Spring Integration application does not define channels when executed as packaged jar - maven

I started to use Spring Integration in a project at work. Everything was looking fine and running smoothly on my local dev environment (when executed from Eclipse).
However, when I tried to deploy to our dev/staging environment I got some issues related with the definition of the Spring Integration channels.
After a couple of hours completely clueless (blaming external dependencies, our development/staging environment setup etc etc), I came to realize that I would get exactly the same issue whenever I tried to execute my application as a packaged jar (on my local machine)
I did a small "sample" application without any other dependencies in order to reproduce this issue. Once again everything works fine from eclipse but whenever executed as a packaged jar the following exception was thrown:
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'gatewayChannel' available
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.getBeanDefinition(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:687)
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getMergedLocalBeanDefinition(AbstractBeanFactory.java:1207)
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.doGetBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:284)
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:202)
at org.springframework.integration.support.channel.BeanFactoryChannelResolver.resolveDestination(BeanFactoryChannelResolver.java:89)
at org.springframework.integration.support.channel.BeanFactoryChannelResolver.resolveDestination(BeanFactoryChannelResolver.java:46)
at org.springframework.integration.gateway.MessagingGatewaySupport.getRequestChannel(MessagingGatewaySupport.java:344)
at org.springframework.integration.gateway.MessagingGatewaySupport.send(MessagingGatewaySupport.java:385)
at org.springframework.integration.gateway.GatewayProxyFactoryBean.invokeGatewayMethod(GatewayProxyFactoryBean.java:481)
at org.springframework.integration.gateway.GatewayProxyFactoryBean.doInvoke(GatewayProxyFactoryBean.java:433)
at org.springframework.integration.gateway.GatewayProxyFactoryBean.invoke(GatewayProxyFactoryBean.java:424)
at org.springframework.integration.gateway.GatewayCompletableFutureProxyFactoryBean.invoke(GatewayCompletableFutureProxyFactoryBean.java:65)
at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:179)
at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:213)
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy24.send(Unknown Source)
at com.test.App$RealApp.doThings(App.java:52)
at com.test.App.main(App.java:62)
Bellow you can find the code of my sample application and the pom that I used to build my packaged jar.
public class App {
public interface GatewayApp {
#Gateway(requestChannel = "gatewayChannel")
void send(String string);
public IntegrationFlow inboud() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("gatewayChannel")
public class RealApp {
private GatewayApp gateway;
public void doThings() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- Spring Integration -->
Note: I think this issue might have exaclty the same cause as the one reported in Spring integration bootstrap - intellij in debug works, packaged jar does not

My best guess is the shade plugin is having some effect on the order in which BeanPostProcessors are run.
Does the app work if you explicitly define the channel...
public MessageChannel gatewayChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
If so, that would be a smoking gun. In that case, the next step would be to get a DEBUG log for org.springframework in both environments and compare the bean definition/creation/post processing logs.
If you can post a complete (simple) example that exhibits the problem, we can take a look.
The problem is the shade plugin does not merge the META-INF/spring.factories files, so we lose the entry from the JAVA DSL and hence don't process any IntegrationFlows...
From the Uber jar we just have the core file...
and so are missing the additional initializer from the DSL jar...
Hence it works with 5.0.1 because the DSL is now part of core.
Spring Boot solves this problem by nesting the jars instead of extracting all the classes.
Here's another work-around, if you can't move to Spring Integration 5. Add this bean to your application...
public static BeanFactoryPostProcessor dslInitializer() {
return new BeanFactoryPostProcessor() {
public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory bf) throws BeansException {
new DslIntegrationConfigurationInitializer().initialize(bf);
(Notice static).

Adding to Gary Russell's answer: The problem is indeed that the META-INF/spring.factories files are not automatically merged by the shade plugin.
You can use the AppendingTransformer of the shade plugin to merge these files.
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />


SpringBoot Lambda deployment Issue - EmbeddedServletContainer - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

