a copy of a slice variable or a map variable, both the old and the new variables refer to the same underlying data, just like an array in Java or C. Thus, if you just use new, and then make a copy and initialize the underlying data later, you'll have two totally separate data structures, which is usually not what you want.

Does an equivalent function in OCaml exist that works the same way as "set!" in Scheme?

I'm trying to make a function that defines a vector that varies based on the function's input, and set! works great for this in Scheme. Is there a functional equivalent for this in OCaml?
I agree with sepp2k that you should expand your question, and give more detailed examples.
Maybe what you need are references.
As a rough approximation, you can see them as variables to which you can assign:
let a = ref 5;;
!a;; (* This evaluates to 5 *)
a := 42;;
!a;; (* This evaluates to 42 *)
Here is a more detailed explanation from http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/u3-ocaml/ocaml-core.html:
The language we have described so far is purely functional. That is, several evaluations of the same expression will always produce the same answer. This prevents, for instance, the implementation of a counter whose interface is a single function next : unit -> int that increments the counter and returns its new value. Repeated invocation of this function should return a sequence of consecutive integers — a different answer each time.
Indeed, the counter needs to memorize its state in some particular location, with read/write accesses, but before all, some information must be shared between two calls to next. The solution is to use mutable storage and interact with the store by so-called side effects.
In OCaml, the counter could be defined as follows:
let new_count =
let r = ref 0 in
let next () = r := !r+1; !r in
Another, maybe more concrete, example of mutable storage is a bank account. In OCaml, record fields can be declared mutable, so that new values can be assigned to them later. Hence, a bank account could be a two-field record, its number, and its balance, where the balance is mutable.
type account = { number : int; mutable balance : float }
let retrieve account requested =
let s = min account.balance requested in
account.balance <- account.balance -. s; s;;
In fact, in OCaml, references are not primitive: they are special cases of mutable records. For instance, one could define:
type 'a ref = { mutable content : 'a }
let ref x = { content = x }
let deref r = r.content
let assign r x = r.content <- x; x
set! in Scheme assigns to a variable. You cannot assign to a variable in OCaml, at all. (So "variables" are not really "variable".) So there is no equivalent.
But OCaml is not a pure functional language. It has mutable data structures. The following things can be assigned to:
Array elements
String elements
Mutable fields of records
Mutable fields of objects
In these situations, the <- syntax is used for assignment.
The ref type mentioned by #jrouquie is a simple, built-in mutable record type that acts as a mutable container of one thing. OCaml also provides ! and := operators for working with refs.

What is "A Tour of Go" trying to say? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
There are a few points in the tutorial that sort of leave you on your own without a clue or link if you're not in the know I guess. So I'm sorry about the length of these:
Try printing needInt(Big) too
I'm guessing ints are allowed less bits than constants?
the { } are required.
(Sound familiar?)
Which language is alluded to?
(And a type declaration does what you'd expect.)
Why do we need the word type and the word struct? What was I supposed to expect?
Why implicit zeroes in the constructor? This sounds like a dangerous design choice by Go. Is there a PEP or anything beyond http://golang.org/doc/go_faq.html on this?
Make? Are there constructors? What's the difference between new and make?
Where did delete come from? I didn't import it.
What's the %v formatter stand for? Value?
panic: runtime error: index out of range
goroutine 1 [running]:
tour/pic.Show(0x400c00, 0x40ca61)
go/src/pkg/tour/pic/pic.go:24 +0xd4
/tmpfs/gosandbox-15c0e483_5433f2dc_ff6f028f_248fd0a7_d7c2d35b/prog.go:14 +0x25
I guess I broke go somehow....
package main
import "tour/pic"
func Pic(dx, dy int) [][]uint8 {
image := make([][]uint8, 10)
for i := range image {
image[i] = make([]uint8, 10)
return image
func main() {
I return error values when a function fails? I have to qualify every single function call with an error check? The flow of the program is uninterrupted when I write crazy code? E.g. Copy(only_backup, elsewhere);Delete(only_backup) and Copy fails....
Why would they design it like that?
I'm guessing int's are allowed less bits than constants?
Yes, exactly. According to the spec, "numeric constants represent values of arbitrary precision and do not overflow", whereas type int has either 32 or 64 bits.
Which language is alluded to?
None; it's alluding to #16, which says the same thing, in the same words, about for-loops.
#25 :
a type declaration does what you'd expect is a little unfortunate, I agree (as it assumes too much on what a reader could expect...) but it means you're defining a struct (with the struct keyword) and binding the type name "Vertex" to it, with the type Vertex part (see http://golang.org/ref/spec#Type_declarations)
the fact that uninitialized structs are zeroed is really really useful in many cases (many standard structs like buffers use it also)
It's not implicit in the contructor only. Look at this
var i int; fmt.Println(i)
This prints out 0. This is similar to something like java where primitive types have an implicit default value. booleans are false, integers are zero, etc. The spec on zero values.
new allocates memory and returns a pointer to it, while make is a special function used only for Slices, maps and channels.
See http://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#allocation_new for a more in-depth explanation of make vs new
delete, like append or copy is one of the basic operators of the language. See the full list of them at: http://golang.org/ref/spec#Predeclared_identifiers
Yes, %v stands for "value". See http://golang.org/pkg/fmt/
try with this:
func Pic(dx, dy int) [][]uint8 {
image := make([][]uint8, dy) // dy, not 10
for x := range image {
image[x] = make([]uint8, dx) // dx, not 10
for y := range image[x] {
image[x][y] = uint8(x*y) //let's try one of the mentioned
// "interesting functions"
return image
The language's design and conventions encourage you to explicitly
check for errors where they occur (as distinct from the convention in
other languages of throwing exceptions and sometimes catching them).
In some cases this makes Go code verbose, but fortunately there are
some techniques you can use to minimize repetitive error handling.
(quoted from Error handling and Go )
I'm guessing int's are allowed less bits than constants?
yes, Numeric constants are high-precision values. An int in any language doesn't have near the precision of other numeric types.
Which language is alluded to?
No clue but it is backwards from C and Java where ( ) is required and { } is optional.
Why do we need the word type and the word struct? What was I supposed to expect?
If you're familiar with C, then it does what you'd expect.
Why implicit zeroes in the constructor?
It's not implicit in the contructor only. Look at this
var i int
This prints out 0. This is similar to something like java where primitive types have an implicit default value. booleans are false, integers are zero, etc.
Make? Are there constructors? What's the difference between new and make?
make accepts additional parameters for initializing the size of an array, slice, or map. new on the other hand just returns a pointer to a type.
type Data struct {}
// both d1 and d2 are pointers
d1 := new(Data)
d2 := &Data{}
As for are there constructors?, only if you make and reference them. This how one normally implements a constructor in Go.
type Data struct {}
func NewData() *Data {
return new(Data)
What's the %v formatter stand for? Value?
I return error values when a function fails? ... Why would they design it like that?
I felt the same way at first. My opinion has changed though. You can ignore errors from the std library if you like and not bother with it yourself, but once I had a handle on it, I personally find I have better (and more readable) error checking.
What I can say is when I was doing it wrong, it felt like repetitive error handling that felt unnecessary. When I finally started doing it right... well, what I just said above.
