Is there a way to call PlacesServices' getDetails function from App Maker?
I have the Place ID from the Geocoder but I'd like to be able to get details about the place.
At this time there is no built-in Places service in Apps Script and you'll need to through these steps to make it work:
Go to Google Cloud Console
Create a brand new project or use the project associated with your App Maker deployment:
Using left navigation menu go to APIs & Services -> Dashboard
Click + Enable APIs and Services button
Search for Google Places API Web Service and enable it
Go to APIs & Services -> Credentials and create new API key if you don't have one
Back in App Maker! =) Create a server script:
var PLACES_URL = '';
function getPlaceDetails_(placeId) {
var URL = PLACES_URL + placeId + '&key=' + API_KEY;
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(URL);
var json = response.getContentText();
var placeDetails = JSON.parse(json);
return placeDetails;
This snippet is cornerstone for further scripting. You can use it with Calculated Model or just call it using from client (note that for the second case you'll need to make this function public by removing underscore in the end of function name).
Google Admin Console allows us to manage third-party App Access Control for OAuth apps registered and used for SSO. Is there an API to discover this list?
You can use the Reports API, method activities.list.
You can try the following example with Apps Script, this script will retrieve the list of the third-party apps.
function appAccessControl() {
var eventName = {
"eventName": "authorize"
var appsList = [];
var response = AdminDirectory.Activities.list("all", "token", eventName);
for(var i=0; i< response.items.length; i++)
Note: To run this script you need to add the "Admin SDK API" service in your Apps Script project, on the left side of the screen, click on the “+” next to “Services”, search for “Admin SDK API”, select "reports_v1" from "Version", and click “Add”.
I developed the ChatBot that integrates with SharePoint On Premise. When I debug the ChatBot in emulator, it work. But When I debug on Web Emulator in Azure and Website Hosted in Company Website by using DirectLine, it did not work.
Does anyone know how to solve it?
Herewith my screenshot.
Left hand side is from Web Emulator, Right hand side is from local Bot Framework Emulator
Update with Source Code (09 December 2019)
XmlNamespaceManager xmlnspm = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
Uri sharepointUrl = new Uri("");
xmlnspm.AddNamespace("atom", "");
xmlnspm.AddNamespace("d", "");
xmlnspm.AddNamespace("m", "");
NetworkCredential cred = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("", "Pa$$w0rd", "");
HttpWebRequest listRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(sharepointUrl.ToString() + "_api/lists/getByTitle('" + "data#work" + "')/items?$filter=Keywords%20eq%20%27bloomberg%27");
listRequest.Method = "GET";
listRequest.Accept = "application/atom+xml";
listRequest.ContentType = "application/atom+xml;type=entry";
listRequest.Credentials = cred;
//LINE 136 start from below
HttpWebResponse listResponse = (HttpWebResponse)listRequest.GetResponse();
StreamReader listReader = new StreamReader(listResponse.GetResponseStream());
XmlDocument listXml = new XmlDocument();
if (listResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync("Connected");
// Get and display all the document titles.
XmlElement root = listXml.DocumentElement;
XmlNodeList elemList = root.GetElementsByTagName("content");
XmlNodeList elemList_title = root.GetElementsByTagName("d:Title");
XmlNodeList elemList_desc = root.GetElementsByTagName("d:Description");
//for LINK
XmlNodeList elemList_Id = root.GetElementsByTagName("d:Id");
XmlNodeList elemList_Source = root.GetElementsByTagName("d:Sources");
XmlNodeList elemList_ContentTypeId = root.GetElementsByTagName("d:ContentTypeId");
var attachments = new List<Attachment>();
for (int i = 0; i < elemList.Count; i++)
string title = elemList_title[i].InnerText;
string desc = elemList_desc[i].InnerText;
string baseurllink = "";
string LINK = baseurllink + elemList_Id[i].InnerText + "&Source=" + elemList_Source[i].InnerText + "&ContentTypeId=" + elemList_ContentTypeId[i].InnerText;
//// Hero Card
var heroCard = new HeroCard(
title: title.ToString(),
text: desc.ToString(),
buttons: new CardAction[]
new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl,"LINK",value:LINK)
var reply = MessageFactory.Carousel(attachments);
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(reply);
Update 17 December 2019
I had try using Embedded and Direct Line. But the Error still same.
The Bot is not hosted in SharePoint.
Update 06 January 2020
Its did not work in Azure Bot Services
Based on your description, you can fetch data from it locally. This means your code and logic are all right.
I noticed that your sharePoint URL is : and I tried to access it, and also tried to access your whole request URL :'data#work')/items?$filter=Keywords eq 'bloomberg' the response of the two are all 404.
And you said this is an on-prem site , so could you pls have a check that if this site can be reached from a public network?
I assume when you test your code locally, you can access this site as you are in your internal network which will be able to access the on-prem site. However, when you publish your code to Azure, it is not in your internal work anymore: it is in public network so that can't access your on-prem sharePoint site which caused this error.
As we know, bot code is hosted on Azure app service, if this error is caused by the above reason, maybe Azure App Service Hybrid Connections feature will be helpful in this scenario.
ChatBot seems to be working fine? it's sending and receiving messages. There's some code you have that is behaving differently when run locally versus hosted. There's Xml, is it a file or generated? You need check that it's following the same logic and using same data as when it is run locally. Maybe if you paste some of the (non confidential) code where it crashes, we can have more ideas how to help
When you publish your bot, there will be an option as below :
Select Edit App Service Settings. Add only the following details, nothing else :
MicrosoftAppId : <xxxxx>
MicrosoftAppPassword : <xxxxx>
Click Apply, Ok.