I am trying to deploy a simple springboot app in AWS Lambda/API-Gateway using RequestStreamHandler, but am keep getting the below error.
after looking at internet found that its due to spring-boot package issue so included shade plugin but still no luck.
"errorMessage": "Error loading class com.aws.lambda.testlambda.StreamLambdaHandler: org/springframework/boot/context/embedded/EmbeddedServletContainer",
"errorType": "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError"
implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />
public class StreamLambdaHandler implements RequestStreamHandler {
private static SpringBootLambdaContainerHandler<AwsProxyRequest, AwsProxyResponse> handler;
static {
try {
handler = SpringBootLambdaContainerHandler.getAwsProxyHandler(TestlambdaApplication.class);
// we use the onStartup method of the handler to register our custom filter
handler.onStartup(servletContext -> {
FilterRegistration.Dynamic registration = servletContext.addFilter("CognitoIdentityFilter", CognitoIdentityFilter.class);
registration.addMappingForUrlPatterns( EnumSet.of( DispatcherType.REQUEST), true, "/*");
} catch (ContainerInitializationException e) {
// if we fail here. We re-throw the exception to force another cold start
throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize Spring Boot application", e);
public StreamLambdaHandler() {
// we enable the timer for debugging. This SHOULD NOT be enabled in production.
public void handleRequest(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream, Context context)
throws IOException {
handler.proxyStream(inputStream, outputStream, context);
// just in case it wasn't closed by the mapper
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I was able to fix this issue, there are couple of issues to fix and make it work end to end.
Referred below url for this issue.
Packaging needs to exclude tomcat dependency.
RequestStreamHandler needs to be modified little to process the request and response.
AwsProxyResponse resp = handler.proxy(req, context);
LambdaContainerHandler.getObjectMapper().writeValue(outputStream, resp);
Had to choose Proxy Integration option while deploying to API Gateway.
I have a guess on this problem.
Could you check the version of Java that is defined on your Lambda function?
I see you are using Java 8 your application.
Your lambda runtime should match this version.
You may also face some issues if you are using locally Oracle JVM and AWS Coretto JVM on your lambda.

AspectJ binary weaving with Jcabi Maven plugin not working for Kotlin code

I'm trying to run a little annotation over function that will log before and after the method execution.
What I've done: (all classes are under src/main/kotlin)
Annotation class
annotation class LogMe
Aspect class
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint
import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect
abstract class Aspect {
#Around("#annotation(LogMe) && execution(* *(..))")
fun logMe(joinPoint: ProceedingJoinPoint): Any {
return joinPoint.proceed()
private fun beforeExecution(joinPoint: JoinPoint) {
println("[${joinPoint.signature.name} has started its execution]")
private fun afterExecution(joinPoint: JoinPoint) {
println("[${joinPoint.signature.name} has ended its execution]")
Foo class with annotated method
class Foo {
fun yourMethodAround() {
println("Executing foo.yourMethodAround()")
main file
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val foo = Foo()
my POM.xml (cut version)
<!-- TEST -->
<goals> <goal>compile</goal> </goals>
<goals> <goal>test-compile</goal> </goals>
When I basically run this main, what I'm obtaining is the println that it's into my Foo class method:
Executing foo.yourMethodAround()
But I'm not getting the before and after execution prinln that I was expecting from the Aspect class.
Does any of you ever faced this issue before? This is struggling me, because I can't understand what's going on here.
I have never used the Jcabi plugin before, normally I always use AspectJ Maven plugin, also for binary weaving.
I have never used the Kotlin language before, normally I use Java or Groovy.
Now some things are not okay in your aspect:
It must not be abstract, otherwise no instance can be created.
For void methods it must be able to return null, so the Kotlin return type should be Any?
You should proceed() in between the before and after log messages, otherwise the log output will be wrong.
Assuming that your classes, especially the annotation class, do not reside in the default package but have an actual package name, you need to use the fully qualified class name in your pointcut, e.g. #annotation(de.scrum_master.app.LogMe)
Using an aspect class name Aspect, i.e. the same name as the #Aspect annotation, just in another package, is kind of ugly. You should rename it.
For me this works nicely:
package de.scrum_master.aspect
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint
import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect
class LogAspect {
#Around("#annotation(de.scrum_master.app.LogMe) && execution(* *(..))")
fun logMe(joinPoint: ProceedingJoinPoint): Any? {
val result = joinPoint.proceed()
return result
private fun beforeExecution(joinPoint: JoinPoint) {
println("[${joinPoint.signature.name} has started its execution]")
private fun afterExecution(joinPoint: JoinPoint) {
println("[${joinPoint.signature.name} has ended its execution]")
Besides, maybe you also should configure the Jcabi plugin to language level Java 8. It works without it here, but maybe it is better depending on which language features you use:
My console after mvn clean verify looks like this:
$ java -jar target/so-aj-kotlin-56890630-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[yourMethodAround has started its execution]
Executing foo.yourMethodAround()
[yourMethodAround has ended its execution]
My IDE IntelliJ IDEA does not quite pick up the binary weaving stuff because it does not know Jcabi, only AspectJ Maven. So I just configured the project to delegate compilation to Maven:
Then the log output is the same when running the application from IDEA directly.

