I tried the impdp command and it's giving me that it cannot create a user. I tried creating the user as well
This is how my .par file looks like
This is a snip of .sh file
I have never used the oracle database before. I have a .dmp file which is 50 GB. I don't know how it was exported or which version it was exported from. I downloaded Oracle 12c release 2 and tried to do an import but I get the error ".dmp may be a Data Pump export dump file". What do I need to do so that I can run SQL queries on it eventually? Please see the attached image.
I tried the command :
IMP SYSTEM/Password SHOW=Y FILE=DBO_V7WRIGLEY_PROD_20180201_TECHOPS-5527.dmp fromuser=SYSTEM touser=SYSTEM
It gave me a message saying import terminated successfully with warnings. what does this do? Also, where can I view the data now if it's imported?
in sqlplus as SYSTEM:
CREATE DIRECTORY IMPDIR as 'C:\Users\negink\Documents\databasewrigley';
back in command line:
when done, you can remove the DIRECTORY object
in a CDB database (which is your case), this will not work, unless you
pre-create all the users and roles in SQLPLUS, after running this command:
alter session set "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"=true;
create user x identified by pwdx;
create user y identified by pwdy;
create role r1;
create role r2;
Otherwize, you can create a PDB inside your CDB and import your DMP file into the PDB. In this case, you'll need to modify the connection in the IMPDP command as follows (change SYSTEM/Password to SYSTEM/Password#//localhost/pdb_name) :
impdp SYSTEM/Password#//localhost/pdb_name DUMPFILE=IMPDIR:DBO_V7WRIGLEY_PROD_20180201_TECHOPS-5527.dmp logfile=IMPDIR:DBO_V7WRIGLEY_PROD_20180201_TECHOPS-5527.log FULL=Y
First of all, you should use impdp instead of imp. And don't forget to take backups before doing anything. Also, you should have your dmp file on your server's local directory. I've seen people trying to import dmp files located on their computer's hard drive. That's not how things work.
I recommend you to drop the schema if you are importing to an existing schema for better results.
To drop an existing schema, login to sqlplus with an admin account
sqlplus username/password#connect_identifier
Then you can use this command to drop the schema:
Query your DB to see if data pump directory is defined
SELECT directory_name, directory_path FROM dba_directories WHERE directory_name='DATA_PUMP_DIR'
If directory is not defined use this command to define (btw "D:\orcl12" is my oracle instance path, you should use your own path)
Quit sqlplus to command prompt and run impdp with admin credentials (Be sure there's no other logfile with the same name on source directory - if so operation will abort)
impdp username/password#connect_identifier directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=filename.dmp logfile=filename.log
If the operation succeeds you may have to update User-Defined Datatypes manually because they are not importing correctly.
ORA-39001: invalid argument value
ORA-39000: bad dump file specification
ORA-31640: unable to open dump file "/nav_db_dir/cmODF_odf_nav_db/ashsahu/gabq418/RDF_ANT_181G0/RDF_WTA_181G0_ANT.dmp" for read
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3
Below is my command I have created directory DirectoryName Path directoryObject /import/datatest
impdp username/password#sid table_exists_action=REPLACE tables=SCHMEA.TABLE1,SCHMEA.TABLE2, SCHMEA.TABLE3, SCHMEA.TABLE4, SCHMEA.TABLE5 DIRECTORY=directoryObject remap_schema=SCHMEA:username remap_tablespace=SCHMEA_DA:username_DA dumpfile=file.dmp exclude=grant nologfile=y
And I have given the full access to this directory using chmod 777 /import/datatest (rwxrwxrwx) –
You should have posted the whole IMPDP command.
I suspect that you misunderstood/misused the DIRECTORY parameter.
It is an Oracle object, created by SYS, and is only (generally speaking) a "pointer" to a physical directory on the database server's hard disk. After it is created, SYS should give you (i.e. the user which is running the IMPDP command) read (and, possibly, write) privileges on that directory.
Then you'd use it as
impdp scott/tiger#orcl directory=IMP_DIR dumpfile=mydump.dmp logfile=imp.log
----- -------
is granted READ privilege |
directory object
Finally, mydump.dmp (or whatever its name is) must reside in that directory on the server.
To add to what #Littlefoot said
Create directory datapump as '/import/datatest';
Grant read,write on directory datapump to scott;
And then the dump file should reside # /import/datatest
Make sure also that the username that Oracle is running as, let's say "oracle", has access to both the "/import" directory, and the "/import/datatest" directory. Make sure that the user can "cd" into /import/datatest
I am using data pump to perform an import on 4 .dmp files and keep on receiving the set of errors as below:
ORA-39002: invalid operation
ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
ORA-29283: invalid file operation
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 536
ORA-29283: invalid file operation
I am new to oracle and cannot find a helpful solution.
I am performing the import as in here, although I'm using oracle 12c.
The command I run in the windows command like looks like this:
impdp user/pass#db_name directory=DUMP_DIR dimpfile="file_name.dmp" schemas=schema_name content=all parallel=4
DUMP_DIR is created in oracle and appropriate privs were granted.
I also ran this command with
... logfile=file_name.log
added at the end but I'm not sure if the log file was created or where it was saved.
I have found this - it's about exactly the same set of errors but on export and on linux. At the end of the answer there's a sentence 'If we are on a Windows machine, then we need to make sure that both the listener and the database have been started with the exact same username.' Is this useful in case of import? If yes - what does it mean exactly?
There's a great short answer here, which is basically "The database isn't able to write to the log file location."
