Laravel Deployment Issue "No input file specified." - laravel

I'm having some major issues deploying a website I have built in Laravel which is a technology I am still learning.
I built the site on a temporary subdomain ( on a brand new server. I have now come to deploy it so I removed the subdomain mapping in cPanel and changed the primary domain's document root to point Laravel's /public folder as described here.
This shows what I have done: - /public_html/mainsite/public - /public_html/mainsite/public
Now when I try to access I get the error message:
No input file specified.
I saw this question but it doesn't seem to match what I have in my .htaccess file. I appear to have run out of talent to be able to fix this problem on my own and need help.
My questions are:
How can I resolve the error mentioned above?
Is there a better way to deploy Laravel sites to cPanel environments?
Have I created an XY problem for myself and I should be looking at something else to get this to work?


Is there a way to fix October CMS not finding a configuration file?

I have a website developed using October CMS based on laravel. When I run the local site I get no error but when I host the website on Linux Server Ubuntu I get an error whenever I visit a plugin to create events saying:
Unable to find configuration file config_form.yaml defined for Backend\Behaviors\FormController
The error looks like below:
Is this concerning permissions? Because I tried setting the www folder 777 permissions for all user groups so what is concerning is the site is running locally without a problem.

Wildcard Subdomain on Homestead

I'm building a Laravel application on Homestead, which manages the creation of subdomain company accounts. Basic sitemap as follows:
Primary Domain
Home (
- About (
- Contact (
- Terms (
Company A (
- Dashboard (
Ideally, I'd like to have a position where I can create subdomains on the fly, without having to edit /etc/hosts or Homestead.yaml every time a new account is created. I understand this is quite a common question, but I wouldn't be here unless I'd already tried everything I can find.
The closest is got was using dnsmasq, following the steps here: Configure homestead for subdomain routing - however this only results in a 403 permission error on both and
Chances are I'm almost there and it's just a permissions error to resolve. But how???
Has anyone been in this position before? And if so, please share with us how you did it.
I can post more info if required!

Put laravel online

I've just finished my first laravel project. Now I want to put it online. When I go to one of my domains and put it online with filezilla it works. But that's the wrong domain.
I've a domain with hosting and today I attached another domain here. So if I want to put something on that domain that I just bought today I've to go to:
But when I put my laravel project in here it doesn't work! Already found a lot of descriptions on google and they are all telling me I've to change the index.php file.
But what should be the path in index.php now>

Magento links not working

I migrated my website from one server to another. I am able to visit the home page on main website(, but other then that no links are working, not even the admin
Strangely, the indian version website( is running fine with all links working properly.
When i migrated, I was seeing a 500 error so the hosting provider asked me to delete the .htaccess file which was auto-created simultaneously. Then the site worked but now this problem has arised.
What should i do. When replace the .htaccess file with the earlier one, I get a 500 server error.
The .hatccess file is necessary for the rewrites. Speak with your hosts and make sure that it is configured properly for Magento.

Cannot upload images when WordPress is sat on a virtual host configuration

This is my first post to this Forum, please forgive me if this has been answered elsewhere--I did search and was unable to find an answer to my particular problem, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am working on a WP site for a client who wants to upload images to new posts (who doesn't hey?). In setting up the site I have done the following:
1) Enabled File Upload by CHMOD default dir to 777.
2) Changed max file size.
3) Changed allowed filetypes to include necessary file types.
When I try to upload anything I get the following error:
“Bobst Expertfold 80 110 (Dec 2010).jpg” has failed to upload due to an error
The uploaded file could not be moved to /var/www/vhosts/
The above error mentions '', this WP site is actually sat on It's obvious that there is some kind of virtual host configuration going on and the image is trying to be uploaded to a folder on a different domain ( instead of
I don't manage the hosting, I have just been assigned with the build. However, I have access to the plesk cpanel but I dont know what I need to do?
Does anyone know what is causing this problem? The site has actually been made live and this issue has been spotted after the launch(everything worked fine on the test server), and I am scratching my head trying to figure it out.
Is there something I can put in my wp-config.php or .htaccess file to tell WP to upload to a different location.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
First thing is 777 permisions are too loose and will get you hacked; they should be no more than 755. Hardening WordPress « WordPress Codex
For the difference in URLs: that sounds like a DNS or virtual host config, but try adding the full URL path in Settings>>Media Settings. Might not work.
Why are there sites at both domains? Why not domain forward to
Make sure PHP lets you upload files larger than what you are trying to upload.
Experienced the same problem on several old sites. This problem occurs sporadically and is not commonly occuring on other websites on the same server
Try going to your "Media Settings" page... do you see a "Store uploads in this folder" option with a long path to your uploads folder? If so... this is your problem... WordPress 3.5+ does not seem to require this long path, but more of a site relative path (which is great!)
Change your "Store uploads in this folder" to "wp-content/uploads"... when you "save settings" you should see that field disapear entirely, never to bother us again ;-)
This occured for me when my hosting provider changed the folder structure on the server making this long URL incorrect. Therefore WordPress could not find the "uploads" directory at all.
Hope that helps...
Here's some things you might want to check in case your still having problems...
Update to WordPress 3.5 +
Update all plugins
Check file permissions 755 on the uploads dir/
Check PHP version