Mock aspect in junit failed to apply

I'm building up a simple project to learn aspectj.
It's from aspect in action 2nd and the idea is very simple ---- the MessageCommunicator will be responsible for delivering the message and it's the main business logic. Meanwhile, Authenticator will be responsible for authentication and will be weaved as declared SecurityAspect.
Though it's very straightforward to see in the log that the aspect is working. Still I want to ensure it works in junit case.
In my project, I'm using maven 3.0.4 with aspectj 1.7.3 and aspect-maven-plugin 1.5.
Now the problem is below warning is there when compile the test case. As the consequence, the aspects in test package doesn't work. However, if you write a Main class in source package and run, the aspect in source package will work.
The warning message while build:
[INFO] --- aspectj-maven-plugin:1.5:test-compile (test-compile_with_aspectj) # aspectj ---
[WARNING] advice defined in org.javen.study.aspectj.c02.aspects.MockAuthenticationAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch]
[WARNING] advice defined in org.javen.study.aspectj.c02.aspects.SecurityAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch]
[WARNING] advice defined in org.javen.study.aspectj.c02.aspects.TrackingAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch]
I will also attach all the related source code below:
MessageCommunicator who is responsible for the main business:
package org.javen.study.aspectj.c02;
public class MessageCommunicator {
public void deliver(String message) {
public void deliver(String person, String message) {
System.out.println(person + ", " + message);
Simple version of authenticator which will do the authentication:
public class Authenticator {
public void authenticate() {
SecurityAspect which will advice on MessageCommunicator:
package org.javen.study.aspectj.c02.aspects;
import org.javen.study.aspectj.c02.Authenticator;
public aspect SecurityAspect {
private Authenticator authenticator = new Authenticator();
declare warning
: call(void Authenticator.authenticate())
&& !within(SecurityAspect)
: "Authentication should be performed only by SecurityAspect";
pointcut secureAccess() : execution(* org.javen.study.aspectj.c02.MessageCommunicator.deliver(..));
before() : secureAccess() {
System.out.println("Checking and authenticating user");
MockAuthenticationAspect in test package to advice the authenticator to inject some verification logic(no need to look into advice detail, the advice implementation is problematic):
package org.javen.study.aspectj.c02.aspects;
import org.javen.study.aspectj.c02.Authenticator;
public aspect MockAuthenticationAspect {
declare parents: Authenticator implements Callable;
private boolean Callable.isCalled;
public void Callable.call() {
isCalled = true;
public boolean Callable.isCalled() {
return isCalled;
Object around(Callable accessTracked) : execution(* Authenticator.authenticate(..))
&& !execution(* Callable.*(..))
&& this(accessTracked) {
return null;
private static interface Callable {
The pom of whole project:
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
When build with command "mvn clean install", the warning texts will be printed and the test package advice will not work. However, if check with AJDT in eclipse, all the pointcut and advice is working.
Could someone help me? Thanks a lot.
The problem is solved by added below configuration in test-compile execution.
Don't know it's a good pratice or not, but at least now it works.

How to pass java code a parameter from maven for testing

I need to pass on following values …
exeEvironment (Test environment) ,
testGroup (Group in testNG)
from Command-Line -> POM -> TestNG -> Test cases.
Based on these two posts ....
pass a java parameter from maven
How to pass parameters to guicified TestNG test from Surefire Maven plugin?
I did the following configuration ..
In surefire plugin, I tried following two options, none seem to work.
<systemPropertyVariables> <exeEnvironment>${exeEnvironment}</exeEnvironment>
<testGroup>${testGroup}</testGroup> </systemPropertyVariables>
In testNG.xml , can I use the the variable testGroup like …
<test name="Web Build Acceptance">
<include name="${testGroup} />
<class name="com.abc.pqr" />
This doesn't seem to work as well, do I need to define a parameter.
In the test cases , I tried to get he variables in following two ways ….
testEnv = testContext.getSuite().getParameter("exeEnvironment");
testGroup = testContext.getSuite().getParameter("testGroup");
testEnv = System.getProperty("exeEnvironment");
testGroup = System.getProperty("testGroup");
This is the exact thing I was looking for my automation test and I got it working.
Command Line argument
mvn clean test -Denv.USER=UAT -Dgroups=Sniff
My Pom Xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
TestNG test
import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class TestAuthentication {
#Test (groups = { "Sniff", "Regression" })
public void validAuthenticationTest(){
System.out.println(" Sniff + Regression" + System.getProperty("environment"));
#Test (groups = { "Regression" },parameters = {"environment"})
public void failedAuthenticationTest(String environment){
#Test (groups = { "Sniff"})
public void newUserAuthenticationTest(String environment){
The above works well. Additionally, if you need to use testng.xml, you can specify the suiteXmlFile like ...
Also, I prefer using #Parameters instead of parameters in #Test() as the later is deprecated.
You need not define anything for groups in testng xml or the pom, the support comes inbuilt. You can simply specify the groups on the cmd line
Hope it helps..
Edit 2:
Ok..so here's another option...Implement IMethodInterceptor
Define your custom property.
Use -Dcustomproperty=groupthatneedstoberun in your command line call.
In the intercept call, scan through all methods ..something to the effect..
for(IMethodInstance ins : methods) {
if(ins.getMethod().getGroups()) contains group)
Add to returnedVal;
return returnedVal;
Add this to the listeners list in your xml.
The simplest way to pass the variable from POM.xml to ABC.java
And in the ABC.java we can call it from the system properties like this
Passing parameter like browser and other can be done as below :
<!-- Below plug-in is used to execute tests -->
and to handle this in java code use this :
public static final String Browser_Jenkin=System.getProperty("BrowserName");
public static final String TestRunID=System.getProperty("TestRunID");
public static String browser_Setter()
String value=null;
try {
value = Browser_Jenkin;
} catch (Exception e) {
value =propObj.getProperty("BROWSER");
return value;
public static String testRunID_Setter()
String value=null;
try {
value = TestRunID;
} catch (Exception e) {
value =propObj.getProperty("TEST_RUN_ID");
return value;
building on the accepted answer
if maven surefire and the <systemPropertyVariables> are declared in a maven profile, they are not available and will return null unless the profile is also invoked.
Command Line argument
mvn clean test -PmyTestProfile -Denv.USER=UAT -Dgroups=Sniff
You don't need to use environment variables or edit pom.xml to use them.
The goals and options for Invoke Maven 3 under Build section takes the parameter. Try this (assuming you parameterized the build):
Invoke Maven 3
Goals and options = test -Denv=$PARAM_ENV -Dgroup=$PARAM_GROUP

