Spark Scratch Space - hadoop

I have a cluster of 13 machines with 4 physical CPUs and 24 G of RAM.
I started a spark cluster with one driver and 12 slaves.
I set the number of cores by slaves to 12 cores, meaning I have a cluster as foloowing :
Alive Workers: 12
Cores in use: 144 Total, 110 Used
Memory in use: 263.9 GB Total, 187.0 GB Used
I started an application with the folowing configuration :
[('spark.driver.cores', '4'),
('spark.executor.memory', '15G'),
('', 'driver'),
('spark.driver.memory', '5G'),
('spark.python.worker.memory', '1042M'),
('spark.cores.max', '96'),
('spark.rdd.compress', 'True'),
('spark.serializer.objectStreamReset', '100'),
('spark.executor.cores', '8'),
('spark.default.parallelism', '48')]
I understand there are 15G of RAM by executor with 8 task slot and a parallelism of 48 (48 = 6 task slot * 12 slaves).
then I have two big files on HDFS : 6 G each, (from a directory of 12 files of 5 blocks of 128 Mb each) , with a 3x replication factor.
I union these two files => I get one dataframe of 12 GB I think but I see a 37 G reading input through the IHM :
That could be the first question : Why 37 Gb ?
Then as the execution time is too long for me, I try to cache the data so that I can go faster. But the caching method never finishes, here you can see it is already 45 minutes before the end (Vs 6 min not cached !):
So I try to understand why, and I see the usage of Memory/Disk on the storage section of the ihm :
So there are some part of the RDD that are staying on disk.
Furthemore I see the executors may still have free memory :
And I notice on the same "storage" page that the size of the RDD has jumped :
Storage Level: Disk Serialized 1x Replicated
Cached Partitions: 72
Total Partitions: 72
Memory Size: 42.7 GB
Disk Size: 73.3 GB
=> I understand : Memory Size: 42.7 GB + Disk Size: 73.3 GB = 110 G !
=> So my 6 G file has transformed on 37 G and then on 110 G ???
But i try to understand why is there still some memory left on my executor, and I go to the "err" dump of one, and I see :
18/02/08 11:04:08 INFO MemoryStore: Will not store rdd_50_46
18/02/08 11:04:09 WARN MemoryStore: Not enough space to cache rdd_50_46 in memory! (computed 1134.1 MB so far)
18/02/08 11:04:09 INFO MemoryStore: Memory use = 1641.6 KB (blocks) + 7.7 GB (scratch space shared across 6 tasks(s)) = 7.7 GB. Storage limit = 7.8 GB.
18/02/08 11:04:09 WARN BlockManager: Persisting block rdd_50_46 to disk instead.
And Here I see that the executor want to cache a 1641.6 KB block (only 1Mo !) and I can't because there is a ["scratch space"] of 7.7 Gb "shared across 6 tasks".
=> What is a "scratch space" ? ?
=> The 6 tasks => comes from the parallelism of 48 / 12 = 6
And then I come back to the app information, and I see that the count that lasted 48 min read only 37 Gb of data ! (The 48 min are clearly used to cache the data too)
When I do a count on the cached dataframe I have a 116G input read :
And at the end of the day, the time saved by the cached count is not that impressive, here are 3 duration :
4.8 ' : count on cached df
48' : count while caching
5.8' : count on not cached df (read directly from hdfs)
So why is it so ?
Because the cached df is not that much cached :
Meaning more or less 40 Gb in memory and 60 Gb on disk.
I am surprised because at 15G / executor * 12 slaves => 180 Gb of memory, and I can cache only 40 Gb ... But in fact I remember that the memory is splitted :
30% for spark
54% for storage
16% for shuffle
So I understand that I do have 54% * 15G for storage, ie 8.1 G, meaning that on my 180 Gb, I only have 97 Gb for storage. Why do I have 90 - 40 = 50 G not used then ?
Oups... This is a long post !
Plenty of questions... Sorry...


Postgres configuration for better performance

We have done a PostreSql database Based ERP project. I have 32 GB RAM Windows Server 2012 R2 system. Out of 32 GB, I have used 8 GB for JVM and assuming 4 GB for OS, I have tried to tune the postgres with 20 GB RAM.
I have find out the configuration from the below link:
But the performance goes down after the change. What could be the reason. As I am less knowledge in the postgres server maintenance, if anything more required for you to assess/answer let me know.
shared_buffers (integer) : 512 MB
effective_cache_size (integer) : 15 GB
work_mem (integer): 68 MB
maintenance_work_mem (integer): 1 GB
checkpoint_segments (integer): 96
checkpoint_completion_target (floating): 0.9
wal_buffers (integer): 16 MB

How to Resolve this Out of Memory Issue for a Small Variable in Matlab?

I am running a 32-bit version of Matlab R2013a on my computer (4GB RAM, and 32-bit Windows 7).
I have dataset (~ 60 MB) and I want to read it using
ds = dataset('File', myFile, 'Delimiter', ',');
And each time I face Out of Memory error. Theoretically, I should be able to use 2GB of RAM, so there should be no problem reading such small files.
Here is what I got when typed memory
Maximum possible array: 36 MB (3.775e+07 bytes) *
Memory available for all arrays: 421 MB (4.414e+08 bytes) **
Memory used by MATLAB: 474 MB (4.969e+08 bytes)
Physical Memory (RAM): 3317 MB (3.478e+09 bytes)
* Limited by contiguous virtual address space available.
** Limited by virtual address space available.
I followed every instructions I found (this is not a new issue), but for my case it seems rather weird, because I cannot run a simple program now.
System: Windows 7 32 bit
Matlab: R2013a
Clearly your issue is right here.
Maximum possible array: 36 MB (3.775e+07 bytes) *
You are either using a lot of memory in your system and/or you have a very low swap space.