Make sure you remove the Microsoft App Id and Microsoft App Password from appsettings.json, so that it works in bot emulator as well.
Now Publish the bot. It will work at both places.
Hope this is helpful.
I am building an Add In which is supposed to grab in addition to the list of contacts an account has, the contacts (to, from, cc and bcc) that are used in the current Item (Message).
As per the documentation, the following instruction gave me zero contacts, although I have contacts in the contacts book, and reading a message with a sender email.
var contacts = Office.context.mailbox.item.getEntities().contacts;
I need to grab the list of contacts I manage in my account:
This list is accessible with the open graph APIs, I wonder if it's also accessible locally with the Office object for Office Add-Ins
Office Js does not provide APIs to get the list of contacts in the account.
But you can get an auth token from Outlook using authentication APIs, then use this token to acquire Graph token to interact with Graph APIs and get the list of contacts
Office.context.auth.getAccessTokenAsync(function (result) {
if (result.status === "succeeded") {
// Use this token to call Web API
var ssoToken = result.value;
// Now send this token to your server and acquire a Graph token
// Server can talk to Graph APIs and get contacts to display
} else {
// Handle error
Create a Node.js Office Add-in that uses single sign-on
It looks you misunderstood the documentation.
A quote:
The following example accesses the contacts entities in the current item's body.
var contacts = Office.context.mailbox.item.getEntities().contacts;
You could get all contacts using the below link:
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Items OutlookItems;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application outlookObj = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application();
MAPIFolder Folder_Contacts;
Folder_Contacts = (MAPIFolder)outlookObj.Session.GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderContacts);
OutlookItems = Folder_Contacts.Items;
MessageBox.Show("Wykryto kontaktów: " + OutlookItems.Count.ToString());
for (int i = 0; i < OutlookItems.Count; i++)
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ContactItem contact = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ContactItem)OutlookItems[i+1];
sNazwa = contact.FullName;
sFirma = contact.CompanyName;
sAdress = contact.BusinessAddressStreet;
sMiejscowosc = contact.BusinessAddressPostalCode + " " + contact.BusinessAddressCity;
sEmail = contact.Email1Address;
dataGridView1.Rows.Add(sNazwa, sFirma, sAdress, sMiejscowosc, sEmail);
For more information, please refer to the below link:
Get Outlook contacts into C# form-based application
I'm working on a web app in Google Apps Script, and I'm having some trouble understanding how the authorization is handled. When accessing the web app as the user using the app, it prompts for authorization, and everything appears okay. However, I'm call userProfiles.get and looking for student email addresses, and it returns the profile without the email.
function classRosters() {
var teacher = Classroom.UserProfiles.get(Session.getActiveUser().getEmail());
var classList = Classroom.Courses.list({teacherId:}).courses;
var classes = [];
for (i in classList) {
if (classList[i].courseState != 'ACTIVE') {
var class = classList[i];
var classId = classList[i].id;
var className = classList[i].name;
var teacherId = Classroom.Courses.Teachers.get(classId, classList[i].ownerId).userId;
var teacherEmail = Classroom.UserProfiles.get(teacherId);
var title = Classroom.Courses.get(classId).name;
var students = Classroom.Courses.Students.list(classId).students;
var studentArray = [];
if (students) {
for (j in students) {
var currStudent = students[j];
var email = Classroom.UserProfiles.get(currStudent.userId).emailAddress;
var email = Classroom.Courses.Students.get(classId, currStudent.userId).profile.emailAddress;
for (j in classes) {
if (className.indexOf(classes[j]) > -1) {
var classIndex = +j;
return classes;
I've played with the API explorer, and it shows that is required, but that's not included in the scopes. When I use the API explorer, I can authorize, and it works, and my web app will work as well until the authorization from the explorer expires.
Is there any method to prompt for authorization in the GAS library for the Classroom advanced service? I can't find anything much that's specific to GAS and not part of the overall API.
Unfortunately Apps Script doesn't allow you to request additional scopes for your advanced services. The email and photos scopes aren't required to execute the method, but are required to return email and photo data in the response. You can follow issue 3070 for progress on this problem.
Update 2015-08-17:
We just implemented a workaround, which is that the Classroom advanced service now always prompts for the following fixed set of scopes:
This provides access to emails, but does mean that the scopes requested for a given script may be more than it actually needs. We hope this unblocks admins that are trying to use Apps Script to manage their Classroom data, while we work on a longer-term solution for dealing with optional scopes in Apps Script.
I am developing an application using the CRM 4.0 web service interface and need to programatically create a phone call record and link it to an account record. I can see how to create the records but I am not sure how to link the phone call to the account. Any help would be much appreciated.
You can't directly link an activity (like phone call) to an entity (like account). You must use the activityparty object to do it.
To do it follow these steps (I am assuming the account exists):
phonecall newPhoneCall = new phonecall ();
// Set the properties of the newPhoneCall.
newPhoneCall.subject = "Test newPhoneCall";
newPhoneCall.description = "New newPhoneCall";
// Create the party sending and receiving the newPhoneCall.
activityparty party = new activityparty();
// Set the properties of Activityparty.
party.partyid = new Lookup();
party.partyid.type = EntityName.account.ToString();
party.partyid.Value = existingAccount.accountId;
// The party sends and receives the newPhoneCall.
newPhoneCall.from = new activityparty[] { }; = new activityparty[] { party };
Then create the phone call activity as normal.