Maven JBehave : encoding stories UTF8

We managed to create and run tests with internationalized stories using JBehave within eclipse.
Everything went fine.
But when we tried to run them using the maven plug-in, we cannot get rud of the encoding problem (for example, instead of reading "scénario" from the story, it gets "Scénario" : clearly an UTF8 encoding problem).
Does someone have found a way to get JBehave to read the stories in UTF8 using the maven plug-in ?
What we already tried :
adding -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 option
changing keyword file using UTF8
changing the whole project encoding in ISO => which works but isn't suitable for production part that need to display messages in UTF8
our Pom.xml
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- JBehave Dependencies -->
<!-- Test Frameworks Dependencies -->
I have had some success subclassing the org.jbehave.core.io.LoadFromClasspath class, which I use in my configuration as the story loader, i.e.
MostUsefulConfiguration().useStoryLoader(new LoadFromClasspathUtf8());
here's my subclass with the proper method override:
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.jbehave.core.io.InvalidStoryResource;
import org.jbehave.core.io.LoadFromClasspath;
public class LoadFromClasspathUtf8 extends LoadFromClasspath {
public LoadFromClasspathUtf8(Class<?> loadFromClass) {
public LoadFromClasspathUtf8(ClassLoader classLoader) {
public String loadResourceAsText(String resourcePath) {
InputStream stream = resourceAsStream(resourcePath);
try {
return IOUtils.toString(stream, "UTF-8");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InvalidStoryResource(resourcePath, stream, e);
I say "I had some success" because when I look at the logs of my jbehave execution, accented french characters like è,à,é etc. are replaced by ?, but then, jbehave still matches this correctly to the steps using the regular RegexStoryParser. I didn't take time to investigate why this is, but I'm satisfied that my stories work correctly now.
I also added the file.encoding system property to my plugin configuration to make it clear that I intend to use UTF-8 encoding.
Same problem here as well. Even after adding the "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" parameter to MAVEN_OPTS the problem persisted. Turn out that I had this line inside my ~/.mavenrc file:
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1024m"
What was happening is the MAVEN_OPTS variable got reset before executing the JVM.
After change the ~/.mavenrc file to:
export MAVEN_OPTS="$MAVEN_OPTS -Xmx1024m"
The problem was solved. The file encoding is set correct when running:
export MAVEN_OPTS="$MAVEN_OPTS -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"
mvn clean integration-test
Since you have your stories in the "test" context rather than "main" (in another module) - I think that there is probably something going on when stories are copied to target/test-classes.
I had exactly the same problem. By default, JBehave doesn't honor platform encoding. In order to fix this, you can use this custom StoryLoader which honors file.encoding system property:
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.jbehave.core.io.InvalidStoryResource;
import org.jbehave.core.io.LoadFromClasspath;
* #author cedric.vidal
public class FixedStoryLoader extends LoadFromClasspath {
public String loadResourceAsText(String resourcePath) {
InputStream stream = resourceAsStream(resourcePath);
try {
return IOUtils.toString(stream, platformCharset().name());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InvalidStoryResource(resourcePath, stream, e);
public static Charset platformCharset() {
String csn = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
Charset cs = Charset.forName(csn);
if (cs == null) {
cs = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
return cs;
Register it in JBehave configuration with:
new MostUsefulConfiguration().useStoryLoader(new FixedStoryLoader());
Configure your POM to use UTF-8 in all respectfull plugins (will be used by m2eclipse too):
And tell the JBehave Maven Plugin to use it also (look for the systemProperties block):