The link above suggests a simple test to troubleshoot the issue.
f utl_file.file_type;
f := utl_file.fopen ('DUMP_DIR', 'test.txt', 'w');
utl_file.put_line(f, 'test');
If this fails, Oracle can't write to that directory at all, probably because of Windows file permissions. Check which Windows user(s) the Oracle services are running as, and change the folder permissions to allow them write access.
If that worked, it's a problem specific to impdp. You might try changing your command string - one option might be to specifically write your log file to a different Oracle directory, e.g. logfile=DATA_PUMP_DIR:file_name.log.
If none of these options work, you can also disable the logfile completely by using NOLOGFILE=Y, but you'll have to monitor the impdp output on your console, because it won't get saved anywhere else.
The problem You have is Your Oracle is not able to write to DIRECTORY (DUMP_DIR) you specified.
In Windows 10, It behaves unpredictably. Solution
Create another Oracle directory with preferably in C:\Users\Public\ folder, where you are 100% sure access would not be issue. CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY DUMP_DIR_2 AS 'C:\Users\Public\<name>
Copy your dump file to newly created folder.
Fire your import command
First is very important the Oracle have the permission to write and read the folder. If you already test this, try the solution bellow:
I had the same situation, in my case the command was (password is only for an instance) :
impdp 'sys/passExample as sysdba' directory=C:/oracle/oradata/EXEMPLODB dumpfile=preupd.bak
I put the preup.bak into the folder EXEMPLODB
The correct is change the directory folder by the name of directory, the correct command is:
impdp 'sys/passExample as sysdba' directory=EXT_DATA_FILES dumpfile=preupd.bak
The EXT_DATA_FILES is the directory name, I found with the query
select * from all_directories;
into the system db.
I am trying to import an oracle DMP file in windows. I try this:
impdp me/pass#mydb file=mydump.DMP
I get this error:
unable to open file /rdsdbdata/datadump/mydump.DMP
Now I am on windows so I don't know where that cam from. I also tried to set the directory like this:
impdp me/pass#mydb directory=C:\Oracle fiel=mydmp.DMP
that gives me a "invalid directory" error.
Some research also said to try this in SQL:
create or replace DIRECTORY DATA_DUMP_DIR AS 'C:\Oracle';
but that also gives me an invalid directory error.
How do I import this file on windows?
First of all, create a directory:
SQL> conn sys as sysdba
SQL> create directory dp_dir as 'C:\Oracle';
Grant READ and WRITE privilege to the user who is going to perform the import.
SQL> grant read, write on directory dp_dir to user;
Make sure that your dump file resides on the directory which is C:\Oracle.
Then run the impdp as:
impdp user#tnsname directory=dp_dir dumpfile=dumpfilename.dmp
I am trying to export a schema which only contains one table with one row on it. It has a table called "product" and resides in a tablespace called "tbs_data". Here's the expdp command I ran which completed successfully.
expdp dbauser/dbapasw#oradev schemas=myschema directory=my_data_pump_directory dumpfile=myschema_exp.dmp logfile=myschema_exp.log
I ran the impdp commmand and it completed w/o errors. I then logged in and checked but didn't find the "product" table. So I then reviewed the impdp log file. I didn't see a line which reads "Exported product ...". I tried adding 10,000 more rows to the table and repeated the expdp/impdp commands. The table is still not being exported.
Can anyone tell me why??
I have Oracle 10g installed on Windows in C:\oracle. If I stop all Oracle services, is it safe to backup by just copying the entire directory (e.g., to C:\oracle_bak), or am I significantly better off using expdp?
Pointers to docs/websites very welcome, I wasn't able to Google up anything relevant.
If your database is not running in archive log mode the answer is yes. Here are some scripts I use to backup and restore my database.
--- backup.bat ---
sqlplus "sys/passwd#database as sysdba" #shutdown.sql
xcopy C:\oracle\oradata\database\*.* C:\oracle\oradata\backup_database\*.* /Y
sqlplus "sys/passwd#database as sysdba" #startup.sql
---- shutdown.sql
shutdown immediate
---- startup.sql
Restore script is similar. Just copies the files in the other direction.
You can just copy the data files ( make sure you get the control files as well, and make sure you TEST your backups ), however. You should probably be using RMAN.
The Oracle® Database Backup and Recovery Quick Start Guide would be a good place to start.
A very simple backup method is to export the relevant schema using the exp tool. If e.g. all your tables exist in the schema MY_APP (read database for mysql users), you can dump all its tables to one file.
exp userid=MY_APP file=dumpfile.dmp log=logfile.txt consistent=y statistics=none buffer=1024000
Restoring the dumpfile to a second database works like this
imp userid=system fromuser=MY_APP touser=MY_APP file=dumpfile.dmp commit=y buffer=102400
Or you can restore the tables from MY_APP to another schema in the same database
imp userid=system fromuser=MY_APP touser=MY_BACKUP file=dumpfile.dmp commit=y buffer=102400
Just create a new schema MY_BACKUP before the import
create user MY_BACKUP identified by SECRET default tablespace USERS temporary tablespace temp;
grant connect, resource to MY_BACKUP;
Copy/ Paste does work, but you shouldn't simply copy/ paste the entire Oracle home. This is a lot more effort than what is required.
You will firstly need to perform a log switch, i.e.
sqlplus /nolog
Connect / as sysdba
Alter system switch logfile;
Place all your tablespaces into backup mode, i.e.
(You can get your tablespaces by querying the DBA_TABLESPACES view)
Then copy all your data files and redo log files to your backup location.
In regards to whether this method is safe or not, It depends on how you are retaining the data files and log files. Of course, I should mention that RMAN is Oracle's proven and recommended mode of backup.