ElastcSearch - 32 Core + 198 GB of memory - all CPU hits 100% during Search test

We have 2 node clusters each node having 32 core + 198 GB of memory + locally attached storage.
Running a search query ( for around 15 minutes ) all CPU hits 100% CPU.
I can infer from iostat that I/O is not bottleneck ( %io-utilization is 0 and io queue length is 0 ) and Heap size never goes beyond 2 GB. JVM heap allocated is around 24 GB. Number of search threads 1re 96 ( Num-of-Cores * 3 )
Any suggestion/recommendation, where the bottleneck is or is this behavior is expected ?
We are using ES 1.2.x

Namenode file quantity limit

Any one know how many bytes occupy per file in namenode of Hdfs?
I want to estimate how many files can store in single namenode of 32G memory.
Each file or directory or block occupies about 150 bytes in the namenode memory. [1] So a cluster with a namenode with 32G RAM can support a maximum of (assuming namenode is the bottleneck) about 38 million files. (Each file will also take up a block, so each file takes 300 bytes in effect. I am also assuming 3x replication. So each file takes up 900 bytes)
In practice however, the number will be much lesser because all of the 32G will not be available to the namenode for keeping the mapping. You can increase it by allocating more heap space to the namenode in that machine.
Replication also effects this to a lesser degree. Each additional replica adds about 16 bytes to the memory requirement. [2]
Cloudera recommends 1 GB of NameNode heap space per million blocks. 1 GB for every million files is less conservative but should work too.
Also you don't need to multiply by a replication factor, an accepted answer is wrong.
Using the default block size of 128 MB, a file of 192 MB is split into two block files, one 128 MB file and one 64 MB file. On the NameNode, namespace objects are measured by the number of files and blocks. The same 192 MB file is represented by three namespace objects (1 file inode + 2 blocks) and consumes approximately 450 bytes of memory.
One data file of 128 MB is represented by two namespace objects on the NameNode (1 file inode + 1 block) and consumes approximately 300 bytes of memory. By contrast, 128 files of 1 MB each are represented by 256 namespace objects (128 file inodes + 128 blocks) and consume approximately 38,400 bytes.
Replication affects disk space but not memory consumption. Replication changes the amount of storage required for each block but not the number of blocks. If one block file on a DataNode, represented by one block on the NameNode, is replicated three times, the number of block files is tripled but not the number of blocks that represent them.
1 x 1024 MB file
1 file inode
8 blocks (1024 MB / 128 MB)
Total = 9 objects * 150 bytes = 1,350 bytes of heap memory
8 x 128 MB files
8 file inodes
8 blocks
Total = 16 objects * 150 bytes = 2,400 bytes of heap memory
1,024 x 1 MB files
1,024 file inodes
1,024 blocks
Total = 2,048 objects * 150 bytes = 307,200 bytes of heap memory
Even more examples article in the origin article from cloudera.
(Each file metadata = 150bytes) + (block metadata for the file=150bytes)=300bytes
so 1million files each with 1 block will consume=300*1000000=300000000bytes
=300MB for replication factor of 1. with replication factor of 3 it requires 900MB.
So as thumb rule for every 1GB you can store 1million files.

Cassandra Amazon EC2 , lots of IOWait

We have the following stats on single node cassandra on Amazon EC2/Rightscale m1.large instance with 2 ephemeral disks with raid0. (7.6 GB Total Memory)
4 GB RAM is allocated to cassandra Heap, 800MB is Heap NEW size.
following stats are from OpsCenter community 2.0
Read Requests 285 to 340 per second
Write Requests 257 to 720 per second
OS Load 15.15 to 17.15
Write Request Latency 293 to 685 micros
OS Sent Network Traffic 18 MB to 30 MB per second
OS Recieved Network Traffic 22 MB to 34 MB per second
OS Disk Queue Size 23 to 26 requests
Read Requests Pending 8 to 20
Read Request Latency 69140 to 92885 micros
OS Disk latency 37 to 42 ms
OS Disk Throughput 12 to 14 Mb per second
Disk IOPs Reads 600 to 740 per second
Disk IOPs Writes 2 to 7 per second
IOWait 60 to 70 % CPU avg
Idle 24 to 30 % CPU avg
Rowcache is disabled.
Are the above stats are satisfying with the provided configuration....OR how could we tweak it more to get less IOWait..........because we think that we are experiencing lots of could we tweak it to get the best.
Read Requests are mixed.........some are from one super column family and one standard having more than million keys......and varying no. of super columns max 14 with varying no. of subcolumns from 1 to 10000 and varying no. of columns max 14 in standard column family...............subcolumns are very thin in nature with 0 bytes value....8 bytes for name.
Process is removing the data from super column family and writing the processed data on standard one.
Would EBS Disks work better....on Amazon EC2
I'm not positive whether you can tweak your config easily to get more disk performance, but using Snappy compression could help a good deal in making your app need to read less overall. It may also help to use the new composite key layout instead of supercolumns.
One thing I can say for sure: EBS will NOT work better. Stay away from that at all costs if you care about latency.
